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Why I am a Anti-Brony


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actually my miss inform person

he persisted me via PM and i had to let a mod handle him, he was even more insufferable then you were when you decided to be a smart ass.


this thread was made because people kept pestering me about it, and the number of time it had gone off rails is amazing 

tell me when you read that what did you get out of it cause i was talking about the kid not you i wasn't even speaking about you in a negative way why the hell do you think Im trying to attack you constantly i was saying that you'd already dealt with the kid and that mr rarity didn't need to worry about it so again echo im confused.

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  • 3 weeks later...

those folks were lame to be mean to you.  a civilized debate is hard to find anymore--in the community or not.  these people try to categorize and create a status system in a place that has no need of it.  theyre gonna be everywhere, these pricks just happen to label themselves bronies.



i liked derpys voice.  i dont think shes retarded.  i dont care if they change her name back and forth from derpy to ditzy, but i liked her androgynous, cute, and slightly lisping voice.  im just sad that people has twisted and and abused the word "derpy" into a negative connotation. :( 


and as a general rule, fanfictions are crap-tastic.  you slog through a mass of mundane nonsense/garbage to find a pearl amongst them--and what a gem they are when you find em x3

  • Brohoof 1




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I agree with you fully. I'm honestly drifting away from the brony community now... it really isnt the same as it used to be... It really isnt...


I first saw MLP back in Summer 2011, when it began to be accepted into the mainstream, I believe. I heard of it, so I watched it at 5 A.M. in the morning, by complete coincidence. Up until a few days ago, I only saw like 4 episodes. I'm trying to get through the show as quick as possible, and am only at S2E4. I never went on these forums until recently. I feel like a fake-brony even though I'm technically OG. I kind of understand your comment. I could see it in my mind.


And as a general rule, fanfictions are crap-tastic.  you slog through a mass of mundane nonsense/garbage to find a pearl amongst them--and what a gem they are when you find em x3


So I'm not the only one who feels this way? XD I refuse to read fics that aren't of my prefered 'pairings', if you know what I be talking 'bout.

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Your words are simple, but they cut deep. (Then again, I've never been particularly thick-skinned.) I do find it disheartening when bronies like yourself grow ashamed of the title because of bad experience. I'm certainly not discounting what you felt! I just don't feel like anyone could do anything to shake my faith that this fandom is a force for good.


The truth is we are human. And a VASTLY varied group of humans at that! We are going to react to events differntly from one another. Many times, there are those who suddenly have an opinion that is a majority one. They react to any descent as a threat to what they never had and never want to loose. Not an excuse, just an explanation.


When Derpy was changed. I certainly felt that some were being too sensitive but I didn't tear someone's head off for it! Those that did . . . well I certainly didn't disagree with them in spirit. I also didn't believe the change had any long-lasting negative effects. I can still watch that whole episode unaltered on YouTube and Derpy is memetic by nature. Trying to kill her is like trying to kill LOLcats! Heck, she appears in a comic book where Changelings have taken over Ponyville. Guess what? One tries to imitate her and has straight eyes. It's companion bobs the Derpy Double in the head to make her eyes crooked. How's that for the Fonz approach to a problem?!


To you my hopeful friends and compatriots, disheartened and unsure as you are, I say take heart! Look not to the misguided and foolish; the weak and the insecure. Look to the Paragons! MandoPony, SaberSpark, Joe Stevens, Sethisto, The MLP staff, the creators of this forum! Neigh, not even them! . . . Look to yourselves! 


Why did you become a brony? You all bucked the crowd to follow your heart. Do we not all have this in common?! What has this show given you? If not strength of conviction. If not knowledge of self. If not wisdom on others. Then at least it has brought you simple joy where you thought you would never find it! Has it not brought you music, art, and celebration of virtues once dismissed as childish? Virtues such as courage, sincerity, and love.


If my words ring hollow for all of you then I'm truly sorry. But if only one of you should find solace by this wisdom, then I've done the only thing I know how to do truly well. 


Believe in something till it hurts!

  • Brohoof 1
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I always wonder where you go to find bronies like this. I've yet to see one that shoves MLP down haters' throats. Besides that, why do people who were bombarded with things like 'you're not a true brony because...' take that seriously? 

  • Brohoof 2

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"Brony" never meant agreeing to share the opinions of the "masses" or whatever. It just means liking the show and possibly spending time in the fan community. Anything else someone ascribes to it runs the risk of narrowing the definition and turning people away, like we apparently are seeing now. If you like the show, that's all it takes. If you like being on this forum, come around. You can call yourself a brony if you want or you can choose not to, but it's not like it affects anything, to be blunt. It's just a term to denote people who are mostly unorthodox fans of My Little Pony.

Edited by Cosmic Charlie
  • Brohoof 2


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi!  I want to apologize for my last post here.  I tried to make the point that the vanguard of bronies deserve respect for leading the way for newer fans and for making it easier for new people to join the fandom without social disapproval.  But I think I made that point a little too harshly.  I'm sorry.


Also, I just watched the Bronies documentary, and it clarified in a way what my position is with respect to other types of fans.  Personally, I am inspired by the social significance of the fandom--the element of fans defying gender and age norms to participate in something as gentle and sweet as "My Little Pony".  I think the documentary underscores that this IS a defining characteristic of a "brony". But the documentary also makes clear that not all bronies are as "evangelical" about the societal challenge as I am.  The majority of bronies are more moderate on this point, it seems.  For example, as Cosmic Charlie wrote above,  "It just means liking the show and possibly spending time in the fan community."  A lot of bronies have to challenge social norms in becoming fans, but that isn't the reason why they are fans, and beyond being allowed to enjoy pony culture in peace, they have no interest in making this a point of greater social significance.


That said, I guess I am part of a small percentage of bronies that does want to see new definitions of gender emerge from this culture.  The show itself is about girls being all they can be unhindered by gender roles, and in a fascinating way many male fans of the show have taken this as a message that they do not have to be caged into masculine stereotypes either.  Because this theme seems to be at the heart of the show and a defining feature of the fandom,  I find it disturbing to see self-professed fans of the show embracing  very contrary gender values.  There are segments of the fandom that, for instance, seem primarily interested in turning our beloved heroines into mere sex objects.  To my mind this violates a core element in what defines a brony.  But that is just my opinion.


  • Brohoof 2
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I always wonder where you go to find bronies like this. I've yet to see one that shoves MLP down haters' throats. Besides that, why do people who were bombarded with things like 'you're not a true brony because...' take that seriously? 


To a lot of people, it's a bunch of weirdos who like a show for little girls.


Who treat like it's some sort of cult or something.


Easy to see why they're unnerved.


Besides...Just beacuse you've never seen them, doesn't mean they're not out there.


Given how...passionate people can be about this show.


Though that aplies to any fandom.


Hi!  I want to apologize for my last post here.  I tried to make the point that the vanguard of bronies deserve respect for leading the way for newer fans and for making it easier for new people to join the fandom without social disapproval.  But I think I made that point a little too harshly.  I'm sorry.


Also, I just watched the Bronies documentary, and it clarified in a way what my position is with respect to other types of fans.  Personally, I am inspired by the social significance of the fandom--the element of fans defying gender and age norms to participate in something as gentle and sweet as "My Little Pony".  I think the documentary underscores that this IS a defining characteristic of a "brony". But the documentary also makes clear that not all bronies are as "evangelical" about the societal challenge as I am.  The majority of bronies are more moderate on this point, it seems.  For example, as Cosmic Charlie wrote above,  "It just means liking the show and possibly spending time in the fan community."  A lot of bronies have to challenge social norms in becoming fans, but that isn't the reason why they are fans, and beyond being allowed to enjoy pony culture in peace, they have no interest in making this a point of greater social significance.


That said, I guess I am part of a small percentage of bronies that does want to see new definitions of gender emerge from this culture.  The show itself is about girls being all they can be unhindered by gender roles, and in a fascinating way many male fans of the show have taken this as a message that they do not have to be caged into masculine stereotypes either.  Because this theme seems to be at the heart of the show and a defining feature of the fandom,  I find it disturbing to see self-professed fans of the show embracing  very contrary gender values.  There are segments of the fandom that, for instance, seem primarily interested in turning our beloved heroines into mere sex objects.  To my mind this violates a core element in what defines a brony.  But that is just my opinion.

I'm sure you mean well.


But you do know that this, at the end of the day, is a cartoon.


Also segments of fappers exisit everywhere.




Be afraid.

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  • 1 year later...

ok, i have read the reason you're an antibrony. I also agree that the main idea now of the fandom is "love and tolerance for all!" and that does draw back. I'm not saying i will not stop being myself with my values, but seriously? I agree, it is getting over the top from the original "We watch the show, we are fans, and we will stick up for our fellow bronies.



But like everything, i do have a few points that i don't understand and will put my perspective on them:


1. You started stopping 'being a brony' because you got stomped-on with an opinion. Question: did you try telling them straight to their comments "hey, this isn't right. i can share my opinion and part of the point of the fandom is the freedom to do so. why do you slam me when you are going against the fandom yourself?"


2. Just a point about bullying...I stinking dislike the people you encountered. they seem to want to believe in the show, but still don't exercise what being a brony/pegasister is: freedom to like the show, stand up for that fact, exercise good friendship skills, and apply that to daily life. I mean, come on, who hasn't gone up and said that. when it comes down to it, that is the whole point.


3. Derpy Hooves. I once researched Derpy and found that it was supposed to an animator's prank. Fun Fact: it grew to be one of the first ponies to be offically created by the fandom to appear on the show.


I agree with the brony superiority comment.



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There's nothing wrong with being an anti-brony i actually agree with the haters in one thing: the guys shoving the show down anyone's throat that pisses me off actually, people are free no one in this world has the rights to control them as for my little dashie its average not good or bad i never red the fanfic but watched the mini-movie it was sad made me wanna cry  :( actually no i Couldn't hear shit even with the speakers turnd full volume yet i Couldn't hear jack shit as for derpy probably people like her because she reminds them of the famous meme *herp derp* that's all i could think of add more if you like..........i guess 

Edited by Saudi brony
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Wow this is kind of ancient but what is said is still very much relevent to today. You and I have never gotten along on the Derpy thing and probably never will but to your credit you did what I have seen no other Derpy critic (I figured I would say that instead of hater for good will) has done when I posted my youtube video on Derpy and actualy offered constructive suggestions. What most of the people who complained about Derpy do not understand and what has really pissed me off about the whole thing is how they have claimed to have spoken on behalf of disabled people without even listening to all the ones that like Derpy. I am not mentally retarded but I have been called names like "retard" before even though I am not because I am on the Autism spectrum and Derpy to me is a symbol not so much of the token "crippled pony" but as a message that it is okay to have differences whether they be real or even just percieved. I know what it is like to be singled out and because of that any opportunity to me to make things a little bit better for the next generation is worth it.


As for My Little Dashie, I didn't like it either and the fact that people tried to jump on you for that is indeed wrong. Even if I did like it though I would still feel that it is not cool to do that. My Little Dashie is just one fanfic, it dosen't really affect anything unlike the Derpy situation. But that is unfortunetely the nature of fandoms in general, you have nice people and you have jackasses. It dosen't excuse the jackasses but at the same time you can't expect everyone to always be behaved at all times in a fandom because it is not realistic. There are segments of the brony fandom that annoy me as well. I am very annoyed by these bronies that keep trying to put it on a pedestal and treat it like it is some kind of religion. This is especially apparent with all the hate against the so called "dark" side of the fandom. Even as someone who clops fairly often and reads the occasional gorefic I can understand why that is not everyone thing but out of all the fandoms I have ever been in I have never seen such a concerted effort by so many in a fandom to scapegoat the segment of said fandom for what they do in private.

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I'm having a hard time reading what the original post was stating; poor grammar tends to hurt after some time.


From what I get, I can't really say that I care if they are an anti-brony or not.  They aren't the "My Little Pony is gay" type, just someone who's not into the show as much or has become displeased with other fans.  Assuming that I'm correct, I can understand and relate to the first, but find no logic in the second.


I also noticed that there was a bit about us "older" fans and (I think) they were saying that we think we're more pony fans than the younger fans who are just into G4.  Thanks for labeling us all as hateful fossils.  I know that there are some of the original fans who liked the original series, but more often than not (from what I've seen), they just don't understand why G4 is so popular when they've always loved the franchise.  They may not even understand what is so great about the current series because it's not like the original versions.

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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Holy freaking shit, a brony who actually knows the story of Vanya Holt alongside immense insight on the brony community.


I refused to acknowledge the story, most of us did... I feel sorry for the girl but I seriously couldn't bring myself to read it before, it would drive me to insanity, develop a powerful sense of guilt because I felt associated with that person because the biggest deal about Max Veers is the fact he was part of Bronydom. However, the wrongs plagued both sides and it was very difficult to form a rational consistent opinion on it.


People, some human beings as miserable as they are, feel the fucking urge to 'defend the internet' from people who are geared towards a TV show. Sad to say, this incident was too good for haters to pass up, using it as a vehicle for their hate and stupidity. Completely refusing to acknowledge the fact that no fanbase is immune to attracting terrible people.

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Hits the thread with a shovel.


Now stay dead like my love for the Madoka magica movies.


You really should request that this thread be locked to an admin if you don't want it open anymore, especially if you don't still believe what you originally posted

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with hating a fandom you are/were a part of. Hell I hate 50% of the fandoms I'm part of

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Hahaha...no. Just no. Negative. 10-2. Nein. You hate us, then you keep to yourself. Otherwise...

Edited by Dawn Rider
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In this world...In this world, it's not about how determined you are. It's about how far you are willing to go to get what you want. You punch me, I'll stab you, you stab me, I'll shoot you, you shoot me, I will murder every last member of your family. However far you're willing to go...I'll go further.

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You really should request that this thread be locked to an admin if you don't want it open anymore, especially if you don't still believe what you originally posted

Yeah I did asked for the thread to be closed/locked a long time back but Swoops declined it.


So our only hope is that the thread dies again. 

Edited by PonyEcho

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Alright, Im actually going to be inclined to lock this thread. It had successfully died out a while ago and that was what the OP had wanted, win-win scenario. It's run its course for discussion and at this point only seems to be used to poke at the OP, so Im not going to allow it to remain open.

As such, thread locked.

Edited by Dawn Rider
  • Brohoof 3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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