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An idea like this is an interesting one for AJ but I'm so goddamn sick of the Rarijack pairing and seeing it everywhere that it's hard for me to care. Honestly I'm a lot more interested in Twilight and Spike's side of things

Edited by Megas
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I am bored of Applejack/Rarity and Twilight/Spike. I would rather have this to be a Twilight/Applejack episode only (but I am not opposide to giving many characters screentime). But when Twilight and Applejack really have had an episode?

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Um, Twilight, you do remember levitating a bunch of Applejack's apples into some baskets with minimal effort back in S1, don't you?

Yes, I'm sure that makes up the entirety of Applejack's chore list. Bucking apples. There is probably nothing else that needs to get done on a farm that is in constant need of upkeep, has shown to grow multiple crops like corn, grapes, and carrots, and has livestock such as sheep, chickens, and pigs.

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On 4/19/2016 at 12:08 PM, Marimo said:

Yes, I'm sure that makes up the entirety of Applejack's chore list. Bucking apples. There is probably nothing else that needs to get done on a farm that is in constant need of upkeep, has shown to grow multiple crops like corn, grapes, and carrots, and has livestock such as sheep, chickens, and pigs.

Well, then - in the words of Chuggaaconroy, "I are smart."

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On 4/19/2016 at 12:13 PM, ggg-2 said:

Rares, you've known AJ for how bucking long? Get it through that expertly coiffed head that Applejack is not a spa pony.

AJ might still be up for a basic cleansing, massage, etc. without any of the "prettying-up" options.

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Could be hysterical. Twilight, is the total opposite of a work horse, when it comes to strength.


Same can be said about Applejack and being as she likes to call it, a "fru-fru" pony.


Can't wait. :)



Um, Twilight, you do remember levitating a bunch of Applejack's apples into some baskets with minimal effort back in S1, don't you?


Oh, if you only knew, how hard it is to keep a whole farm intact. It's not only about picking up apples and Twilight will probably make it more complicated, then it actually is.

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Rares, you've known AJ for how bucking long? Get it through that expertly coiffed head that Applejack is not a spa pony.

She was shown enjoying the spa in Ponyville Confidential. There's more to it than just mud packs and things to make you look better, there's also services like massages to help make a pony feel better.

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Ah we're going to do this kind of plot. The plot where a character takes over for another character. This looks like some typical slice of life fun, though they really use Rarijack as a pairing way too much. It's cute paring and all, but they really should pair the characters up with others. Gift of the Maud Pie was a step in the right direction for that.

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I hope the premise we've been given here is inaccurate again, much like it was with "Gauntlet of Fire". I'm getting a bad vibe from it stating Twilight and Spike can't handle the farm chores, and Rarity can't handle making AJ comfortable at the spa. It sounds like "Spike at Your Service - Extreme Edition Times Four."


Basically they're saying when the characters are all out of their normal everyday lives, they're totally incompetent?


Yeah, I hope the premise is wrong, or them having trouble is just a small part of the story and there's a bunch of other stuff going on in Act 2 and 3 that isn't in the description...


And where's Big Mac and Apple Bloom in all of this? Please don't tell me they're both injured now like BM was in "Applebuck Season."  :dry:

I mean why would Rarity try to pull away AJ from her job if AB and BM can't pick up the slack? This makes no sense. *facehoofs*

Edited by Truffles
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Im happy with anything that les Rarity and Applejack act gay some more, best ship and all. Deserves all the fuel it can get.

And man is it me or is Rarity dominating this season so far, I think with this she will have stared or co-stared in 4 of the first 10 episodes.

Honestly though I really don't mind how often Rarity/Applejack is done.... because I would happily watch a spin off series ENTIRELY about Rarity/Applejack adventures..... and hopefully romance.

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At worst, a possible repeat of "Spike at Your Service" that could end up dragging Twilight into its vortex. I would think Twilight would know a bit more about Applejack considering experiences in past episodes, not least of which being "Applebuck Season" and "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000", then again MLP's unclear concept of time and anachronistic episode-to-episode continuity comes into play here.


The premise isn't unusual or out-of-character; that all hinges on how the episode does it.

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At worst, a possible repeat of "Spike at Your Service" that could end up dragging Twilight into its vortex.


And throw in some "Somepony to Watch Over Me" if the other half of the premise is AJ constantly abandoning the spa and interfering with Twilight and Spike while they try to get the chores done.


Doom and gloom pony here at your service!  :lol:

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I can definitely see the concern warranted with this episode.. but personally, I'm content. Know why?


That right there is a Season 1-Season 2 synopsis. Nothing big or fancy, no extravagant location or big secondary character.. just a normal day in Ponyville with some members of the Mane Six. This is something we haven't seen in years. Nice old pony shenanigans instead of an episode trying to be greater than the ones before it.


It'll be a nice breath of fresh air for me.

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Well it is yet another Rarity and Applejack episode.  Can't say that I am really interested in seeing that pairing again.

Plus I am still waiting for another Fluttershy episode.  I really hope she doesn't get a repeat of the treatment season 5 gave her.

But besides that the synopsis actually does kind of interest me.

I am interested in seeing how Twilight and Spike's story plays out.

Also Rarity trying to get Applejack to go to the spa could lead to some good comedic bits.

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I'm gonna prepare for getting a little flak for this opinion


In all honesty, the premise of the episode doesn't sound very fresh or original (like another poster said, Rarity should know at this point that AJ is not a spa pony, and we've already had several episodes about life on the farm), and almost sounds like one of those "we're running out of ideas" type of plots (which, honestly, makes me worry a bit). But then again, what I like about the show is how they are often able to take a mundane or already-done premise and make something interesting of it. So perhaps some funny stuff is gonna go down. I sure hope so.

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That's excellent news with a synopsis for the 10th episode of the 6th season revealed, and another Applejack and Rarity episode! :D​ My fact in this episode is Rarity tries to relax Applejack at the spa, while that Twilight Sparkle and Spike can handle her farm chores. I say to her: "Relax there, Applejack."

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