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Lord Theoretical

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I prefer English dubs over subs. If I want to watch an Anime series I'd rather hear it in my native tongue rather than having to read the text at the bottom of the screen.



This.^ Whenever I look up an anime on youtube, there's always that ungreatful jerk that says "English dub sux. Lol." Just shut up. I like the original voices too, but reading the captions tires my eyes. And they say that the ORIGINAL is ALWAYS better than the dub. That is usually true but there ARE a few exceptions, like when a character sounds too childish for what they are drawn to look like, the dubs sometimes make up for that.

  • Brohoof 3

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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This. I hate the hypocrisy of atheists that claim they are one "because they have a more open mind" but then start violently and caustically dismissing other people beliefs and shitting all over them.


I'm an atheist and I agree. We talk about how religion preaches things they don't follow and then we do it ourselves.
  • Brohoof 5

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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I'm an atheist and I agree. We talk about how religion preaches things they don't follow and then we do it ourselves.


Hilariously, Penn of Penn and Teller awesomely subverted the stereotype because he said he respects people who preach their religion because he would consider it selfish if you were sure you held the secret to eternal happiness and life and DIDN'T try to tell people.  

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Hm, let's see!


  • There is nothing wrong with consensual incest.
  • Sports are incredibly boring.
  • The Brony fandom is not a "Godsend" of any kind, it's not perfect, so stop taking it so seriously. It's a cartoon.
  • God doesn't exist.
  • The Christian God, if he did exist, wouldn't be worth worshiping.
  • Hot weather is awful, I prefer rain.
  • Mario games are generally extremely boring games redone over and over again.

I can probably list some more later.

  • Brohoof 4


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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This. I hate the hypocrisy of atheists that claim they are one "because they have a more open mind" but then start violently and caustically dismissing other people beliefs and shitting all over them.  


I usually can't stand anyone who uses terms like that. It makes them sound like illiterate conspiracy theorist idiots who think they're better than everyone else.


People who say nonsense like "I'm 'aware'", or "you're all sheep" need to step back into reality for a few seconds and realize how much of a jackass they're sounding like.

  • Brohoof 3
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I usually can't stand anyone who uses terms like that. It makes them sound like illiterate conspiracy theorist idiots who think they're better than everyone else.


People who say nonsense like "I'm 'aware'", or "you're all sheep" need to step back into reality for a few seconds and realize how much of a jackass they're sounding like.


It's especially funny when you see a conspiracy theorist that tells you "don't blindly believe the media" then proceeds to believe every crazy claim any underground news source makes just because it's not the mainstream saying it.

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Here's another list:


I believe that there is a God, and He is definitely worth worshipping.


I believe what the Bible says is true.


I believe that the earth was created and didn't evolve.

  • Brohoof 4

This was made possible by Sir Lunashy. img-1701756-4-a18x3XT.png

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It's especially funny when you see a conspiracy theorist that tells you "don't blindly believe the media" then proceed to believe every crazy claim any underground news source makes just because it's not the mainstream saying.  




They sit there talking about how "corrupt" the media is and how they're "trying to control the minds of the young by brainwashing them through propaganda fueled media" or some bull like that, then see a post by some conspiracy twitter page that says some nonsense like "TAP WATER WITH FLOURIDE HAS KILLED MILLIONS IN THE LAST YEAR!" and believe it without question. Speaking of that,


There is no NWO, 9/11 wasn't an inside job, vaccines aren't harmful and the government isn't poisoning your water supply with "deadly" flouride. Just because some "truth seeking" idiot on Twitter said that planes are spewing "chemtrails" (LOL!) into the air doesn't mean it's true.
As I was typing this I saw something on Twitter that said "WTC BUILDING 7 WASN'T HIT BY A PLANE! ITS A CONSPIRACY!", and everyone was believing it. Screw what all of the experts are saying, they had to have planted explosives, amirite?
Edited by Rivendare
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This. I hate the hypocrisy of atheists that claim they are one "because they have a more open mind" but then start violently and caustically dismissing other peoples beliefs and shitting all over them.  

Yes. I'm an atheist, and I hate with all my heart the religious people that insult me for being that way, even if I haven't said nothing to them. I respect all religions, and all beliefs, of course; so I think, why the hell there are people that criticizes you because of having any belief?

  • Brohoof 4
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I think that Adventure Time is better than Steven Universe. The latter has been decent so far in my opinion, and has the potential to become great, but it isn't there yet.

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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I think minimum wage should be lower. It's not meant to be a wage to live off of, it's meant as a starting block and if a person works hard enough, they get a raise that matches their efforts, talents, and desire. Also the rich people of the country shouldn't be pressured into giving away their money. It would be nice if they did, but they shouldn't be obligated to. They're rich for a reason because they worked hard early in their career. You can argue that some have benefited from being born into wealth or stealing the work of a former partner, but re-distributing wealth is a kick to the crotch of the American dream, to be successful and make money. The responsible people of society who paid their dues and worked for their money should not be responsible for the irresponsible people who blew it with poor decisions and/or their own personal laziness. Guess that makes me a Spencer/Darwin fan doesn't it? Survival of the fittest and all that jazz. Also Trixie is a pony whore.

I have to agree with this. Besides, when they raise it, everything else goes up anyway, so why bother?

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Just a gentle reminder: This thread is for stating unpopular opinions. Further discussion should be done in other threads or via PM. At least add a new opinion to your post if you must discuss someone else's post, mmkay?


Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Here's another list:


I believe that there is a God, and He is definitely worth worshipping.


I believe what the Bible says is true.


I believe that the earth was created and didn't evolve.



I think that Adventure Time is better than Steven Universe. The latter has been decent so far in my opinion, and has the potential to become great, but it isn't there yet.



I thought this thread was for unpopular opinions, not widely-held opinions that aren't particularly unpopular at all... .-. Seriously, packmule, your opinions are literally a whole religion, why on Earth are you stating them here? :huh:


But if we're going down that road now...


I think pizza's tasty.

Edited by Koelath
  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, since someone mentioned conspiracies a few posts ago, here's an unpopular opinion.

Conspiracies DO happen and the "anti-conspiracy" crowd is usually (not always but usually) mistaken. You should seek a second opinion and reading this article is a good way to do just that: http://www.infowars.com/33-conspiracy-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-true-what-every-person-should-know/


I will give three quick examples.

-The World Trade Center towers and WTC Building 7 almost certainly were brought down in a controlled demolition; watch "9-11: Explosive Evidence" by Richard Gage and the organization Architects And Engineers For 9-11 Truth.
-Fluoride is a neurotoxin and cannot be considered harmless; read "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson for the full case.
-Many cures/treatments for cancer are being suppressed by pharmaceutical companies; read "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin and "The Cancer Cure That Worked" by Barry Lynes.


I would mention something about JFK, but most people already know that his death was a conspiracy par excellence. For those who are still living under a rock, read "JFK And The Unspeakable" by James Douglass.




  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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I thought this thread was for unpopular opinions, not widely-held opinions that aren't particularly unpopular at all... .-. Seriously, packmule, your opinions are literally a whole religion, why on Earth are you stating them here? :huh:

But if we're going down that road now...

I think pizza's tasty.

OK yes it's a whole religion that's my bad, but it's not always popular to have a religious stand point. I can tell you that from what I've seen, and something that is widespread doesn't necessarily make it popular. Something that is popular in one area might not be popular in another. There also are several posts saying that there is no God. Atheism is also pretty widespread and popular amongamong some people.


Basically, what I was trying to say in the first place was that my stand point (Christian/Baptist) isn't always popular.

Edited by packmule1123

This was made possible by Sir Lunashy. img-1701756-4-a18x3XT.png

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I thought this thread was for unpopular opinions, not widely-held opinions that aren't particularly unpopular at all... .-.

Well, it's just that on here, at least, I've seen mostly praise for Steven Universe, and quite a few people who dislike Adventure Time.

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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I vastly support my own kind. (LGBTQIAP)

The US still needs more socialism.

The only soda that's good carbonated is Dr. Pepper. (Pepsi tastes good when it's flat, and most every other soda tastes like shit.)

Applejack is extremely overrated.

I see so much wrong in this thread. I'm an atheist, never shoved atheism down another person's throat. Nor has any I know. Really Christians are the real hypocrites, historically. No I'm serious. Look at your historical facts.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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I don't really care for League of Legends. I don't like games with steep learning curves and I just can't get into it.


I see so much wrong in this thread. I'm an atheist, never shoved atheism down another person's throat. Nor has any I know. Really Christians are the real hypocrites, historically. No I'm serious. Look at your historical facts.


If you look on the internet you'll find plenty. /r athiesm and TheAmazingAthiest anyone?


Also keep in mind this is NOT an attack on Athiests, this is just directed at those who are rather obnoxious about their beliefs by calling anyone who is not an Athiest "delusional", "an idiot" or "people who should stop believing in fairy tales". Like it or not, it's still a form of bigotry and any Athiest who acts like that are just as bad as any Christian bigot. And yes, we are all aware of the atrocities Christians have commited throughout history however that does NOT make all Christians hypocrites. Like all religions there are moderates and there are extremists. Athiests are not exempt from this.

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I don't really care for League of Legends. I don't like games with steep learning curves and I just can't get into it.



If you look on the internet you'll find plenty. /r athiesm and TheAmazingAthiest anyone?


Also keep in mind this is NOT an attack on Athiests, this is just directed at those who are rather obnoxious about their beliefs by calling anyone who is not an Athiest "delusional", "an idiot" or "people who should stop believing in fairy tales". Like it or not, it's still a form of bigotry and any Athiest who acts like that are just as bad as any Christian bigot. And yes, we are all aware of the atrocities Christians have commited throughout history however that does NOT make all Christians hypocrites. Like all religions there are moderates and there are extremists. Athiests are not exempt from this.


Look, I hate it when other atheists try to chalk up being Christian/religious as "stupid", but the HUGE difference between the bigotry of some Christians and that of the more extreme atheists is that the bigotry of those particular Christians is very deeply ingrained in our society and is even very improperly in our legislation.


I honestly don't care much if some atheist is being mean on the internet. People like The Amazing Atheist are most likely just trying to be funny anyway. The Christians who happen to be bigoted are entirely serious and have power over society and law.


Anyway, my unpopular opinion of the day (since I have to by the rules, I guess): The 80s are my least favorite decade in music.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I don't see why people feel the need to post 45 status updates a day. It makes this place feel like Twitter. It isn't really a big deal and I know I don't have to read all of the status updates, but I'm just sayin'.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, I don't like fluttershy. I hate peanut butter on anything except crackers. I don't like it when people tell me that Gen 5 of Pokémon sucked, cause it didn't, that was my first Pokémon game, I dislike gen oners. I love emboar because tepig was my first starter ever and it was so cute and NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHER WISE BECAUSE I think THEY ARE WRONG!!!! I love super training in Pokémon. I feel like people who like alicorns can't make up their minds about whether they want to be a unicorn, Pegasus or earth pony. I don't like how minecraft mods seem so COMPLICATED to install.

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I dislike how you can be there for your friends when ever they need cheering up or they just need some pony to talk to, but when you need it... its like they can't just give you 5mins of there time...   

  • Brohoof 4


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Yay, a new one:


Final Fantasy has never been better than it is now. The whole "oldschool FF renewal" thing is boring. Bravely Default looks too much like FFIIIDS for me to have any real interest in it. I'll still get it, it could still wow me, but that doesn't change the fact that it looks like shit to me.

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