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BronyCon approaches! This year's festivities begin on Friday, the 2nd of August and last through Sunday, the 4th. Baltimore's very own convention center will be the venue this year. Last I heard attendance this year is going to consist of approximately 6,000 bronies, up from last year's 4,100.
Currently Announced Guests:
Keep in mind that this list is subject to change. More people could still be announced between now and the beginning of the convention.

Nicole Oliver - Voice of Princess Celestia and Cheerilee


Cathy Weseluck - Voice of Spike and Mayor Mare


Brenda Crichlow - Voice of Zecora


Lee Tockar - Voice of Snips and Steven Magnet


Brenda Crichlow - Voice of Zecora


Michele Creber - Voice of best CMC Apple Bloom


M.A. Larson - Writer


Amy Keating Rogers - Writer


Heather Breckel - Colorist


Katie Cook - Writer for the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series


Andy Price - Illustrator for the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series

Yeah, I know. I hope Lauren, Tara, and all of the VAs are able to make it too. John de Lancie is confirmed NOT to be attending this year. He has a prior commitment to another convention.



BronyPalooza is essentially a massive concert. You may have seen clips of Tara shaking her groove thang, as Pinkie would say, at the Palooza last year. This year's is going to be massive. We'll be graced by 34 talented musicians. I'll admit I haven't heard of many of them, but I'm often the last to learn about things, so you might be familiar with more of them than I am:

Alex S.
Assertive Fluttershy
Chain Algorithm
Cyril the Wolf
Jeff Burgess
Michael A.
Mic the Microphone
"Rainbow & Rooted" (Circuitfry + TripDiam + Datsmore)
Silva Hound
The Living Tombstone
The Red Wooden Colts
If you're wondering when they're going to find time for all of this, here's your answer:

The demand this year was so great with an overwhelming 89 hours of performance time requested that BronyCon has decided to extend BronyPalooza across two days of the convention, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2-3, for a total concert time of 12 hours.

That's right. A 12-hour concert. Don't expect to get much sleep that weekend.

That's BronyCon in a nutshell, and about all of the information I can bring you at the moment. For the unabridged version of the preceding and more, have a look at the official website.
MLP Forums will be having a meetup there. Details as for a meetup location and meetup time have yet to be determined. If you would like to announce your desire to join the meetup and discuss plans for it, make a post in this thread.

Edited by Apple Bloom
Updated Info
  • Brohoof 2


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Oh man! I cannot even tell you how badly I want to go to that! I haven't even met a brony face to face yet! Which is terrible! I want to feel your energy fields and transform it into the power of love!

  • Brohoof 3

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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No official Con (Brony, Anime, Trekkie, etc.) ever seems to come out in my neck of the woods except for Anime Syracuse but that was a slumfest. You other wordly ponies get to have all the fun. :(


And no, I ain't driving all the way to Maryland, you kiddin' me?

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i plan on attending next year, hopefully we will have a much bigger forums meet up, last year was great too, hope to see you all there

  • Brohoof 2

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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I live in a rather small city in Canada and considering I'm having a baby pretty soon, I can't be driving all the way down to the US...

would loooove to go though! Maybe in a few years when the boys are old enough to walk around and enjoy it as well :wub:

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God, I was really looking forward to it ever since Summer BronyCon 2012. But now that it's in Maryland, it'll be a nightmare to get to for some in the Tri-State area. Not only would transportation cost would be high for me, it's in the SAME WEEK as Otakon, the largest anime convention in the East coast. Folks would probably arrive early to prep for Otakon, and the hotels can only fit so much. I still got months to plan for it, but it's disappointing with all these obstacles in the way.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm a little peeved it's in that area. Not only are they competing with Otakon, Baltimore is a PRETTY DANGEROUS place considering what happens during the conventions that happen there, and it's just a troublesome area for a convention like this, one focused on a show for the younger audience means there will be a lot of children meaning they will be in danger. I do plan on attending it and getting and Artists Alley table with a couple of other buds, but we're all not super happy with location and timing. Otakon is right after Bonycon if I'm not mistaken, and that doesn't sound suuuuper smart. I'm surprised they didn't go for the Jacob Javits center. I'm PRETTY sure they would've been able to afford it if anything: It would've been much more convenient AND hold all 4k people + more (NYCC) buuuuttt yyeaaahh that's just my input.


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Two words:

Baltimare, Mareyland

In all seriousness though, I'm not allowed to any convention without an adult, and my brother doesn't count, plus the fact that it's not even near where I live, at all. I'm not going to be able to go, although I really wish I could. I'm going to another con in my hometown in June, dressed up as Doctor Whooves, seeing as the theme is British Invasion. You guys tell me how Bronycon goes...




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Well as usual, I will not be able to go even though I really want to. It is still too far away for me to travel there, it's like $900 for one person to fly to america D:

  • Brohoof 2


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I wasn't planning on going originally. But since it is at the Baltimore convention center, I am reconsidering. Not sure where I will be in August 2013, but if I can go I will.

  • Brohoof 1
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The most common complaint I see about the change of venue everywhere I've gone is the inconvenience caused to people living in NY/PA and that general area. For the last four events it's been closer to them, and those of us further south have had to drive obscene distances to get there. It took me 6.5 hours to get from Virginia to Secaucus for the last con. As somebody who is accustomed to driving a minimum of half an hour to get to the closest grocery store and even further for any kind of entertainment venue, it wasn't such a startling prospect. And it's not even like they moved it into the south this time, it's closer to being half-way from the original location to the bottom of North Carolina: a compromise. Sure, I have it really easy now, but I'm thinking of the people in NC or maybe even SC for whom it's now plausible to drive up for it. Too bad it'll still take South Carolinians about 9 hours to get there. This is a needed and fair break for them, and by comparison not even an inconvenience for most New Yorkers and Pennsylvanians.


Sometimes it's necessary to leave home to have fun, and the trip itself can be an exciting prospect once you've hit the road. Watching the sun rise over the Delaware Memorial Bridge was beautiful and the highlight of my drive.


As for the security of the area... yeah, Baltimore is a rough place. Secaucus wasn't great either so I'd like to know how they compare for curiosity's sake. I'm accustomed to doing stuff in Richmond, which for a very long time was one of the worst cities in America, and is still kind of rough.



Yes, they probably could have picked a better time.

  • Brohoof 2


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Equestria.tv on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights!
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Well, considering it's still a long ways away yet. For all we know the time and date might change again in the spring time. Event's change. The universe changes. Why don't we just imagine it being held in a better place? lol

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Aww yeah. This just might be my dream come true. As a closet brony on the verge of crossing the line, this is the perfect opportunity for me.


I have not been open about it at all at the time of Bronycon NY last year, but now, plus the fact that it's much closer (I live in northern Virginia, so it is perfect), this just increases my chance of going. My wish is to fully embrace myself as a brony among fellow peers who enjoy the show as much as I do, participate in fandom stuff, and most of all, meet with you guys. It's my current dream as of now, and I'm not letting it go till the day I vow to never admit I like the show, and that will never happen. Hopefully I will come out before BC 2013, because I will have a chance to finally meet all of you wonderful people.

  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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More likely I will be going, might actually just drive up there since I would have to pass through Tennessee a place I have always wanted to go to. Trying to convince my buddy that went to Brony Fan Fair with me to go to this one.

  • Brohoof 1

A Machine For Pigs - #6 l Abduction - #6 l Outlast - #8 l Clive Barker's Jericho - #11


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I WANT A LONG ISLAND CON. Is that too much to ask? I wasn't able to go to the one last year, even though it was closer, so my chances of being able to attend this one are quite slim :(



I've got a story that money just can't buy.


ALBUM OF THE WEEK: The Knife - Shaking the Habitual

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i plan on attending next year, hopefully we will have a much bigger forums meet up, last year was great too, hope to see you all there


You will most definatly see me there next year. I'm about to buy my ticket really soon. I wonder who else is going to be going. It's going to so awesome! :wub:

  • Brohoof 1

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Baltimore. Baltimore? Bronycon, why have you left me? We had a beautiful if cramped relationship in the Tri-State area. It feels as if we barely got to know each other...


I guess I'll have to begin making a decision as to how I want to plan out my con schedule for 2013. Three out of state trips may be too much. Perhaps the upside will be that Bronycon won't be so confined. I readily bemoan Bronycon 2012 for being a logistical nightmare.

  • Brohoof 2


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I can't wait to go, I love Baltimore. Even though it's not somewhere you would walk into dark alleyways at night (same as any other big city..) the people there are realy nice. I can't wait! My freind is driving dow with me.

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I may, lol most likely not. Its a long flight from Tampa to Baltimore but it does sound fun. Who knows? I may get my mommy to have the fam take a vacation up there!!

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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I would totally go if I could. It sounds really awesome and fun. However, I live in Indiana, which is pretty far away from Baltimore. Maybe next year.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Well as usual, I will not be able to go even though I really want to. It is still too far away for me to travel there, it's like $900 for one person to fly to america D:

Bummer. For some reason I keep forgetting that you're not American. Not sure why that is...


Aww yeah. This just might be my dream come true. As a closet brony on the verge of crossing the line, this is the perfect opportunity for me.


I have not been open about it at all at the time of Bronycon NY last year, but now, plus the fact that it's much closer (I live in northern Virginia, so it is perfect), this just increases my chance of going.

I hope things work out. The drive from your place to Baltimore is only about an hour and a half, one hour longer from where I live. Maybe I could give you a lift if you need one.


I readily bemoan Bronycon 2012 for being a logistical nightmare.

Yeah, but the fire was cool... well, except for the fact that it delayed things by an hour and kept me from meeting Tara before she had to catch a plane. You better believe I'm getting a hug from her next year.

  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Equestria.tv on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights!
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Probably not. That's a rather expensive trip to a fairly dangerous big city hundreds of miles away with nobody to travel with, so that really wouldn't work for me. If it were in Chicago (NOT the south side), Milwaukee or the Twin Cities, that I could handle. It would be a much shorter trip for the Canadian staff as well. ^^

Edited by TailsAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Sadly its a bit far (and a bit expensive) to get there from the UK... but hey maybe I'll win the lottery or something.

Wish I could go, as far as I know there isn't anything like this around here.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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I went to the last one and worked security, it was a great expirience. Highly look forward to this one. Either volunteering again or going as vendor.

I volunteered to work as security for this one. Still waiting to hear back from them though. They're supposed to call people for interviews at some point so I guess they're going to wait until a certain time and get to everybody simultaneously.


I'm excited.


Kyoshi made this ^^



Come join us on

Equestria.tv on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights!
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