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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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Mine has to be A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and 2 (mostly 2).


Loved the changelings! Their like demons, and that was one of the first episodes I saw, and I thought "This is not a regular girl's cartoon!" I like the deception, and I like the Queen. Fingers crosses she's back for season 4.


Thanks and bro hoof /)




Part 2 gets my nod for best episode. Others that rank highly are, "The Last Roundup", "Sonic Rainboom", "Green Isn't Your Color", "Magic Duel", and "The Return of Harmony".

  • Brohoof 1
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I would say mine are "Lesson Zero," "Feeling Pinkie Keen" and "Sonic Rainboom" from season one. "Luna Eclipsed" and "Hurricane Fluttershy" for season 2. 


Season 3 on the other hoof, just "Magic Duel"

  • Brohoof 1

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Probably The Return of Harmony because.... I don't even think I need to justify the coolness, awesomeness and radicalness of that episode. XD

Other good ones are Dragonshy, A Canterlot Wedding and The Best Night Ever. 

  • Brohoof 1


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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Sweet and Elite. I mean what's not to love about a Rarity-centric episode? And then she sings?!


After that, would be Magical Mystery Cure. All dem feels dun been felt.


Edit Monkey strikes again: Also wanted to add that in regards to musicals (craftsmanship/execution/quantity), this show rivals Disney. Possibly the reason I fell in love with it in the first place.

Edited by Flying Space Badger

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Hello im back with more discussions. Its kinda obviously going to be about episodes. :P I would have to say     mine is season 3 episode 13 "The Magical Mystery Cure" . I love the way they made it into a musical, and think they should do it more often.

I have merged your thread with an already existing thread, since the purpose of both is the same. Please check to see if a suitable thread already exists before creating your own. Thanks.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Mine has to be "Wonderbolt Accademy".  No episode builds on a single character's delopment better than this one does.  It also isn't immediately apparent what is going to happen.  And finnally, it hinted at the pairing we all know is going to happen: Rarity/Thunderlane!


What?  You don't see it?

  • Brohoof 1
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Ooh that's a hard one... I don't think I have a favourite episode. Sisterhooves sociala was really good in opinion although a bit flat. The cutie mark chronicles were heartwarming... oh and Pilot was great also. I generally like them all except a few exceptions... like the last two ones... 

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 5 weeks later...

The Return Of Harmony Parts 1 and 2. I love so many other episodes, especially Twilight and Pinkie flavored episodes, but nothing can top John de Lancie inverting all the elements. I still remember my dissapointment when Twilight walked 5 feet, looked out the window, and saw the hedge maze. How convenient! Then how glorious it was when Twilight's convenient first guess wasn't even close. The episode was just great all around; the characters, the plot, the John, Tom, Liarjack, Celestia sending back all the letters to remind Twilight of mahgick, and Spike staying home in pain for half of part 2. I don't have anything against Spike, but, it was still pretty funny.


...I'm trying hard not to pick Magical Mystery Cure, because it's the latest episode so of course it's the most hyped in my mind. I'm in the group that loved the musical and I hope Alicorn Twilight turns out alright. If it does then MMC is definitely among my favorites.


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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just 2 episodes.... too many pinkiepie's (i think that's the name) and magic duel


the rest of the other episodes/seasons are also awesome but these are my favorite oneshappy.png

  • Brohoof 1

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Mine is a tie between Dragonshy and Magical Mystery Cure. Dragonshy for being the episode that turned me into a brony, and also just for being one of the best, and Magical Mystery Cure for being my favorite finale.

  • Brohoof 1



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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Top 10 in order :)


Hurricane Fluttershy


Sleepless in Ponyville


The Cutie Mark Chronicles


Party of One


The Return of Harmony Part 2


Wonderbolts Academy


Sonic Rainboom


Read It and Weep


Too Many Pinkie Pies


The Return of Harmony Part 1

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Huh. I thought I had posted my list of favourites, turns out I hadn't.


From top to bottom, off we go. I rated them all out of 100, then added harshness to stop the first 20 or so being 100/100. I also treated the two-parters as single episodes.


Gold - Too Many Pinkie Pies (99.5/100)


Silver - Secret of My Excess (97.5/100)


Bronze - Party of One (97/100)


Fourth onwards:



4) The Best Night Ever (96/100)


5=) Griffon the Brush Off (93/100)

5=) The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (93/100)


7) The Return of Harmony (92.5/100)


8=) A Friend In Deed (92/100)

8=) Wonderbolt Academy (92/100)


10=) Winter Wrap Up (91.5/100)

10=) Fall Weather Friends (91.5/100)


12=) Swarm of the Century (91/100)

12=) The Crystal Empire (91/100)


14=) Hearth Warming's Eve (90/100)

14=) Magical Mystery Cure (90/100)


16) Mmmystery on the Friendship Express (89.5/100)


17) Friendship is Magic (89/100)


18=) The Ticket Master (88/100)

18=) Sleepless in Ponyville (88/100)


20=) Read it and Weep (86.5/100)

20=) Luna Eclipsed (86.5/100)


22) Sonic Rainboom (86/100)


23=) Bridle Gossip (85.5/100)

23=) The Last Roundup (85.5/100)


25) Putting Your Hoof Down (85/100)


26=) A Canterlot Wedding (84.5/100)

26=) Hurricane Fluttershy (84.5/100)


28=) Ponyville Confidential (84/100)

28=) Baby Cakes (84/100)


30) The Cutie Mark Chronicles (83.5/100)


31=) Dragon Quest (83/100)

31=) Suited for Success (83/100)


33) Sisterhooves Social (82/100)


34=) Apple Family Reunion (81.5/100)

34=) Keep Calm & Flutter On (81.5/100)

34=) One Bad Apple (81.5/100)


37) It's About Time (80.5/100)


38) Sweet & Elite (80/100)


39=) A Dog and Pony Show (79.5/100)

39=) Applebuck Season (79.5/100)


41) Feeling Pinkie Keen (78/100)


42) May The Best Pet Win (77.5/100)


43) Just For Sidekicks (76.5/100)


44=) Dragonshy (75/100)

44=) Magic Duel (75/100)


46) Family Appreciation Day (74.5/100)


47) Games Ponies Play (73/100)


48) Lesson Zero (72.5/100)


49=) The Stare Master (70/100)

49=) A Bird in the Hoof (70/100)


51=) Owl's Well That Ends Well (67.5/100)

51=) Look Before You Sleep (67.5/100)


53) The Show Stoppers (64/100)


54) The Cutie Pox (62.5/100)


55) The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well (62/100)


56) Call of the Cutie (60/100)


57) Over A Barrel (58.5/100)


58) Boast Busters (57/100)


59) Spike At Your Service (55.5/100)


60) Green Isn't Your Colour (53/100)


Wooden Spoon - Hearts & Hooves Day (52/100)



  • Brohoof 3
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@Flipturn Hearts and Hooves Day at *60*?  Really?  The most consistently funny episode of the entire series?  Well, I guess we all have our opinions...


My top five would have to include:

Return of Harmony parts 1 and 2


A Canterlot Wedding Part 2


Hearts and Hooves Day


Sisterhooves Social

  • Brohoof 1


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@Flipturn Hearts and Hooves Day at *60*?  Really?  The most consistently funny episode of the entire series?  Well, I guess we all have our opinions...


We do. I was very irritated by H&HD. I never want to hear Big Mac say "shmoopy-doo" again; the writers need to understand that some characters don't need to be elaborated on. Song was forgettable, and the romance aspect is the sort of thing I watch MLP to avoid. That's just me anyway.


Good choice with Return of Harmony anyhoo.

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Okay, so...


  1. Hurricane Fluttershy: The first full episode I ever watched (I had tried to watch Stare Masters after hearing all the hype, but too disinterested at the time), so I'm a little biased towards it, but every time I watch it, it gets better. I often find Fluttershy's schtick forced, but rather then just write her anxiety as a source of comedy or as a simple obstacle to overcome, the episode treats it as it probably is: a serious problem and kind of sad. I like love that over the course of the story, it grows beyond her just failing to face her fear of public humiliation and becomes a fear that she's too weak  to be useful in the grand scheme of things. It's really touching to see her struggle with this, and as I've stated in another thread, it's a struggle I can relate to myself (Middle School sucked). But there's also a lot to like outside of the main conflict. The concept is creative and makes for a great story, the animation is even better than usual, it's paced really well, it has a nice balance between drama and comedy, and there's a great use of the characters in the story and they're all characterized extremely well: Twilight as the enthusiastic egghead, Spike as the frank but absent-minded assistant, and Rainbow Dash as the determined but unrealistic athlete who's lack of experience interacting with others on a sympathetic level makes for great interaction with Fluttershy (she get's just as much character development in this story as Fluttershy, I think). And an appropriate and really nifty use of background ponies is also cool. Seriously, this episode is amazing, I love it, forever.
  2. Best Night Ever: Really fun episode on all fronts. Fun conflicts, fun use of characters, fun song, fun EVERYTHING. Just really, really fun. Funny fun fun.
  3. Sleepless in Ponyville: The fan favorite episode from Season 3, and for good reason. Some might say it's the excitement of Scootaloo getting an episode and Scootalove becoming canon, but I think that brushes over the fact that it's written excellently. The character interactions are across the board really fun to watch, but in particular I love the portrayal of Scoots and Dash's relationship. The fact that the episode hints at the fact that Dash is not all that great a sister (though it does also hint that she can become one) is really mature and really interesting route to take, and Scoots's attempts to appear cool are relatable. The voice actors are at the top of their game with this one, whether it's Tabitha St. Germain's usually perfectly delivered one liners from Rarity or Madeleine Peter's confession near the end of the episode. Also, hooray for a use of Luna that builds mythology and actually has a purpose!
  • Brohoof 2


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I have so many but at the moment my favorites would be:


Luna Eclipsed

Cutie Mark Chronicles

Hearth's Warming Eve

Return of Harmony 1 and 2

Magical Mystery Cure

Friendship is Magic 1 and 2

  • Brohoof 1

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


My short stories

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This is my top 25:




Like I've said in past I'm a great fan for Twilight Sparkle, in my rank there are all her episodes except Boast Buster and The Crystal Empire. Oh and there are also all the better CMC, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, RD and Spike episodes of course. I like Rarity episodes too but, I like more the episodes about the characters I previously mentioned, while I don't enjoy particularly Applejack episodes. 

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Probably Sleepless in Ponyville or the Return of Harmony for me.

Sleepless in Ponyville- Because

1. My two favourite characters are in it

2. I love the moral

3. It's not only funny but incredibly adorable

I'd give more but I'm too lazy. XD

The Return of Harmony because of Discord, best villain ever, and humour. Also, it's the first episode I ever watched, so I guess that's kinda why. :P

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if I posted here or not. However her is an update. Note the numbers do not signify my actual preference  Number one isn't necessarily my favorite episode and number two isn't necessarily my second favorite episode.


1. Magical Mystery Cure 

I literally wrote seven pages on why and even then I failed to mention certain things I wanted to. Its just got so many awesome touches and the presentation is great. It may very well be my favorite episode. If you are interested in reading my long post on it click the link below. 



2. Cutie Mark Chronicles
I love this episode for multiple reasons. It gave backstory to all of the characters. It elaborated on the nature of the cutie mark. It showed the the mane six were connected before they met, connecting the elements in a clever way. 

3. Return of Harmony 
Discord was awesome to begin with and as a Trekkie he was doubly so! Excelent reversal of roles having Twilight remind the ponies of friendship. Well presented visual symbolism in discording the mane six. Elaborating on the relationship of the ponies and the elements. 

4. Sleepless in Ponyville 
A needed and awesome expansion and development of two characters. Three if you count Luna. Speaking of which Luna walking through freaking dreams! Getting to see Luna as a wise and kind mentor figure. Exploration of a situation many are familiar with. Amazing emotion provoking scene.

5. Suited for Sucess
Im an artist and can really relate. Excellent show case of Rarity's character. Great song that presents the conflict well. Many funny moments


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