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thelonebrony (why that name?)


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my user name is no joke, i feel alone in the hostile territory, seemingly I am the only brony for at least a 15 mile radius, i'm probably wrong, but lets just say I'm surrounded by MLP Nazis, (AKA hardcore haters) I didn't want to be alone so i found this place and socialize with other fellow bronies. Felt It might give me that break needed to keep motivated as to being a brony.

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Dont feel lonely anymore! The MLP Forums are here to change that!


Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your time here and im sure you will make some more brony friends here, everypony is so nice!


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Some quick notes(in case you did not know):


You need 5 posts to get an avatar and a signature I believe.

Posts in Welcoming Plaza and Cloudsdale Collosseum do not count toward post count.

If you want to get someone's attention use the Quote button on the bottom right of their post.


Other then that, Hope you have a great time here and Welcome again!

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my user name is no joke, i feel alone in the hostile territory, seemingly I am the only brony for at least a 15 mile radius, i'm probably wrong, but lets just say I'm surrounded by MLP Nazis, (AKA hardcore haters) I didn't want to be alone so i found this place and socialize with other fellow bronies. Felt It might give me that break needed to keep motivated as to being a brony.


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At least... sort of. I only know 2 other bronies, and I don't know them well. And that's in my school of about 1600 :(

Still you seem to have it worse.

Welcome to the forum though, we're here for you.


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my user name is no joke, i feel alone in the hostile territory, seemingly I am the only brony for at least a 15 mile radius, i'm probably wrong, but lets just say I'm surrounded by MLP Nazis, (AKA hardcore haters) I didn't want to be alone so i found this place and socialize with other fellow bronies. Felt It might give me that break needed to keep motivated as to being a brony.


I know EXACTLY how you feel, I don't know any bronies irl and tend to ignore the haters, I'm lucky since almost all of them don't know what bronies are though, but the ones that do know are crap.

But yeah welcome here, all you will see here are bronies :lol:

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Our numbers are growing soon we shall dominate the multiverse! For none can stand against the Ponies!





Edited by Rush
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Welcome to the herd! I hope you enjoy this forum! Always keep on fighting and never deny that you are a brony! Those other guys who don't like the show have no taste in anything and you should never listen to anything they say. I hope you find another brony friend sometime soon!

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Welcome to the herd, and the forums of course. And like some other here, I know what you're talking about. Although I'm not surrounded by haters as you said, nopony knows what a brony is where I live. This place really helped me in getting in contact with other bronies though! Hope you find some friends here too!

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I am late for a welcoming thread it would seem! Welcome good sir! I don't worry, you'll not have to worry about loneliness here I assure you. Enjoy yourself, may I offer you some tea or cookies?

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