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Opinions of haters?

Gone Airbourne

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By acknowledging the haters you've already lost the game, most often than not they are simply trying to assert themselves as being "normal" by their standards. Silly them, don't they know that's not how it works on the internet!

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Tbh I really don't understand this attitude of people who don't like the show as dim witted a-holes. There are shows, like Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, etc. that I don't like at all. I barely watched them from what I saw I just wasn't interested and thought they were kinda dumb. I don't see how that constitutes as ignorant if I gave them a chance, or simply just don't like the plot.


Even if someone is being a jerk about it, then, alrighty, who cares? They'll be more inclined to accept that you like an overly feminine show because you're keeping your cool instead of being defensive about it. It's just a cartoon. I get a little discouraged when someone doesn't like Adventure Time or MLP, but whatever it's their opinion. No need to think less of someone whether or not they even gave it a chance because it's a damn cartoon.

Edited by roomforapony
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You can hug them and learn about how they form their opinions without reflecting the hate. Act as if they aren't hating on you and don't be offended by it, all in the name of (social) science.


Agree. Think of them like this and life will be a lot easier. (Tested.)


Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!
Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !
Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.
-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<--

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Well actualy, I have some friends who dont really like the show, but I dont let it bother me and they dont let it bother them. So its only a problem if they have a problem with me.

This is a signature.

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Why can't everyone just get along?? But noo..... Some people have to fight about ponies over the internet.

We like it, they don't. No amount of fighting and hate is going to change that, just add fuel to the fire.


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I love haters. I won't say they are butthurt, or show any disrespect.

Not much love and tolerance in going "lol dis hater is butthurt".


But the linked video pretty much sums up how I feel.

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I don't mind neutral haters who state their non bias opinion "I dislike that, because..." then move on with their lives. The haters I do hate are those bullying Bronies and constantly following the fandom because they like something they don't.


Every fandom imaginable has haters, which fortunately only gives the fandom more power.

Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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There are people who don't like the show, but then there are people who always have to take the time to show everyone how much they hate this fandom with a burning passion. I can't stand the latter.


They either want attention, are too narrow-minded to enjoy the show, or are too shallow to understand anything outside 'lol they're all girly', in short they aren't worth anyone's attention. If someone takes the time to voice their opinion, they dislike the show, but are willing to be civil, listen to the other side and generally not be someone who argues their side without thinking about the opposition, then they're worth the time, but when one says the word 'hater' that's not usually the case. Haters are usually trolls or something similar. And couldn't give two shits about anyone else's opinion other than their own.




Honestly I think the frothing mad haters are just insecure about their masculinity. They can go take a hike.

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hhmmmm give me a minute (gets changeling detector out) (scans thread) its clean i guess i can post now


I think of haters like i think of every other person with a negative opinion on a given subject theres nothing special about them (apart from the ones who use the ctrl C+V responce spouted by everyhater without the ability to look at thing from a diffrent angle there certainly special)


but truth be told there is not much difference between anti-bronys and bronys

  • they allow there time to be used on MLP related things
  • there are a certain about of reasonable hater withing the wave of dumbass's just as there are a amount of dumbass bronys (it the nicest word i could use) within the wave of normal and notso normal bronies
  • they have a fondness for fluttershy and pinkie pie
  • a small majority will have searched for mlp rule 34 (and a fration of them will have looked at it for a tad to long

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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I used to be a hater. Like so many, I jumped on the bandwagon of 'it's a show for little girls, why do you enjoy it?' Then after many people told me to watch it, I did, and enjoyed it.


I honestly believe that some of the haters have good points, but they are flawed in other ways. One of the points is that many bronies (from what I have seen) are way to quick to shove ponies in everyone's face. This only makes the haters hate more. On the other hand, it seems to me that the majority of haters over-generalise the entire brony community, automatically assuming that we are as bad as the few. But, from personal experience, I do not agree with hating on something without trying it first.

top lel

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I guess you could say that I am kind of surprised by all the hate people get for liking this show... I mean i know there are people out there who are quick to judge but honestly what is your opinions?


I dunno, they're just asshats that hate the show. Theyre not even worth talking about! I guess i would hate them if I gave them any thoguht! Thats the biggest insult ever, you know. "I guess I would hate you if I ever thought of you.

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Theres a difference between haters, and people who just think the whole phenomenon is a little bit dumb.

I was the second type of person. for a long time. Those people, I have no hard feelings for, because the initial shock and incredulity of finding out about Bronies is understandable.

Haters are butthurt morons who go out of their way to flame bronies. Those people I never liked, even before I was a Brony.

  • Brohoof 3
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There are some folk who dislike the entire pony thing out of pure butthurt and there are people who just don't like it at all, and will make snide remarks on how it "sucks", but will nonetheless not bother you at all if you don't bring it up. Either way, I can't say I'm inclined to like these people, but I will tolerate their differences & opinions nonetheless.

  • Brohoof 1
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what i say to haters "think I'm trippin', tie my shoe." People should just ignore haters. that's their job, hatin'. plus, who doesn't like mlp???? haters that's who! haters who think they're kewler than everyone else just cuz they have different opinions. ;)

Hey you!

Yeah you!

No, not you, the other guy!

Yeah, YOU!

..... Do you like tacos??

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I tell them that they will forever be a blank flank..

But no really I couldn't care any less



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I don't care if people dislike the show; everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, I don't approve of those who try their best to offend all MLP fans for no reason other than to enforce their masculinity.

"Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence." -Edgar Allan Poe

"It's a sin, my darlin', how I love you because I know our love can never be."

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I see that there are two types of haters: The ones who haven't seen the show and those who have.

The ones that haven't seen it I don't really care about. To hate on something just because you think that it's bad is just ridiculous. You can't judge the book by its cover.

But the ones who have seen the show and still hate it. I haven't heard about many that hates the show after have seen it, I have heard of people who have said: "I can understand why it's popular, but it's not my cup of tea." And whether they hate it or doesn't like it I accept it. They gave it a shot and didn't like what they saw. I don't even now if they could be called haters then... I would call someone who hates it even after watching it a hater, but not someone who dislikes it. There must be some shows that others likes that you have watched and haven't liked. Do you hate the show because of that? Are you called a hater? No, I don't think so...

  • Brohoof 1


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