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The Worst Season Of The Entire Series?

Lunar Glow

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7 minutes ago, Starlightglim said:

I’m not trying to get under your skin it’s the truth he had really bad episodes in season 3 anyway he’s not the only problem with that season thou the other problem is the lack of rarity I think they should have taken one of the spike episodes out and replace it as a rarity episode because she was the only character not to have her own episode that’s why I think spike should not have any episodes next season because it would only be fair for the rest of the mane 6 and starlight if rarity gets a season with no episodes spike should as well since he’s not a main Charles 

Well I agree with half of what you said. The Mane Six and Glimglam do need their fair share of episodes, but Spike does as well! He's got so much left in his arc that's not finished yet! He needs his fair share just as much as everypony else does.

Season 3 shoulda been 26 episodes, then Rarity woulda had her fair share, as well as everypony else!

Edited by MegaSean45
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11 hours ago, Wonderbolt Slipstream said:

But Slice of Life was suppose to be pandering to the fans, that was the whole reason for the episode was that it was the special 100th episode for everything the fans wanted.

Doesn’t make it any less cringey. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, I'm sorry but I can't see Slice of Life as anything other than fandom meme wank and the writer's stroking the fandom's ego

  • Brohoof 4
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The cringe from Season 2 was the direct result of the writers/ voice directors having (subjectively) bad direction. A simple exchange of dialogue would often sound jarringly clumsy and unnatural to the discerning viewer. Slice of Life actually had superb dialogue direction. Not to say it was completely devoid of any cringeworthy moments (I believe the whole scene with Octavia and Vinyl needs no introduction), but notwithstanding that moment along with the obscene quantity of pandering scenes in general, I actually found the fan service to be quite enjoyable overall in this episode.

It was blatant fan pandering, but done right imo. 

Do we need more episodes like this? Probably not lol... but it was definitely fun as a one time thing /)^3^(\



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In my opinion, I would say Season 3. It was pretty mediocre to be fair and the sudden "alicornization" of Twilight was off putting.

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I'll agree that there has been some episodes I'm not fond of, but that doesn't mean the whole seasons are bad.

I'm not fond of MLP episode Princess Spike, but, I'm still a fan of Spike the Dragon.

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Season 3, without the slightest bit of doubt. The quality was at an all-time low, and there were no episodes I could justify calling even remotely close to "good," and frankly a little more than half of them are mediocre at best, if not atrocious. It still didn't have Fake It Til You Make It, but it still had some REALLY bad episodes.

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For me, toss-up between Season 1 and Season 3. Season 1 as a whole just feels kind of outdated to me now in comparison to the later seasons that delve more into the characters and world of the show, and Season 3 only has thirteen episodes, with almost none of them being that interesting. Still enjoy every season regardless, however.

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The worst season? That's a tough one......... I guess it would have to be between season 1, which was just extremely girly for my tastes, and season 4, which I thought was just really boring, I wasn't into that whole "Equestria games" thing that they had going the whole season. But even these seasons have their fair share of great episodes :fluttershy: 

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't think there's been a truly bad season of the show, otherwise I wouldn't be here after 182 episodes. That being said, my least favorite season is definitely season 4, which is funny considering it was my favorite when it first aired, but I don't think it has aged well. It had a lot of episodes that went from mediocre to terrible, and the flaws with the good episodes keep becoming more noticeable as time goes.

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I would probably say Season 6. It pretty much killed most of my interest in the show with the two-part finale, To Where and Back Again. I don't give two Owliwicious-exclamations for StillThinksMagicallyForcingPoniesToDoWhatSheWantsIsCool!Starlight, Trixie and Ruined!Discord saving the day. I came for the Mane Six... Staying for the Mane WhateverNumberWeAreUpToNow is not on the cards. Plus I really cannot stand Trixie.

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't have any particular season I would call "bad" as I feel they're all pretty much a mix of great, decent, meh, and bleh. It also doesn't help that I tend to hold the later seasons to a higher standard, which I suppose could be construed as unfair.

For me, what I generally think of a season generally has less to do with the season holistically and more about the points that stick out to me, i.e., "When I first think of this season, what do I tend to first think about?" For instance, I think the reason I don't feel S6 is as bad as other say, is because the stronger points generally left a bigger impact on me- Saffron & Coriander & their restaurant in SUYL, the amusing climactic prank in 28 Pranks, the CMC finding their purpose in a post-cutie-mark-search life, the somewhat annoying but also somewhat endearing Quibble Pants, Starlight's leadership in the finale and the transformation of the changelings- than some of their lower points did (The Cart Before the Ponies, the low stakes in AJ's Day Off)

By contrast, season 7 has been more of a mixed bag, as the low points - the forgettable, too straightforward plot of Fluttershy Leans In, how annoying RD's parents are, Honest Apple, Fame and Misfortune, the dragged-out plot of Secrets and Pies- coexist alongside some pretty high points as well (Mane Thing about You, the introduction of the Pillars, Marks and Rec, A Royal Problem, and Perfect Pear).

Then there's Season 8. To be totally fair to S8, only half of the season has aired so it's a bit early to say, but so far the season isn't making that great of an impression on me- from the overall confused plot and glaring plot holes of the premiere to meh episodes like Fake It, to Non-Compete Clause. Average episodes like Surf and/or Turf or even better ones like Grannies Gone Wild and Horse Play haven't honestly been enough to redeem most of the season in my mind. Of course, things definitely have the potential to get even better, so we'll see. 

As for the earlier seasons?

As I read about people's thoughts both positive and negative, of the earlier seasons the more they start to make sense to me. But the thing is, back then, I didn't heavily scrutinize the episodes the way I do now. Maybe it's due to the fact that I was still a new fan and the experience of the show was still a novelty to me. Maybe I've just come to expect more from the show and its characters as time goes on. Or it could be the fact that I was just happier and more carefree in life overall when I watched those episodes. In any case, while I do concede others' points about earlier episodes, my opinion of them has remained pretty positive, likely due to those factors. So even if objectively they weren't as good, I can't really call them bad because I just don't think of them as bad.


TL;DR: Seasons 7 and 8 were probably more mixed to me than Season 6, due to the parts of each season that stood out to me, while I'm kinda biased/less critical towards the earlier seasons because I had lower expectations for those episodes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Season 7 is by far the worst season. So many episodes were either annoying ("Secrets and Pies"), boring ("Uncommon Bond"), or both ("Parental Glidance"). The best episode, "A Health of Information", isn't even close to the quality of the best episodes of every other season.

Thankfully, season 8 is a lot better so far.

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I don’t have a specific worst season, just episodes that I don’t like and won’t watch again. One example is where a character’s pervious development is thrown out the window like in Princess Spike or the season 8th’s repeat of Fall Weather Friends. Another is when the writers completely miss the point and make a cringe inducing episode like What About Discord.

  • Brohoof 1
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Right now, my 3 candidates for worst season are 1, 3, and 8.

Season 1 had the problem of trying to find it's footing and isn't really engaging until 10 episodes in. I'd say about half the episodes are enjoyable and the other half is rather forgettable.

Season 3 obviously has the unfortunate handicap of being only 13 episodes, and it certainly doesn't help when almost half of those episodes aren't very good. Granted, I love the other half so I don't think I can put it below Season 1 and say it's the worst season for me.

Then there's Season 8, and I'm sorry everyone, but I'm just not feeling this season so far. We've had a handful of good episodes so far sure, but a lot of them have just been dull, boring, or outright bad, not to mention that the seasonal arc and the inclusion of the Student 6 has been utterly wasted and disappointing so far. Fortunately, there's still half a season left and things could turn around, but from what I saw from the episode that was released this week, it looks like we might be getting more bland storytelling.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is probably a opinion that most share with me but I would say Season 3. Season 3 is just too short and left with the series biggest cliffhanger. I really don't think that Twilight ascending to an alicorn and just leaving it at that for months was too much of a good idea.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm going to have to go with the current season.  Up until now, even if recent seasons have drawn criticism, I still felt the magic of the show, which shone through in the occasional solid episode (even if great episodes have been increasingly sparse).  The current season has gotten a few lols out of me, such as with goth Fluttershy, but I'm really feeling like for the most part the show is going through the motions now, and is just lacking the heart it once had.  Maybe my opinion will change, as the season isn't over yet, but so far I think season 8 has been the worst in its execution.

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm not really a fan of season 4 and 5. For me personally there were lots of episodes that just didn't do it for me. 


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Well, originally I said season 6 (because it didn't have any brilliant episodes in my opinion), but season 8 is well on its way to becoming my least favourite. Most of the episodes have been average at best in my opinion(so far). I hope that the second half is able to change this though.

Edited by Nightfall Thunder
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