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S06:E05 - Gauntlet of Fire


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    • I hated it! Burn it with dragon fire! >: (
    • I didn't care for it. Le sigh...
    • It was mediocre...
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    • I LOVED IT!!!!! <3

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A good Spike episode and I really like it. Wtf is going on ? Spike episode is supposed to be bad... Dragon lord Spike is better title than Princess Spike...

I like new dragon lady and her sexist father :D.

Murderous red dragon still murderous...

Thanks writer ladies, this your best episode.

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My prayers have been answered! After the awful mess that was Princess Spike, I can safely say that we finally have a good Spike episode! Oh, where do I even begin?


Straight out of the gate, we have Spike helping Rarity again collect gems, though this time in a cave infested with bats. When Spike starts glowing and awakens the bats, what's the first thing Rarity does after the opening? Run straight across town to Twilight's castle, still covered in mud and gunk (and wearing her adorable miner's helmet with the cute bow!) worried for Spike's well being.  


Speaking of the castle, I squeed when I saw Celestia and Luna just sitting down and having tea with Twilight, even remarking that it's nice that they could just get together without some calamity hanging over them. Granted, they're really only there to offer minor exposition regarding the Dragon Lands, but who cares?! I don't! 


Something I'm ashamed to admit was that the moment Twilight and Rarity decided to tag along, I was worried that the episode would end up with them being quickly discovered and held prisoner by the Dragon Lord (despite the fact that Twilight is and Alicorn and Rarity has been known to be feisty when she can be) and Spike would need to compete to save them. One of the things I have always loved about this show is how it subverts my expectations and puts a new spin on plots and idea we've seen before, so the fact taht they manged to stay mostly hidden the entire time just makes the episode even better.


Of course, I can't get away without talking about the new character for this episode: Princess Ember. Even before I noticed all the fanart of her, I knew she was going to be an interesting character and I was not disappointed. She's clearly a badass, but she's not a total jerk like Garble and I like how she warms up to Spike in the end.


On the topic of Garble, guy's still a petty jerk consider he still harbors a grudge from his last encounter with ponies... but am I the only one who was thinking that even if he won he was just boasting about burning Equestria to the ground?


Now, I'm not saying Equestria is some unbeatable superpower even with Alicorns, but think of it like this: The current Dragon Lord, big and ferocious as he is, could have attempted the same thing... and yet Equestria is still clearly standing and has been standing for centuries despite all the disasters that have occurred just in the last few years. What hope does Garble have of stopping that? He's more liable to get the dragons killed, even if he manages to cause some damage to Equestria in the end.


In the end though, this episode has shined above most other Spike episodes because it didn't resort to reducing him to an idiot for the sake of comedy, with Spike being his competent self through and through. For just that alone, it gets my seal of approval even without everything else that was good about. Really hoping we see more of Ember in the future too.    

  • Brohoof 3

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Although this is the best episode of the season by far, it does have one kinda big flaw.


Ember's acceptance of friendship came MUCH too suddenly. For the first few obstacles, she kept repeating that friendship is worthless and she's only cooperating with Spike because it benefits her. Then, right at the last part, she instantly decides that Spike is her friend, friendship is magic, etc. It would have been much more interesting to see her slowly understand how helpful friends can be, rather than have all of it come in one shot.


This isn't enough to ruin the episode. This is not only the best of the season so far, but also the best Spike episode by a huge margin. I was starting to hesitate on continuing to watch the show because every other episode was either boring or cringe-inducing, but this one got me enough to at least keep watching the rest of the season.


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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I was not expecting to be amazed by this episode. Okay, maybe I wasn't expecting much at all but given a few extra minutes and I could look past the only minor issue I had with the episode. The writers did good on this one! 

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Speaking of the castle, I squeed when I saw Celestia and Luna just sitting down and having tea with Twilight, even remarking that it's nice that they could just get together without some calamity hanging over them. Granted, they're really only there to offer minor exposition regarding the Dragon Lands, but who cares?! I don't! 

Seeing the Royal Sisters so soon after the premiere, and back to their everyday appearance from their Crystal Alicorn appearance we last saw them as, is always nice, even if it is just to provide some details in regards to the episode's plot.

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I LOVED this episode! :D




It had such a great friendship moral, some funny moments, surprisingly fluid flash animation at some parts (not too certain, lol), and I really loved Ali Milner's voice acting work on the new dragon character, Princess Ember (now a dragon lord :)). I was literally shivering with excitement when watching it! :catface:


As a lover of reptiles and amphibians, it was very cool of Hasbro Studios and DHX to bring more dragons to life and to dedicate another episode with them as the main focus. More uncharted territory has been discovered in this amazing episode. :)



Edited by Jonny Music
  • Brohoof 2
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Episode wasn't bad. It could have had a little more creativity in the writhing and I wish we had learned more about dragons. BUT .......


WE did get a beautiful new female dragon. (SipkeXEmber anyone ?)


Also did anyone else wish that Spike had gotten maybe. ..I don't know..wings, When he held the magic gauntlet?

  • Brohoof 4
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Second time we've seen Spike this season, and once again he was teaching others about friendship rather than learning a lesson himself. The little guy's making progress!


Also, I love how the fandom's in shock over seeing a good Spike episode. Be sure to praise Joanna and Kristine over on Twitter for their fabulous writing! :proud:

  • Brohoof 3

Dr. Jinxie Umbra

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Why are you guys griping about Twilight not blasting away?

I, for one, am glad that they held their power back.  They shouldn't be actively interfering with dragon political business, and they shouldn't be lending physical assistance to spike.  if he gets to the end of the gauntlet, it should be by his own power (of friendship) not with the help of ponies.  

I really liked that they were there for emotional support but that really seems like the logical limit of what they SHOULD do in this situation.  


The spike parts of the episode were strong, which is good because the dragon parts were pretty weak.  
They were one-dimensional and uninteresting.  there really wasn't much to care about.  but the hugs at the end were fantastic, and that made things better.  

Edited by weesh
  • Brohoof 1

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I liked this episode, it has its flaws like twillight not trying to defend herself and that most dragons still being portraied as 15 year old duches. It was a good spike episode he taught friendship to the dragons he made a new friend/possible love relationship and we had some good action scenes. Compared to what I expected to get this was SOOOOO much better. So a good episode and one that makes me happy that we have a season 6. Also this season now officialy for me has become the season of shipping not the season of world building.

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I liked Princess Ember and the episode wasn't bad, but it also wasn't spectacular.  It could have done to be a bit less predictable, but I guess such things will happen every now and again with something like this, so I won't gripe too much, especially since the episode was decent, anyway. :please:

  • Brohoof 2


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I expected spike to be dubbed the new Element of Courage by the time he ended up deciding to compete in this one. :huh:


A huge thank you to my great friend AppleGearRising for this signature picture


Thank you Apple, I love it so much!


Normally I would just post the picture, but as it seems, it is too big to put in the signature here, so here is the link to my MLP personality test results:

http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?q=OTU0Mnw5NDMzMzA (I am mostly like Fluttershy, in case you couldn't already guess.)

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I liked this a lot more than I expected! Especially the portrayal of Spike, and how he solved the problems himself, rather than relying on Twi or Rara to come and save the day. Always good to see wits beat raw power/brute force too. ;)


Plus, I loved Princess Ember's character. I definitely hope we see her again in the future! And of course, loved Torch too. I lost it when Garble went up and hugged him. xD

  • Brohoof 3

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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I think this episodes getting a bit overpraised just because it didn't have Spike being an idiot. Aside form that, nothing else was that impressive. 



that was a big relief, but not screwing it up does not make an episode great.

it was fine, and had some parts I really enjoyed, but so far I've liked the other episodes more.


I'm really enjoying this season so far.  probably the best 5 episode stretch in a very long time.  

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BEST SPIKE EPISODE EVER!!!!!!! It's also my favorite episode of Season 6. I'm really loving Princess ember, she's really adorable and awesome at the same time. Equestria will be completely safe under her rule thanks to Spike befriending her.

Not to mention how she's a powerful ally should Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight ever need her and the dragons' help in the future with another threat like Lord Tirek or Queen Chrysalis.

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He was selfless and mature, and apparently, even willing to live in the Dragonlands as lord in order to protect Equestria, if that's what it came to.


I was pleasantly surprised at how noble Spike was here. It's the most courageous thing Spike has ever done. I do worry the writers were a little too generous in how positively they portrayed him, however. I kind of like his portrayal in the season opener a little better - he was still mature, but still had some of those snarky and pedantic responses I love him for, and it got him in trouble with Starlight a few times.


Also, he's a lot stronger than I thought he was. He was able to save Ember from drowning and still drag her back to shore even though she was in all that armor. Plus he pushed that huge boulder off Garble like it was no big deal. I guess those muscles he was sporting in the mirror are real!


That scene with Garble kind of bugs me, though, and it gets me back to my point of him being portrayed a little too positively in the episode. I would have liked to have seen Spike face a moral dilemma here: Does he do the right thing and free Garble, knowing it could cause the destruction of all of Equestria under a Garble-led rule?  Or does he leave him trapped under the rock and have to live with the decision.


My point is Spike decided a bit too quickly. Having the story pause for a moment so he could think about it would have made for a more compelling scene. This is likely due to the time constraints you brought up in your post.


After all, I don't think anyone wants to see Spike go from being a joke to being a Gary Stu or some kind of messianic character that blindly follows the magic of friendship at all costs.


I really wish they could have taken 20 seconds to show them in transit, with a brief exchange, wondering what the Dragonland will be like.


I would have liked to see an Indiana Jones-style traveling montage here. It would have been quick and effective. I guess I can't complain too much though since this isn't the first time Twilight has traveled a great distance without showing it - her and Cadence went past the borders of Equestria for Discord and they were just suddenly at their destination.



Run straight across town to Twilight's castle, still covered in mud and gunk (and wearing her adorable miner's helmet with the cute bow!) worried for Spike's well being.


This was a really nice gesture by Rarity, especially since it goes against her very being. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't be caught dead appearing before the princesses all covered in mud and.... other things from the bats. But she did it anyway for Spike. Really nice.



but am I the only one who was thinking that even if he won he was just boasting about burning Equestria to the ground?


I think he really was planning to do just that. Perhaps he figured with a couple thousand dragons backing him up, they could achieve such a goal, even if it meant casualties? He's not very wise, so his excitement over carrying out such a plan would cloud his judgement.


Certainly a thousand or more dragons attacking the major cities and towns could do some massive damage if nothing else. Wooden towns like Ponyville would be nothing but ashes (aside from the Castle of Friendship) if so many dragons focused their fire on it in some heinous revenge plot.


What it also says about Garble is he's actually a coward. It seems he's been stewing over what happened 2-3 years ago and just hasn't had the cojones to even venture into Ponyville to raid it and burn whatever buildings he could get away with.

  • Brohoof 2

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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