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mega thread What book are you reading?


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For my British Literature class, I am currently reading Doctor Faustus. For entertainment, I am reading Wuthering Heights. Again. lol :D I just love the story of Heathcliff and Catherine. And I must admit that Doctor Faustus is pretty awesome. 

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For my British Literature class, I am currently reading Doctor Faustus. For entertainment, I am reading Wuthering Heights. Again. lol :D I just love the story of Heathcliff and Catherine. And I must admit that Doctor Faustus is pretty awesome. 

Lauren Faust always makes me think Doctor Faust. (Common shortening and modernizing of the name) I wonder if she made a similar deal to create an insanely popular show?

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Well, I'm currently reading a pet gecko guidebook!  ^_^ I'm getting a lovely little lizard soon, but I'll have to know how to pamper him. I forget the exact title of the book, but it's proving very useful so far. But the last story that I read was 'Grandpa's Great Escape' by David Walliams. Funny, but with an emotional ending. Spoiler alert.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only just finished reading the Guardians of the Galaxy book of the film! It was awesome, and I've seen the film so many times that I recalled every single line, and could tell if any sentences were a little off... because I don't remember Yondu appearing when the guardians were visiting Knowhere...

But, anyway, it was quite a good book. Randomly cut off at the end though, didn't even have the epic final battle in it.  >_>

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I am taking part in the National Novel Writing Month.


So I am currently reading a book on novel writing. It is called 'Write A Novel - And Get It Published' and is written by Nigel Watts. I would say it is useful. I would recommend it to anyone who feels that they have a book inside and want to get it out.

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I'm reading the Warhammer book series called "The Horus Heresy"


Really good, albeit rather violent and gory but It's good and I love it. Garviel Loken and Tarik Torgaddon are my favorite characters.

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I'm the type of reader who reads about three or four books at a time and most people think that I'm insane for that, but it's just how my brain works. So...right now I'm reading 

  • Horns by Joe Hill
  • Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
  • Living Rainbows: Develop Your Aura Sight by Gabriel Hudson Bain
  • Misery by Stephen King

And I think that's it...I don't know, I'm sure I'll find more later that I started...but I think these are the current ones being read 

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Just finished 'Rule Of Claw' by John Brindley. It's an unusual specimen. It think I said before that it was like Lord Of The Flies with many more fantastical elements to it. Well, add a bit of Sci-fi and a bit of Secret Of Nihm too I guess. Give it a try if you come across it.


Next, I'm reading 'Alone' by Lisa Gardner. Just a quick and easy paperback about a policeman who comes across trouble after he is forced to shoot a man during a hostage situation. Got through about 1/3 of it on the train earlier.


H.P. Lovecraft, Great tales of Horror.


What stories have you read and did you consider any of them actually scary?

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H.P. Lovecraft, Great tales of Horror.

I love Lovecraft. Recently read "The colour out of space". Amazing.

After months of being busy.. I think I'm finally getting the chance to be involved with books again, yay! :yay:  Currently reading The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien.

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