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In your opinion, what was the worst episode of MLP?


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3 hours ago, Key Sharkz said:

Again, the reason why I detest these topics is because I feel they turn into negativity fests. We should be focusing on why we like things, not why we hate them!

Take easy, who loves hates too!


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"Hard to Say Anything" is probably the worst. It doesn't exactly glorify obstructive moralizing in the way that episodes like "One Bad Apple" or "Magic Sheep" debatably do, yet it feels so unbelievably asinine and painfully unfunny (which tends to be an issue for an episode which clearly wants to focus on the humour aspect of its narrative) in a manner which violates everything that I feel elevated the show to greatness. FiM has played dumb comedy successfully before and since (Madame Pinkie and "but it could've FALLEN IN THE FIRE!" stand out here) but never in such a sloppy and pervasively brainless way, which additionally leads to a certain obnoxious tone that doesn't fit FiM in the slightest. 

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On 1/21/2019 at 1:19 AM, FirePuppy said:

I find Applejack's Day Off, The Cart Before the Ponies and 28 Pranks Later worse episodes than that one for Season 6.

The first half of "Applejack's Day Off" was great. The second half is unwatchable bad. I count it as half an episode. Half a good episode is still better than "Flutter Brutter"

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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I would say What About Discord? is my least favourite. I don't hate it by any means, as I still enjoyed some parts of it, but it's the only episode that I'll usually skip over when I re-watch the series.

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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The one that introduced Starlight Glimmer,

I'm not going to lie, Starlight is one of my waifus, and I fucking love her, but the episode where she was introduced was fucking appauling, and also so scares me every time I watch it, 

Luckilly the subsequent episodes with her in have redeemed her to be very relatable, and very loveable

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29 minutes ago, Sherbert MGS said:

The one that introduced Starlight Glimmer,

I'm not going to lie, Starlight is one of my waifus, and I fucking love her, but the episode where she was introduced was fucking appauling, and also so scares me every time I watch it, 

I actually love that double episode too; there was a lot in it that it did well, and "Equality Starlight" is one of the best villains MLP has had - the finale of S5 is great too.

29 minutes ago, Sherbert MGS said:

Luckilly the subsequent episodes with her in have redeemed her to be very relatable, and very loveable

I make the distinction between her old, evil self (interestingly, Make A Bear only sells that version of her manestyle) and the new, insecure but adorable student of Twilight - Similar to the NMM/Luna pairing.

Personal worst? still trying to decide; probably either Princess Spike or Where The Apple Lies (with Honest Apple being a contender too)

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8 hours ago, Bas said:

I actually like the ep because it is kinda different, and introduces a very different character that just acts like a jerk, or the image the society might have of a pauper. But then...you suddenly start to understand why he acts that way and can relate. That made it ingenious to me.

I thought the lesson learned was too little, too late. Even at the end, I was left with a strong HATE dislike for Zephyr Breeze.

  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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here is mine

 season 1 none

season 2  only 1. baby cakes- didnt like the way the babies treated pinkie. 2. mystrious mare do well. as a dashie fan too-

just the way it was told.

season 5- princess spike - just bad

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  • 4 months later...

I used to say The Mane Attraction, but not anymore. My hatred of that episode more so comes from personal gripes.

Instead, I've gotta give the worst episode title to Parental Glidance for being completely broken in every way. What a disaster.


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In my first post in this thread, I said "Putting Your Hoof Down" was the worst, but now I think "One Bad Apple" is even worse.

They tried to do an episode about bullying (a difficult topic to address anyway), and fucked it up completely.

Edited by lyrabetes3939
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Signature by @Mellow Mane

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Only two people said Non-Compete Clause? Color me shocked. :laugh:

I'm glad some people said The Cart Before the Ponies, since that's my least favorite episode of the show besides Fluttershy Leans In. The "offensive episodes of the show that everyone hates" at least give me something to laugh at and I often find little wrong with them from an objective writing standpoint. Unlike painfully average episodes like FLI, which has no interesting conflict whatsoever and a story that doesn't even feel finished. 

  • Brohoof 2


Comet's still best boi. <3

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There were only a few episodes which I truly disliked, I can find and look at the good things even in the worst episodes and find some enjoyment in all of them, but there are 2 episodes I can say I truly hate: "Spike at your service" and "Yakity sax(sucks)", I found myself being really annoyed while watching them, sure they both had a nice moment or even two but the episodes overall were really bad. In both episodes the characters were OOC and the episodes themeselves were pretty stupid. 

Some episodes like "Party pooped", "What about discord", "Princes spike", "Not asking for trouble" and a few others were not bad, but they really bore me(I might have forgotten about them).  Anyway, there are like maybe 15 episodes I can say I disliked them(I would give them ranking of 4 or lower), in over 200 episodes its pretty impressive.

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Putting your Hoof Down is, from a writing standpoint, the worst episode of the series. It completely derailed Fluttershy's character, basically changing her into the polar opposite. 
Princess Spike was a hot dumpster fire, with Spike basically abusing the power given to him.
The Last Crusade. While not objectively bad, Scootaloo's parents absolutely ruined this episode, making it a pile of crap.
Father Knows Best was just bad. Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad, BAD.
Parental Glideance. Basically in the same vain as The Last Crusade. While not objectively bad, RD's parents are just obnoxious and annoying.
Somepony to Watch Over Me was AJ being too protective of Apple Bloom. It really was a character derailment moment.
Ponyville Confedential was an excuse for the Mane 6 to bully the CMC, who were themselves being bulled by Diamond Tiara. That's a problem.


These may vary from yours, but these are my least favorites.

"Never give up, because you can't succeed if you don't even try." - Personal Motto

"Anything worth doing has risks. Believe me, this is worth doing." Hortense-Guardians of Ga'Hoole book 2


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5 minutes ago, Bas said:

..Yakity-sux? :mlp_confused:

How were the characters OOC @ Spike@ Your Service?

Spike himself, not to speak of the dragon code which was never mentioned again. Spike was very destructive in this episode although he was actually pretty good at what he did before. I have to admit AJ was pretty great in this episode but other then her I can't think of any thing I liked about it, even the fight with the timberwolves was...

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Fame and Misfortune, by at least a few hundred miles. I thought Newbie Dash was horrendous and for a while it held the title for most unbearable episode, but F&M is a new level of abomination. For me, absolutely NOTHING was even close to being decent in this one. Every single character was written horribly, it made pretty much the rest of Equestria look like morons and extremely unlikable, it ended on a terribly sour note and one of my biggest issues with it, the episode overall in tone felt spiteful and immature from the writers. Yeah, people are going to sometimes critique your show. It happens to literally every piece of media. So they chose to write an entire episode basically representing their saltiness over it all. The ONLY thing that I wish I could like, is the idea of the self acceptance message. Self acceptance is a very important thing to me so having it be a theme is a great idea, but it was wasted on such a pile of garbage of episode that only served as an obvious jab at the fandom that gave the show its historic spot in media. Such a hideously low point in a season that I overall liked.

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On 1/20/2019 at 7:15 PM, ~Angel Dust~ said:

The DEFINITIVE worst in my opinion is easily Fake It 'Til You Make It... 

  • They somehow made Flutters even MORE out of character than she was in Return of Harmony. It obviously didn't work here either, unlike in RoH where it's executed nicely and actually FITS.
  • Rarity managed to make the EXACT SAME BLATANTLY OBVIOUS MISTAKE she did in Honest Apple! Next time, ask the RIGHT people to help you with your fashion business...

Second and third would go to Hard to Say Anything and Magical Mystery Cure.

I don't think fluttershy was out of character. She can get like that sometimes.

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5 minutes ago, Kadeda said:

I don't think fluttershy was out of character. She can get like that sometimes.

 I'm not so sure about that one. I don't think she's ever just started to manifest multitudes of personalities at once before or since that episode. She does sometimes go a little off, but it normally makes sense in context. Here she was just incomprehensibly OOC for no real reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/21/2019 at 2:28 AM, ~Angel Dust~ said:

 I'm not so sure about that one. I don't think she's ever just started to manifest multitudes of personalities at once before or since that episode. She does sometimes go a little off, but it normally makes sense in context. Here she was just incomprehensibly OOC for no real reason.

I meant in the case that she can take it to far. She's done that a few times.

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The worst episode for me by a mile: "Non-Compete Clause". :angry: This is the episode where I start yelling words not suitable for this forum at the monitor (watching on a monitor, go figure!). Just thinking about it right now makes me boil. It is not right to do an episode like this, unless it is the first episode and introduction of the characters and their obvious flaws was really needed.

I might be annoyed or simply bored at other episodes, but they don't make me steaming from my ears in anger. I don't blame the writer for the episode though. This was clearly a misunderstanding that should have been pointed out by the senior staff of MLP FIM.

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