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I ran a search for "Pokemon" and found this on the third page of results. It's a catch-all Pokémon thread (har har har). I merged your thread with it.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I'm one of those ultra nerdy Pokemon fans. Anybody else heard of EVs and IVs and walls and sweepers and Ubers and OUs and RUs and UUs and NUs and LCs? There's the world of the Pokemon DS games (which I enjoy and use regularly) and the world of competitive Pokemon. All of those things I said up there are things in the world of competitive Pokemon, which is basically the nerdy side. I'm part of both bits of the fandom (some only play the games, some only play competitively).



Did I tell you I'm a girl?

  • Brohoof 2

Bow ties are cool.


This sig needs to be around 20% cooler.

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I haven't played Pokemon in a long time, it would be so fun to play it again. I'll probably get Pokemon X and Y when they come out, if I get all of the desired games that I want.

I haven't played Pokemon for awhile until I decided to buy Pokemon Black 2 and Heart Gold and got right back into it easily. I had a pretty bad addiction for awhile. You won't have any regrets buying X or Y. XD

  • Brohoof 1



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I have a random pokemon story to tell here. Don't worry, it's short. :P


So, I was soft resetting a few months ago for a shiny Uxie, just because I was bored, and on the third reset, this shiny Uxie appeared. I had a total flip, (coz I'm a nerd like that), and I was like "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!" 

My family  was wondering what the f*ck I was doing that for. :P

And it's funny, because a few months before that, I got a shiny Bulbasaur on the fifth reset. I guess I'm just lucky like that. XD


And, you know how in the Resort place at the end of Diamond they say there's something special in the pond nearby? Well, I was looking in the pond, and ended up finding a shiny Magikarp. 


I could mention more shiny pokemon stories, but I've gotta go hatch some level 1 pokemon to beat my brother's level 100 pokemon team with. 


Hehe, I'm such a nerd.... :P

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I have a random pokemon story to tell here. Don't worry, it's short. tongue.png


So, I was soft resetting a few months ago for a shiny Uxie, just because I was bored, and on the third reset, this shiny Uxie appeared. I had a total flip, (coz I'm a nerd like that), and I was like "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!" 

My family  was wondering what the f*ck I was doing that for. tongue.png

And it's funny, because a few months before that, I got a shiny Bulbasaur on the fifth reset. I guess I'm just lucky like that. XD


And, you know how in the Resort place at the end of Diamond they say there's something special in the pond nearby? Well, I was looking in the pond, and ended up finding a shiny Magikarp. 


I could mention more shiny pokemon stories, but I've gotta go hatch some level 1 pokemon to beat my brother's level 100 pokemon team with. 


Hehe, I'm such a nerd.... tongue.png

You lucky pony you. The last time I found a shiny was a bellsprout in the beginning of a silver game that doesn't save on the original gameboy

  • Brohoof 1

[insert cool signature here]

https://www.facebook.com/GhostlyPumpkinPokemon - Gourgeist on facebok

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I'm one of those ultra nerdy Pokemon fans. Anybody else heard of EVs and IVs and walls and sweepers and Ubers and OUs and RUs and UUs and NUs and LCs? There's the world of the Pokemon DS games (which I enjoy and use regularly) and the world of competitive Pokemon. All of those things I said up there are things in the world of competitive Pokemon, which is basically the nerdy side. I'm part of both bits of the fandom (some only play the games, some only play competitively).



Did I tell you I'm a girl?

Finally Someone who knows about competitive battling, When I told my friends about EVs, they asked me how Eevee effects the stats of others tongue.png


I usually do NU and UU tiers, I'm not that great at ubers. I use a Linoone, belly drum extreemespeed sweep, Silk scarfed

Edited by Toa of Ponies
  • Brohoof 2


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

                                                                    Saxophonist|PW:AA fan|Bass Guitar Enthusiast |K-On! fan

                                                                                                 ~Ema Skye is my Waifu~

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You lucky pony you. The last time I found a shiny was a bellsprout in the beginning of a silver game that doesn't save on the original gameboy


Yeah, I found an actual shiny Gyrados (not the one you get anyway) in Silver, except mine saved. :P

I didn't know how good it was, so I just released it. I'm pretty sure I was only about 7 at the time. XD


Finally Someone who knows about competitive battling, When I told my friends about EVs, they asked me how Eevee effects the stats of others tongue.png


That made me chuckle. :P


I train my pokemon using EVs, but only on my Black game. Because it's on an r4 and I can cheat to receive power wings and rare candies.


I don't know why. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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Me, I am a huge fan of pokemon. While I don't play it as much anymore, it holds a special place in my heart. My favorite pokemon would be Gengar. He is very useful and just plain awesome. Also, I loved making people mad whenever I used him and would put their pokemon to sleep, curse them, give them nightmares, and eat their dreams. My favorite type would be Ghosts. They're really cool and useful.



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I'm one of those ultra nerdy Pokemon fans. Anybody else heard of EVs and IVs and walls and sweepers and Ubers and OUs and RUs and UUs and NUs and LCs? There's the world of the Pokemon DS games (which I enjoy and use regularly) and the world of competitive Pokemon. All of those things I said up there are things in the world of competitive Pokemon, which is basically the nerdy side. I'm part of both bits of the fandom (some only play the games, some only play competitively).



Did I tell you I'm a girl?


I know of all that stuff though I don't do much competitive battling. I do the EV training but IVs are just plain ridiculous. The only attention I give for those is for hidden powers (I was so relieved my glaceon got hp ground). So I do put a bit of effort into building somewhat competitive teams (though I always try to fit an eeveelution on them laugh.png ) but I mostly just watch others do the battling on youtube, like Wilechase and TheFlamingSpade. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Pokemon is awesome! From what I've seen of X and Y, its gonna be a great game. My favorite Pokemon is probably Lunatone or Solrock because they're both from the best generation of them all, generation 3!


"Slapping Faces Ever Since"

-Legion v3, 2013



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Finally Someone who knows about competitive battling, When I told my friends about EVs, they asked me how Eevee effects the stats of others img-1402317-1-tongue.png


I usually do NU and UU tiers, I'm not that great at ubers. I use a Linoone, belly drum extreemespeed sweep, Silk scarfed

Haha, I always thought "EV Training" meant "Eevee Training." I always wondered how people had 6 Eevee when you could only get one in-game...


Sorry, but I'm not a competitive battler, I battle just for the fun of it. I understand EVs and IVs now, but it was never something I got too into.


I have a random pokemon story to tell here. Don't worry, it's short. tongue.png


So, I was soft resetting a few months ago for a shiny Uxie, just because I was bored, and on the third reset, this shiny Uxie appeared. I had a total flip, (coz I'm a nerd like that), and I was like "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!" 

My family  was wondering what the f*ck I was doing that for. tongue.png

And it's funny, because a few months before that, I got a shiny Bulbasaur on the fifth reset. I guess I'm just lucky like that. XD


And, you know how in the Resort place at the end of Diamond they say there's something special in the pond nearby? Well, I was looking in the pond, and ended up finding a shiny Magikarp. 


I could mention more shiny pokemon stories, but I've gotta go hatch some level 1 pokemon to beat my brother's level 100 pokemon team with. 


Hehe, I'm such a nerd.... tongue.png

Lucky you! The only 2 legit shinies I got were Gyrados (Obviously!) and Shinx. Poke Radar is a real pain, but it works if you have time to spare :P

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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I haven't played in a good while now; not since shortly after finishing White (in part due to my 3DS breaking and having yet to send it for repair).

I remember wanting to like White more than I did but I still find myself considering Heart Gold and Soul Silver the best Pokémon games to date.  I am very excited for X and Y though...which means I seriously need to get my 3DS sent in soon (not to mention the upcoming 3DS Zelda and Smash Bros.).


I went to Anime Revolution last year and made the mistake of not bringing my Pokémon games with me, because they had a really cool event running the length of the con with actual Gym Leaders and whatnot around the convention center you would battle for badges.


I'm not a terribly competitive player.  I know of and understand EVs and IVs but I've never bothered with them.  I grinded the Elite 4 in Platinum until I had my Floatzel, Rapidash and Torterra at level 100; no Rare Candies involved.


As for my favourites, in no particular order:

Nidorino, Torterra, Charmeleon, Hoothoot, Sentret, Spinarak, Lugia.

These are just based on how much I like the designs.  I'm a big fan of the Gen 2 commons.

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Behold, the product of procrastination:


Why Water is the Best Type

By this guy right here


When one thinks of good offensive and defensive types, the first to come to mind for most are Dragon (or Flying) and Steel, respectively.  After all, Dragon is only resisted by one type and has powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Outrage, and Steel is that type that resists Dragon, not to mention a whopping ten other types.  In fact, Steel is weak to only three types and neutral to two, but resistant to eleven and immune to one! So what makes Water come anywhere close to either of these?



Offensive capability isn't solely determined by quantity of types that you can hit super-effectively/neutrally or lack of resistant types.  It takes a combination of these, along with high-power/reliable moves and the right common Pokemon, to truly excel offensively.  Let's take a look at Dragon and Flying, widely considered to be the two best offensive types:


Dragon: 1 SE | 15 Neutral | 1 NVE

Flying: 3 SE | 11 Neutral | 3 NVE


     They're about the same in that there's a 1:1 ratio of pure types weak to and resistant to them.  A few other types have this ratio (Rock, Ground, and Fighting even exceed it but are hindered by immunities and such), but it's the specific types that put these two ahead of the pack for the most part.  Dragon, for instance, is only resisted by Steel, meaning anything that isn't at least part-Steel will be dealing with a powerful neutral move at best.  Flying is only resisted by Steel, Rock, and Electric; Electric is really uncommon, there are only a few really good Rock-types, and several Steel/x types are actually neutral to Flying (notably Scizor, Forretress, Lucario, and Ferrothorn).  Flying actually has less resistors in OU than Dragon, although it's certainly less abusable.  

     On the flip side of all this is the types that Dragon and Flying are strong against: Dragon and Bug/Fighting/Grass respectively.  This doesn't matter quite as much, especially with moves as strong as STAB Hurricane/Brave Bird and Draco Meteor/Outrage, but it's nice to hit things really hard and, in the case of Flying, get some of those aforementioned neutral hits.


     That's all well and good, but Water has the same 3 | 11 | 3 offensive ability as Flying, just with some rearrangement.  Water-resists include Grass (notorious for being a poor defensive type, weak to the Waters' ubiquitous Ice-type coverage moves), Dragon (admittedly a cool and decent defensive type, but often massively weak to standard Ice coverage), and Water itself.  Water is SE against Fire, Rock, and Ground.  Most importantly, Water is neutral against Steel, allowing coverage moves to be something other than Fire/Fighting/Ground for the sake of Steel disposal.  Only Water can reliably take on Waters...sound like Gen I Psychic yet?

     Also, because I mentioned it for Water but not for Dragon or Flying, another factor of offensive effectiveness is how easily those resistors can be covered.  Dragon is as effective as it is because Fire, Fighting, and Ground moves are extremely common for Dragons to have.  Flying loves Fighting coverage, but that's only really available in Staraptor physically and Tornadus specially, so as a result it's largely brought down to or below Dragon's overall level of effectiveness.  Water's got difficulty covering itself because it's just a damn good defensive typing.  Speaking of which...



Much like offense, defensive effectiveness is a combination of a couple factors, in this case the type's pure weaknesses/resistances and how easily dealt-with the weaknesses are.  For example, keeping positives on the left side:


Steel: 1 Immune | 11 NVE | 2 Neutral | 3 SE


Nothing even comes close to this numerically.  The next-highest amount of resists is Fire, with *only* 5.  However, being this much of a defensive outlier also works to Steel's disadvantage by making those three super-effective types all the more common and necessary for opponents.  It does help that two of those three types can be dealt with via ability-based immunity and two(with one overlap) can be dealt with via secondary-type-based immunity, not to mention possible resistances offered by secondary types.  Water is actually in a similar situation:


Water: 4 NVE | 11 Neutral | 2 SE


     Okay, you aren't able to take 12 of the 17 types with no issue at all, but Water resists Fire (a pretty good offensive type, common for dealing with Steels), Water (deja vu, man), Ice (a fantastic coverage type that works well with a lot of types), and Steel (less common overall, but Scizor's Bullet Punch is always a nice thing to resist).  Weaknesses include only Grass and Electric, which are relatively easy to cover with a secondary typing and not extremely common anyway.  Grass is resisted by more types than any other (7), and Electric is mostly Special and as such can be taken well by non-Electric-weak Special walls, Ground-types, and anything with an Electric immuno-ability.  Both are resisted by Dragon and Grass.

     Another notable thing about Water is the sheer amount of possible secondary types: there's a Water hybrid with every type but Fire (and Bug if Surskit is excluded for being, you know, Surskit).  This means there's a lot of possible variety within the type, and therefore a Water to suit almost every purpose.  It doesn't hurt that it's the most populated type, either (but don't quote me on that).  But such good offensive and defensive capability is sort of abstract in that it's not always as simple as Water vs. X.  It's difficult to portray this more solidly from a defensive standpoint, but let me give you something a bit more concrete regarding offense:



Because what good is perfect coverage if your only move is fixed-damage, right Gen I Dragons?  As per the classic "Power vs. Reliability" argument, I'll list a powerful move and an accurate move (if the powerful move isn't really accurate or is a one-off).  Standard offensive comparison types:


Dragon has Outrage (120 BP 100 ACC, 2-3 turn lock-in with confusion after) and Dragon Claw (80 BP 100 ACC) on the physical side, Draco Meteor (140 BP 90 ACC, -2 SpA after each use) and Dragon Pulse (90 BP 100 ACC) on the special side.  If you're Palkia, you have Spacial Rend (100 BP 100 ACC, high crit rate) as a (good) Special signature move.


Flying has Brave Bird (120 BP 100 ACC, HP-based recoil) and Acrobatics (55 BP 100 ACC, power doubles with no held item) physically and Hurricane (120 BP 70 ACC, perfect acc in rain, 30% confusion chance) and Air Slash (75 BP 95 ACC, 30% flinch chance) specially.


So basically they both have high-power (higher power than many other types have access to on the physical side), highish-accuracy moves with some fairly debilitating drawbacks as well as a fairly vanilla reliable move.  Now let's do Water:


Water has Waterfall (80 BP 100 ACC, 20% flinch rate) and Aqua Jet (40 BP 100 ACC, +1 priority) physically and Hydro Pump (120 BP 80 ACC), Scald (80 BP 100 ACC, 30% burn chance), and Surf (95 BP 100 ACC) specially.  Water Spout is a sparsely-distributed Special move with power based on the user's current percent of max HP and with 100 accuracy.


Physically, Water unfortunately lacks any real high-power moves, capping at 90 BP from Aqua Tail (usually inferior to Waterfall) and Crabhammer (worthwhile for the high crit rate, but next to nothing gets it).  Waterfall is usually enough to get by for the things that need it, and the flinch chance means it's not all that bad.  Aqua Jet, however few things use it well, is notable for its priority.  Specially, we're looking at something pretty powerful.  Hydro Pump has just enough accuracy to be bearable (hey, at least it's not 70), making it a real potent offensive option for Special Water-types.  Scald's burn rate usually makes it superior to Surf despite the lower power, but both are cool options for those that prefer reliability.  Water Spout is part of what makes Kyogre the kings of Ubers: it provides just enough firepower to take down Blissey in two uses after some hazards with no setup by Ogre itself, only requiring Choice Specs.  The other thing that helps Kyogre out a lot is...



     So far, Water might seem like a well-balanced type that's good at everything, but not really a contender for the best at any one thing.  Its offensive moves just aren't as powerful as Dragon's, right?  Well, yeah, but can Dragon moves get boosted in power by 1.5x by a potentially eternal-until-changed field condition?  Hell naw.  Many Water-types have abilities that only activate in rain, such as Vaporeon's Hydration or Kingdra's Swift Swim.  Put them in rain and not only do they get the benefits of their ability, they also get what amounts to another STAB boost on their Water moves!  It doesn't matter what resists your Hydro Pump when it hits off (your SpA here)x2.25 with whatever boost your item gives you on top of that, be it Life Orb's x1.3 or Choice Specs's x1.5 (again).  If you're playing by the standard OU rules, you can't have Drizzle and Swift Swim on the same team, but you can have Rain Dance paired with Swift Swim for something like an offensive Trick Room sweep, only actually fast and with all the other benefits of rain.

     Defensively, rain doesn't do much for the Water-type itself (as it already resists the weakened Fire), but note that the Fire-weakening is really lucrative for the Steel-type: basically, it makes Water better offensively and Steel better defensively, even if the Steels might have to fend off boosted Water moves.  

     But that's not even mentioning the now-100%-accurate Thunder and Hurricane and their 30% secondary effects that help both offensively (increased power) and defensively (hindering the opponent from attacking).  This brings the list of types that benefit directly from rain to Water, Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel, which is quite the collection.  Indirectly, anything benefits that has a bunch of counters that don't like rain/the Pokemon that like rain.  But I think you get it by now: rain is good.  Water is good.


Really, I think Water would have been second-fiddle to Dragon overall if it weren't for rain.  A close second, but second nonetheless. And you know what Ricky Bobby says: If you ain't first, you're last.


None of the above mentions exactly how good some of the Water hybrids are, but take a second to think of some and you'll get an idea.  Starmie, Kingdra, Kabutops, Keldeo, Gyarados, etc.


So yeah, I got really bored and started thinking of this, and what better way to procrastinate writing a novella than type up all this, right?  Also I'm aware that Espeon is, in fact, not Water-type.  The irony is partially and ironically intended and unintended at the same time, but mostly the first thing.

  • Brohoof 2


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Behold, the product of procrastination:


Why Water is the Best Type

By this guy right here


When one thinks of good offensive and defensive types, the first to come to mind for most are Dragon (or Flying) and Steel, respectively.  After all, Dragon is only resisted by one type and has powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Outrage, and Steel is that type that resists Dragon, not to mention a whopping ten other types.  In fact, Steel is weak to only three types and neutral to two, but resistant to eleven and immune to one! So what makes Water come anywhere close to either of these?




That's funny. I never really thought of water being a better offensive type than ground or fighting. You bring up some fair points, though I think I'd prefer to hit steel types for super effective damage. Plus earthquake is powerful with no drawbacks (excluding the levitate and flying immunities). I don't have the patience to put any effort into forming a decent argument though.


I actually just started to play my white 2 version recently since I wanted to finish some of the post game content. I finally complete White Tree hollow a day ago and I'm now planning to work on getting some of those medals. So I'm putting together a monotype team to defeat e4 + champ with. I think I'll start with grass or steel, my favorite types (despite how much grass sucks).

Edited by Cota
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@@Espeon, you forgot Vapaoreon, Vaporeon is best watertype. it is very agoo.


But you have to remember, Water type is severely populated. Containing the largest amount of Pokemon of all types. Almost all type combinations exists with Water types.


Of course it would be one of the better types.overall.



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Behold, the product of procrastination:


Why Water is the Best Type

By this guy right here


When one thinks of good offensive and defensive types, the first to come to mind for most are Dragon (or Flying) and Steel, respectively.  After all, Dragon is only resisted by one type and has powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Outrage, and Steel is that type that resists Dragon, not to mention a whopping ten other types.  In fact, Steel is weak to only three types and neutral to two, but resistant to eleven and immune to one! So what makes Water come anywhere close to either of these?


My personal favorite is electric (Jolteon is my fav), but you make some great points. I never really thought about water types like this, but you're right, they are great for offense and what not. When I think water types, I think: *SHOOP* ton of health. That's probably because I use the biggest water types available (like wailord).




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hello, I'm new to the site. I'm glad I found this thread


as far as favorite type goes, I don't think I have a favorite.


my favorite pokemon though is chandelure with volcarona and kyurem being close seconds. I'm hoping for a ghost/steel type to go whit my chandelure

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So I finally caught my first non-event shiny a few days ago. It also happens to be the very first shiny that I've ever encountered despite playing Red, Gold, Ruby, HeartGold and Black (1). Anyway, It's a shiny Absol; I'm not too fond of the color but who cares, he's shiny! 

Then, as luck would have it, I met and caught another shiny earlier today. This time it was a croagunk. Once again, I'm not too fond of the color but it's nice to have. 


Now that I think about it, there doesn't seem to be many shiny pokemon that have palettes that I find more appealing than the non shiny version img-1427776-1-huh.png

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  Pokemon is probably the best game ever, or at least it is for me. So here's my list...


  - The second generation is my favorite, especially since you can got to both Kanto and Jhoto.  I really enjoyed the 5th generation though.  I wish one day they'd make a version that lets you go to every region.  I can already imagine the hours I'd spend on that game.


  - Best type: I cant choose between ice, fire, dragon and psychic.  Oh, dark Pokemon are badass too.  Now that I think of it, maybe dark is my favorite.  I always try to have one dark type on my team.  Fire is also my favorite starter type. 


  - Best Pokemon:  Again, I have a hard time choosing.  I've always thought Articuno was cool img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png .  I also like Pikachu, Lugia, Lucario, Murkrow, Zoroark, Reshiram...ugh, too many choices.  If I had to choose a favorite though, it would most likely be either Typhlosion or Lugia.

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Is there anypony here that plays Pokemon competitively? I've been doing it since early gen 5, but my interest seems to be waning. I think I'll get back into it when X/Y come out. My favorite tier to play in is UU, and my favorite Pokemon to use, as well as my favorite in general, is Swoobat. It is so underrated, but it's a monster when used right.

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