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What is wrong with you?

Coolius rpi

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Asperger's Autism, Sciatic nerve damage & a stomach ulcer.


Plus, I'm just weird.  Fun, but people DO ask what's wrong with me quite often because of it, so it counts... I think.

=====  ( 0=====


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People tend too live too much off their 'conditions' and get a little consumed by it. It's well known the the Psychiatric community has profited massively coining terms that 50 years ago were never used and have created them so that they can literally fit anyone at any point in their life. What happened too the good old days of someone just being shy (Social anxiety disorder), distractable (ADD), Vain (Narcissistic personality disorder) , implusive (One of the main BPD traits), emotional when moving locations (attachment disorder), feeling extremely sad over the death of a loved one (Major depressive episode). 


You probably get the appoint of the above, years ago people just got on with what was 'wrong' with them, yes some people are very much ''insane'' (talking about killers etc) and need to be put away / treated but the general public shouldn't focus on what is wrong with them and use these labels. 


Getting back on topic though. There is nothing ''wrong'' with me that I know of apart from suffering with hayfever which isn't exactly a big deal and perhaps being an overly blunt person, I have been tried to be diagnosed by psychiatrists before, when a friend past away I was tried to be forced on Anti depression pills, anti anxiety pills, tranq's , alot of other stuff and refused them all, in the end I got by it myself. 

  • Brohoof 4
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I have social anxiety and can have issues with sensitivity; being too sensitive at times, and lacking it at others. I'm also a misanthrope of sorts, though I'm not sure whether that is truly 'wrong' with me... very rarely, I can also become somewhat insane and feel almost happy to kill someone if I could...  :sunny:


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I was diagnosed with depression a few months ago, the week of my birthday :(

I also find it hard to talk in real life. It's not that I'm shy, I just freeze up when someone starts to talk to me. I am totally fine just sitting next to someone, but the minute they start talking, I feel under pressure. Somehow I have a lot of wonderful friends. They're funny and nice and positive, but I struggle to converse even with them.

Fabulous Forum Sister: Lissi Starlight

Anime lover!

I'm too fabulous to think of anything else to put XD

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Nothing really. Well, besides my sight - I am VERY near sighted.

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Hearing problem in my left ear

Shy to people I don't know

Can't sleep on my back, always gives me nightmares and temporary hallucinations that scare the shit out of me 

Terrible vision without glasses...I can see clearly up to 2 feet 

Still paranoid of the dark when alone 

Worry about people I care for too much

Overthink anything that concerns me 

Professional College-work Procrastinator 

I am a pervert 

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  • 3 months later...

- I have Panic Disorder.


- I have Chronic Depression.


- I have Chronic Insomnia.


- I have Seasonal Affective Disorder.


- I fall in love/trust people way too easily.


- I have a hard time saying "no" to people.


- I self-harm.


- I have renal cysts.

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On 2012-08-11 at 6:33 PM, Coolius rpi said:

In this topic we will post what is wrong with us. I have OCD, Tourrettes, Scoliosis, Avoidant Personality Disorder, and severe autism. DO you have anything wrong with your body or mind? :mellow:


I'm kind of a dick.

Edited by Twiggy
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I'm highly antisocial (I prefer to keep to myself, although I have a tiny group of close friends who I will happily hang out with).


I also used to have intense anger problems, but I haven't had any problems too major in the past couple of years, so I think I got past that hurdle.


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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Well,let's see. 


-Asperger's syndrome






-Severe Social Phobia

-Severe Anxiety

-I can't hear very good out of my left ear.

-Multiple cavities in my teeth



-My mind and my emotions make my life a living hell


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This is what's wrong with me.


- Asperger's syndrome.

- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

- Anger issues.

- Ignorant (bad awareness, bad memory, bad everything.)

- Care too much about what others think of me.

- Severe homesickness.


I feel like a research experiment gone deadly wrong. :(

Edited by Spark Thunderbass
  • Brohoof 2


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A lot of things, where do you wanna start?


-Undiagnosed low-spectrum Autism (I've never been tested, but the KNOW I have it)


-Some form of social anxiety (hate people, hate groups)


-Still not married yet (Though, I kinda need a boyfriend first, don't I?)


-Crazy Cat lady


-I'm my own worst critic


Among other non-important things.



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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I have a problem where I suddenly let out my stress to someone when I don't realise before.. :(  :sunny: But now.. I'm perfectly fine! ;) Just all in the past~ ^^


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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I have so much wrong with me I can't even list it all

I'll make it easy and just say everything is wrong with me


Rarity Fan | Kpop & Jpop Fan | Trixie Fan | Sunset Shimmer Fan | Applejack Fan


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I have a double scoliosis, I recently had Bell's palsy which leaved me with half of my face a little numb, but I still notice a big difference when I rarely smile.

I'm way too emotional, but I keep all of my problems inside once the pile touches the ceiling I just lose it and hide myself away, I would avoid going on my computer, going out, or even staying in the same room with members of my family.


I find myself unattractive and really untalented, each and every time I make a new song, write new lyrics, I would be happy for just a second and just look at it and take it apart, I have the feeling that everytime I do something I fail at doing it. 


graphic design is meh pession


Twilight Sparkle  Pinkie Pie  Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy

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I am incompatible with the rest of the world. Some days I think I'm a failed prototype. More specifically:


I'm an introvert, and a loner. Once in a while I need to be alone to recharge, or I'll go bananas, but nobody cares or notices. Right now the needle is pointing in the red and I can accidentally Pinkamena Diane Pie at any moment.


I have feral emotions, but more importantly I feel only negative ones. All positives are picked by my thougths, so I know I did something good, but feel nothing. When things go bad I feel either fear or homicidal anger.


Even though I do everything by the book, act respectful and nice, other people instinctively recognize I'm somehow different, and act accordingly to what they think they see.


I'm bad at smalltalk. It reinforces the perception that I'm different.


All of this, and much more separates me form the rest of people. And it's not because of mental illness, or other medical issues, but the very core of my being - my personality. I'm the INTJ of MBTI typology. There's 3% of total populaion of us out there, each an affront to Western society.


Everything that makes me, well, me, is wrong.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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As a young chap I was diagnosed with over sarcasticness a disease that people contain when they realize the human race tends to be stupid, procreate, then have stupid children 


Edit: I also am very introverted in real life. I hate being around other beings unless they are my friends. It is also hard to make new friends for me. I also hate ordering my own food at restaurants.... It stress me out so much


Edit edit: I have a personality of INTP-A, "Logician"

Edited by PROJECT: Echo
  • Brohoof 2

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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