Fluttershutter 2,542 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 Alcohol is stuff that's been left to rot and coffee is just bitter. People force themselves to like this stuff for social reasons but I'm pretty antisocial so I only drink what I like. Mostly water but I love soda, sometimes juice. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Here No Longer 5,277 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 (edited) I find both of them too strong, and a bit too addictive for me. I'd rather not drink either. The closest thing I'll drink to coffee would be black tea (with several spoonfuls of sugar) and the closest thing I'd drink to liquor would be soda (though it's nothing like it at all). I also don't smoke or use drugs aside from antihistamines. Edited May 10, 2019 by Dusklicious 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I don't mind both. I don't have either of them often. It depends on the occasion. I prefer sweeter coffees and alcoholic drinks. Give me a cup of tea though, and I will be a happy Ody. Make that 3 cups of teas. Or even 48 cups. Tea is the essence of life <3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I hate alcohol. I've got two alcoholics for parents who have both spent like 70-80% of my life drunk or at the very least tipsy and it's essentially put me off of alcohol forever. I find it really hard to understand the appeal of it, as it often tastes bad and also alters your mental state and makes you act ridiculous too, often in ways that are really uncomfortable or even a little bit scary. I don't want to judge anyone, but I just don't get it, or why it's so widespread. I like coffee personally though, and it's certainly not for social reasons as I enjoy my coffee best all alone in the mornings. It helps me wake up and is also kind of "Soothing" in a weird way, and I've always liked the taste from the moment I first tried it. Flavored coffee's can be pretty nice too. 2 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phosphor 11,532 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I like coffee, but I usually can't drink anymore than a cup. Anymore than that, my stomach will let me know about it. Alcohol: I only drink beer and such on special occasions or the rare weekend. I do enjoy a little bit of Gentleman Jack whiskey and E&J brandy every now and then. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MangoFoalix 25,038 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I hate both. Yes, I've tried Coffee and I just don't enjoy the flavor that much. Maybe if put a shitton of milk and sugar in it then MAYBE. I'm more of a tea kind of person. I don't care of alcohol. I have better things than drowning my sorrows with alcohol. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Early Sunsets 2,107 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 (edited) I don't really care about coffee. I've wanted to try it in the past, but I just never got around to it. As for alcohol, I used to have a pretty strong opinion against it, but recently I've started to be more open to it. Maybe one day if the circumstances are right I'll try drinking. Edited May 10, 2019 by Zephyr / Booker 1 Rainbow Dash Fanatic "You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony "So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer "Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CheeryFox 23,822 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 Gotta say...nope! I only drink coffee that's not caffeinated or low caffeine and non-alcoholic beverages. Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I really don’t like the taste of coffee. Unless it’s an emergency, I never drink it at all. I think I only had coffee once in the past two years or so. As for alcohol, I detest it and am proud to never take any to sip. "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rebel the Wolfgirl 5,605 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I drink coffee pretty rarely, and it has to be a specific type. Same with alcohol: only on special occasions, and it has to be very specific (either Redd's Apple Ale or Shmirnoff Ice). and I don't drink too much (at most 2 bottles). Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpicedHoney 16 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I like the smell of coffee but can't stand the taste. With alcohol the drink has to be incredibly sweet, like so sweet I can't tell there's any alcohol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misty Shadow 7,956 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I've liked the taste of coffee since I was a kid and used to be addicted to it a few years ago. Don't care too much for alcohol in general though, mostly because of both my parents and even my grandparents being alcoholics in the past. Aside from the occasional beer during a dinner at a somewhat formal restaurant, I shy away from booze. Comet's still best boi. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiki 5,856 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I've never actually bothered to try alcohol simply because the smell is too GOD AWFUL. Coffee is almost kind of somewhat a little bit tolerable but not enough to justify drinking it... Not even with 99999 sugar and 69696969 milk. You'll be entranced by me ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 My only problem with coffee is that I never drink hot beverages. Really, I'm not joking. I NEVER drink hot things, not even hot chocolate. When I was little, I used to leave my hot chocolate sit for a half hour before I would drink it! (Oddly, I have no problem eating soup with a spoon). I do love iced coffee though. While not an alcoholic, I gave up drinking years ago. I was out with friends, and they stopped me from doing something very stupid while drunk. Let's just say it would have ruined the relationship with the man that became my husband. So while I don't 'hate' alcohol, I just have the occasional glass of wine with dinner. 1 Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreambiscuit 10,170 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I used to dislike both. But I've always liked the smell of coffee and I'm starting to acquire a taste for it, but it has to be heavily sweetened. And I don't like generic, bland coffees with no character; I like to taste what I'm drinking. Alcohol is of no interest to me; it tastes awful and I can't see an upside to it. Getting drunk doesn't appeal to me, and if I want to feel all wobbly I'll skip a night of sleep and get the same effect without the barfing afterward. I don't even care for alcohol as an ingredient in food unless it's very subtle. The taste is too strong and overwhelms everything else. The only alcohol I drink is a tiny bit of wine once in a while, to help me relax and fall asleep. But nothing too strong. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Bolt 35,085 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 (edited) Nope. I like coffee, wait...scratch that...LOVE coffee. Not as much as beverages like sweet tea or Coke but it's definitely up there with my favorites. As for alcohol, a beer or two here and there is alright with me...when I'm legal drinking age, of course. Three more years to go. Edited May 10, 2019 by Lucky Bolt ☆ My socials ☆ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,369 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 Coffee drinker here. My early morning job requires it. Though oddly enough I think it was BronyCon that got me to try Starbucks and start me on my caffinated path. Though I can never drink it straight or hot. I want to be awake, not have my throat burned. I find that it being hot also messes with the taste. I always add a good dose of creamer. Mounds of the powdered stuff and sugar if I'm out. Iced coffee has a better taste for me. In general I'm also fine with coffee flavored snacks, desserts and mixes. Regularly attend a local saloon style cafe for it. I do not drink. Ever. Straight Edge. I don't need chemical substances to have a good time and I rather enjoy having my faculties in check. I party sober. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershutter 2,542 May 10, 2019 Author Share May 10, 2019 Yeah I forgot about tea. I don't like it but the taste is more tolerable than coffee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TBD 17,256 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 (edited) I don’t mind the two why? Coffee helps me through the day and liquor helps me forget it all. Edited May 10, 2019 by TBD-66 ♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I don't drink either of them, but for different reasons. I don't drink alcohol because I don't see any reason to. I was open to the idea back when I turned 21, and went out and tried a couple of drinks with friends. None of it turned out well. To me, the beer looked like urine and was super acidic. Why would I drink such a repulsive thing? I took a few sips and that was it for me. Then they tried to give me some fruity drinks and all I was thinking while I was trying those (one made me gag, though) was "Why would I need an alcoholic drink when craving a fruity drink while I can just get juice and it has none of those horrible side effects?". I was able to quickly decide that alcohol simply wasn't a taste worth acquiring. I don't want to be mentally impaired for any amount of time, and I don't want the health issues, either. The former really scares me, though. I'm glad I never drank enough to get anywhere near drunk. TBH, I'm grateful that I was raised in a super conservative - not politically (Thank goodness!) - family/environment in this regard. I did not grow up around alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc., thus it all comes unnaturally to me. I will never even try smoking or drugs. I thought light drinking might be something I would be fine with, so I tried it, but it just wasn't for me, and that's a good thing. Nothing good could have come out of that. Coffee is a bit different. I've never actually had coffee. Now would not be a time for me to start. I stopped drinking pop a few years ago for one reason: A doctor suggested the caffeine was potentially what was making my heart act funny. So I cut out pop, and have never even thought of starting coffee. I don't need caffeine to wake up/stay awake. In fact, I found it completely ineffective when I was trying to drink it to keep me awake for my classes I was taking in the afternoon while I worked nights. I would fall asleep anyway. So... Nothing good could come out of me drinking caffeine. A year ago or so I did end up a with a tea with caffeine in it (my first time drinking caffeine since, like mid 2016) and it made me jittery. I don't want that. So... Coffee, not a taste worth acquiring either, but for entirely different reasons. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Treeglow Flicker 13,889 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I've never been a fan of coffee so I've always been a tea drinker when it comes to hot beverages. As for alcohol, I've never actually touched the stuff save for a couple of sips of wine years ago just to try it and that one time my uncle Barry put beer in my orange juice without me knowing just to see how I'd react. I've got nothing against alcohol, save for things like drink driving which is bloody idiotic. I just prefer to take on the world sober right now. Maybe someday, once I've gotten to where I need to be, I may try and see if there is a glass of something I enjoy from time to time. But right now, I need my senses intact to get me to where I need to be. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rikifive 24,225 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I don't like coffee because it's bitter. Plain and simple, I don't like the taste of it. I tried multiple times, but it always was a torture. However, with tons of milk & sugar, things change. Once the bitter taste is more or less killed, I can enjoy drinking that. So with that being said, I do like cappuccino, for example, though I tend to add slightly more sugar than needed and/or put extra milk because why not. But black coffee is a big NOPE. As for alcohol, there's a similar situation. I don't like beer, because it's a torture, UNLESS it's a sweet beer with flavor. Not manly, I know, but I don't care. I generally like wine, well, if it's sweet of course, same for vodka. Nevertheless, I extremely rarely drink alcohol. Most of the time it's when there's a special occasion of some sort. I don't tend to drink any of this randomly, very much prefer other, non-alcoholic drinks instead. Though I won't hide, that I like to drink some when there's a good occasion. Correct environment and group of friends is the key here. 1 ❤ ■■■■■■■■■■ ⭐ ■■■■■■■■■■ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucid_Nightlight 926 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 I don't drink alcohol, but I like coffee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ocean Breeze 5,127 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 (edited) Never had either, because I don't like the taste of coffee and i'm too pure for alcohol lmao XD Edited May 10, 2019 by Crystal Daze Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olly 1,011 May 10, 2019 Share May 10, 2019 17 hours ago, Fluttershutter said: Alcohol is stuff that's been left to rot and coffee is just bitter. People force themselves to like this stuff for social reasons but I'm pretty antisocial so I only drink what I like. Mostly water but I love soda, sometimes juice. I often find people who don't like these things assume it's about their taste. But for those of us who do like these things, for the most part it's not about their taste it's about their effect. They're like medication- coffee to give you energy, alcohol to chill you out. I mean, I drink black coffee... strong too. Straight black coffee, not for the taste, because it tastes like drain water. I need it for energy, to feel awake and alert. 1 We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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