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gaming What difficulty do you usually start at?


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Pfft, I play games that only have one difficulty: http://tvtropes.org/...in/NintendoHard .


This is what it was like

nowadays you have your difficulty select and bullet time, in the games people (and some still play) played back then, they relied on their own reflexes, not their synthetic-actor allies.

And RPGS! Back then, they had good stories and amazi--

*Someone knocks me out before I got off on one of my 'Old Video Games Were Better' rants*

Edited by Konata-Chan
  • Brohoof 2

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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I usually try it first on normal to see how hard the game is on that difficulty. For FPS I am terrible at for the most part xD lol I will try to play it on the hardest level just to see how long i can last :P



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I usually set games to the hardest available difficulty setting to see what's the best the programmers can throw at me, unless the game concept for whatever reason intimidates me. Afterwards, while playing through the game I completely forget there was a difficulty select option, so even when I'm having a lot of trouble with a section I don't change it to something easier. On subsequent playthroughs I might play on an easier difficulty just to save time.


But like has been mentioned before, most of the "difficulty" consists of bumping the HP and attack values up a bit for enemies. It makes most of the playthroughs play exactly identical, so really I don't think it matters in terms of skill, I just like to have my games last that little bit longer.

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Haha, I feel so ashamed right now but I play on easy most of the time. Sometimes I start at normal, but that's not often. When I beat the game I usually play it again on a harder difficulty if the game was good. But I can't say that I'm a good gamer, I suck at most games :lol:


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It depends on witch game I am playing, if it is a game or a game series I am familiar with then I play on normal/hard. If it is a game I am totally unfamiliar with I take easy. But I really enjoy games with 6-8 difficulty levels than games with 3-4 because those games are much more easy to adjust to your level

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Usually easy. I just don't know what to expect on the normal and hard settings. And to be completely honest... I still bang my head against the keyboard in anger sometimes because a part is too difficult on easy :D

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened...”


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Easy, and I usually don't replay in a higher difficulty. I don't find any fun in getting frustrated, so I like to keep my games less hard.

  • Brohoof 1

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I usually just play Normal. I enjoy moderate, but not brain-numbingly frustrating difficulty where beating a game takes many many tries and a lot of time. But I also dislike breezing through a game as I get bored of it and start to get complacent. So Normal's perfect for me. I always do the first playthrough of all games in Normal so I can get the hang of things.


If I really like a game, and maybe have played it once or several times and have gotten the hang of its system (since it takes me a while to do that), I'll go to Hard for a bit of extra challenge. It's usually not so different though. Especially in KH. I've beaten both KH1 and KH2 on Expert/Proud respectively with only a hint of extra effort. Usually in the beginning because it's harder until you get Cure.

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I like to start off with whatever is the most difficult, for a few different reasons. First off, I like a nice challenge. I find the more difficult something it, the more enjoyment I get out of it, and that's what we look for in games, right? :P


Next would come the fact that I tend to not replay games after beating them once, save for a few exceptions where the game is extremely awesome. If I simply beat a game on normal it's not quite as satisfying, but since I've played through the game once already and remember most of the details about it, playing again on a more difficult setting just wouldn't be as fun. Can't ahve that, cause I simply must beat most games on the hardest difficulty :P


Last would be because it takes me longer to complete on the hardest difficulty. I like games to last a good long while, and if it's too easy it usually doesn't happen. Step up the difficulty and you increase the amount of play-time you get out of it. It's as simple as that.



Oh yes, I almost forgot the most important reason; So I can tell people "Lulz. U bet da gaem on EZ, U nub I wun on teh HARDZ! Hur hur im bettur then U."

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I like to start off with whatever is the most difficult, for a few different reasons. First off, I like a nice challenge. I find the more difficult something it, the more enjoyment I get out of it, and that's what we look for in games, right? :P


Next would come the fact that I tend to not replay games after beating them once, save for a few exceptions where the game is extremely awesome. If I simply beat a game on normal it's not quite as satisfying, but since I've played through the game once already and remember most of the details about it, playing again on a more difficult setting just wouldn't be as fun. Can't ahve that, cause I simply must beat most games on the hardest difficulty :P


Last would be because it takes me longer to complete on the hardest difficulty. I like games to last a good long while, and if it's too easy it usually doesn't happen. Step up the difficulty and you increase the amount of play-time you get out of it. It's as simple as that.



Oh yes, I almost forgot the most important reason; So I can tell people "Lulz. U bet da gaem on EZ, U nub I wun on teh HARDZ! Hur hur im bettur then U."


Have you ever played Tales Of Symphonia? That game sucked out so much time. And what about Phantasy Star Episode I And II (Blue Burst optional) for the PC and GC? Those two games took more than a year and a half out of me, and I still haven't gotten my Flow genes from P. Star.


And for Symphonia, you want things to be as easy for you as possible to experience the story without breaking it up by hours of farming *cough*FF*cough*Phantasy Star*cough*EVERY RPG*cough*


Playing it Hard for would be (hard, duh.) so time consuming you might get bored. And consider what if you don't like the game half-way through? Would you rather have discovered that after putting in ten hours, or fifty?

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Depends on which game. If there are 3 difficulties I start on hard if I play a racing game and normal for every other genre. If there are 4 I usually play on the 3rd difficulty.

The only game I am considering easy at the moment is "Shogun2:Fall of the Samurai" because the AI(and the time limit) give me hell on normal.


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Normal or Hard.

Some times on easy when I don't feel like playing seriously.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


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I almost always play on normal first, but recently I've been starting FPS games on the second hardest (whatever that may be). Only game I don't mind playing on easy is Alien Swarm with onslaught enabled. If I really liked the game (or am just bored), I'll sometimes go back and play through on the hardest setting.


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with FPS's i bump it up to the hardest setting to i can run though once and not have to do it again other then that i start a normal and if i enjoy the game i'll playit at its harder seting but i prefer organic difficulty like playing though Deus Ex human revolution with out being spotted or juat play Dark Souls games are only as hard as you make it.

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Normal is usually my starting difficulty.


I'll bump it up to hard or very hard (or the equivalent in the particular game) after a few completions of the campaign.



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Any game, I start on the highest difficulty.


For me, it's a steeper, faster learning curve. Helps me get into it faster.


Then I usually end up beating it and setting it to a higher one.

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I always start at the highest difficulty possible, even if I've never played a game like it before. It just doesn't seem fun when you are having an easy time.


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Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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