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MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?

Akemi Homura

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Forget season three for now. Let's talk about how this will end just to pump ourselves up for the upcoming third season.


How do you think it will all end? Give a brief summary of the plot and explain how it all came to be (or will come to be).

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Seriously though, when it's going to end I'm sure they will make one or two epic episode(s) out of it.

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 6


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Well, there would be a pretty large lead-up to it.



You would notice that Princess Celestia and Luna in the last season are looking a bit older than in the previous seasons. This is not because of a flash-forward event. It is because as former Immortals who are no longer connected to the Elements of Harmony, their bodies are finally beginning to degenerate, and they are rapidly aging as a result (something that may have been triggered as far back as the beginning of Season 1, when Twilight and her friends first discovered their connections to the Elements of Harmony, but now the difference is much more apparent).


Over the course of the last season (possibly close to, but not IN the finale), it would be revealed that Twilight Sparkle was chosen by Princess Celestia to be the heir to the Equestrian throne, giving her the responsibility of ruling over the ponies after Celestia. Twilight would spend some time coming to terms with this, and probably lament Princess Celestia for not telling her, even if only for an episode or two, all the while a villain - the final villain - is going around attacking Equestria, and doing more damage to it than has ever been done by any previous villain.


In the final episode, Twilight and her friends would join forces to stop the villain, and it would be Twilight HERSELF, having finally reached her full potential, who defeats said villain. Much of Equestria is damaged to an almost unrecognizable degree (think: Cloudsdale coming crashing to the ground), though Twilight and her friends resolve themselves to repairing everything and protecting the ponies from any future threats. Princess Celestia accepts this as a sign that Twilight is finally ready to rule in her stead, and leaves Equestria along with Luna, without saying a word to anyone or anypony.


Some time passes (probably a couple weeks), and Twilight finds the former Princess living with her sister in a remote location. The two unload any final emotional baggage they have and share some final moments as student and teacher. 'The world... no longer needs our magic... It needs yours...' As an act of finality, the three each write part of a letter, summing up everything they learned during the course of the series to pass on to any future generations. And with that, resigned that everything they set out to do has been accomplished, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both pass away together, lying side by side.


The epilogue of the series would show the different characters and how they now live their lives, being ponies of supreme importance, as well as how the ponies of Equestria live with having a Sun and Moon that no pony now controls (in other words, a normal sunrise and sunset that changes with the seasons, instead of manual season changes).



Yeah, probably not gonna happen, but it would strike an emotional chord with anyone who's watched the show up to that point.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 8

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Discord kills Princess Celestia with the Elements of Disharmony. The mane 6 are wounded from the physical fight with discord and evil mane 6. The Elements of Harmony have been destroyed and that leaves Princess Luna as a mature fully grown alicorn in a show down with Discord in the skies to save equestria... no one knows what happens next.

  • Brohoof 3

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I imagine it will end with one final adventure-type episode, preferably a 1-hour one, and at the very end the mane six would save the world and it sort of show what happens in their future... in other words similar to the end of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Everyone would move on with their lives and it would be bittersweet.


Most amazing thing that would happen, though, is the Cutie Mark Crusaders would get their cutie marks. That's right, about 5-8 or so seasons after the beginning. Gosh.

  • Brohoof 3

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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As a joke ending, somepony gets shipped with another pony.


As a possible ending, the Mane 6 battle out with some other force of Equestria, or maybe have to deal with a death, as sad as it may sound. It can lead to an actual lesson about how friendships are important when a death occurs.

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There's actually a good chance this series will die not in a glorified celebration, but rather a whisper :/


It's not impossible that Hasbro would finally treat the series as a money-maker, and started to pull various shout-out and countless references to any digital trend, and putting more and more toys in the show. While most of the bronies will welcome this changes, soon the show will slowly lose its charm


In the beginning of the fifth season, there will be hardly any new fans under the FiM banner. The show will be nothing but countless gags and stupid toys going on in the background.


And just like that, the show will be cancelled :unsure:

Edited by Shefira
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The final season before its death will be unremarkable compared to seasons 1 and 2. The finale won't be planned to be huge, it'll be on some sort of scale similar to the previous 2 finales.


That being said, before it's all over and a done deal, there will be a MLP:FiM movie. A 2 hour, animated movie. Mark my words, it shall be ours.

  • Brohoof 6



What has fanfiction has Ashbad written lately?

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They will all be driven to a farm upstate.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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There's actually a good chance this series will die not in a glorified celebration, but rather a whisper :/


It's not impossible that Hasbro would finally treat the series as a money-maker, and started to pull various shout-out and countless references to any digital trend, and putting more and more toys in the show. While most of the bronies will welcome this changes, soon the show will slowly lose its charm


In the beginning of the fifth season, there will be hardly any new fans under the FiM banner. The show will be nothing but countless gags and stupid toys going on in the background.


And just like that, the show will be cancelled :unsure:


Unless it becomes another Pokemon. But you are right. That could happen, knowing Hasbro.

Edited by SBaby
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A 2 hour, animated movie. Mark my words, it shall be ours.


NO WAI :-O :wub:

Edited by Jake!
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The final season before its death will be unremarkable compared to seasons 1 and 2. The finale won't be planned to be huge, it'll be on some sort of scale similar to the previous 2 finales.


That being said, before it's all over and a done deal, there will be a MLP:FiM movie. A 2 hour, animated movie. Mark my words, it shall be ours.


We must fight!
  • Brohoof 1


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But the fandom won't die out. It'll be like SatAM, but more popular because we already have the Internet, and it didn't take 10 years after the show ended for the fandom to go online.

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There's actually a good chance this series will die not in a glorified celebration, but rather a whisper :/


It's not impossible that Hasbro would finally treat the series as a money-maker, and started to pull various shout-out and countless references to any digital trend, and putting more and more toys in the show. While most of the bronies will welcome this changes, soon the show will slowly lose its charm


In the beginning of the fifth season, there will be hardly any new fans under the FiM banner. The show will be nothing but countless gags and stupid toys going on in the background.


And just like that, the show will be cancelled :unsure:


Oh man, please let it be not that way :(. I'm getting nervous already.


The final season before its death will be unremarkable compared to seasons 1 and 2. The finale won't be planned to be huge, it'll be on some sort of scale similar to the previous 2 finales.


That being said, before it's all over and a done deal, there will be a MLP:FiM movie. A 2 hour, animated movie. Mark my words, it shall be ours.


This is mah wish for the series' end. A movie would be the perfect way to end it all. Hopefully, after the series is done, many fans will produce FiM fan content for us to enjoy. Hell, maybe even an online series could happen.


Also, if there IS a movie, I hope they get some really good directer to make it like a Disney movie :wub:. That'd be perfect :D

  • Brohoof 2



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Wait why is this question being asked?


Well, it's not surprising, people want to open their minds to how the series will end.


It's a pretty interesting (yet sad) thing to think about, in my opinon.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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The series will end with Discord marrying Chrysalis and Trixie becoming mayor of Canterlot

  • Brohoof 2

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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