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Tom The Diamond

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Anyone pick up Gates to Infinity? Other than the Magnagate feature, is it worth picking up if you already played the previous ones?


Also, I got back into SoulSilver. Haha, its just as fun as ever, and I'm really re-enjoying the PokeAthlon.


@@Flying Space Badger, catch a Marill and name it ZuZu! lol. On a serious note, why did you pick White 2, any particular reason, or "just because"?

Just 'cause.  And one of the first pokemon I caught was an Azurill actually, named him Squish! Then I found a Riolu and spent nearly an hour trying to catch the apparently hyper elusive Mareep. 45 Lilipups later...

I do the YouTubes! Join me in derping at video games here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Carnasid

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Just 'cause.  And one of the first pokemon I caught was an Azurill actually, named him Squish! Then I found a Riolu and spent nearly an hour trying to catch the apparently hyper elusive Mareep. 45 Lilipups later...

Ironically, I was the exact opposite, on Black 2, I easily found Mareep, and hard a hard time with Azurill.

Of course, the Marill family is a real pain in the butt to get, Azumarill can only be found in the Wild in Platinum, and B2/W2. Until B2/W2, Azurill was hard to find, and Marill is the same. It took me 45 minutes to find one in Mt Mortar in SoulSilver, one of only 2 places it can be found in those games. Sure, I coulda caught one in D/P/P, but its not as fun, lol.

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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For me it's rather simple who are the best Pokemon 2 are legends and 1 isn't but, I love Pokemon so much! And I am glad other bronies love Pokemon!


 keldeo-ordinary.jpg GOT



190px-078Rapidash.png Got


(Can you see 2/3 of my Pokemon look like ponies ;) 



                    Hush hush, Starlights asleep, hush hush, through her telescope she weeps, hush, hush, as she hunts for mars, hush, hush, and head for stars!

                                                  Starlight Request shop My page


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Ghetsis's Hydreigon goes down very easily in Black/White 2 if you have a Lv. 56 Emboar with Arm Thrust. Also, the Miltank went down to some rock smashes from my Wooper.



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't see a thread talking about pokemon so I guess I'll start one.


I have 3 games so far: Diamond, White 2, and Ruby (GBA emulated) 



Diamond (in the 50's) - Torterra, Weavile, Gastrodon, Dialga, Skuntank, Luxray


White 2 ( all 100s) - Serperior, Scolipede, Eelektross, Haxorus, Keldeo, White Kyurem 

I'm looking to replace the legendaries but I don't know who >.<


Ruby (10 below) - Torchic, Aron, Phanpy, Natu, Kabuto, Squirtle

[insert cool signature here]

https://www.facebook.com/GhostlyPumpkinPokemon - Gourgeist on facebok

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I am shocked that this doesn't exist (although I think there is a topic from X/Y).


I played a lot and had every game from gold to emerald, gone off of it recently from the lack of being able to afford a DS!


I loved Emerald I had all of the easy to get legionaries and 7 lvl 100s in that game :D!


Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME!         


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I only have one Team on Pokemon Diamond lol I lost all my other games ;(


Heres the team that I won the elite four with (all Lv 70 or higher)





-NineTails  <---- Fav Pokemon

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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Theres a thread around here somewhere for it, but oh well.  Vaporeon is the best pokemon!  Lucario is also the best pokemon!  And Ninetails is the best pokemon.


I caught a shiny marill the other day and that puts it pretty close to the top too though :P

  • Brohoof 1
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There are a group of people on the forum who have pokemon names and avatars :), they have been around for a long time.


The eevee things in a bit ridiculous, it has an evolution for almost every type and apparently there adding 2 more in X and Y.


Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME!         


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Here is my current Black 2 team:


Crobat (Poison / Flying)

Inner Focus - Adamant
Cross Poison (STAB), Fly (STAB), U-Turn, X-Scissor
Emboar (Fire / Fighting)
Blaze - Adamant
Brick Break (STAB), Earthquake, Fire Punch (STAB), Thunder Punch
Flygon (Ground / Dragon)
Levitate - Adamant
Dragon Claw (STAB), Earthquake (STAB), Rock Slide, U-Turn
Magnezone (Electric / Steel)
Sturdy - Modest
Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt (STAB), Flash Cannon (STAB), Signal Beam
Starmie (Water / Psychic)
Natural Cure - Timid
Ice Beam, Psychic (STAB), Recover, Surf (STAB)
Weavile (Dark / Ice)
Pressure - Jolly
Aerial Ace, Dig, Ice Punch (STAB), Night Slash (STAB)


My team has not changed much since Generation II / III. Crobat, Magneton, Sneasel, and Starmie were all regulars on my team from Leaf Green, and have been with me ever since.

どこにも本当の私なんていないのだから  The true me is no longer anywhere…


儚い命だわ 美しく愛おしい  What transient life, so beautiful and precious…



永遠に私のものになるしかない  There is nothing for you to do but become mine forever and ever…



ずっと私の傍に もういかさないから  For no longer can you live by my side forever and ever…


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I'm a fan of the older games, I'd have to say the newest Pokemon games I enjoy are Gen II. Anyways, my favorite Pokemon types are Ghost type Pokemon, and also Psychic type Pokemon.



After a while the amount of Pokemon they put in the games was just confusing,  and I only had one response.


  • Brohoof 2


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I've played all the generations except IV (I lost interest at that point but regained it at the announcement of Black and White). The only pokemon games I have on me at the moment is Black (1) and White 2. I don't put much time into it anymore since I don't have anyone to play against (as far as I know), though I may get back to playing again once I go back home because my cousin loves the game.


 I have a rain team right now:

Vaporeon (Hydration)

Jolteon (volt absorb)

Skarmory (sturdy)

Toxicroak (dry skin)

Politoed (drizzle)


I used to also have a hail team so that I could use glaceon effectively; I'm going to change it around a bit (not just because of smogon's banning of snow cloak either). 


I just remembered that I still have to finish White Treehollow... 

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I think I've played every maneline pokemon game and even played some others like Coleseum Pokemon XD and Pokemon battle revolution along with the mystery dungeon series.


I love pokemon and have played it since I was little, and will continue to, despite not everyone thinking of it very highly :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I've got the oldstyle ones like the old Pokemon Blue and Red on my GBC and i got alot of the new ones on emulators as well. Tho i remember me having like a level 100 Blastoise and a level 100 Mewtwo which both slaughtered :P

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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I think I've played every maneline pokemon game and even played some others like Coleseum Pokemon XD and Pokemon battle revolution along with the mystery dungeon series.


I love pokemon and have played it since I was little, and will continue to, despite not everyone thinking of it very highly tongue.png.


Oh yeah, I remember having Pokemon Stadium on the N64. My brother and I had a battle on there where he put his Lv. 100 Mew against my Lv. 100 Mewtwo. I won img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png. We got mew and mewtwo by using gameshark by the way. His game corrupted after the battle so he had to start over, adding insult to injury happy.png.


As much as I love Pokemon Stadium, I haven't bought any of the other "Stadium" games like Colosseum or XD. I've never tried the mystery dungeon series but I keep hearing nice things about it; I might pick up one of the games in the future.

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Pokemon is probably the greatest thing in existence. My game list is:

Yellow (x2)
Gold (x2)



Leaf Green

Fire Red (x2)


Black 2


Mystery Dungeon Red

Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time


Pokemon Box

Pokemon Colosseum


Pokemon Stadium

Pokemon Stadium 2



Played through every one multiple times, aside from Platinum. I never got into the D,P,P series - though I have no clue why.

My favourite Pokemon is, and always will be the adorable little serpent, Dratini. They're just so cool and cute, I want one. Sylveon is my favourite Eeveelution, despite nothing being known about it. Following Sylveon would be Glaceon.


As for my party Pokemon, well, if you can cuddle it, it's part of my primary 6.

Edited by Akoura
  • Brohoof 1


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Oh yeah, I remember having Pokemon Stadium on the N64. My brother and I had a battle on there where he put his Lv. 100 Mew against my Lv. 100 Mewtwo. I won img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png. We got mew and mewtwo by using gameshark by the way. His game corrupted after the battle so he had to start over, adding insult to injury happy.png.


As much as I love Pokemon Stadium, I haven't bought any of the other "Stadium" games like Colosseum or XD. I've never tried the mystery dungeon series but I keep hearing nice things about it; I might pick up one of the games in the future.

Colosseum isn't terribly like Pokemon stadium really, although theres always pokemon stadium 2 if you haven't got that, PBR if anything might be more like stadium, but not quite. 


The mystery dungeon series in my opinion is pretty awesome, infact it definitely has the best story of any of the pokemon games, most compelling for sure, I love its story, and the gameplays pretty good to. Nice change of pace.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I've got the oldstyle ones like the old Pokemon Blue and Red on my GBC and i got alot of the new ones on emulators as well. Tho i remember me having like a level 100 Blastoise and a level 100 Mewtwo which both slaughtered tongue.png


I recently figured out how to put a pokemon red emulator on my graphing calculator and my math grade is going down the drain because of it lol

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The last Pokemon game I played was Yellow.


I never got to play any of the others because after that my mom took away Pokemon forever because my siblings and I fought each other over who got to be Ash while we were pretending.


I got my revenge though, over a decade later:





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Colosseum isn't terribly like Pokemon stadium really, although theres always pokemon stadium 2 if you haven't got that, PBR if anything might be more like stadium, but not quite. 


I was just speaking loosely since, at face value, the games give off Pokemon Stadium vibes. For better or worse, whenever I see a pokemon game for home consoles that features pokemon battles in 3d, I instantly think Pokemon Stadium wacko.png

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