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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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The fact that the Garden Of Eden Creation Kit likes to crash at the slightest things.


"Oh, you press ctrl+b?" CRASH

"You put sunglasses on your npc while in head view mode?" CRASH

"You apply filters too soon?" CRASH



Looks like we got a fallout fan here! Nice to meet you.  The things that annoy me are also fallout related, just the general 'normal' glitches the game(s) have annoys me/rustles my jimmies.

No one is more qualified than you are to decide how you live; no one should be able to vote on what you do with your time and your potential unless you invite them to. ”

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christmas music

people singing along

softcore music

not having a blue item when it comes in that color

ps3 buttons

having to use the bathroom

when pinkies mane gets messed up

the phone slips out of the stand when i try to put it in

swagfags on facebook

faggots using the smiley face when the troll

losing the controller or remote

things dont go the way i planned

dad changing his mind



shoes sticking to my feet


ill post more if i think of any


Come to my xat http://xat.com/fyrestone

PSN/Wii U - STVH1295

3DS FC - 5455 - 9682 - 0735
Dueling Network Name - <STVH>

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People who think my last name is patronymic and try to correct me by adding son behind it since most names here are patronymic so people expect mine also to be patronymic.

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People that don't know how to use turn signals when driving. People that drive while on a cell phone. Bad Customer service at places i really like. Washing the car then it rains. People who don't know that certain topics are not appropriate (Religion, Politics while having dinner) People who think they know what they are talking about trying to convince other people that they know what they are saying. *deep sigh* ok i think thats it.. Nope.. People that sneeze and dont cover their mouths. ( i think thats the biggest one for me) Kthxbai now im done. :D



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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Let's see, when a pocket-carried item is too big for my skinny jeans, when I don't have a matching pair of socks, and when the only milk that's in the fridge is 2%.


awww 2% Two percent milk is the shizz. And i totally get the socks thing. I had that problem recently and i got into an argument with everyone in my house. "Noone can see your socks lets go!" NO

  • Brohoof 1



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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Heh, funny. I have a paper due Monday listing 25 things that annoy me and I think need to change (I only have a few).


The first was the spelling of naïve. No one spells it with an umlaut anymore.


Another was Tardigrades. They're these small, caterpillar-like creatures that live to sit on moss and suck up water. Yet they are the toughest living things known. One project, called "Tardigrades in Space" (TARDIS), let some float around in space for ten days. After being brought back into the shuttle, they were fine and some even layed eggs! They can temporarily die, then come back to life. They can withstand almost absolute zero (-273°C), and up to almost 150°C. They can also withstand up to SIX TIMES the preasure in the deepest part of the Meriana Trench (the deepest point underwater, being about 11 kilometers, or 6.8-ish miles, below sea-level). They can survive for ten years being dehydrated, and take over one thousand time as much gamma radiation as would kill a human.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think this is awesome,but I do have one question: WHY??

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When people pop their knuckles or other joints

When people walk really slowly down the hallways

The smell of cigarettes

Girls who shave half their heads (seriously ladies...it doesn't look good)

Gauges (again...they don't look good, and it's kinda gross)

Duck-face photos

When my iPod or cell phone is running dangerously low on batteries--I get paranoid about when it's gonna die

Swear word "replacements" (darn=damn, fudge=fuck, shoot=shit, etc)

When other people get freaked out about blood


When a song comes on and people say "This is my song!!" (it is not YOUR song unless you wrote it. please get over yourself)


Wearing glasses (contact lenses saved my life)

When girls say "I am so fat" even though they are really skinny and they know it

When people say something is "too mainstream" and therefore they cannot like it

Girls who are going for that scene/goth/emo look and clip TAILS to their belt loops (what is that even? honestly...I don't understand the thought process behind wearing a TAIL)


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-amnesia is shit

-no gf



-little kids and BABY MEN



-female ppl


-ppl bragging about drinking and smoking weed



  • Brohoof 1

Insert quote here.

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People who confuse rubbish when they mean garbage. People not bragging about drinking and smoking weed. People not being noobs. People who think amnesia is shit. 


~War is based on Deception_

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-amnesia is shit

-no gf



-little kids and BABY MEN



-female ppl


-ppl bragging about drinking and smoking weed



You forgot about dishwashers that clean the dish's with wubs.  That one is crucially important.  (I erm jerst sering Rerly Lergit!)

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People chewing with their mouth open. mlp-tsquint.png





Seriously, that's it. That's the one thing that bothers me. Have some got dang manners, you nerf herder! mlp-rpissed.png

Edited by Supernova


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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1. People who chew with their mouths open

2. Trying to find out what time it is when you look at the clock, and for some reason you still don't know the time even if you keep looking at the time you still don't know

3. Bugs

4. Traffic

5. Irritating customers at work

Edited by Silver Boulder
  • Brohoof 1
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Zombie pony fanfics. THEY ARE PONIES, NOT ZOMBIES!

People who like writing GRIMDARK AS FUCK Grimdark Darkfics. It's one thing to have a little darkness, but to make the whole thing a darkfest? No, just no.

When my crappy laptops skips and errors and lags and breaks when I try to listen to pony music, or any music at all.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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Oh gosh, when someone is in the kitchen and they use a knife to sharpen it or just slide it on the cutting board, ughhhh I hate that. It makes me make a funny face and quiver. ):

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Things that annoy me:


Paper cuts.


When you wait a long time in line at the store and when you're finally the next person, THEN they open another register.


Cats running through the house in the middle of the night when I need to sleep.


Adding a long, well written, and thoughtful post to an online forum only to come back the next day and see it hasn't garnered a single reply (or brohoof if the forum in question is MLP Forums). 

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Things that annoy me (at the moment):


- I can't stand waiting in long lines. (I just don't have the patients for it)

- When people cut me off while I'm driving.

- People who talk during class time and I'm trying to pay attention to the material

- Pedestrians who walk out into the middle of the street.

- When my computer decides to restarts itself while I'm away.

There are other things that annoy me but I can't seem to think about them at the moment. :lol:

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This may sound a little weird but I HATE the sound of a semi-blunt or blunt pencil sound on paper. I can't stand it!! That's why I have to have my

pencil real sharp, so it doesn't make that noise.

Edited by TheLoneyPony

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-People who chew with their mouths open

-People who talk with food in their mouth

-People who don't use a turn signal when moving into your lane

-People who walk and talk together that take up the entire hallway

-People who tailgate you when your going faster than the speed limit or tailgate you when you are stuck behind someone going slow.

-When you are checking out at Wal-Mart and there are 30 checkout lanes and only 5 open.


There are others that I can't think of right now.

Like, don't underestimate my power man.

Come join us Friday nights for

Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST.
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  • 2 months later...

Idk why I made this. I just wanna talk about them and get to know you guys. My friend has a lot. Wether it's traffic jams, cats with scratching posts, you name it! I thought this picture was appropriate.



 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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Hi there. Just a heads up that I merged your thread with this one as they are the same subject matter.


When thinking about making a thread, please use the search function beforehand~

My signature broke


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What really grinds my gears is that, even though I'm in High School, people still refer to people they don't know as "kids". They'll say for example "That kid over there."



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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  • 2 weeks later...

  1. When people smack their gum

Stepping in gum

Touching the underside of a desk/chair/arm rest and feeling the dried gum


The drier eating my socks

When people stand way too close to me during a conversation even though there is plenty of space in the room. Personal space issues.

This one's a bit strange but: when someone more than 20ft ahead of me opens an unlocked door and keeps it open for me when I have both hands free. Don't worry I have two functional hands and I know how to operate a door; you're just making me feel like I have to hurry because I'm keeping you waiting.

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When people say "sarry" instead of "sorry".


For some reason that particular word always catches my attention. No idea why, but it irritates me a bit.

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