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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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Things that annoy me about the fandom?


I... I don't have anything...


But I will say this... OCs that are OP...


It's not that annoying... But I... Meh...


Other than that... I love the fandom!



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Sonic fans. That talk about Sonic. All the time. Because I hate Sonic. I don't know why, but the very idea of Sonic annoys the hell out of me.


Seriously, who eats there anyway?



Edited by Circadian
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I love the show, but it annoys the mess out of me when people treat it as if it's more than it actually is. It's a very good cartoon, but that's all. It's fun to watch, but it doesn't contain the secret of the universe. I've seen so many threads where people claim that it somehow saved their lives and made them better people.


Then you have the people who go totally overboard, and take it as their mission in life to FORCE everyone they meet to watch it. That's just embarrassing. Guys, it's just a cartoon! Not everyone wants to watch it, but it doesn't mean they hate you if they don't!


Next we have the long debates on how Sombra isn't a worthy villain. People forget that he was a villain created not to frighten the little girls who are the main fan base of the show. It's nice that the story writers and animators put in things to please the adult audience, but they can not do it in such a way that would alienate the actual intended viewers.


Just remember this. Whenever people start asking why Celestia did something, or how come Twilight said one thing and not another...The answer is always exactly the same. Some writer thought it sounded cool.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I suppose out of the mentioned flaws, the one that annoys me most is the hypocrisy alongside those everypony who over-zealously defends opinions about "best pony/worst pony". Aquila, you did a nice job hitting the big ones out there. You're right, these issues among the fandom definitely bother me quite so.


Also, I have noticed that there are individuals out there, while they claim to be MLP fans, are immensely critical about everything. They complain about how ideas and jokes in newer episodes are becoming stale and lame, or the quality of the content or music not being up to par, when this clearly is not the case. It seems like they are more focused about looking like a scholar of MLP than simply appreciating MLP for what it is. The effort put forth into the MLP show is evident and they certainly do a great job with presenting us a beautifully-animated cartoon with well-defined and characterized ponies, delightful, upbeat songs that are stuck in our head for weeks, and voice actresses that do a wonderful job behind the scenes. All of this wrapped in a plethora of cuteness, wit, and friendship? Awesome! Why rant and grumble about it, when you can just enjoy the show you claim to be a big fan of? I'll say it's certainly one of the better cartoons I've stumbled across.


I feel like there's three categories. There's bronies who like the show, non-bronies who don't like the show, and just plain silly ponies who are the extremes of either case and do nothing but bicker and mock at the other party. :mellow:



Edited by LunaEclipse
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The hypocrisy. We're all human (or are we?), and we all make mistakes, so hypocrisy is going to be inevitable. Yet, the brony fandom produces some of the biggest hypocrites around. We all know the brony slogan--love and tolerate, right? Yeah, except no. You might have seen those who go around with a victim complex, thinking that anyone who doesn't like MLP is a hater. You've probably seen cloppers around, too. And with them, the clopper haters screaming about purity or something like that. What happened to your love and tolerance? Yeah, most of us aren't like that, but it's prevalent enough that it makes a clear impact on how we're perceived by others.


This is the biggest one for me. Like you said, hypocrisy is inevitable; it's an intricate part of the human nature. But, this doesn't mean we should embrace it and allow it to flourish in our thoughts and words. I try my best to not hate anyone for what they do or believe, and I think I do a pretty decent job of it overall, with a few marks on my record of course. Those who preach the infamous unofficial slogan of MLP and then go on to rant about how someone or something is the scum of the Earth or some other intolerant crap, it makes my blood boil. This is where my hypocrisy comes in, as these people are just not worth loving or tolerating.

I love the show, but it annoys the mess out of me when people treat it as if it's more than it actually is. It's a very good cartoon, but that's all. It's fun to watch, but it doesn't contain the secret of the universe. I've seen so many threads where people claim that it somehow saved their lives and made them better people.


You'd be surprised at how something that can be so insignificant to yourself can be an entire universe to someone else. Yes, I agree that those treating such things as some sort of religious-like entity are taking it a bit too far, but sometimes things are much more then they seem, at least to some soul out there.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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The one thing I dislike are the cloppers, those who post around what pony they wanna have sex with. It's just downright disgusting and makes the mlp fandom look bad. I seeit a lot on YouTube, I spammed this one guy who just wrote written porn.


I don't like people who do the bolded part.


One of my least favorite things about the fandom is the constant infighting. It's silly.

  • Brohoof 5


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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You'd be surprised at how something that can be so insignificant to yourself can be an entire universe to someone else. Yes, I agree that those treating such things as some sort of religious-like entity are taking it a bit too far, but sometimes things are much more then they seem, at least to some soul out there.


I know this will sound harsh, but I actually worry about the people who find so much in a 22 minute cartoon. So many claim it's brought them back from the brink. When it's cancelled (Nothing lasts forever) will they be strong enough to go on without it?


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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The only thing that really annoys me is the bronies who annoy the shit out of people and make people hate bronies. I mean like people who spam ponies or try to shove MLP down people's throats.

Edited by RainbowDash92
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I know this will sound harsh, but I actually worry about the people who find so much in a 22 minute cartoon. So many claim it's brought them back from the brink. When it's cancelled (Nothing lasts forever) will they be strong enough to go on without it?


If nothing else, the fandom certainly will. I won't bore anyone with my oft-repeated tale of my own trip to the brink and back, but I will say I've had some experience in this area, and learned this; fiction, along with most other aspects of life, is what you make of it. Sometimes you just need a fantasy to keep you going, for whatever reason. As long as you don't make it the only aspect of your life, and instead use the strength it gives you to find new hopes and aspirations, it's definitely a good thing that people make so much out of what can be perceived as unimportant.


My two cents on the matter, as someone who is here making this post today thanks to a certain fictional character.

  • Brohoof 3


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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People compaining about the declining quality of the show due to pandering whenever it pays homage to things that only the older fans would understand, or if some element of fanon becomes canon. Then also complaining about us being disregarded whenever they don't do those things.

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I like bronies as a rule, but I don't always agree with their actions. I guess it bugs me when people spam about ponies on non-pony sites, bash cloppers and say they're not real fans, reply to FIMfictions with sarcastic memes, or use "buck" as a synonym for the f-bomb (except satirically). I also didn't like it when one member made a video about himself visiting McDonald's drive-thrus to buy pony toys in an obnoxious manner. I didn't tell him because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but it wasn't funny. Like ponies all you want, but leave the minimum-wage cashiers alone.

  • Brohoof 4

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I complelty agree with cuteycindyhoney the one and only thing i hate about the brony community is when they expect an episode to be something that's intended for them even though they should know that the show is intended for a much younger audience. Sure the MLP staff is aware that an older audience watches the show and they try thier best to put subtle hints that will please them and go over young kids heads at the same time.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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I like bronies as a rule, but I don't always agree with their actions. I guess it bugs me when people spam about ponies on non-pony sites, bash cloppers and say they're not real fans, reply to FIMfictions with sarcastic memes, or use "buck" as a synonym for the f-bomb (except satirically). I also didn't like it when one member made a video about himself visiting McDonald's drive-thrus to buy pony toys in an obnoxious manner. I didn't tell him because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but it wasn't funny. Like ponies all you want, but leave the minimum-wage cashiers alone.


Haha that one made me laugh :lol:


But what bugs me is /mlp/ on 4chan. I mean sure, the thread simulators on youtube are funny, but they're not really conversations. And frankly, what you see in the videos is about all you can get on /mlp/ :mellow:

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I love the fandom, don't get me wrong, but there are some things that bother me.

Sometimes we look way to far into things, OR we look so short into things that we relate things to ponies to easily.

Ex: "In Uncharted 3, Nate mentioned Ursa Minor as a constellation, therefore he must be referencing ponies!"

Also, it bothers me when bronies use "pony" as a suffix instead of "body".

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The few things I dont like about the fandom :


Clop material (fan fictions and artwork).... I mean really.. its everywhere.... And I am really sick of it.


Rule 63 ponies. I believe that the best thing about MLP is that they are PONIES, not humans...


People who take MLP to the extreme


How closed minded a lot of us tend to be when they say that they are really open minded.


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The missionaries: I almost didn't even give this fandom a chance because they were making it seem like an internet cult.


The over-analyzers: Some analysis is okay, but when I don't like it when people take the gags and jokes too seriously. It's a comedy, those things tend to happen.


The toy bashers: Yes, Hasbro could be doing a better job, but no, these aren't meant to be extremely high quality like the anime figures that cost over $50. Besides, the manes are there so the girls have something to do with them.


The PC police: There are tumblrs dedicated to how much prejudice there is in the brony fandom. Besides, they ruined Derpy (with the help of soccer moms.)

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I don't truly dislike almost any of the fandom as I try to tolerate everything but the only thing that really urks me is the people that bash cloppers, and grim-dark story authors just because they have different ways of enjoying the show.

  • Brohoof 1


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The people that complain about the fandom and rage quit, while proving themselves to be bigger plotholes then the people they claimed ran them out in the first place.


I won't name names, but an admin on a Facebook page proceeded to preform every "sin" he accused the fandom of in his rage-post and the ensuing argument. It was kinda sad.

Edited by Shoboni



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2. The love and tolerance thing. - its really annoying...



I'd have to say THIS! As much as I try to "love and tolerate" there are just some sorts that I find it impossible for me to "love and tolerate", also as much as I do try to not to judge others, it is a habit I picked up long ago, after being sick of being judged by others my whole life. As a note, please don't think I'm making up excuses, I am merely stating my thoughts and I, like everyone else, am most certainly not perfect, I, like everyone else, have my good points and my faults.

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Well, I do like most of the fandom, But I can't say all. I don't like pony costumes, and I find it just a little weird when people walk around dressed as ponies. Also, the love and tolerate thing is a bigger lie than the cake.

  • Brohoof 1


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I gotta admit I really don't like people who thrust MLP on others. I mean I love it and I may well bring it up in conversation IF it steers that way. But I won't spam a forum or make people watch it. Thats just a good way to create those that hate us.

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I think the biggest hypocrisy is that some bronies are like, "If you're not a brony, you can't watch this show."


What about the target audience of little girls who never go on the internet? Or the pegasisters? It's almost became that only men can watch this show, which is slightly annoying.

  • Brohoof 1

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There's maybe 3 main things I dislike about it.


1. How biased Equestria Daily is


2. The love and tolerance thing. - its really annoying...


3. what people assume about you because you're a brony.


This, especially #1. When I visited today and saw the Trixie Daily banner I almost facepalmed. It looked like a satire of the site except they actually did it. I'm fine with fanboyishness and even expressing it (I'd be a pretty big hypocrite if I wasn't ) but when you're running a website for the WHOLE fanbase there is such thing as going too far.



Another thing that kinda irks me is when people assume that everyone can become a fan. Yeah, it would be cool if all my friends and my parents liked FiM but if I aggressively asked them to watch episodes with me then it would vastly turn them off. If your acquaintances know of your enjoyment of the show and have a modicum of respect for it then if you ask me you're very fortunate.

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