JonasDarkmane 19,788 September 20, 2016 Share September 20, 2016 I loved the episode . Loved seeing my favorite scam ponies returning and finally using their skills for good.... as well as for their own benefit <3 I liked the episode overall. Fun Elvis and Vegas references, nice new side characters. <3/10 from me c: I wasn't really too happy about Flim and Flam returning </3 Signature by @Kyoshi Ask Me Matsunaga Hisahide's death Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 September 20, 2016 Share September 20, 2016 this episode felt like that one comic where they help flim flam at the festival, only bigger >< Yeah, this episode was like the show's version of the Friends Forever comic where Granny Smith helped Flim and Flam reconcile due to an argument over a mare that they both loved that caused them to split up. Only difference is that it was Applejack and Fluttershy that helped the brothers reconcile, though after helping expose Gladmane, they were right back to their conniving ways again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ggg-2 3,553 September 20, 2016 Share September 20, 2016 I REALLY liked the manestyles in this episode. And is it just me or was Gladmane's statue (more specifically the way it was brought down) a reference to Fidel Castro? Did they seriously reference Castro? Don't be a nerd. Join the herd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Frost 271 September 22, 2016 Share September 22, 2016 WOOOO!!!! I loved this episode! any episode with Flim and Flam in it is a good episode. I just wish there was another chance to hear a song from them. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
okidoki 12 September 22, 2016 Share September 22, 2016 Yeah, this episode was like the show's version of the Friends Forever comic where Granny Smith helped Flim and Flam reconcile due to an argument over a mare that they both loved that caused them to split up. Only difference is that it was Applejack and Fluttershy that helped the brothers reconcile, though after helping expose Gladmane, they were right back to their conniving ways again. yeah that`s the one! I like the commic better because it wasn`t around their schemes, and here it was Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 September 22, 2016 Share September 22, 2016 yeah that`s the one! I like the commic better because it wasn`t around their schemes, and here it was Well, we all have our preferences between this episode and the comic, so I won't argue about you liking the comic better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 September 23, 2016 Share September 23, 2016 (edited) I got a kick out of the big reveal, there. I also thought it was kind of funny how this is the second time they've done the "harp from hell" bit: (First time was Mane Attraction) It was a good bit, but the whole thing hinged on Gladmane not noticing Fluttershy holding down the intercom, which seems a little far fetched. They got really lucky. Wow, good catch on the reuse of that trope - I totally forgot that was how they beat Svengallop. It's probably time for me to binge watch all 5 previous seasons again. And that video of the Penguin from Batman 2 - hearing him give that election speech is creeping me out because it feels like another case of life imitating art... Or are we to believe that there are really two cities by this name with different spellings? I guess that's entirely possible, but then where is Las Pegasus? And they've referenced it since way back. As early as season 2 (It's About Time), and maybe earlier. So which city were they referencing? It doesn't matter, but stuff like this kinda bothers me. I'm thinking it is just one city, but has elements of both Vegas and Los Angeles combined. Like how Hollywood/Applewood ended up being next to a part of the city because Las Pegasus is occupying the spot on the west coast where LA is instead of being inland. It wouldn't surprise me if they shoot movies there, too. First, I'm not sure that I get Applejack's particular prejudice against Las Pegasus, even before seeing Flim and Flam there. Applejack derisively calls it "a wild vacation spot" and "just one big party", and is eager to just "solve our friendship problem and get back home". I didn't get it either, unless she's referring to all the other "stuff" that might be going on there that she simply can't state on a Y-7 TV show. If not, then the implication is she secretly hates Pinkie's parties as well, since they are all wild affairs that run all day long in some instances just like the goings-on in Las Pegasus. Finally, at the end of the episode, Flim and Flam sell tickets to the Ponet Fantastique show, despite there not being any actual performances. But why are there no performances? Are the performers no longer working at Gladmane's, or just not working that day for some reason (too emotionally distraught, unsure of how they'll get paid, etc.)? Something along those lines, yes. My guess is the performers either wanted to get away from Gladmane's and maybe Las Pegasus entirely however after learning all the emotional trauma with each of their partners was merely a fabrication to keep them in line. Or it could be the performers now knew how good they all were and they would insist on big raises if they were to continue working for Flim and Flam. It would be a few days at least until the two of them could renegotiate all their contracts and they wouldn't work until the new deals were signed? Finally, I don't know what's with the tearing down of the statue of Gladmane. After all, doesn't Gladmane still own the property, and maybe even the business, even as the employees would insist on staying only under different management? Or did Gladmane's being "exposed" necessitate his selling the property and whole business to someone else, seemingly within a day of that occurring? Yeah, I didn't really understand this, either. Gladmane's implication was Flim and Flam were good enough to open a competing hotel/casino/funland/whatever and drive him out of business like they tried to do with the Apples and their machine. It wasn't that they'd simply run Gladmane's outright if they got back together again, unless he thought he'd soon get tricked out of the property by them if they put their minds to it? It's weird. The whole ending is kind of weak, but I guess one slight possibility is after his performers all quit he knew his rep was ruined and so he immediately decided to sell the entire complex to Flim and Flam on the spot for whatever he could get out of them for it? If so they'd have to pay him back on the sale from their profits. Selling the business is kind of a big plot point to just leave on the cutting room floor, however. =/ Edited September 23, 2016 by Truffles 2 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 September 23, 2016 Share September 23, 2016 I didn't get it either, unless she's referring to all the other "stuff" that might be going on there that she simply can't state on a Y-7 TV show. If not, then the implication is she secretly hates Pinkie's parties as well, since they are all wild affairs that run all day long in some instances just like the goings-on in Las Pegasus. Well, the adult content is a possibility, but it's more likely that she doesn't care for a party atmosphere of that size and scope, not to mention the sheer size and crowded nature of the city. This is completely in keeping with her character, as she was very uncomfortable in Manehattan at times. She's not cut out the big city or crowded parties. It would be completely different from a Pinkie party. While those can be wild, too, they'd feel completely different being in a town AJ is familiar with, and given the fact that she knows everypony there. As a person who hates big cities, loud noise, huge crowds, and wild parties in real life, I can perfectly relate to this. A wild party with friends at home is completely different than Vegas. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 September 23, 2016 Share September 23, 2016 Well, the adult content is a possibility, but it's more likely that she doesn't care for a party atmosphere of that size and scope, not to mention the sheer size and crowded nature of the city. This is completely in keeping with her character, as she was very uncomfortable in Manehattan at times. She's not cut out the big city or crowded parties. It would be completely different from a Pinkie party. I hadn't thought of the crowded aspect of Las Pegasus - that's a good point. Also I forgot she's sorta-kinda related to Pinkie, so I suppose that would count as a family get-together of sorts, which AJ would very much be into considering her love of the Apple family reunions! 1 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weesh 690 September 23, 2016 Share September 23, 2016 I don't gamble. but I found it strange that Las Pegasus was full of only "Chuck E Cheese" type games. They even spit out streams of tickets. its not...ideal...but its better than showing gambling. Was there a better solution? Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grtxkkyz 388 September 24, 2016 Share September 24, 2016 (edited) Just watched Viva Las Pegasus, and, gotta say, pretty amusing! Some more needed World Building, and it's great to see what a kid-friendly Vegas would be like. That, and more interaction between AJ and Flutters is always welcome. Gotta love how it ended on a somewhat bittersweet note, because, even if Gladmane was defeated, the Flim Flam bros are back to the baddie bussiness. Edited September 24, 2016 by Dino-Mario My Dragon Cave scroll: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 September 24, 2016 Share September 24, 2016 Nice change up at the end. As Fluttershy said the location seemed like a place for Pinkie Pie at best. Glam Mane seems to have an Elvis Presley voice. I wonder if he's a semi-parody of Donald Trump since we have the election underway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 its not...ideal...but its better than showing gambling. Was there a better solution? I don't think it would be evil, per say, to depict gambling. I would have liked to see a more evolved, perhaps slightly darker look at pony society. Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valeska 184 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 I really enjoyed seeing new background ponies. The creators finally got some new hairstyles, coat color schemes, and body types being displayed on the show. LOVE IT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weesh 690 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 I don't think it would be evil, per say, to depict gambling. I would have liked to see a more evolved, perhaps slightly darker look at pony society. I think it would be wildly irresponsible to depict gambling without clearly showing the harm that it causes. If they romanticized gambling I'd be horrified. However, that is a completely different episode from the one we got, as there probably isn't room in 22 minutes to do justice to both gambling and to the specific friendship problem we got. Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holy Sword Excalibur 87 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 It's nice to know that no matter what, the Flim Flam Bros. will always be irredeemable assholes. I mean, how many people can still be likable after charging people to play pretend? My OCs: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatonRyu 1,033 September 28, 2016 Share September 28, 2016 Finally an episode that returns to form this Season. Most of the other ones were just okay, but this one seems closer to the quality of earlier Seasons. Now I just hope the quality will stay up there until the final. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruthborn 55 September 28, 2016 Share September 28, 2016 I know that they are meant to be portrayed as charlatons (and I can understand how that "Flim Flam Future" that Twilight saw would have occured) but I don't really understand the hate on Flim and Flam based solely on their introductory episode. Fact is, the Apple Family were not providing enough supply for their customers, repeatedly. In spite of promises that they would do better. As a business it should be expected that someone would come along that could do what they couldn't. How is that being "sneaky" and "under handed"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypn0ticD 1,213 September 29, 2016 Share September 29, 2016 This episode was the vest of the reasons for one reason and one reason only: PONY. DDR. 'Nuff said. Hypn0's Art Dump! Check it out sometime! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sh Pie 65 September 29, 2016 Share September 29, 2016 This was a great episode that showed a new location we haven't seen before; Las Pegasus, which is probably the Equestrian equivalent of Las Vegas due to the similar names and cultures. The Cutie Map summoned Fluttershy and AJ to take care of a friendship problem, but AJ, stubbornly dismissing the rivalry between Flim and Flam, found several other ponies experiencing friendship problems. All of them were connected by their employer, Gladmane, who fooled them with his con-vincing (see what I did there?) nice guy facade so that they would continue making him profit. The Cutie Map chooses wisely once more. Fluttershy was necessary to find out Gladmane was a fraud from the animals and AJ was necessary to find the other friendship problems and convince Flim and Flam they were being fooled. They even suspected Gladmane would thwart their plan and gloat about it and used that against him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 Finally got around to watching this episode, and I loved it! I wasn't really expecting much since I don't usually like Las Vegas style, but that was a fun story. Flam's "how dare you" reminded me of this funny skit from Conan O'Brien back in the day (jump to 45 seconds if you don't want to watch the whole thing) And I loved Fluttershy's description of Gladmane's crime: "It's just mean!" If only real life were that straightforward It was nice to see Flim and Flam again, and not being antagonists this time. It was a wise choice for Applejack and Fluttershy to recruit them rather than trying to trick a confession out of Gladmane themselves. Their scheme was great, and Gladmane was totally right to be worried that they'd end up running the place if they worked together. But it's kind of funny that Applejack and Fluttershy just left them to it, since they might end up being just as bad as Gladmane was. I hope we get to see the real Impossibly Rich in a future episode. She seems like a character with potential, since she can push around Diamond Tiara's parents. And with Diamond trying to be nice now, there's plenty of potential drama there to work with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 September 24, 2017 Share September 24, 2017 Wow this episode, it didn't feel like it was aimed at kids because of the complex plot. I really liked the ambiance of Las Pegasus, and Applejack and Fluttershy make a great duo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Larrydog 320 January 1, 2018 Share January 1, 2018 I thought the episode was very interesting mostly because of film and flam arguing and I find the entire episode decent also I love seeing svengallop in the background that made my day Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moony the Cat 3,703 January 23, 2018 Share January 23, 2018 This Episode had a great new Place, a lot of new interesting Characters and a very cool Plot, i loved it! Sig made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nye 1,652 February 10, 2018 Share February 10, 2018 It never gets old seeing a “bad guy” getting redeemed. I just hope Flim and Flam stay like this from now on. ~ Team Manehatten Ask me a question here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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