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Tom The Diamond

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I'm a HUGE Pokemon fan.

My favorite Pokemon is Larvitar, my favorite mythical is Celebi, and my favorite Pokemon movie is Pokemon 4ever Celebi The Voice of the Forest.

My favorite generation is gen 5.

Favorite character in all of Pokemon is Silver.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm a a very big Pokemon fan! I spend a lot of time watching the series and movies, I spend a lot of time playing the game and I play no live Pokemon Go!
I love all the games but my favourite will always be Diamond as Sinnoh region and generation 4 are my favourites! My favourite pokemon is Milotic, which is probably why I got a 2 meter long Milotic plush:squee:

  • Brohoof 3



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Ooooo me me me me me me me me! Loved the series from the moment I laid my eyes on it. To be honest though, I feel that the series has been going downhill since Gen 7, but that's still fairly new, so who knows if it'll ever pick up or not. I never get tired of playing any of the other games though.

I, uh, am almost really unhealthily obsessed with Pokemon. I can remember a lot of things that most can't remember and I practically think about it every day. But I don't hold anyone against it, I understand there are people who might not like it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I loooooooooove Pokemon, but ONLY the games and even then I really only love gens 1-3. The modern Pokemon games really haven't interested me, mainly because they keep putting more and more characters and story bits into the new games but it always sucks. The stories and characters are usually awful and cliche out the wazoo. So I mainly stick to the old ones, the ones I love most. Also, Gengar is my favorite Pokemon. :3 I personally despise the shows, especially the original. Yes, I loved it when I was little, but good god it is so unbelievably bad in retrospect.



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I enjoy pokemon, I remember watching it while eating breakfast right before school and then rushing home to watch it afterwards. As well as being sent to the principal's office for bringing a pokemon toy  one day. My favorite pokemon is still Dodrio  and dodou .... *looks at current avatar*  oh... well I guess I enjoy that pokemon too much. But the last game I've played has been sun and moon  which I enjoyed on the fact that it put a new spin on the games though.  I've stopped caring much for the shows after a while but time to time I do write my own fanfiction involving the world and do a bit of world building with it. Gotta have pokemon races be a normal thing and Team Rocket being sneaky no matter where you go.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

To breathe life into this thread, I'll pose a question here instead of making it its own thread: What are your favorite and least favorite mainline Pokemon games?




Personally, I'd say my favorites are DP and BW. Diamond and Pearl are absurdly underrated by the Pokemon community at large and are sometimes smeared for whatever reason as being worse than they really were about a lot of things. And I've heard complaints about the variety of wild mons, but it always confuses me, because if we're being honest it has one of the BEST in the entire series... As for the leveling, I'd say this is the best of the best. And the E4 actually offers up more of a real challenge in this game unlike in some other games... As for Black and White, the story was absolutely amazing, and I would honestly say BW's mechanics are the most refined in the series (well, with the exception of weather...). Though some of the new mons could have been better if they just, I don't know, kept going on as they had before instead of making a new roster of a WHOPPING 155 mons just for the game's national dex... Also, I have to admire this game's soundtrack, it was absolutely fantastic.


As for least favorites, well Gold and Silver. The story seems like an excuse for a pretty much direct sequel, some of the gameplay "improvements" were unnoticeable (Dark types were an absolute joke for the most part and Steel while a great addition, didn't do all that much to change anything in the end aside from making Fire types stronger and being a general pain without coverage to deal with it, as it STILL IS...), and they added a lot of new problems... Also, the leveling is AWFULLY designed. After they already got it right the first time around... Not to say the games are bad, but they kind of are for mainline Pokemon games in all honesty... Even if the post game was an improvement on the non-existent one from gen 1's games, it's the second go around so of course they should improve the game...


EDIT: I'm sure I would say Sword and Shield over Gold and Silver if I played it. :dry: Which I don't intend to, unless it involves giving Game Freak no money in return for their awful design choices in Sw/Sh. Hopefully things turn around in Gen 9, but with Gen 8's sales figures I doubt I'll have the will to invest in any of the mainline Pokemon games any time soon (aside from those up until Gen 7).

Edited by Dustleeshus
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I’d say like maybe Pokémon Moon or Silver? Maybe Diamond? I dunno. It’s kind of hard for me to say what my favorite is. I like Silver because even if it felt like such an overly direct copy sequel in a way it WAS what got me into the series.  I have a real soft spot for Johto. I couldn’t really get all that into Sapphire though tbh. I do like the Hoenn legendaries though especially Rayquaza. It’s mega shiny form is one of my favorite shinies period. 





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Favorite games would be the Jhoto games, both the originals and sequels.  The originals had the best rival in Pokemon history, Silver, and also had an incredible post-game and really fun glitches to mess around with(Although I know glitches are not why people play a game, most of the time), and the remakes had some of the best features in Pokemon while retaining the amazing rival and post-game that  Gold, Silver, and Crystal had.  I also really like the 5th gen games, all of them take the #2 spot for me, BW and B2 and W2 all had incredible stories while having the best evil team and really good music, as well as one of the best characters in the Pokemon universe, N(Silver is another one of those characters).

X and Y are my least favorite because while I like all Pokemon games and would play all of them again, X and Y are so easy in terms of the battling, like I think my Pokemon were all in the level 70's and half of them(the ones that got bonus EXP because they were traded) were almost in the level 80's by the time I got to the Elite Four, and the map was really hard to navigate for me, I kept getting lost and not knowing where to go next, and don't get me started on how ridiculously confusing Lumiose City is.

Honestly, my biggest worry for the Pokemon games is that when the gen 2 remakes of the remakes come, Silver is going to be replaced with yet another friendly rival who doesn't have very much new character.

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  • 1 month later...

For those who have played sword and shield 

Anyone else not like the Dynamax Pokémon Max Raid system? By this I mean for example

I prefer playing alone so I don’t invite players. The game “finds” me some npc trainers -.- 

Went vs a Wooper with water absorb ability. And the game found me trainers with water type Pokémon who kept using water type moves and healing it. 

This last max raid battle I did I got teamed up with a Magikarp, a togepi who kept healing everyone and a clefairy who also kept healing everyone. I was the only one actually attacking it. 

Not only that their Pokémon seem to get oneshotted.

Personally I’d rather not have the help. Especially if they’re gonna heal the Pokémon we’re fighting. 

* Freaky Just Got Fabulous *

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Yes, I’m a Pokémon fan. ^^


I got Let’s Go Pikachu and Pokémon Sword for Christmas.

Edited by TheRockARooster
  • Brohoof 1


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Pokémon Shield was surprisingly fun, I bought it spontanously. But it's obvious they rushed the second half of the game. Like with one “gym” just being a single room with 3 trainers, yay~ It's also odd they just talk the story. Always when something exciting and thrilling happens, they just talk about it instead of showing it to the player. Absolutely anticlimatic. I would say those games do many things right, but also many things wrong. It's a game you can easily love and hate at the same time, haha. Besides Vaporeon, all my favorite Pokémon got cut as well. I don't like the direction of the newer games, but complaining doesn't help me, I just end up playing the older games. With a smile. :)

But I can't say which one of the mainline games is my favorite. I have to replay them and rediscover my feelings. Because back then, I didn't enjoy Pearl. And because of this I skipped Generation 5 as a whole. But when I played through Black for the first time in 2019, I really enjoyed it. It may not be a mainline game, but my favorite is Colosseum up to this day. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I absolutely love Pokemon! I've been obsessed with it ever since I was a little kid.

I remember waking up one time at around 4 AM and sneaking onto my mom's computer to watch it when I was about 7. :ButtercupLaugh:

  • Brohoof 1

Lover of all things Applejack. <3



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