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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

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Thought dump, woohoo.


It can and will change the entire basis of the show and it's characters, and it's just a stupid move in general.



One of the main points emphasized all throughout the show's running time is Twilight as a student. Since 2010, our little purple pony has been slowly but surely learning about the true magic of friendship, why it's important, and how great it can be. She's becoming better and better within her studies as a student and a friend. However, she is and was always meant to be just that; a student, willing and able to learn more. What happens when she learns everything about friendship? What if she learns all of the little ins and outs of being friends? What happens to the show? Twilight learning her lessons on friendship is what DRIVES the show. Every single episode leads to Twilight realizing something about friendship, which we ourselves might not know either. But if Twilight becomes an alicorn, it proves that she is the master of her trade. What happens when there's no more to learn? There's no show. I want to see a show that details the adventures of these 6 heroes and friends, as they learn from their failures and past mistakes and are able to prevail. Not 6 ponies who just succeed all the time.



Next, Twilight's character. As we know, Twilight is an extremely hard worker and is always striving to be perfect. She works day in and day out every day, studying and calculating, writing, and reading. She deserves a reward, right? Yes, she most certainly does. This reward should not, however, include becoming and all-knowing god-figure. Twilight is fallible. She is imperfect. It's because of this that she strives to become infallible and perfect. As a living creature, you and I all know that this is impossible. We can, and most certainly will fail at least one more time in our lives, if not many, many more. It's this drives Twilight and motivates her to become the opposite of that. But in the end, as any human will tell you, it's impossible. We are all fallible, we are all imperfect. It's what makes life worth living. If we succeed all the time, would we really be happy? No. We are happy of our triumphs because of all of the trials and chances at failure that have occurred. When Twilight becomes an alicorn, she's doing the opposite. She'll be infallible. She'll be perfect. What more is there to strive for? To work for? Nothing whatsoever. Let me ask you, have you ever tried really hard for something, whether it be a grade or any type of reward, only to realize that the reward was not why you were doing it? That you were trying so hard to prove to yourself and everyone else that you could? That is what Twilight has always been trying to obtain, and becoming an alicorn completely destroys the concept.


Lastly, this upsets the balance between the characters. All of the main 6 each have qualities that allow them to aid their friends when in need, and so that they themselves will need help as well. Every time they bicker or fight can and is mended, stronger than ever because they come to realize that their similarities AND differences are what keeps them together. Twilight's "ascension" (more like descension if you ask me) is only going to ruin this. No longer will she be able to help her friends genuinely. She'll just automatically have the answers to all of their problems, considering that she will have reached the highest level of knowledge on friendship possible. Not to mention that it would ruin the 2 pegasus, 2 unicorn, and 2 earth pony thing they have going on.


This is not to say however, that it can not be done correctly. Perhaps if it is only present during one or two episodes where in the end, she realizes all of this and that she's truly not going to be the friend and pony that she is, and decides to go back to being a unicorn. That is what I'd call true friendship. Declining something that seems only incredibly beneficial to stay with your friends and to keep those important bonds together, stronger than ever. It's similar to how Rainbow Dash was willing to throw away her dreams to stay with her friends in Wonderbolts Academy, except this time it's the real deal. I guess all we can do is pray and hope the Hasbro and DHX can do this correctly. Otherwise, I'm going to be one very, very pissed off son of a bitch.


  To me, this show was always a pioneer that proved that all little girl's media didn't have to be about tea parties and princesses. I guess I was wrong.


Also, as a sidenote, I think it's outright stupid to believe that it's no big deal because "the only difference is that she can fly." That's viewing this is a childish manner, not taking into account any of the intrinsic values of as major a change as this

Edited by Twiliscael
  • Brohoof 3



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I guess all we can do is pray and hope the Hasbro and DHX can do this correctly. Otherwise, I'm going to be one very, very pissed off son of a bitch.

Yep that is pretty much my thoughts on this, I am nervous of course but do acknowledge that it can work out if done right. I have kept saying that Twilight may become a Mary Sue if this is botched and people seem to keep getting the wrong idea whenever I say this, and take it personally like I am bashing her as a character when the exact opposite is true. I love Twilight almost as much as I love Applejack and that is really saying a lot so it would greatly sadden me if such a thing were to happen.

  • Brohoof 1
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What happens when she learns everything about friendship? What if she learns all of the little ins and outs of being friends? What happens to the show? Twilight learning her lessons on friendship is what DRIVES the show. Every single episode leads to Twilight realizing something about friendship, which we ourselves might not know either. But if Twilight becomes an alicorn, it proves that she is the master of her trade. What happens when there's no more to learn?


Allow me to poke holes in this: I think this is a fundamentally flawed assumption about what'll happen to Twilight if/when she reaches alicornhood.  Do you really think that when she reaches alicornhood, that makes her perfect and there's no more room to grow?  What about her friends?  What about the difficulties that such a change will introduce for her?  What about the fact that Applejack will still be tending her apple farm, Rainbow Dash will still be vying to become a member of the Wonderbolts, and Pinkie Pie will still be doing ... well, whatever it is she does?  And what about the fact that, if she needs to move away from Ponyville to become a ruler somewhere, Twilight will miss her friends and want to maintain contact with them?


I don't think alicornhood would by any means be the end of the road for her.  Not at all.  Even Celestia is still learning, and it's been proven that she can be defeated.  She is not perfect, so how could anyone expect a newly crowned princess to be?  I think Twilight will have a whole new world of life lessons to learn about what it means to maintain friendships after her rise to power, and so will her friends.


EDIT> Ironically, I think these kinds of questions are likely to be exactly what Twilight's friends will be asking themselves if it comes to pass that Twilight ascends to alicornhood.  I could easily see them asking "Has she really learned everything there is to know about friendship?"  Twilight might ask herself that.  And, as any mature adult could tell you, no.  You never stop learning.  That by itself is one of the most important life lessons anyone can learn, IMO.

Edited by Harvan

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Well, here is the problem that I have with Alicorn Twilight. Feel free to tell me why my opinion is wrong and stuff.


The reason that this one bothers me more though is that if Alicorn Twilight were to be permanent it would seem to elevate her importance to the show further above her friends and to forever cement her as "The main character". I don't think the rest of the Mane Six will get neglected, although it is a slightly nagging fear of mine. Even if they were to be focused on equally in future seasons, the show would seem much more Twilight-centered. This wouldn't bother me so much if The Crystal Empire hadn't largely consisted of Twilight and Spike running off to save the world while her friends played support duty by making hats and passing out flugelhorns. This would seem to be a continuation of that trend.


In any case, I think it will be temporary anyway.

The thing that I like about the show is interaction and collaboration between members of the Mane Six and I would prefer for their importance to the show to be as balanced as possible. Farmer...Dressmaker...Crazy Powerful Possibly Immortal Assistant Ruler of Equestria... Doesn't seem especially equal to me and I don't like that.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't get why everyone is so upset about Twilight becoming an alicorn. There was foreshadowing even in the first season (at least I can see it). People complain about how she'll become a god, change completely and lose her friends, but come on!


Since when does being an alicorn equal being a god? I know there are theories like that, but if they were gods, how could they fail? See Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon because of her feelings, Celestia having to ask for the mane six's help all the time and getting defeated by a changeling, or Cadence getting defeated by a changeling as well. They might be powerful, they might be royalty, but definitely not almighty.

Secondly, why would she change? Do people automatically become different when they get a new job, a promotion, or grow up? I don't think so. Official sources also mentioned that Twilight's personality will not be effected. I'm sure that she'll remain a skeptical, worrying bookworm.

Now here's the argument that bugs me most. ERMAHGERDTwilightwillbecomeaprincessandleaveherfriendsforever!! Guys, do you even remember what the elements of harmony's power resides in? Friendship. Without her friends, Twilight would wither like an unwatered flower. By taking a closer look at her cutie mark, it's easy to tell that magic isn't her only talent; the central star symbolises her, and the smaller ones symbolise her friends. Canterlot has enough princesses. Am I the only one who's pretty sure Twilight will become the princess of friendship just like Cadence is the princess of love?...

{ art thread }   2df573525aa068aa2d338213470a63e9-d5nhq21   { deviantArt }

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Well, here is the problem that I have with Alicorn Twilight. Feel free to tell me why my opinion is wrong and stuff.



The thing that I like about the show is interaction and collaboration between members of the Mane Six and I would prefer for their importance to the show to be as balanced as possible. Farmer...Dressmaker...Crazy Powerful Possibly Immortal Assistant Ruler of Equestria... Doesn't seem especially equal to me and I don't like that.


Fair enough.  Yes, regardless of how she handles such a big change, it would still be a big change.  There's no denying that.  And if she does become a ruler, focus will naturally shift.  But I have faith that the writers have a way of dealing with the show that still maintains the magic we've seen so far, while introducing new lessons that everyone can benefit from.


Here's hoping they knock it out of the park. :)

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Allow me to poke holes in this: I think this is a fundamentally flawed assumption about what'll happen to Twilight if/when she reaches alicornhood.  Do you really think that when she reaches alicornhood, that makes her perfect and there's no more room to grow?  What about her friends?  What about the difficulties that such a change will introduce for her?  What about the fact that Applejack will still be tending her apple farm, Rainbow Dash will still be vying to become a member of the Wonderbolts, and Pinkie Pie will still be doing ... well, whatever it is she does?  And what about the fact that, if she needs to move away from Ponyville to become a ruler somewhere, Twilight will miss her friends and want to maintain contact with them?


I don't think alicornhood would by any means be the end of the road for her.  Not at all.  Even Celestia is still learning, and it's been proven that she can be defeated.  She is not perfect, so how could anyone expect a newly crowned princess to be?  I think Twilight will have a whole new world of life lessons to learn about what it means to maintain friendships after her rise to power, and so will her friends.


EDIT> Ironically, I think these kinds of questions are likely to be exactly what Twilight's friends will be asking themselves if it comes to pass that Twilight ascends to alicornhood.  I could easily see them asking "Has she really learned everything there is to know about friendship?"  Twilight might ask herself that.  And, as any mature adult could tell you, no.  You never stop learning.  That by itself is one of the most important life lessons anyone can learn, IMO.

Even if we neglect this point there's still droves of them unanswered that will only be detrimental to the show.


If Twilight becomes an alicorn she will become THE central main character. I know already that she kind of "is" but the rest of her friends have just as important of a role as her. If she was to be an alicorn, it's almost undeniable that the focus would shift more towards her which is not where I want the show to go at all.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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This reward should not, however, include becoming and all-knowing god-figure............She'll be infallible. She'll be perfect.


Cadence is an infallible, all-knowing, perfect god-figure?


Celestia is perfect and infallible? Totally explains how even she doubted Twilight and how she got taken out by Chrysalis... who was boosted by the emotions of a unicorn.


Yeah, I don't buy into that "Twilight receieved godhood" nonsense. For all we know, it could be what you say. OR the extreme exact opposite, Twilight with wings and nothing more.


The episode hasn't aired yet, try actually stopping and waiting until it happens. React after it airs if it confirms your fears for the show.

You can't beat me! I AM DABESTGAMER!!!



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For me, until the episode airs:




I do think however, that everybody needs to calm down and wait until the episode airs to actually make a proper judgement....

  • Brohoof 3

Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek.




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I get really sad whenever I see it. Not because of the news itself, but because when I was reading the article confirming it on EQD, my grandma called and told me that my grandpa had passed away. So instead of thinking about anything pony related when Twilicorn pops up, I think about how my grandpa isn't here anymore...

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The Only Problem......and I mean the only problem with this is the timing. It sounds to me like a end of the show kind of thing. You know, Twilight becomes an Alicorn, Rainbow Dash finally gets excepted into the Wonderbolt's, etc.etc.etc. It would in my opinion be a perfect send off for this show and then 4.5 or My Little Pony 5.0 can come out. It just feels too much like an end of the show type of thing, but other then that no problem at all.

Facebook: Josh B.

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I vote that this thread is locked after the episode airs (after all, there really won't be much to speculate when we've seen the episode).


Anyway, I have complete faith in the writers of the show. Obviously they have plans for Twilight, otherwise the change will be temporary just like with Rarity. I'm sure Hasbro told them they need to make her an alicorn, but I'm almost certain they didn't say it needed to be forever. Studio B does a great job dealing with Hasbro's "meddling" and they often throw whatever toy plug they need to throw in very seamlessly. They've never kept a toy plug around for very long unless it allows for more story opportunities (like with Cadance and Shining Armor).

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The Only Problem......and I mean the only problem with this is the timing. It sounds to me like a end of the show kind of thing. You know, Twilight becomes an Alicorn, Rainbow Dash finally gets excepted into the Wonderbolt's, etc.etc.etc. It would in my opinion be a perfect send off for this show and then 4.5 or My Little Pony 5.0 can come out. It just feels too much like an end of the show type of thing, but other then that no problem at all.

I do agree with this to an extent.


But I also rather enjoy the idea of seeing "beyond the end" (that lasts more than a few short moments), if you get what I mean.


Plus, you can only avoid change for so long before it starts to get bland, so I am fine with this change where it is. (Well, personally, it wouldn't make a difference to me.)

Edited by DBG

You can't beat me! I AM DABESTGAMER!!!



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Ah..... I don't particularly care for Twi becoming an alicorn. But, looking at the commercial, could it not be Cadence that the coronation is for? She hasn't actually had a princess coronation, if you want to be technical about it. It is more likely that Twi is the princess, though. Fluttershy says, "You look just 'like' a princess.". Cadence already looks like a princess. Oh, well. Trust the writers, I guess. I'm not too happy about it myself.

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So while it's obvious that the story has thus far revolved largely around Twilight learning magic and lessons about friendship, I don't see that her ascension to alicornhood has been the central focus of the story.  It's a significant subplot, but when she reaches what she (or Celestia) sees as her final goal, that doesn't mean she stops growing as a character.  She doesn't have to keep advancing in rank or power to keep growing.  Nor does the plot have to continue to revolve around her advancement - it may change direction by simply focusing on how she and her friends adjust to her new position and stature, and how they keep their friendship alive and well given the changes.


I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time articulating this.  It seems really plain to me, given all I've seen so far.

It's not that you're not transmitting your point. It's just that we disagree on it. You see a lot of space for Twilight to grow after she becomes an alicorn and a princess. I just think that this space is going to be "artificial", like it should not exist. This is why I say that it's too soon for her to reach this new level. I agree that there will be a lot of episodes born from this idea of new responsibilities and powers, I just think that it's not necessary. These ideas could be explored other ways. Even the becoming alicorn could have another reason, another connotation, without the need for this whole princess thing. This is happening just so that Hasbro can play on this princess bullshit. 

And I'm just stating my opinion that a rise to alicornhood is not an unreasonable change to make.  They've been rather obviously working toward it for three seasons, and as I pointed out elsewhere, if things just remained "status quo", I doubt they'd have a fourth season's worth of good material to work with.  If anything, keeping Twilight just "the same as she's always been", minor changes or no, would force the producers to come up with even more contrived day-to-day plots or more unbelievable villains to keep the show interesting.  It would put them at serious risk of introducing a shark jump just to keep people watching, and even then we'd probably be sitting there wondering when (and why) the show lost its magic.


Personally, I see this development as having a great deal of potential to make all of the characters grow, and to teach even more valuable life lessons than we've seen so far.


All this that you are saying can very well happen even with the changes happening to Twilight. And none of the "new possibilities" can't be adapted to work with "normal" Twilight. If they are at risk sometime soon of "jumping the shark" they need to end the show. It has nothing to do with Princess Twilicorn.


EDIT: I erased my last phrase because it was out of context. I was saying what I think would make this work.

Edited by moonlightavenger


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I get really sad whenever I see it. Not because of the news itself, but because when I was reading the article confirming it on EQD, my grandma called and told me that my grandpa had passed away. So instead of thinking about anything pony related when Twilicorn pops up, I think about how my grandpa isn't here anymore...

I am sorry for your loss and completely understand where you are coming from, my Dad passed away last March and since he was in the restaurant business for many years whenever I am cooking or eating I can't help but think about him. I remember when he first taught me that recipe or how he used to make me this or that or how much he would enjoy this one meal.

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly I really don't get why everyone is major a big deal over it. Its just a cartoon. I don't see any real reason why it will feel like "the world is ending" She gets wings and a title. Its not as huge of a deal as everyone is making it out to be. Seriously. Just. Get. Over. It.



Edited by RoseDust

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yeah I feel like there's been foreshadowing since the first season looking back on it.

If you look at the last episode it seems as though she's been getting some practice already with behaving more like a princess(the whole stick out the hoof and breath thing). Plus her element is a crown. I don't think the transformation will change Twilight completely.

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I'm anxious. Very, very anxious. If this breaks up the Mane 6, I'm going to have to denounce my brony-ness, burn all the images of ponies that I have in a pit of fire, and leave the forums permanently. But, I'ma stick around and watch what happens. This is gonna be good.

LOL, like your Obama poster. but I'm not anxious! I have some confidence to think that Twilight Sparkle will still be with a friends even though she is an alicorn.

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Well I'm going to say that even just appearance wise I like Regular Twilight better.


However I have learned to be optimistic and I no longer have any real fears the show is somehow going to colapse because of it, honestly the worst I see happening is twilight becomes a bit of a "mary sue" and becomes less interesting. That doesn't mean the show as a whole will be terrible or something.


I'm not worried about anymore really though, i've learned to accept it.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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LOL, like your Obama poster. but I'm not anxious! I have some confidence to think that Twilight Sparkle will still be with a friends even though she is an alicorn.


The Obama poster says it all.


I'm just naturally a worriesome person sometimes, I mean, if this ruins the delicate balance of the show, we're screwed...And I don't want that to happen, I want ponies to go on for as long as they can!

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Meh, I was a bit concerned at first because I thought they were doing it just for toy sales, but now I'm sort of looking forward to it. As long as they make the show the same then I'm completely fine with it, Twilicorn could make some dramatic and heart-warming scenes like Scootalove so that's something I'm looking forward to.

  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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