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Which pony or character are you most like? Why?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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For me, it's a split between Twilight and Applejack; I'm a bookworm and nerd like Twilight, but I'm also a hard worker with a very close relationship with my family like Applejack! B)


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Let's see... I can relate with nearly all of the Mane 6.


Rainbow Dash- Loyal to my friends, never leaving their sides.


Fluttershy- When it comes to large meetings, I tend to just sit there and be quiet, unknown to everypony else.


Twilight- I like to read about the stars sometimes.


Rarity- I can't STAND getting dirty.


Applejack- I'm a hard worker. When it comes to the big stuff, I always like to take it on by myself.


Pinkie Pie- Come on, who DOESN'T like parties?!

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Twilight -- most similar to -- two magical scientists passing in the night.


Luna -- most compatible personalitywise.


Moderately compatible -- Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie


Somewhat compatible -- Applejack, Rarity.


Somewhat incompatible -- Spike(amazingly enough -- I didnt think it was this way but it is)


Moderately incompatible -- Celestia

Edited by silvadel

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I think that I would relate most to Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash depending on what time of year it is. During wrestling or football season probably rainbow because all i ever do is train during those times, but post season it would be pinkie pie because i just want to hang out with my friends and party and eat sweets.

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Pinkie Pie is my favorite, but I think I relate the most to Fluttershy because I also have problems being assertive and bold even when I should.


Except sometimes... then it's scary.


Look for it.

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  • 2 months later...

As for me, I'd say Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, because I'm shy and I like to read lol :D But it doesn't have to be main six ponies if you don't want :)

"Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine~?"

Loki is my boyfriend, Madoka is my waifu and 2-D is my lover. Aint got no real boys that like me tho

Talk to me about music, i love music.

"Up on melancholy hill, theres a plastic tree~ are you here with me~?"

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I can relate myself to Rainbow Dash. I'm competitive, and I hate losing. I kind of have her personality as well. I can sometimes be arrogant, even though I really don't try to be. I do lack that outgoing nature that she has though.

  • Brohoof 1

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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I relate most to Pinkie Pie, I am happy most of the time, I <3 to party and to make new friends, and try to be as random and outgoing as ****. I can also be annoying in the same way Pinkie sometimes is to the other Mane 6 =D.

Same time I am like Fluttershy a bit, if I am down I act very shy and closed... happens not too often, though ;). And if someone really treats me like crap, there is a point where I act very harsh, but it´s hard to get me to this...

  • Brohoof 1




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy for me definitely. I'm a shy nerdy dude, so duh. I guess I can kinda relate to Dashie a bit too, since I'm a competitive son of a gun. Eeyup. Das it.

  • Brohoof 1

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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Fluttershy because of my social anxieties, I can relate to her shyness.

Twilight because I love to read. Well, I mostly read fanfiction, but I do love a good book.

Rainbow Dash because of how competitive I am in video games. XD I am also sometimes arrogant without meaning to be, which can get me into trouble.

  • Brohoof 1


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None of the Mane 6 really seems to fit me, and none of the others either.

It'd probably be a mix of various characters, though:

-At least some part Pinkie, mainly because I love pulling pranks on people, and I also tend to not take life very seriously.

-Twily, as I love reading, and spend tons of my free time engrossed in various books. I also have a penchant for using somewhat obscure words.

-Fluttershy, as I'm pretty reclusive(note, however, that this does not apply to the internet.)

  • Brohoof 1

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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Fluttershy because of my social anxieties, I can relate to her shyness.

Twilight because I love to read. Well, I mostly read fanfiction, but I do love a good book.

Rainbow Dash because of how competitive I am in video games. XD I am also sometimes arrogant without meaning to be, which can get me into trouble.


I get really competitive in video games too xD one reason why I'm not like Dash, is because I'm not active. Like, at all e-o I try sports, and I practice them But I never seem to get better at them. Not to mention I'm reallllyy clumsy ':D


None of the Mane 6 really seems to fit me, and none of the others either.

It'd probably be a mix of various characters, though:

-At least some part Pinkie, mainly because I love pulling pranks on people, and I also tend to not take life very seriously.

-Twily, as I love reading, and spend tons of my free time engrossed in various books. I also have a penchant for using somewhat obscure words.

-Fluttershy, as I'm pretty reclusive(note, however, that this does not apply to the internet.)


I agree on that note about Fluttershy. I'm socially awkward in real life, but online, I kind of tend to be a little more Pinkie-ish xD

"Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine~?"

Loki is my boyfriend, Madoka is my waifu and 2-D is my lover. Aint got no real boys that like me tho

Talk to me about music, i love music.

"Up on melancholy hill, theres a plastic tree~ are you here with me~?"

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I feel more connected to rarity, and I can relate in the way I make sure everything I do is perfect. I would never do anything that would require me to get dirty and I always make sure I'm clean and fairly good looking. (I'm not much of a looker). but all in all I am a perfectionist

  • Brohoof 1

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I relate to pinkie pie because i talk alot and i love to make friends and make them laugh and smile! I love to party too!! It does make sense for me to be pinkie pie if you see me off the computer a lot.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think I most relate to Fluttershy. We are both shy, love animals, and don't like to be talk loud.


Another pony I relate to is Pinkie. We like sweets and being pretty random at times. :)

  • Brohoof 1



Thank you Cloud Chaser for my awesome signature :)

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Twilight Sparkle all the way! I'm motherly, a book worm, enjoy solving other's problems with my "vast" knowledge (that I mostly get from books and other people), have a difficult time making friends and I go a little nutty when I don't get something done on time...

Like this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmJ0DJX25Eo....from Season 2 episode 3 Titled: Lesson Zero

  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight Sparkle. Because I understand both magic and science. I'm also quite interested in the unknown like space and time. The only problem is that I'm not as studious as she is. I only like researching things I'm interested in. I also sometimes worry a lot about the future sometimes.

  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight Sparkle all the way! I'm motherly, a book worm, enjoy solving other's problems with my "vast" knowledge (that I mostly get from books and other people), have a difficult time making friends and I go a little nutty when I don't get something done on time...

Like this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmJ0DJX25Eo....from Season 2 episode 3 Titled: Lesson Zero


Haha I love that episode xD I always have had a hard time making friends, I mean I do have friends I just have a difficult time meeting people e-o
  • Brohoof 1

"Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine~?"

Loki is my boyfriend, Madoka is my waifu and 2-D is my lover. Aint got no real boys that like me tho

Talk to me about music, i love music.

"Up on melancholy hill, theres a plastic tree~ are you here with me~?"

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If you would have asked me any earlier I probably would have said Fluttershy but I've only recently started actually watching MLP again and I'm seeing bits of myself in most of the Mane6. I'm shy like Fluttershy, love to read like Twi, I try to be as reassuring as AJ, love to make friends like Pinkie, and I'm competitive (though not quite as much) like Rainbow Dash. I can't really think of any for Rarity though... I do like to make sure my clothes match though. And hair being right is important

  • Brohoof 1
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I relate most with Derpy Hooves


I was dianosed with mild CP as a kid,which means I struggle with understanding things like math amd other hard to understand school subjects. It was a struggle to graduate from High School.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rainbow Dash when it comes to her competitiveness and way of getting things done, although I don't quite have her outgoingness!

Also I have quite a lot in common with Twilight, apart from maybe the way she flies into a panic whenever one little thing is late xD


I think we can all relate to everypony in the show to some extent - we all have the potential to pump ourselves into a drive to succeed like Dash, and feel moments of deep uncertainty and terror like Fluttershy. But then, that's a really good thing!


Even though my personality shares very little with Rarity's, I still love her just because of how British she is - go Rarity! Be proud of your pronounced speech! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd say i relate a big lot to Twillight Sparkle as i always try to find an realistic answer to things and i love books in all kinds of ways. I love reading them and i love writing. I also do a checklist on almost everything i do.

  • Brohoof 1

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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I'd have to say I best relate to Fluttershy, simply because I'm a very shy person, but I tend to think of myself as being pretty kind. And I do have quite a list of things I'm scared of. Well not that much, and certainly not as many as fluttershy. But I do have a few for sure :P

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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