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Opinions of haters?

Gone Airbourne

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Depending on the subject being hated on, most of the time it is just people that get there jimmies rustled easily. But only if they took the time in there life just to realize that,

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When I meet haters and they start hating on me, I will say "Since when does your opinion matter?" and that will usually quiet them.

  • Brohoof 3


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Where I live, I know about 5-7 haters for every brony (these haters are ponies I know very well). I really cant avoid them <...<, so I have to just keep FIM out of our conversations.


They alway tend to seem to be really conservative, religious, and close-minded about things in general (please dont take that as a insult, I'm just stating an observation I made here). The ponies I meet that aren't bronies OR haters (neutral) are generally (mostly) ok with with the concept of guys watching a show for little girls, and tend to be more open-minded about things in general.




Edited by AnonyPoni


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Thin-skinned, home bound children with severe cases of arrested development. Saturate their lives with discomfort by believing that their wrath isn't unfounded. They dedicate large portions of time to spamming inane messages on forums in hopes of adding some sort of significance to their uneventful lives. Often depicted as having intimate relationships with their caps lock keys, and punctuating their unfounded emotions with expletives. Very entertaining to watch squirm in futility as they try to refute logic.


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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I have to say, a hater (in my opinion) is simply someone who hasn't given the show a fair chance.

I don't understand how, after like- five episodes- how you could still hate it.

  • Brohoof 2

~We stop looking for the monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside us.



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  On 2012-07-12 at 3:46 AM, 'SamtheLegoman' said:

To the haters:

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Agreed. You wouldn't believe the crap I've gotten for saying I like the show. The real shocker? The people who've hated on me most for liking the show (save for one person, he's just a jerk in one of my classes), are my best friends. People these days, right?

  • Brohoof 1
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  On 2012-10-22 at 4:14 AM, 'blackopp1' said:

Agreed. You wouldn't believe the crap I've gotten for saying I like the show. The real shocker? The people who've hated on me most for liking the show (save for one person, he's just a jerk in one of my classes), are my best friends. People these days, right?


  On 2012-10-22 at 4:14 AM, 'blackopp1' said:

Agreed. You wouldn't believe the crap I've gotten for saying I like the show. The real shocker? The people who've hated on me most for liking the show (save for one person, he's just a jerk in one of my classes), are my best friends. People these days, right?


  On 2012-10-21 at 11:00 PM, 'Pinkie Pie' said:

Thin-skinned, home bound children with severe cases of arrested development. Saturate their lives with discomfort by believing that their wrath isn't unfounded. They dedicate large portions of time to spamming inane messages on forums in hopes of adding some sort of significance to their uneventful lives. Often depicted as having intimate relationships with their caps lock keys, and punctuating their unfounded emotions with expletives. Very entertaining to watch squirm in futility as they try to refute logic.


  On 2012-10-21 at 3:34 PM, 'Twilight_Scratch' said:

Haters are just assholes who are afraid of color and good plot. Ignore them. Talking shot about them make you one aswell.


Love and Tolerate!


  On 2012-10-21 at 11:35 AM, 'Minath Pandarian' said:

I have never met any outright haters, but I have met some people who look at me sideways. But hey, haters gonna hate. But I bet the haters are people who say SAWG and YOLO, right?


  On 2012-10-21 at 11:20 AM, '~Wubs~' said:

I couldn't care less about the haters.

They can go and hate all they want, I just tend to ignore them because the majority of them are ignorant...


  On 2012-10-21 at 10:02 AM, 'Super Writer' said:

Immature people like to make immature comments. Insecure people like to make themselves sound tough and cynical.


Add them together and you get the butt hurt hellspawn we call haters, or more sadly, the average internet troll.


  On 2012-10-21 at 9:09 AM, 'Urdnot Shepard' said:

Haters? Haters are everywhere; they're like cockroaches in a Denny's kitchen. It doesn't matter what the person/thing/idea in question is. Whether it be George Washington, Bronies, world peace, or curing cancer, there will be a horde of haters hating on it.


Do not confuse haters with critics and judges, they are not here to help you. Haters are cruel, bitter people who typically live alone in a dark place underground. They are not happy with their life, and the path they have chosen, so they spend their energy bashing people, objects, and ideas instead of thinking about how sad their life is.


Ignore haters at all cost, and do not let what they say get to you, because honestly, it's not even about the thing they're hating on; it's about them trying to do something other than think about their sad, lonely lives.



Too long; didn't read version:

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again, thank you very much.......http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

why do I see you guys getting so pissed about haters being assholes, but then you turn right around and do the same thing to them? I do not see the Love and Tolerance happening here

  • Brohoof 1
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  On 2012-10-22 at 4:20 AM, 'Red' said:

again, thank you very much....... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

why do I see you guys getting so pissed about haters being assholes, but then you turn right around and do the same thing to them? I do not see the Love and Tolerance happening here


Yup Red is right on this on 100%. Just ignoring haters is the simple solution. Plus saying mean things back about them doesn't do anyone any good. Know what I mean? Two negatives never make a positive. That is what i believe
  • Brohoof 1



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  On 2012-10-22 at 4:20 AM, 'Red' said:

again, thank you very much....... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

why do I see you guys getting so pissed about haters being assholes, but then you turn right around and do the same thing to them? I do not see the Love and Tolerance happening here



Who says we're pissed? We're asked for an opinion and we gave it. All because we have negative opinions on something doesn't mean we get butt hurt over them. Personally I ignore them, but I still think it's kind of pathetic.

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  On 2012-10-22 at 4:20 AM, 'Red' said:

again, thank you very much....... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

why do I see you guys getting so pissed about haters being assholes, but then you turn right around and do the same thing to them? I do not see the Love and Tolerance happening here


Disclaimer: I'm not color coding everything to insult anyone's intelligence. I just find it much easier to think when things are color coded, so if anybody is offended, I'm sorry.


1. You are welcome.


2. Nice assumption. I especially like the part where you told me what I posted that made you think that. I can understand that me saying haters have a sad life can make it seem like I'm upset. However, I did not say it out of anger, I said it as a fact. Most of the haters I've encountered are hating on things because they are unhappy, and are trying to get their mind off of something unpleasant.


3. I'm confused, you're saying that I am in the wrong because I'm "Hating on haters," I get that. However, now you're turning around and are hating on haters by calling them assholes. So, it's ok for you to hate on them, but not for me? You have no moral high-ground to stand on, because according to your logic, by insulting them, you are just as "Angry" about the haters as me.


4. I'm not sure if you're referring to Twilight_Scratch's comment, or the whole "Love and tolerate" thing that has been branded onto the Brony community. If you're referring to the Brony community branding, then please read further. If not, please disregard this portion of my post. As I was saying earlier I feel the whole "Love and Tolerance" thing is something branded onto Bronies. Lots of Bronies like to preach the "Love and Tolerance" thing to make it seem like they have they have moral high-ground. It irritates me just as much as the next guy. Not because it's arrogant, but because people assume that I go around chanting that, even though I really don't. I don't love and tolerate everything, there are things that I hate and have great difficulty tolerating. I am working on it, however until I am finished working on it, I am not going to chant "Love and Tolerate" all the time. Sorry to disappoint, I know it's much easier to brand people with stereotypes than to actually get to know them. However, stereotypes aren't always correct and are in no means a fair way to judge people.


I am not replying out of anger. I am replying because I feel like you got the wrong idea, and I want to make my point more clear. If any part of my post offended you, or seemed like I was angry, then I apologize.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I thought I'd share my experience and ask for yours. When, if ever, have you experienced a brony-hater.


I ran into one on a political debate thread. Most were content to criticize my political opinions and speculations, as was the point of the thread. But there was one who wish nothing more but to mock everything about me. As I had a 20% cooler banner in my sig and used MLP gifs, he decided to take potshots at a show he never watched. He seemed to only be satisfied when he denigrated every aspect of my life. My main question was why he cared so much about a cartoon. And, as you might have guessed, he had nothing intelligent to contribute to the political debate. All he did was fire off petty insult and believed what others told him to, like a good little lemming.


Well, what experiences have you had with haters?

  • Brohoof 2
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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

Ob's stürmt oder schneit. | Whether it storms or snows.


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Never really have any trouble with haters myself, most of the time I'm the one who give them headache.


There is this one time in another forum, I met a touhou fan who hates FiM with passion. He kept posting touhou related images on our FiM thread because he want to punish us for spreading FiM everywhere (there are only three bronies in that place, and only two of us who's really active). I tried to ask him nicely, but he won't listen, so I reported him. Unsurprisingly a staff came and deleted his touhou posts, then... all hell broke loose. Instead of bronies vs hater, it was touhou fans vs moderation team.


They're still bickering about it now :P


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Well, the only experience I guess was when in a chatroom in xat, I was chatting with two of my friends when suddenly, a guy logs in. And all he did was saying how much of a fags we were, that were disgusting, that we jacked to ponies, etc, etc. All three of us trolled the guy until he left, so it was nothing too bad luckily. it was starting to be funny how madder and madder the guy got, and I'm supposed to be the nice guy. :lol:


  On 2012-11-03 at 4:20 AM, 'Star Weaver' said:

Unsurprisingly a staff came and deleted his touhou posts, then... all hell broke loose. Instead of bronies vs hater, it was touhou fans vs moderation team.

You know, normally I'd stay out....but that's something tha should be pay-per-view for bronies, to be honest, and I normally don't say stuff like that. :P
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Never really had any experiences. Besides Youtube ofcourse. I guess mainly i don't really mention the show anywhere else and the only place i use AnonBrony as my username is on Youtube. I guess people don't realize I'm a Brony. And i rather keep it that way. I don't want to deal with all those ignorant idiots. Waste of time.

  • Brohoof 1
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I make them laugh, and they make me laugh. It doesn't matter if they laugh with or at me. We tend to have fairly good relationships. So I haven't had any bad encounters.

  • Brohoof 1

A strange boy and his dog came walking through here earlier today...


My OC: Swish


"I did not tell half of what I saw... for I knew I would not be believed..." -Marco Polo

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One of my best friends is one.

He degrades me on a daily basis with some pretty intense insults :(

But ill convert him one day :)

the more you fight it the stronger gets.

Hes gone from anti brony to brony in denial.

only a matter of time now.

But the best part is that he says we will just die out in a few months............LOL :lol:

He has no idea!!!



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You know, just barely a few hours ago, I went to the TV to watch a DVRed episode, "A Dog and Pony Show", by myself. and then I put "Stare Master" on and my three-year-old nephew showed up in the room.


When that episode ended, I put "A Dog and Pony Show" on again solely because it has Spike in it and he said "I wanna watch dragon ponies"


And then his father, my brother-in-law, came in before the Diamond Dogs got to show up.


"Dees ees por leel girls. You watsh boi show. Sponjebob. O Diego."


Yeah, he's from Mexico. The part where there are ranches and a lot of machismo. Even though he lived with seven older sisters. And he's been here since over a year before Jonathan was born and I still speak better Spanish tha.... well that's not the point. (I speak better Spanish than he does English, and he got here on a visa, so it is not like he desperately fled to the United States.)


Well, I didn't want to develop a persecution complex over it, but I saw him fiddling with the DVR and surprisingly not go right to it.


I ended up picking up the remote and deleting three episodes from the DVR manually. He may have barely recognized the word "Pony". And said "It's okay".


Yeah.... I didn't intentionally get him into the show. He mainly likes the Spike episodes. Like I said before, I'm no elitist.


Also, the episode "Dragon Quest" managed to not record just as it was starting (I think I must've canceled it in a hurry), and it is probably the most "manly" episode.

Edited by GuillermoGage
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