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Your worst injury


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Uhhh....I got a paper cut once. It didn't hurt as much as it did sting, but either way I put a Band-Aid on it and it got better. :)

Edited by N-Harmonia



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Well I wouldn't say mine are all injury but here a list:

1. I had a heart attack at the age of 10 do to stress

2. shot my self at age 13 in the lag.(ya I know...)

3.Was in a car reck at 14 poped my shoulder out and broke some ribs

4.was 16 and had another heart attack to stress

5.16 and bansaw blade explodes and cuts in to my kidny

6.lastly a week ago got in a reck again and this time I have a metal bar in my shoulder

that it for this moose


gotta say bro... 2 heart attacks in a span of 6 years in your younger years of your life... thats hard

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I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for 20 minutes.


Other than that, I've yet to have a serious injury.

  • Brohoof 4



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In 1st grade, I slid in cleaning chemicals, which made them splash on my legs and the outcome were blisters and a hole into the ankle. Like, an actual hole in my ankle. D8


Whoa! That's insane!

I'm assuming someone forgot to put away the hydrochloric acid.

  • Brohoof 1


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my worst injury would be a sprained ankle i got after falling down some stairs at college a couple years back, it hurt like hell but i managed to make it to the meeting place where my ride was supposed to get me. tried to hide the sprain from my parents but failed when i was caught putting ice on my ankle, i had to go to the hospital and get it looked at. was put into a cast for a week

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My worst injury feels very lame in comparison to the rest of you guys. I just smashed the top of my head on a cliff and got a large bruise. I've never broken, fractured, or otherwise damaged a bone.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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gotta say bro... 2 heart attacks in a span of 6 years in your younger years of your life... thats hard


What I don't plan on dieing yet like i told notdog1996 you just got to laugh about it. :lol:

so to stay on topic had any injury?



In 1st grade, I slid in cleaning chemicals, which made them splash on my legs and the outcome were blisters and a hole into the ankle. Like, an actual hole in my ankle. D8


O my god :o what did you do about it amputation?

Edited by MoosePony
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I've never broken any bone in my body, but I have stubbed my tow 100000000000000 times from playing soccer, or hitting the door. being defender you have to go into challenges and such so I've had 5 stubbed toes from that and a few from deflecting the ball at high speeds.


GameGrumps is a Match made in heaven :D Youtube www.youtube.com/swordmaster1337

I do fifa, and lets plays

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The setting is THIS: http://en.wikipedia....undabout_(play)


I was SIX (years old).


Someone was pushing the thing around and I was riding. For some unfathomable reason, I decided to let go. I flew pretty far, and hit pretty much the one part of the playground not covered in sand (I know, right).




My shirt was white, but became totally red. You know what that red was? My BLOOD


It kinda sucked


Accepting sympathy now


And there was this other thing-


So it was years ago in PHYSICAL EDUCATION


Some conehead decided to kick a basketball, and it was headed towards the back of my head


And everyone was like OMYGOSH GET OUTTA DA WAY


So I turned around instinctively






the glass from my glasses got into my face there was like lots of blood and things


lucky i closed my eyes

Edited by Rather Tired

Museum of Love and Tolerance

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I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for 20 minutes.


Other than that, I've yet to have a serious injury.


Uhhh....I got a paper cut once. It didn't hurt as much as it did sting, but either way I put a Band-Aid on it and it got better. :)


You two are hardcore XD


Its lucky that you have not received any real injuries. Keep up the good work :P



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When I was thrown through a glass door as a toddler, my face and hand was cut pretty badly and all I remember is laughing as my mum cleaned the cuts and called me a silly thing.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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When I was 13 I got hit by a car that was going 50 KM/H while crossing the road with my bicycle. I slammed into the hood and front window, and was thrown in the air, I landed 8 metres away from the car.


I sustained a serious concussion and my leg got broken in two places. I spent 9 weeks in plaster and even longer with a protective helmet to prevent my head from receiving any more damage.


"The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown

My OC and ponysona:  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/white-lightning-r599

(Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.)

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well my worst one is my most recent one, i tore my Deltoid and Tricep , worst pain ever and the annoying think is they never heal properly so the reach with my right arm isn't that good any more so my hopes of professional boxing are f :( ked

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Apparently when I was really young and learning to walk, I went mouth first into the corner of a wooden coffee table. I don't remember it of course, but I've got the gnarly tongue scar to prove it.


More recently, a little less than two years ago, I had left my girlfriends house to pick my little sister and her friend up from a party on the way home. I stayed in my car, as I didn't know anybody there and didn't feel like making new friends. There was some sort of argument about whether or not her friend was leaving the party with me, or staying the night. This dragged on for a while, so I layed my head down on the steering wheel of my car. Two drunken idiots come up and start asking me, "Where's your drugs man? Where are they?" Telling them that I was fresh out (which wasn't a lie, actually) several times, they relented and left. Layed my head back down. It wasn't 30 seconds later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and turn my head to see a huge guys fist plow straight into my left eye socket, with the two idiots behind him yelling the same things they were earlier. Apparently at this point, my sisters friend had suddenly made up her mind that she was leaving with me. They jump in the car, and we speed off with these people banging on my windows on the way out.


Took only four stitches (my first ever) but because that asshole was wearing a ring, the scar is pretty deep and as a result, I cannot fully open my left eye without putting some effort to it. Consequently, I pretty much have a slightly quizzical look on my face, all the time.


Funnily enough, that party was in a different town than the one I lived in at the time. I now live in that town, on the exact same street where it happened. Life's kinda weird that way.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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I have never broken a bone or anything like that.. I have pretty much 0 physical* injuries (not including cuts and bruises etc). Emotional injuries is another story ;) haha

  • Brohoof 1

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for 20 minutes.


Other than that, I've yet to have a serious injury.


Epic win.


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When I was really really young my parents went shopping and my older sister was watching me. She had to go inside to grab a ball or something, and so i began running. Our driveway wasn't finished, so it was gravel. I had shorts on and skid on my knees. I got really deep cuts on my leg. Blood was everywhere. I thought I broke my leg cuz I couldn't move. And I was around 4 years old so how are my parents going to see me on the driveway? I got scared and without thinking I started to drag myself across the gravel, which only made it worse. My sister came out soon after the incident and carried me inside. We cleaned the cuts, I was very surprised that it didn't get infected! ;D

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i was working in construction, and some dumbass kick the ladder.....all in all, i fell 3 stories, and brok my left wrist, my right arm, both my knee caps, and wierdly cut my ear0. 0


that is crazy! the type of thing people sue each other over. damn, did that person get reprimanded? construction is such a hazardous job as it is, i can't believe someone would be messing around like that on the job.

  • Brohoof 1

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


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Wow, I've never broken a bone, tore a muscle, etc.


The worst injury I was a huge scab that broke all the way into the bone.

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