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What do you love about MLP and its fandom?

Crazy Misty

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Now, I am not a brony, or a fan, or anything, but I have seen a few episodes of the show, as recommended to me by my friend, flare03, but I can't see the appeal.


I find most of the characters, bar Fluttershy, to be quite irritating, and in-your-face. Pinkie Pie especially, but I've been told that this is a common opinion. Why do you find them appealing/likable?


The story hardly fits a world inhabited entirely by ponies, and is barely revisited.


The humour is not funny. I found it juvenile, along with the characters. The memes slipped in to "Appease the older, brony community" have failed to be funny. Others, I've heard, have been slipped in excessively and wear thin.


Whilst, I admit, I am greatly biased against the show, I've watched it, and whilst the show itself is not bad, I found it to be quite average, and yet it has a huge following. Now I've been told multiple times that "X number of fans can't be wrong", but this show can be easily criticised.


So, not as a fan, or a brony, or anything, where is this show's appeal?


Now, I've watched a few more episodes, as recommended by you guys, and I can say I like the show. 'Course, I'm no hardcore fan like some of you guys, but I can say it's worth watching. I'll probably watch some episodes here and there over the course of the holidays.


To answer your question Cindy, in the area of Western animation, I like Regular Show and Adventure Time, but really I'm more of an anime fan, with my favourites being Lucky Star and Gurren Lagann.


Once again, I thank all of you for you helpful insight.


Oh yes.


I'm really sorry people kept accusing you of trolling. It's just it's apparent that you're here for more than just what you said you are, even if you think that's all you came to these forums for, I don't think it is, and I think some forumites were getting that vibe even if they didn't consciously realize it.


Don't be scared but I knew I would see you post that you liked it eventually. Thing is, you see an episode, the show takes you by surprise because it's so much better than you thought it'd be, and for some unexplainable reason, you want to watch more. I think we've all been there :P lol


I've just come to this conclusion: any fiction is enjoyable because it immerses the viewer/reader/etc into a world that they enjoy being immersed in (Well, either that, or it's comedy. But we're talking real fiction here. Lol, jk, I like comedy, too).


In MLP:FiM, there are six of the most lovable characters I've ever seen, in a fantastic, believable world. Who doesn't want to go there? ;)


Of all the fictions there are, it's hard to choose one better than this if you had to pick one to live in.

(Granted, there may not be interstellar travel or even cars in MLP:FiM, it doesn't really matter because I'd rather live in Ponyville and walk everywhere than live on a super futuristic society where everyone's a jerk.)



I mean, maybe that makes it sound kinda escapist and unhealthy or whatnot, but that's really what any type of immersive fiction is, be it Skyrim, Ender's Game, Harry Potter or a graphic novel. And it's not a bad thing; ideas are what make reality. That's really the amazing thing about us human beings, we make our world from our minds. So we love to make things in our minds, which is the first step to making it a reality.


So in a way, it's not just a fantasy, but after becoming familiar with a fictional world, even if unconsciously, you apply it to the real world and make it a reality.


Of course, that doesn't mean if you think about MLP enough you'll wake up in Ponyville one day, it just means that, in subtle, little ways that only manifest themselves in the small things, like how you respond to a feeling or an event, it actually can make the viewer a better person, which is the building block of a better world.


Perfect example: the response to haters of the show, instead of hating back, is tolerance and love. Well, in most cases. Unfortunately there's also times some people go and throw that out the window http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


But in general, "applying fiction to reality", in this case, would mean being a more loving, caring person. It's a stretch to imagine that being a bad thing.



TL;DR: To us, It's just a great, wonderful fictional world to be a part of, in the same way that Harry Potter or any other fiction is to their fans. And it's a good thing for the world, too.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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it reminds me of the cartoons I used to watch as a kid, Cartoon Network used to show awseome shows, like johnny bravo, Two Stupid dogs, megas xlr so on. Now they have wierd, confusing shows. Like Almost Naked Animals..srsly? people can't come up with something better then "Almost Naked Animals"? its the way its showed, the cartoon style, its "care free" open world, its soft to the eyes for its fluid movment, yet has a solid frame of pase.anyway thats why i like the show. :D

got a prob? I can fix it!

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I think its a very different show from many others, and i find it very entertaining!

+who wouldnt love drama, comedy, horror and awesomeness in one epic package? :lol:

Taring reality apart with tardis completion: 100%

Trying to find dimension where Equestria is located: -

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Characters don’t need to be likeable but i find that i could at least respect their motives that cause the reactions and behaviors each character has... except for maybe derpy. I like it because instead of most cartoons that try and teach things like math and spanish it teaches something anypony at any age can learn from such as, values and morals while maintaining an entertaining social interaction. Although not all characters have loveable personality types each pony has a good set of morals. Most conflicts in the show is a result of good intentions colliding. There is rarely a person that is truly evil (discord is the biggest exception but its overlooked since his personality is likeable.)

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Now, I am not a brony, or a fan, or anything, but I have seen a few episodes of the show, as recommended to me by my friend, flare03, but I can't see the appeal.


I find most of the characters, bar Fluttershy, to be quite irritating, and in-your-face. Pinkie Pie especially, but I've been told that this is a common opinion. Why do you find them appealing/likable?


The story hardly fits a world inhabited entirely by ponies, and is barely revisited.


The humour is not funny. I found it juvenile, along with the characters. The memes slipped in to "Appease the older, brony community" have failed to be funny. Others, I've heard, have been slipped in excessively and wear thin.


Whilst, I admit, I am greatly biased against the show, I've watched it, and whilst the show itself is not bad, I found it to be quite average, and yet it has a huge following. Now I've been told multiple times that "X number of fans can't be wrong", but this show can be easily criticised.


So, not as a fan, or a brony, or anything, where is this show's appeal?


Pinkie is extremely annoying at first...but then your mind mellows out...and you begin to like her...understand her...then you eventually start to...BECOME her... ;)

S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation,

I know it's tuff but let's all try to stop playing violent videogames, violent TV, violent thinking, and just violence in general.


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Max Gilardi of Hotdiggedydemon wrote an article on this a few weeks ago, and I mostly agree with what he says. The show "Reaches a certain level of cute without crossing that line over into schmaltzy or sugary." Also, it's made by the woman who brought us Foster's.


EDIT: Oh dearest me, someone linked to it-


http://www.hotdigged...ndship-is-magic this is relevant.


Edited by Bames Jond
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for reviving an old thread.


The show is rife with contradictions that make it great:

  • Characters are simple on the surface but have more substance than other shows aimed to the target audience.
  • Clichés are used liberally but with great care to enhance the show.
  • Design of the characters is simple, elegant and filled with details where matters the most: facial expressions.
However the best part of all is a message of positivity that is almost absent in other media: We can get along with each other and that makes your life better. That message is explored in many ways for example:
  • other people can teach you ways of coping with life.
  • life is not always what you expect but friends and family make it worthwhile.
  • share the blessings that you have.
In short it is a simple show on the surface with deep explorations of setting and character with a positive moral core, or "it is simple pony who does the difficult and good things right"
  • Brohoof 1
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Because the writers of the show actually put effort into a girl's show. It is so difficult to get animation companies to break their belief that female character centered TV shows are inferior to male character centered TV shows. So they either give the project little budget or talent to make it work OR they manipulated the material so the male character take the spotlight.


A prime example of the latter is an anime called "Cardcaptor Sakura". It centered around a school girl accidently unleashing magic cards throughout her town and her job was to seal all the magic cards back. The show was AWESOME with endearing female characters and a great focus on relationships. HOWEVER when it was dubbed in the US, Warner Bros. decided that the show can't be successful if it was "girly". So they butchered the episodes, made it all about the fight scenes, and made the male character the center of attention.


MLP: FIM is a prime example that this belief is NOT FUCKIN TRUE!! That's why the show so good~!

  • Brohoof 1
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I love MLP FiM because of how incredibly humorous it is, how PRETTY and CUTE most characters/scenes are, and how it is so creative. I love how each pony has a very distinct personality with wonderful attributes and somewhat extreme flaws. I love how it does teach real life lessons, potentially for kids to learn first time around, but reminds us adults about important things too. It is all-around amazing :) Such a breath of fresh air from "normal" shows on TV. I can't stand most other shows - the theme in everything else seems to be "be a little @#$%^%$@ and have no respect for authority while hating school cause you are expressing yourself and being mean/selfish/uncaring about other's plights is totally cool!"


Friendship is Magic - how to get along with others and different people ftw.

  • Brohoof 1

Pinkie Pie is my favoritest of the mane six for several reasons, but most importantly because she always has a good attitude. The others can doubt her, say somewhat unkind things, not believe her, and she just rolls with it. I also love her because her self-defined purpose in life is to make others happy. I believe her balloons cutie mark actually represents her uplifting others. Her amazing dimension bending and psychic powers are a factor, too :) When poor Pinkie Pie looses her mind, well, it is quite humorous. She has her own depression demons to fight, yet focuses on others. The world will be a better place when she succeeds in breaking that 4th wall! >:D

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  • 3 months later...

I love it cause it makes me happy and it has really good animation, voice actors and characters, and...Pinkie!!

Edited by pinkie


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-The pony designs are cute and sleek and well-done, and the general art style of the show is very addicting.

-The personalities and storylines are pathetically realistic.





-All of the above.

  • Brohoof 2


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One of the reasons why I love it is because of how anime-ish it is. Being a HUGE anime nerd I have a love for huge eyes and awesome animation styles, which MLP has both of. Not only that, but the community of fans it has is freaking great. Us bronies do some amazing things, and I love that.

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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I've never been one to call MLP's animation spectacular. It's average for a television production pipeline, barring a select few clever moments.


What's the real sell for me is the art style (which is immaculate) and the characterization, which is spot on.

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