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Parent & Friend Reactions to your Bronyness: Before & After

Braeburn Apple

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When I told my school friends, which seemingly are the majority of my friends, were just neutral about it. Only one of them was a brony and the others were tolerant of it even though they weren't. Speaking of school, I've ordered 2 MLP shirts and I will wear them in school as soon as I get them. Now I'll see how others in school react to me being a brony.

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I have told 2 of my friends about mlp. The first one is pretty much neutral about it but thinks the fandom is all about just being a brony and not the actual show. My second friend and me were at odds for a while. Neither of us would admit it but he has less self control and would slip in references and jokes. One day a 3rd friend of mine confronted him about it and tried to learn what he was quoting. I of course being cautious and not one to fight this type of battle steered my friends in the direction of figuring out it was mlp. He denied it and shook the roumors from our friends heads but i got enough information and finally confronted him. We have spent the last 3 days hanging out in P.E laughing so hard that we can barely stand as we make references and jokes. Ahhh its a good life



Also as a side note both of us hide our bronyness from everyone except each other.

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  Only one of my roommates knows.  I had MLP wallpapers on my phone for a long time, and no one noticed.  A few weeks ago though, I was waiting for MUNI (municipal transit) to arrive and started texting someone.  My roommate looked over and said something like "hey its that pony".  I tried to act like I just found some picture on deviantART and liked it, but didn't know what it was from or what the show was called, but he didn't buy it img-1447836-1-laugh.png .  About a minute later I just admitted I liked the show.  He laughed a bit and said "OK".


  The next day, he told me he figured out what the show was called cause I wouldn't say it previously.  Now when he sees something relating to the show, like commercials etc..he says "hey its your show".  Its all done in fun, so you could say he reacted well.


  He's the only one that knows that I'm aware of.  My other roommates have seen my Soarin' wallpaper, but haven't said anything about it, so they probably thinks its just some picture.  I'm sure others have noticed my phone's wallpaper too, but again, no reactions besides that one.

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I have two "irl" friends, both whom I've known for approximately 12 years. They reacted differently, but neither gave me any grief.



One of them is my age, 24, and for as long as I've known him he's been teased for being an "old man." He's never cared for much media (TV, music, etc.) past the early 60s. He's also been mistaken for being about 30 years-old since he was 16 because of his appearance. At least he hasn't really aged in the eight years since, I guess. Anyway, he of course thought it a little strange when I told him about it and that I was going to BronyCon last year, though he wasn't at all hostile or about to disown me for liking a kid's TV show. After telling him about how charitable our fanbase is and how much good they've done for people, from encouraging one another in times of sadness to preventing suicides, he was completely understanding. He's even commented on how much more assertive and personable I've become since becoming a brony, though I still have a hard time seeing myself as such, which still limits me a bit in social situations. He gives me a hard time being a brony even to this day, but there's no malice in it. Just friendly teasing.


The other guy is two years younger than me. His other friends make fun of him (somewhat seriously) for liking things like The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, and Taylor Swift, so he knows what it's like to be made fun of for having unusual interests. He's never given me a hard time about it, and we talk to each other about the various things going on with our respective shows. Also told him that I like Littlest Pet Shop. His jimmies remained unrustled.



I think the reason so many people here have had negative responses from their friends is because of their ages. Lots of people here are still in school. Once you and your friends move past this stage of life, I think they'll get their priorities a little more in order and realize how much they've blown things out of the water. That goes for lots of things, not just MLP. Suddenly having a life and something worthwhile to do has a way of making you re-evaluate stuff.

  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Heres How Mine Went


I Was Holding A Book, During Class I Drew Lots Of Pictures Of The Pony's HE Said "HAY! Whats In That Book" 

I Said "Oh.... Umm Nothing"



The Book Blew Open. I Quickly Shut It.

"What Was That? Let Me See!!!!" He Said


"Why?" He Snatched It Out Of My Hands "Rainbow Dash..... Bronies?"

"Ermn Thats Nothing" Then Th Worst Happened I Said "Oh Its Only My Little Pony!"

"Lol You Watch That"

I Couldn't Face The Truth So I Had To Lie "What A Show Like That, Are You Kidding Me?"

He Said "Your Lieing Again."

I Made It Up As I Went Along, I Felt Really Bad Saying Thing Like This "Stupid You... The Fanbase Is Older Grown Men" I couldn't Stand It

He Said "Oh They Must Be Gay" I Hated My Friend For Saying That




I Was Walking Down The Street He Said "HEY FRIEND"

I Quietly Said Back "hi"

People Wee In Te Street, This Was The Street I Lived On.


This Couldn't Get Worse, I Ran Round The Back Of The House And Hid. The Word Spread Like Wildfire...


2 Days Later It Was Raining My Parents Were Picking Me Up He Said To Them "Your Son Like My Little Pony"

I Gently Kicked Him And Said. "Ha Ha Ha, Thats a Really Funny Joke, umm"

We Go To The Car I Said To My Parent "What Was He Talking About? He's Quite Silly I Guess."

My Parents Said "Yea He s A Weird One"


Since Then My Parents Don't Know I'm A Brony. But I Wish They Did. It Will Be Hard Telling Them!





This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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NOTE: I have changed the names in this post to protect the best of friends' identity.


My friend Mark: "Cool. Do you collect them?"

My friend Garrett: "It's OK dude, I won't tell anyone."

My friend Alexa: "Cool. I like the show too." omg pegasister awesome



I have more friends, but some of them don't even know I'm a brony.



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I just started wearing my Vinyl Scratch shirt one day... TBH either no one noticed or they didn't care..

I think the only real comment i eventually got was "Really?" to which i simply replied "Yeah'p" and walked on.


Can't think of a single moment otherwise its even been brought up, well.. unless i step into hot topic looking for a new Figure or shirt and the people their see it, they'll ramble on a bit about the things they have and sales blah blah blah... but hey, its their job right?

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Heres How Mine Went


I Was Holding A Book, During Class I Drew Lots Of Pictures Of The Pony's HE Said "HAY! Whats In That Book" 

I Said "Oh.... Umm Nothing"



The Book Blew Open. I Quickly Shut It.

"What Was That? Let Me See!!!!" He Said


"Why?" He Snatched It Out Of My Hands "Rainbow Dash..... Bronies?"

"Ermn Thats Nothing" Then Th Worst Happened I Said "Oh Its Only My Little Pony!"

"Lol You Watch That"

I Couldn't Face The Truth So I Had To Lie "What A Show Like That, Are You Kidding Me?"

He Said "Your Lieing Again."

I Made It Up As I Went Along, I Felt Really Bad Saying Thing Like This "Stupid You... The Fanbase Is Older Grown Men" I couldn't Stand It

He Said "Oh They Must Be Gay" I Hated My Friend For Saying That




I Was Walking Down The Street He Said "HEY FRIEND"

I Quietly Said Back "hi"

People Wee In Te Street, This Was The Street I Lived On.


This Couldn't Get Worse, I Ran Round The Back Of The House And Hid. The Word Spread Like Wildfire...


2 Days Later It Was Raining My Parents Were Picking Me Up He Said To Them "Your Son Like My Little Pony"

I Gently Kicked Him And Said. "Ha Ha Ha, Thats a Really Funny Joke, umm"

We Go To The Car I Said To My Parent "What Was He Talking About? He's Quite Silly I Guess."

My Parents Said "Yea He s A Weird One"


Since Then My Parents Don't Know I'm A Brony. But I Wish They Did. It Will Be Hard Telling Them!

Aww thats so sad. No one should ever have to be treated like that its inhumane and cruel. I hope everything works out for you in the end.

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Heres How Mine Went


I Was Holding A Book, During Class I Drew Lots Of Pictures Of The Pony's HE Said "HAY! Whats In That Book" 

I Said "Oh.... Umm Nothing"



The Book Blew Open. I Quickly Shut It.

"What Was That? Let Me See!!!!" He Said


"Why?" He Snatched It Out Of My Hands "Rainbow Dash..... Bronies?"

"Ermn Thats Nothing" Then Th Worst Happened I Said "Oh Its Only My Little Pony!"

"Lol You Watch That"

I Couldn't Face The Truth So I Had To Lie "What A Show Like That, Are You Kidding Me?"

He Said "Your Lieing Again."

I Made It Up As I Went Along, I Felt Really Bad Saying Thing Like This "Stupid You... The Fanbase Is Older Grown Men" I couldn't Stand It

He Said "Oh They Must Be Gay" I Hated My Friend For Saying That




I Was Walking Down The Street He Said "HEY FRIEND"

I Quietly Said Back "hi"

People Wee In Te Street, This Was The Street I Lived On.


This Couldn't Get Worse, I Ran Round The Back Of The House And Hid. The Word Spread Like Wildfire...


2 Days Later It Was Raining My Parents Were Picking Me Up He Said To Them "Your Son Like My Little Pony"

I Gently Kicked Him And Said. "Ha Ha Ha, Thats a Really Funny Joke, umm"

We Go To The Car I Said To My Parent "What Was He Talking About? He's Quite Silly I Guess."

My Parents Said "Yea He s A Weird One"


Since Then My Parents Don't Know I'm A Brony. But I Wish They Did. It Will Be Hard Telling Them!

He sounds like an asshole and not really a good friend. next time you see him tell him that he stops making fun of you otherwise you will stop talking to him amd will beat him up

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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I happen to know people who are really open minded, so the whole prospect of me watching and being a fan of MLP really did nothing to change the way they saw me. When I first mentioned it, they were a little surprised, but accepted it and that's about it. I get teased about it here or there, but its all in good fun and they don't seem to be bothered in the slightest. Although, one of my quadmates always hides my Dashie vinyl, which annoys me, but he's just being annoying on purpose because hes a pranking type guy.


I mentioned it to my roommate first before anybody else. How everybody else found out was asking about the Rainbow Dash vinyl which sits on the middle of our common room coffee table (the rooms are split into 3 parts, 2 bedrooms, and a large center common room which everybody shares). So they all we perplexed about it, and asked who's it was, thus getting me to explain it.


My favorite explanation of it is when that same prankster quadmate of mine, my roommate, and me were live on my quadmate's radio show. I made my DJ name DJRainbowDash, and basically explained on live college radio why I picked it. It was hilarious to say the least. laugh.png


But I guess I got really lucky on how everybody took it. Even my parents were perfectly fine with the whole thing. To everybody who has been ridiculed because of being a brony, I'm terribly sorry and hopefully you'll find people who understand to accept things like that. :)

  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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It was a strange situation because a friend recommended the show to me and since then we have been bronies but the rest of my friends acted differently.Some mocked.Some didn't judge and some just didn't care I guess I am extremely lucky with my little group of friends

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Only three of the many friends that I have actually cared.  The first friend showed me that he was a brony.  His Ipad wall paper had the mane six on it.  The second friend said that the show was ok.  The third friend assumed that I was not very manly.

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Most of my friends either didn't care or were supportive at first (or curious of the draw of the show). Then one of my friends became a brony later on and that was awesome. :D


Only one friend really gives me crap for being a brony, and he's a really traditional guy, and it's annoying as hell. Seriously, he talks about hating ponies more than I talk about liking ponies. No joke.

  • Brohoof 1


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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First, My parents were very alright with me being a brony. My friends on the other side said things like this


-Are you gay?


-Ponies are for little girls.


-You a pedophile?


-Your one gay asshole.


and that's most of them and after a few of my friends heard I was a brony they started rejecting me and mostly leaving me in that "dark corner of the room".


Signature made by me.



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Most of the people I interact with either ignore it because I'm good at what they ask me to do (currently I'm just a paper pusher at a bank, nothing big or anything) or just think it's a little strange. My boss used to watch earlier generations, but hasn't in years. 


My family for the most part doesn't care, mostly because they're happy I'm not doing porn or going out to bars and getting wasted or anything that would trash my... naivete, I guess.


My siblings tease me on occasion, but nothing I can't handle. Especially since I'm pretty much paying for their lunches until dad's book gets moving.

Edited by Pokota
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The reaction from my friends, and family was pretty mild. My mom didn't have a problem with it (as old as I am, I still value my mom's opinion because she's my only family I have left), and neither did my wife. In fact I'm starting to get her into the show.img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png  My coworkers tease me occasionally but it's nothing major. But I did have one friend who thought I was weird because I liked FiM. She has since stopped talking to me sad.png .  Apparently FiM is a friendship breaker. 

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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Well I personally was very quiet about it for a few years. My best friend only found out by spying on me, and he's okay with it. He said he used to be one, but he outgrew it. I dare not ask him for specifics. I'm happy, I never had to deal with some douche muffin taht'd get on my ass about the shows I watch being my pal.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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My first friend asked me and just said oh, same with my second friend.


My third friend didn't mind, same with my fourth.


But it's my family I worry about telling. I told my sister over snap chat and she saw my rainbow dash theme, she hasn't said anything about it.

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My friends were like: "What?" And "You're joking?"

Though I get more comments about me being gay, which is very annoying, but comical because guys who are single are calling me gay for watching a show that's "supposed" to be for little girls. It amuses me that they try so hard and get nowhere.

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First, My parents were very alright with me being a brony. My friends on the other side said things like this


-Are you gay?


-Ponies are for little girls.


-You a pedophile?


-Your one gay asshole.


and that's most of them and after a few of my friends heard I was a brony they started rejecting me and mostly leaving me in that "dark corner of the room".




People need to grow up...


Regardless, I'm hoping that you're friends either get over themselves and realize that it's perfectly fine and normal for someone to like something they don't. Either that, or you find newer friends who aren't so intolerant. I'm hoping for the former, as I've never been one to encourage others to ditch friends, unless they're really, really bad.



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when I told my friend about being a brony, he was speechless, not because he was so vehemently against the idea but because he'd already seen so much pony stuff on his regular sites. I was "the straw that broke the pony's back" as he put it. aside from a bit of friendly ribbing, he doesn't mind really. sometimes he even joins in on pony related discussions. since then one other person learned about me being a brony but he doesn't really care. 


I'd say that so far my experience with my friends knowing about this is good so far. don't really know what'll happen down the line with other people I know /=|

  • Brohoof 1
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