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Hi! Sunset shimmer  here~ today  id like to  talk  about  characters  who go underused  or are never used (ie moon dancer or characters  who are used  for a episode  plot or never  appear again  except for  cameos 

There are  characters who  go  unused in the show  and unlike  Background ponies they  get forgotten  about:( some of the characters  do get reused  once or twice yet  there's  potential  to  keep them around  for many  episodes  (ie daring do) in the case of  moondancer there  could of been  a plot  where moondancer sticks around  with  twi or help her in finding important  books or being  another  student for twi too teach. Just a thought 

That's  about it 

Thanks  for  reading!

Sunset shimmer out~

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Personally I think any of the princesses (excluding Twilight) could stand for some more screen time. Also maybe we could get a little bit more Zecora, the pillars, and Mayor Mare.

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2 minutes ago, kaiser5578 said:

Personally I think any of the princesses (excluding Twilight) could stand for some more screen time. Also maybe we could get a little bit more Zecora, the pillars, and Mayor Mare.

You raise  a good point  cels and Luna as well as  the other characters  deserve  more development :) its odd that  all of the  characters  exist  in the  world  yet none of them get any  love 

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16 minutes ago, My Name Is Sunset Shimmer said:

ie moon dancer

I wholly agree that she should be used more often, by that's understandable, as she is my favorite character.

As for other underused characters, I would say that many classic background ponies (e. g. Carrot Top, Cloud Kicker, Caramel, Shoeshine, Sea Swirl) should get at least minor roles important to the plot, like Minuette, Vinyl Scratch or Derpy already did.

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9 minutes ago, Oleks said:

I wholly agree that she should be used more often, by that's understandable, as she is my favorite character.

As for other underused characters, I would say that many classic background ponies (e. g. Carrot Top, Cloud Kicker, Caramel, Shoeshine, Sea Swirl) should get at least minor roles important to the plot, like Minuette, Vinyl Scratch or Derpy already did.

I never  realized how many  BG ponies don't  have a role :o

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That's one of the biggest drawbacks that the show has; having too many characters resulting in some getting development with others relegated to the background where their development is a non-issue. I doubt the writers will be able to give meaningful development to everyone on account of there being so many, but they could strive to alleviate the problem by doing what they did with 'Slice of Life' but more frequently. I'm aware that some characters are impossible to utilize because their voice performers are celebrities and getting them on board is pretty difficult but most are within the realm of possibility without having to go past any kind of budget.

Who would I like to see more often? Ahuizotl comes to mind as he hasn't been seen in five years.

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I'd love to see more of the "Canterlot Crew" (Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, Twinkleshine Moon Dancer & Lemon Hearts) 


from "Amending Fences"!

Edited by Sparklefan1234
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Cheerilee hasn't done anything in quite a while, and it feels like she was demoted into being a background character.  Given that this season is focusing on the mane 6 running a school, maybe they could get some advice from Cheerilee on running the school, given that she is an actual teacher.


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7 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

I'd love to see more of the "Canterlot Crew" (Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, Twinkleshine Moon Dancer & Lemon Hearts) 


from "Amending Fences"!

True my friend the canterlot need a episode about them

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I think we need to see way more of the best Wonderbolt, Soarin. He should have an episode focused on him or something :sunshower:

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1 hour ago, We. said:

I wish Peewee, the baby Phoenix Spike saved the life of, would return.

That reminded me of another bird character that hasn't appeared much (just in two episodes): Hummingway. Not a lot of people seem to remember him, but I thought he was adorable, especially when he became friends with Philomena. And speaking of Philomena, she has never appeared again, not even in the episodes where Celestia had a prominent role. I doubt they're likely to appear, as even the Mane 6's pets are appearing less often, except for Angel and Gummy.

I think there was more potential for Babs Seed who also disappeared after just two episodes, and I feel the same way about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who did appear many times but haven't had a speaking role outside EqG after their reformation. Kettle Corn was cute and funny in her only appearance to date so I'd like to see her appear again, at least for a quick gag if nothing else. Lyra and Octavia among others are pretty popular but haven't had many speaking appearances. A lot of background ponies never really got their moment in the sun. To put it briefly, I'd be happy to see pretty much anypony appearing again. :D

Edited by Tacodidra
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I think there's a big difference between characters who have potential and characters who are underused. For me, the latter specifically refers to those characters who have some sort of significance to the setting as it is now, or who at least had recurring supporting roles in the past. 

The biggest examples are Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, all of whom tend to stick to a fairly rigid list of traits without showing any unexpected traits outside of them. Celestia and Luna are particularly bad, as their lack of focus often makes them feel distant to me. This is a problem not because they're given important roles, but because they keep appearing in the show, and thus are relevant enough that more development is warranted. 

I suppose the biggest issue for those ponies is location, though. Rarity's employees are great examples of characters who are even more underdeveloped but are too distant from the majority of My Little Pony stories to get much focus. Sassy Saddles shows hints of depth from time to time, but she's always peripheral. Double that for the Manehattan crew. And that would include Vinyl Scratch, wouldn't it?

The Wonderbolts, specifically Soarin and Spitfire, are in the same boat, as is Shining Armor. Big Mac is better in this regard, but he too hasn't had much attention. 

Other characters, like Zecora and Cheerilee, might deserve some attention for old time's sake, but the former was always a little peripheral, and the latter has lost her main link to the protagonists. 

Oddly enough, I feel it's Trixie of all the major supporting characters who has had the most development, followed by Maud and then Sunburst. I wonder if the new set of writers prefers the more recent additions to the cast? I felt they hinted at that attitude in parts of season 7. 

Now that the show has 14(!) main characters, I'm not sure how these ponies will get that development. It just seems like too much to juggle at this point. 

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6 hours ago, AlexanderThrond said:

I think there's a big difference between characters who have potential and characters who are underused. For me, the latter specifically refers to those characters who have some sort of significance to the setting as it is now, or who at least had recurring supporting roles in the past. 

The biggest examples are Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, all of whom tend to stick to a fairly rigid list of traits without showing any unexpected traits outside of them. Celestia and Luna are particularly bad, as their lack of focus often makes them feel distant to me. This is a problem not because they're given important roles, but because they keep appearing in the show, and thus are relevant enough that more development is warranted. 

I suppose the biggest issue for those ponies is location, though. Rarity's employees are great examples of characters who are even more underdeveloped but are too distant from the majority of My Little Pony stories to get much focus. Sassy Saddles shows hints of depth from time to time, but she's always peripheral. Double that for the Manehattan crew. And that would include Vinyl Scratch, wouldn't it?

The Wonderbolts, specifically Soarin and Spitfire, are in the same boat, as is Shining Armor. Big Mac is better in this regard, but he too hasn't had much attention. 

Other characters, like Zecora and Cheerilee, might deserve some attention for old time's sake, but the former was always a little peripheral, and the latter has lost her main link to the protagonists. 

Oddly enough, I feel it's Trixie of all the major supporting characters who has had the most development, followed by Maud and then Sunburst. I wonder if the new set of writers prefers the more recent additions to the cast? I felt they hinted at that attitude in parts of season 7. 

Now that the show has 14(!) main characters, I'm not sure how these ponies will get that development. It just seems like too much to juggle at this point. 

Yeah  there's  to many characters  

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Babs Seed, Lightning Dust, Wind Rider, Spike (sometimes, depends on the season), Peewee, Zecora, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Cheerilee, Mayor Mare, Snips, Snails, Owlowiscious, Wonderbolts!

Edited by MegaSean45
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