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general media What character do you think is the absolute worst?


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Firestar from WarriorCats. He's a total Gary Stu, and the typical cliche perfect character. In general, hes way too perfect.

Oh hell no, that I completely disagree not and never understood at all.


Here, this is a good place to look going over why Firestar isn't a Gary Stu:


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Chloe from both fairly odd parents and Miraculous Ladybug. Does every character named chloe in cartoons have to be sooo annoying?

Chloe Park from "We Bare Bears" is a sweetheart.




I loved the episode where she took Ice Bear sight seeing, trying to find something that would interest him.





My most hated character is Wesley Crusher from "Star Trek The Next Generation". He brought down every episode that featured him. 

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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Superman from Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, worst portrayal of the character ever in my eyes. Especially in the second movie where he never bucking smiles and is as dark as Batman. A joyless and unlikable version of the hero I feel, hell the own universe is too dark and grim in my opinion.

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My most hated character is Wesley Crusher from "Star Trek The Next Generation". He brought down every episode that featured him. 


Apparently even Wil Wheaton hates crusher, as he complained about how annoying Crusher is in his TNG episode reviews

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I just thought of more characters!

Dark Pit and Lucina - I know I'm gonna get so much flack for this, but I hate this two so much.  I haven't played their games, so I'm not judging them by that, instead I'm judging them by their appearances in Sm4sh.  They're annoying, stuck up little clones with some of the most intolerable dialogue I've heard.  I wouldn't mind their bantering, as many of my favorite characters are like that, but Lucina and Dark Pit are clones in this game, clones can't act as they're soooo powerful and great when they're just a sad copy of another character.  Not mention, my fanboy "best friend" loves both of them and he gets offended if I pronounce Lucina differently from him.  Lucina's annoying and Dark Pit is super edgy.


Which brings us to our next character, Shadow the edgehog.  For a series that's now trying to be driven by their characters' personalities, Shadow is pathetic.  What we have here is Dark Pit if he was a hedgehog instead of an angel, an edgy guy who annoys everyone with his bland, boring and unoriginal personality and style.  Even his backstory and motives are cliched!  He's as overpowered as he is overrated.  Knuckles was a good rival in the classic era, and I do think that after S3&K, it was time for someone else but Shadow?  You may as well have done Silver instead.  At least he's interesting and has some likability.


And last but not least, Rosalina.  Hear me out, I don't hate her but I certainly wouldn't say I care about her.  What makes her such an awful character is how bland and overpowered she is.  Just because she has a backstory doesn't make her interesting, the majority of her past and how she got there comes in forms of optional easter eggs.  What do I mean by that?  You could go through the entire game and not read the whole storybook and it wouldn't even affect the game. Anything that they could've done to make you care about her isn't even tried, instead of making her interact with her environment, she just floats there.  They could've shown us cutscenes of her ruling the galaxy, but no.  They didn't.  And then there's the whole "She's the best character because Bowser never kidnaps her" argument, she may not have been kidnapped but I wouldn't say she was very helpful.  She barely contributed to Mario's quest, and even though she's some all powerful woman, she makes a guy who has no real power like that get the stars himself.  She doesn't even have a real reason, so it looks like pure laziness on her part.  I would say that being the mother to all the Lumas would excuse this, but this is the same lady who also leaves the Lumas to fend for themselves on other planets, sometimes even starving.  She's just so boring and uninteresting.  Just as overrated as Shadow.

Edited by greenflare
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 "The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life.  While I live, I want to shine, I want to prove that I exist.  If I could do something really important... The would definitely carry on into the future." ~Grovyle, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky ✿ 

 "Don't lose hope, when the sun comes down, the stars come up." ~Unknown ★

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Apparently even Wil Wheaton hates crusher, as he complained about how annoying Crusher is in his TNG episode reviews


Reminds me of how David Arquette is something of an Ensemble Darkhorse among wrestling fans for agreeing that WCW pushing him as their World Champ that time was really, really dumb.

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Who, pray tell is this? Why is he an asshole?

Watch an anime called School Days and come back to me on that. Trust me when I say that 99.9% of people end up hating his guts by the end of the 12 episodes. With damn good reason I might add. 


Explaining why would be spoiling though. Lets just say if you know who he is you probably hate him. 

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She's actually a fairly complicated character, and it isn't easy to just dismiss her.

There's a lot of tension in her relationships, and in her decisions regarding her city.  I like that she's working so hard to end slavery, but she has not had clean hands doing so.  (disclaimer: i started watching in season 4)


As far as the acting goes, yeah, she's hit and miss.  Every once in awhile it's great, but not terribly interesting otherwise.  


She's so cringeworthy and it's her standing advocate against slavery seems so fake and lame. She just doesn't fit the mold and she's better off an extra... heck not even good enough as an extra that is some terrible acting and character.


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Superman from Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, worst portrayal of the character ever in my eyes. Especially in the second movie where he never bucking smiles and is as dark as Batman. A joyless and unlikable version of the hero I feel, hell the own universe is too dark and grim in my opinion.


While we're on that subject, let's not forget Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman. On top of being unbearably over-the-top, and having poor/undefined motivations, he's impossible to take seriously. In a movie as grim and joyless as this, he feels surprisingly out of place and cartoony. And sadly, we're going to have to put up with more of him in the upcoming Justice League.  :unamused:


Zack Snyder and Co. were obviously trying to emulate Heath Ledger's Joker, but they ended up with something closer to Jim Carrey's Riddler from Batman Forever. 



"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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Twilight Sparkle

Everypone is best pone, 

Twilight is the worst pone

Well now, we must view the show much differently because for me is on the top of the list and very much best pony.
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Superman from Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, worst portrayal of the character ever in my eyes. Especially in the second movie where he never bucking smiles and is as dark as Batman. A joyless and unlikable version of the hero I feel, hell the own universe is too dark and grim in my opinion.


While we're on that subject, let's not forget Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman. On top of being unbearably over-the-top, and having poor/undefined motivations, he's impossible to take seriously. In a movie as grim and joyless as this, he feels surprisingly out of place and cartoony. And sadly, we're going to have to put up with more of him in the upcoming Justice League.  :unamused:


Zack Snyder and Co. were obviously trying to emulate Heath Ledger's Joker, but they ended up with something closer to Jim Carrey's Riddler from Batman Forever. 


My reaction to Zack Snyder and co. in general:


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for me is on the top of the list and very much best pony.

Hey that is just me talking but the reasom I don't like her, is that I don't think being a bookworm or studying all the time makes a person smarter. And also all the stuff she goes through, jus because she reads all day doesn't get my approval. I like it when the character is forged in the action, the real world. Anyone can study and graduate law but nkt everyone can be good lawyers. Her training consisting upon isolation which makes perfect opportunity to "explore friendship". I don't think she deserved everything she has been through. Hey this is just me talking, she also suggests young audience to study which can be both good and bad.
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I'd have to say Gul Dukat from Star Trek: DS9.  When I first watched the show I thought he was kind of cool but the more I watched it, the more I hated the guy, he's just the worst.  While I really do like the design of the Cardassians and they really did cast well for the role, I just hate that guy.

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Personally I feel if anypony is a Mary Sue, worst character, or badly written in MLP:FiM it is Starlight Glimmer. Warning, do NOT READ below if you have not seen the beginning and end of season 5.


Starlight knows and can cast a spell that removes another pony's cutiemarks, something that should be impossible from what has previously been established.


She is able to out fight and out magic Twilight Sparkle, despite only being a unicorn, not having a 1000 year mentor who personally knew Starswirl the Bearded, or going to a school of magic.


She was able to rewrite one of Starswirl's spell allow her to travel back in time, which should be impossible from what has previously been establised.


She has a terrible villain motive and is far too easily forgiven, more becomes besties with the Mane Six and Twilight's student. Even going back to the town seen before and being forgiven there.


Worse, she has a complete personality switch at the beginning of season 6 and because of focus of so many episodes as if the writers want her to be part of the Mane Six.


All in all, I feel Starlight Glimmer is a train wreck and is the worst redemption out of all shown. She is undeserving of what she had gained by season 6.

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I agree. Death Note was pretty bad character-wise, I could never really get into it. None of the characters felt human, most were unsympathetic, and they all had stupidly complicated plans.


Mine is probably Kirito from Sword Art Online. Boy, don't even get me started on this series. It has a wonderful concept and some real potential for a great, engaging story. But in order for there to be a great story, there needs to be a passable protagonist. Kirito does not fall under this. Although he's a loner and very closed off to people, this does not hinder him in any way, because literally all of the girls that exist in this show are in love with him. Every one. SAO could pretty much be a harem anime. There isn't one girl in this damn show that doesn't want to take his pants off at one point. Even though in the first arc/season Kirito was "hated" for being a beta tester, you never really see him dealing with those repercussions, because everyone that was a good guy thought Kirito was a perfect angel. Literally the only people that dislike Kirito in any way shape or form are the villains. Also, he isn't a likable character either; he makes stupid decisions all the time that he gets forgiven for like that. He also has stuff that no one else has! In the first arc, Kirito, because he has the highest AGI stat in the game, has the personal ability to dual wield! That's right, Kirito is literally the only person that can dual wield because he is *special*. In the second arc, he gets wings, but apparently he can fly faster than pretty much everyone because... reasons. He's also a solo player. Now, that last point about a solo player may not seem special, but if you die in the game that Kirito is stuck in, you die in real life. This means pretty much everyone is in a guild of some sort. Think of it like going into really tough dungeons alone in WOW or some other MMORPG, and expecting not to die ONCE in any of them. Yeah, that guy is Kirito. He also wins literally every fight. I cannot think of one fight he hasn't lost, because he's juuuuuust that good. He also goes through zero character development. 

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First off, I accidently brohoofed your post. My apologies.


Second, I seem to be one of t b e few who actually liked Sword Art Online... and with this, Kirito. Which also means, I disagree with a lot that you said about the anime and it's protagonist.


Also, another detail. You can play video games, even MMOs, with as much skill as Kirito. Heck, as an example, you can play through the whole of most any Pokemon game without losing a single battle. With this, though more challenging, play the game without a single one of your pokemon fainting. One just needs to train your pokemon right, have good strategy, and do a lot of grinding.

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I agree with LHfunk in that Delores Umbridge is the most irritating character ever. I loved reading the Harry Potter books, but why did J.K.Rowling have to take the most annoying one of the series, with the most annoying character, and drag it out the longest? It seemed the entire book was just one scene after another of Umbridge being a bitch and getting away with anything she liked. Centaurs were too good for her. Die, woman, die!  :angry:


Runners up for this dubious honor are Starlight Glimmer and Kylo Ren.  :sneer:  

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Two. The Mayor from PowerPuff Girls because he's just immature and acting like a baby for laughs isn't going to get any laughs. It's really annoying and I hate him with a passion.


The other character I absolutely despise is Clarence from his stupid self-titled show. Literally, he's the worst. He makes everyone hate CN and his stupid character designs got shoved into the PPG Reboot, which is horrible but that's for another time, and his personality is just, bleh, it's all over the place and he's not even human. His sporadic and insane essence just goes to show that his creator was a creepy, insane sex offender who got kicked off the air because of what he did. Stupid Clarence, I'm glad the show is dead, it was terrible and it shows that CN is now terrible.

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