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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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The one I'm using right now? Just a name that came from a funny line in Recess


"Who the heck is Whompy Whomperson?!"

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I had actually started with the username "A Dash of Rainbow" not to sound offensive to those that do still infact like Dashie but I feel most bronies go through a phase of liking rainbow dash before they find their favourite pony or they just stay liking Dash.

I chose that name for the specific reason of I didn't want my username to just be another "RainbowDash[insert number here]" and I was quite happy with what I came up with.


Although when I first signed up on this forum all I really did was put in that username then I never used the site for months, I was then looking for a forum and I remembered I had signed up here but in that time I was gone I went from Liking Dashie to Octavia then Settled on the fabulous Rarity and keeping the same formula I didn't want to name myself something that was just blatantly rarity or just throwing rarity in for the sake of it but I had also though of what if I didn't like the fandom anymore in the future what username could I keep forever that can be seen as MLP and not MLP and so I thought of what I have now "A Jewel of Rarity" It is pretty much just calling me a Rare Jewel but it has the Rarity in it which I am happy with.


Funny thing is my public email is actually something I made after I settled on this username and it is basically what my username would have been if I had settled on octavia and that being "An Octave Melody"

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's easy^^ Soneone else took the username "Shiron" :-P


I usually use the name Shiron because it's the name of an old anime I once saw; Legendz - Tale of the dragon kings. Shiron is one of the main characters and he is a dragon^^

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I'm bad with names so I went with my real name instead. Works just fine though.

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Well my name on here was Totally Not Lyra before this and I always had a picture of some form of Lyra in disguise and/or sneaking around. But everyone got used to it and knew who I really was, so I took out the "Not" and happily admit that I am, in fact, Totally Lyra. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I choose a username that is my real first name here. At other places I use "AllenAcNguyen", however my real last name is "Nguyen" and my real middle name starts with an "H".

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nothing epic about mine. WHen I first started playing the MLp smartphone game (the one that takes all your money) I needed a username; BlueBrony sounded like a "manly" name, but I figured someone else would have taken it. NOPE. It's all mine. So I have started using that name for all brony related stuff because apparently nobody thought of it :twi:

Edited by BlueBrony
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My name is a anagram I first started as Castle, like a build because it was my Xbox name. After I started liking cats I realized I only needed to move a letter around to say CATS instead of CAST 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I was playing this RPG on my 3DS one day. At the time, I was looking for a new username, and I was considering "Floof", so that's what I named my character.

One of the NPCs called me "Sir Floof".

I thought: "Perfect."

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  • 2 months later...

My username actually has nothing to do with tacos (the food). Tacodidra was a character I came up with years ago when I was a kid, and I have no idea how the name came to be. Tacodidra was not a pony but a talking ant who went on various adventures. While the character was nothing spectacular, the name stuck in my mind and I have planned to use it as a username for a while, and now I finally had the opportunity! No one else has ever used it anywhere, which is a definite bonus.

  • Brohoof 3
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My name is named after one of my favourite things to do in flying. Crosswind landings/takeoffs. It will be the name of my ponysona once I get around to finishing him :lol: 

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