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Hello everypony

I'm very paranoid since I was a child and I bet I'm not the only one. I just want to ask and compare my experiences to  others. Feel free to share them with me, or what caused you to be paranoid, or what you THINK might cause being paranoid. If you have any questions on my paranoia or something (because some of my habits might be interesting :lol:), feel free to ask.

There are some of my paranoid events:

- I'm always checking the mirror in my room, just in case.

- Time to time, I check what's behind my back (while writing this I checked twice).

- I shower with the glass door open.

- I'm brushing my teeth with a bath behind my back, so I have covered back and I can see the mirror, the door, the shower and the space that would be behind my back if I wouldn't do so.

- In the evening/night, I must have all the lights turned on.

- When I go to the sleep, I close my eyes before I turn the light off. When I wake up, I keep them closed before I turn the light on.

- It can be hot like in hell, but I never sleep with uncovered legs, feet and ear.

- When I'm lying in the bath, time to time I check the space next to the tube.

- After getting pranked with a screamer, I have constant fear for at least 2 weeks, I try to avoid mirrors and the red lights.

- I never go on toilet when I wake up in the night.

- I can get myself paranoid just by a though (I used to do this a lot when I was a kid, my mom was sleeping and I said to myself "what if she´s dead" or in the night, I though "what if she was murdered in sleep and now is dead" or "what if there's someone in that dark room which we don't use"... stuff like that)


I think this is enough for now. I´ll leave space for the others, in time, I´ll add another.


Edited by Cocodrillo

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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When i was 9/10 i swallowed a gobstopper whole.


It lodged in my throat and I couldn't breath, luckily my body managed to cough it back up or i might have died.


Because of this i can eat or let anyone else near me each gobstoppers or ANY sucky sweets and lately i also can't let people chew gum because you could die from swallowing it ><.

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I was once going up the ladder into the attic, but I hadn't made sure that the safety catches were in, so when I stepped on the second section the whole ladder collapsed, and I tore my arm open on a sharp edge :( Now I rarely go up there, and when I do I have to make sure that the locks are in, like 50 times.


- After getting pranked with a screamer, I have constant fear for at least 2 weeks, I try to avoid mirrors and the red lights.



I actually go back on the screamer website once or twice, that way I'm more 'used to it' and it isn't as of frightening a thought anymore :P.

top lel

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- It can be hot like in hell, but I never sleep with uncovered legs, feet and ear.


I used to be just like that. It was just recently that I started "daring" to sleep with uncovered feet, legs and ears.


Signature made by Midnightive

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If I'm downstairs doing something and the lights suddenly go out, I run for my life. :(


When I'm outside, and I see somebody behind me, I immediately think they're following me and run across the street towards the other sidewalk, cars or no cars.


If I notice that I have a cut on my hand/face/whatever, and people are nearby, I immediately think that I've been infected.


If someone coughs near me, I run for my life.


That's all I can think of at the moment.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I'm very paranoid. I am constantly thinking of ways to survive the apocalypse, or if everyone around died but me. I never go to the bathroom if it's midnight exactly. I always leave the shower curtain open when I'm not using it. Whenever I get hurt, I try to avoid anything related to it until I forget. I feel exposed if my back is uncovered. Before I go to bed, I make sure all the doors are locked, even though my neighborhood is relatively safe.


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Ok honeys, some more stuff from Coco:


- When I'm walking the street and someone goes behind me, I take a key in between my fingers so I can scratch with it, or I try to make the stranger think I'm calling or texting

- I have the roof windows, so I'm afraid of looking up.

- When I was a child, I never wanted to close the windows in the night, not even move close to them. Now it is the same but I don't have to because the point before this.

- I'm afraid of waking up in different place or different body

- I never ever open my eyes while lying, falling asleep or waking up in the night.

- Once I heard a noise in a room so I waited with a glass behind the doors... well, it was mom.

Edited by Cocodrillo
  • Brohoof 1

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok honeys, some more stuff from Coco:


- When I´m walking the street and someone goes behind me, I take a key in between my fingers so I can stratch with it, or I try the stranger to think I´m calling or texting

- I have the roof windows, so I´m afraid of looking up.

- When I was a child, I never wanted to close the windows in the night, not even move close to them. Now it is the same but I don´t have to because the point before this.

- I´m afraid of waking up in different place or different body

- I never ever open my eyes while lying, falling asleep or waking up in the night.

- Once I heard a noise in a room so I waited with a glass behing the doors... well, it was mom.


Haha, I remember when I was like that. But you can get rid of it by not doing it, no matter how odd it feels. :D It feels bad, but eventually, you'll get to know you don't have to fear anything.
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I'm not really paranoid, but I have to sleep with covers on. Can't let the monsters get me :o.

  • Brohoof 1


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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I have this REAL BIG paranoia of spiders or bugs crawling on me


everytime I feel a sweat drop I almost instantly think it's a bug of some sort



I even get the paranoia when playing certain video games with bugs of any kind in them, specifically Borderlands



I just now freaked out thinking of those Borderlands worms, those things are creepy :blink:


Edited by ds8


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I'm somewhat paranoid. I always try to sit in corners, with my back to the wall so I can see everything in the room. When I know somebody is behind me and it isn't friends or family (or someone else I trust), I'll use sounds, their shadow, and reflective objects to keep track of them without them knowing, so of they try anything, I can deliver a swift back-kick directly to their knee and make my escape while they're down. I'll also turn off any music I'm listening to, but leave my headphones in so they think I can't hear them.

If I have a drink, I'll loosen the lid so I can easily throw the liquid into the face of an attacker to distract them.


I also constantly think people are watching me, be it other people in the room, or hidden cameras. Even in my own home, I'll randomly search for cameras, usually under the guise of looking for something I lost. I also try to guess where cameras might be and try to stick to the blind spots. I do this in stores, as well, especially when they have the blacked out domes around them so you can't see where they're looking.

I'll often try to hide my fear by trash talking empty rooms, just in case someone hid a microphone. If someone did, then they think I'm on to them, and if I'm wrong, the room is empty and nobody is around to think I'm crazy :)


It does get a bit annoying at times :/

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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im kinda paranoid ._.

i always check my back

i look every where while walking alone

im afraid to turn my head, just in case some monster is staring at me or something XD

i empty my glass before i fill it again (against poisons ><)

i always looking for the closet weapon

i have a big wooden stick near my bad and fake guns in case of a thieve


thats what i remember ._.




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Generally I will avoid, corrupt, or hinder people whom I see as a threat, legitimately or illegitimately. Also I switch personalities from time to time, for motives I am not gonna elaborate on.

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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I even get the paranoia when playing certain video games with bugs of any kind in them, specifically Borderlands


i am not paranoid, i do have some odd habits pertaining to mental health issues, but not paranoia...




my boyfriend and i played in the arena all day one sunday (& did pretty well i might add). by the time we went to bed i was seeing the monsters with my eyes closed and dreampt about them all night. it was so bizarre! we dont spend all day marathons on borderlands anymore... try and switch it up a bit... ;)

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


Say hi to me on Gaia, username: SkrinkleAndSkrod

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I'm really paranoid about trust. Along time ago my old friends would use me because I would always trust them and do anything for them. Then I found out they were using me and it made me really paranoid about trusting anyone. I always feel like my current friends are plotting against me and taking advantage of me. (Don't know if i'm the only one but it feels good to talk about it.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used to be afraid of darkness, but now it's not a problem. However, I do have other paranoia like:

- checking EVERYTHING thousand times. For example: I know I locked the door, but I just have to check it once again! Also I check every message few times before I send it ( I'm even doing it right now).

- HUGE fear of death. Not mine, but other people. When someone is late, my first though is "OMG, he must be dead!". The scariest thing is that one time my predictions were right :( . I also sometimes have nightmares, in which my parents die, this is really scary.

- Not sure if this is a paranoia, but I over-analyse everything. I always try to read between the lines and find some secret meaning.

- I can see conspiracy EVERYWHERE. Really, I love conspiracy theories. I'm convinced that we live in a lie and all governments hide some secrets.

"When all the truth does

is make your heart ache

sometimes a lie

is easier to take"

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- It can be hot like in hell, but I never sleep with uncovered legs, feet and ear. - When I´m lying in the bath, time to time I check the space next to the tube.

These two things I still do. I just find it strange sleeping without my ear or feet covered. I don't know why I just hate the feeling that someone is behind you.


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I'm not really paranoid. Sometimes if I saw something creepy on the internet I'll be a bit jumpy at night for a couple days, but other than that nothing much for me.

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If im out at night walking around I have to have black zip up hoodie, black pants, ripped gray v-neck shirt, And large black skate shoes. I feel no one would mug such a suspicios character.

  • Brohoof 1

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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I'm pretty paranoid about particular sounds. My ears are very sensitive and my they can somewhat act as my second pair of eyes. I'm fine with what I can see for the most part, but I absolutely hate it when I hear something from an unknown source. Usually, the noise source turns out to be just a rabbit though.

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- HUGE fear of death. Not mine, but other people. When someone is late, my first though is "OMG, he must be dead!". The scariest thing is that one time my predictions were right :( . I also sometimes have nightmares, in which my parents die, this is really scary.

- Not sure if this is a paranoia, but I over-analyse everything. I always try to read between the lines and find some secret meaning.


I sort of do both of these. If I'm unsure, I usually assume the worst. Like of I text one of my friends while they're on vacation and they don't reply, I start thinking "oh shit, something horrible happened and they're in the hospital". Even when I know they're safe, of they don't reply soon, I start thinking that I did something to offend them and that they're really angry with me. The fact that this has actually happened twice within the last few years makes it worse :(


I also over analyze things. Tone of voice, word choice, sentence structure, even what punctuation they used in written communication is all analyzed and used to draw conclusions on what they're thinking. If I say "hey, let's play some TF2", and they say "okay", I think "oh man, he doesn't sound like he wants to, otherwise his reply probably would've been longer, and he would've sounded more excited. He doesn't want to, but he's too nice a guy to say so, so he's willing to be bored for awhile just because he's such a good friend." and I hate it when I inconvinience my friends (idiots and jerks are fair game, though, especially when they're driving really slowly on the highway), and I start apologizing, and they're like "what do you mean? It's fine, I want to play TF2 as well...". Simple things like that get me really worked up :/

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I've always been paranoid. Just comes naturally, I guess. The fears I can remember are:


~ I refuse to go outside during a storm. This is because when I was 8 at my grandfather's house there was a tornado nearby, though we didn't know about it till the morning. He lived on a barn, so his house was rocking back and forth all night long. I'm terrified of any kind of big storm.

~ I always feel like I'm being watched. I constantly look around to see who's watching me, and it's really bad in public, because I feel like every single person there is silently judging me.

~ I'm terrified of public speaking. The last one pretty much explains it

~ I've always been afraid of someone murdering my family, but not me. Just leaving me alone without anyone there with me. I'm more scared of being alone than death.

~ I always curl up when I go to sleep, because I always seem to think that if my hand dangles off the edge something will bite me.

~ I'm always nervous when I swim in the ocean. I move slowly because I'm afraid of stingrays. I'm actually not that scared of sharks, I'm just terrified of stepping on a stingray since they're pretty common where I live.

~ I'm always paranoid that someone I trust will betray me. It's very difficult for me to warm up to someone, because I'm terrified of being betrayed.


But yeah, that's all I can remember for now.

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  • 1 year later...

I might be paranoid, I don't know.

I generally hide myself quite alot.

When I shower the door must be closed.

And playing PC is the same. I hate it when I'm in the study and the door is open,  I feel more vulnerable then


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