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Scared to be a brony0_0

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Oh god I see where this going, let's just close the can of worms before they all get out people. I spent long enough defusing this in the facebook group I left to know how this all goes down.

  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Don't be afraid of bullies like that(no catholic who acts like that is much of a catholic to me, who is also catholic), there's no reason to be scared of being a brony or believing what you believe in as long as you're proud of it! :D


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I don't mean to offend anyone, but FUCK CHURCHES. Gay marriage is perfectly fine, but associating gays directly with bronies is completely incorrect. This shit is why I'm agnostic. Churches believe that they can teach just about anything and people should believe it or they're going to hell. That's like commenting on something and if someone disagrees with that then they are wrong or that they need to be cleansed or that they're going to hell.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Okay, a church. See, I can't believe this. I am not a lesbian, but....really? I know it is not what an average person does, but really? Don't judge because the bible says so, think that there is a connection with brony and gay. God, what is the world coming to? Bronies know better then to judge. So might as well have a brony preacher and stuff. Seriously, watching colorful undersized horses frolicking around is bad?! I'm sorry, I was just remembering a stupid comment on YouTube. Anyways, I don't think they can hurt you. That would be bad. I went to a mass for a rosary and I didn't hear much because I wasn't listening but it said something like Mathew wrote the gospel so blahblahblah is not blahblahblah. I still don't think that would be bad, God has a path for everyone, why would he make you love someone of the same sex if it was a sin? You can't really help who you fall in love with.

Princess Kenny is best princess.

What? Kenny?! I said Twilight, silly. Check your ears.

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I go to church (being a PK and all) but that's a little extreme, we usually have sermons on those churches sermons lol :)

but am i scared to be a brony no... I'm scared of what people will think ;)


Okay, a church. See, I can't believe this. I am not a lesbian, but....really? I know it is not what an average person does, but really? Don't judge because the bible says so, think that there is a connection with brony and gay. God, what is the world coming to? Bronies know better then to judge. So might as well have a brony preacher and stuff. Seriously, watching colorful undersized horses frolicking around is bad?! I'm sorry, I was just remembering a stupid comment on YouTube. Anyways, I don't think they can hurt you. That would be bad. I went to a mass for a rosary and I didn't hear much because I wasn't listening but it said something like Mathew wrote the gospel so blahblahblah is not blahblahblah. I still don't think that would be bad, God has a path for everyone, why would he make you love someone of the same sex if it was a sin? You can't really help who you fall in love with.


and it actually is a sin, you won't go to hell there isn't a sin that can't be forgiven but a sin is a sin all are equally bad in the eyes of God but he looks the other way if you know him (i'm not preaching i'm just clarifying, i'm done now X3 Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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and it actually is a sin, you won't go to hell there isn't a sin that can't be forgiven but a sin is a sin all are equally bad in the eyes of God but he looks the other way if you know him (i'm not preaching i'm just clarifying, i'm done now X3


Yeah, okay. Btw, the comment recieved too many negative votes and I was on ipad, couldn't see it, but from other comments it was something like "OMG watching mlp is like worshipping the devil. That is a sin!" or something. Yeah, watching pastel colored under sized horses frolick around is a sin. It was just so stupid.

Princess Kenny is best princess.

What? Kenny?! I said Twilight, silly. Check your ears.

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This is a reason why I don't go to church. It can be a real pain dealing with them, just to learn their understanding of religion.


I'll stay home and learn what is told by my parents.


GameGrumps is a Match made in heaven :D Youtube www.youtube.com/swordmaster1337

I do fifa, and lets plays

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This is a reason why I don't go to church. It can be a real pain dealing with them, just to learn their understanding of religion.


I'll stay home and learn what is told by my parents.


I don't believe it was just the church nuts but the fact that any an all that suported the gay rights form. I feel more less that they where trying to scare ppl to not to to sign it like there where trying to make a example out of ppl that did sign it. Much like the chickfelat where lots of ppl flocked to them when they said we don't approve of gay marige but they would still keep taking there money Edited by ᵑ̰ᵅ͞ᵐ̳⅀⁶͢͢²
  • Brohoof 1
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So I wake up in the morning go down stairs an check my mail an let's see what we got here. bills bills bills bills 50% on pizza an wings hmmm oh my an a MSG from a church near me0___0...


So at first I'm thinking oh it must be some kinda invite to come to church but then I look at it more an more an its a private letter from them. So I open it an what I see you will never believe. Dear blank blank blank (not going to tell my name) we have gotten notice from one of our sources that you have signed a form on a site to legalize gay marriage -____- an it may of just been that I sighened that form but they also inclouded that I am apart of the brony community an that I should come to on of there private sessions of cleansing. At first I was like wtf?!?!? An then I started thinking I wonder if my pony friends in my area got this to (we all sighed that form) so I MSG them on Skype hey anyone els get that weird church letter all them go u to? So that leads me to now I'm kinda scared to be a brony an a supporter of stuff. I'm not scared easily but it got worse then that so my thing to you is have you ever been scared to be a brony this also relates to school kids that said they where bronys got beat the hell up an teachers well we all know how that goes....


But getting back to the point are you scared or does this show that the brony community is growing an ppl should be happy over being scared?


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... what denomination is that church? The only churches I've ever heard of that follow your online life and suggest you attend a "private session of cleansing" are extremist and very isolated groups. I can safely say that my church (conservative as it is) would never pull crap like that, and I don't think that most churches would. I mean, yeah, most churches might be concerned if some parishioners supported gay marriage, but that makes sense since it does go against Christian doctrine and beliefs, but (1) it doesn't sound like you're a parishioner at that church, so they shouldn't be snooping into your business at all in the first place, and (2) making an issue about you being a brony, I mean c'mon, that's ridiculous!!! Now look, I wouldn't be scared at all or anything, whatever congregation decided to do this, I'm sure, stupid as it was, that they're well meaning and just doing this as part of some mission or reach-out program (although it is still a little disconcerting that they went out of their way to get some online information about you). Now if they keep sending you invitations, I wouldn't worry about that at all, but if they do ever send anything that contains more information about your online activities, I'd send a polite request to that congregation to stop, since that's highly inappropriate.


As for your question, no, I'm not scared being a brony or anything, since (1) most people don't know I'm a brony, (2) a lot of people still don't know what a brony is, and (3) even if people learn what a brony is, most people are rational beings who wouldn't make that big of a deal out of it. Now, to be fair, I guess it helps that I am a college student, and trust me, bullying officially ends once one gets to college, even though there are still plenty of jack-offs in college, so I really don't have to worry about bullying now. If I were in high school or younger, I definitely would be more worried than I am if anypony found out about my bronyhood at school.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Afraid? Cleansing? PPFFFTTTTT


Ohh geez. Honestly there's no need for you to be afraid...uerrmmm...I don't understand your username so I'll call you billy! Well Billy, the bible honestly has been read in wrong ways. A majority take it FAR too seriously


Don't listen to the religious whack jobs out there, they say you're possessed or confused or dealing with the devil's worship! Being a fan of ponies from a innocent TV Show doesn't mean you're a soldier of satan or that you need cleansing. You're perfectly fine who you are billy

  • Brohoof 1
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... what denomination is that church? The only churches I've ever heard of that follow your online life and suggest you attend a "private session of cleansing" are extremist and very isolated groups. I can safely say that my church (conservative as it is) would never pull crap like that, and I don't think that most churches would. I mean, yeah, most churches might be concerned if some parishioners supported gay marriage, but that makes sense since it does go against Christian doctrine and beliefs, but (1) it doesn't sound like you're a parishioner at that church, so they shouldn't be snooping into your business at all in the first place, and (2) making an issue about you being a brony, I mean c'mon, that's ridiculous!!! Now look, I wouldn't be scared at all or anything, whatever congregation decided to do this, I'm sure, stupid as it was, that they're well meaning and just doing this as part of some mission or reach-out program (although it is still a little disconcerting that they went out of their way to get some online information about you). Now if they keep sending you invitations, I wouldn't worry about that at all, but if they do ever send anything that contains more information about your online activities, I'd send a polite request to that congregation to stop, since that's highly inappropriate.


As for your question, no, I'm not scared being a brony or anything, since (1) most people don't know I'm a brony, (2) a lot of people still don't know what a brony is, and (3) even if people learn what a brony is, most people are rational beings who wouldn't make that big of a deal out of it. Now, to be fair, I guess it helps that I am a college student, and trust me, bullying officially ends once one gets to college, even though there are still plenty of jack-offs in college, so I really don't have to worry about bullying now. If I were in high school or younger, I definitely would be more worried than I am if anypony found out about my bronyhood at school.


Well more less as I saw how close it was to the chickfelat problem I more less goesed it was a private groups but still it was still crazy I aswell now am no longer scared :)


Afraid? Cleansing? PPFFFTTTTT


Ohh geez. Honestly there's no need for you to be afraid...uerrmmm...I don't understand your username so I'll call you billy! Well Billy, the bible honestly has been read in wrong ways. A majority take it FAR too seriously


Don't listen to the religious whack jobs out there, they say you're possessed or confused or dealing with the devil's worship! Being a fan of ponies from a innocent TV Show doesn't mean you're a soldier of satan or that you need cleansing. You're perfectly fine who you are billy


Its name62
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Well, I know it's all said and done, and I'm immensely happy that these wackos aren't scaring you anymore.


If you're still unsure whether or not to openly say you're brony, at things such as school and whatnot, maybe try letting people know very gradually. Heck, try to make some of your friends bronies! Trust me - if you have one friend in school, or who's with you often that is also a brony, you're going to feel a lot better.


If that had already been said earlier in the thread, or it's irrelevant, sorry XD Too sleepy to think straight!


As a side note - if any priest of the Catholic church says vile things about people with homosexual tendencies, they are dead wrong. Pope Benedict XVI himself stated that "...the inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin..." (although he did, following that statement, say that it is often a very strong tendency towards sin). Cardinal Ratzinger also said (forgive me for not remembering the exact quote at the moment) that it disgusts him, and it is a horrible thing that a homosexual should be the subject of any violence or hatred/harassment because of their tendencies - that Church pastors should condemn any such behavior, and teach that homosexuals should indeed be loved and tolerated.


That is not to say that the church believes gay marriage, or homosexual actions are not sins - yes, they are, but the tendency towards homosexuality is not. I guess it can be likened to the sin of gluttony (or any other temptation!), in a way - is the desire to continue eating amazing, delectable foods, even after you've had your fill, a sin? No - to hold someone accountable of what they are tempted to do would be absolutely, utterly preposterous. Acting on that temptation and eating way more than you should however, would be a sin.


I've always been a Catholic, myself - do I believe gay marriage is a sin? Yeah, I do. Would I ever not be friends with someone who's homosexual? Of course I'd be friends with them, man. I've had some pretty awesome friends who also happen to be homosexual. Hate the sin, not the sinner...just as long as they don't go hitting on me ;P.


Anyways...I've sort of rambled off a bit. Very sorry for that. Again, I'm glad these guys have stopped freaking harassing you. That's absolutely insane - they should be ashamed of themselves.

Edited by Trixie Lulamoon
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Personally, I'm only an open brony on the internet, but in real life, I'm a closet brony. No one knows about my approval for the show, and I doubt there's very many other bronies in my area. However, if I was asked whether or not I was a brony, I could certainly say yes and wouldn't think twice about defending bronies or MLP.






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Oh man. These fanatics. Make me ashamed to say I'm part of a religion. They are so very annoying. Don't give in to their crazy demands. Like others said, if they do it again, or try something crazier, call the police. The church has no legal power over you.


EDIT: Heck, look at my signature! "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgive." Luke 6:37.


If they don't like something you do, throw this verse in their face! Judging is for God to do, not them.

Edited by Archangel
  • Brohoof 1

"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


"In the beginning, God created the heavens, the Earth, and Octavia, who is best pony." Genesis 1:1

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Whoa dude, that's creepy how the church somehow found out that you signed something online. A notice from one of their "sources"...sounds pretty stalker-ish to me. Anyway, I don't think they can do anything bad about it, so I wouldn't worry. They shouldn't care about what you do online. If it does get really bad somehow, I'm sure you could just call the police and go to a different church.

Edited by spaghettinoodles
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This is amazing, honestly the best think Ive seem written about it ever.


I think this just about sum's up my feeling's on the matter (in a much better written way then me :) ).


Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME!         


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Ok. I entered this topic seeing something about freedom of speech and gay marriage. Here's the thing:

Freedom of speech: Government can't stop you from saying whatever you want. The mods and higher ups can.

I'm not sure where the bible says homosexuality is a sin but I trust science on it being technically bad. See, the sperm that only males produce has to fertilize the egg cell the female produces to produce babies. 2 egg cells can't make babies and 2 sperm cells can't make babies. Sorry to say but science wins on that part.

But since it causes minimal harm, I don't care about gays.


For parents reading this, sorry for subjecting your kids to a brief course on reproduction.

Edited by Xidphel
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meh, I can't stand fanatic churches........even the frickin' POPE doesn't approve of their activities......

don't bother with them, they can't touch you


Thank you, I don't really hate them I just really, really, really dislike them. I am an Athiest, so I don't really believe in gods, but this e-mail seems a bit, well, to be blunt CRAZY :P you really shouldn't be scared if you are (I have trust problems) I bought a knife, pocket knife quite sharp, anyone won't really want to mess with you, I mean you shouldn't use the knife unless threatened or anything of the sort, I do have a big trust problem though, when I said my World Of Warcraft account got hacked the first person I called was my best friend (I have a Brony guild so I expected this greatly) and I wasn't really furious, just more as, I was angry, but I was making quick accusations, anyway I am getting off topic, get a knife, and maybe a bigger knife than mine (I have a tiny pocket knife ooooooh threatening) then if anyone tries to mess with you, be all like, oh you want to tell that to my Godzilla sized knife? Sorry if this was a bit off, but all I sorta read from the original post was kids beat up, and church.


Also I used to be a christian Brony, but than I sorta just, changed, I came up with my own idea's of the after life and came up that there was nothing but just pure nothing after death, hard to grasp your mind around but at the same time so easy ...



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Dang...Crazy letter. To be honest, I am not a Brony anymore, however I still love MLPFIM. It's either that I don't label myself as one and I am getting really sick of how crazy the fandom is now. But you ask why I still go here? Well it interest me with all these crazy topics that appear on this site. But then again I do get a phobia lots of times from stuff like that and a site that is based and about a kids show goes talking about lots of serious issues in real life. Wow, I never heard of something like that. I haven't been on these forums in a long time... Anyways my pal, if you choose to be a Brony then don't let negativity rise. Be yourself and you will find friends that are also Bronies and ones that will respect you.

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Seriously, what the heck?! I never knew a church could do something like that. What the hell is wrong with these people.. And seriously, don´t be afraid. They have no right to do anything to you just because you like mlp and support gay marriage. These people are sick, I lost all the home in humanity.

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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