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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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Equestria Daily


The kind of content people write about in fanfictions can be disturbing. I also don't like how seriously people take their shipping(something even I'm guilty of). People who take their love with the show too far. Rule34, though every fandom has to deal with this, so I've learned to deal with this pretty easily

Edited by Super Kami Guru
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I haven't found anything that immensely irritates me quite yet...other than the usual "bad apples" who give other bronies a bad name, but those are to be expected in every fandom, so I try to ignore them to the best of my ability.


Not that I want to keep participating in threads that feel the need to keep bring up clopping, but there seems to be quite a bit of intolerance geared towards cloppers in general. Is it really asking too much to say "Bro, I may think that's weird, and I'll never be into it myself...but if that's what you're into, I respect that," and be done with it? Apparently, agreeing to disagree is beyond the capabilities of some ponies...


Other than that, I guess the only other thing that gets on my nerves - I'd call it more of a pet peeve than anything - is the music community's disproportionate number of dubstep/house music/drum and bass/etc. composers. Don't get me wrong, I have no ill will towards those who enjoy such forms of electronica, but it would be nice to see some more traditional genres get the attention they deserve.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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I can't say that anything grinds my gears, but to be truthful, I do get slightly annoyed by some of the things fans do.

1. The strange obsession with background ponies. Yeah, the background ponies are fun. But when people go around saying they love background characters as their favorite, I have to shake my head sometimes. Why? They're background characters. What have they done that's so amazing? People care more about Vinyl, Lyra, and Doctor Whooves than Spike or the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which is just ridiculous to me because usually the first thing people say that they love about the show are the characters. Oh, and the background pony jokes need to die off already. "Waah, Rarity got no episodes in season 3, she's the new background pony!!!"

2. Waaay too much electronic music. I don't really listen to fan music or remixes that often, and the reason why is because it's all obnoxious techno and dubstep junk that I don't care for. I've heard some quality fan music too, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

3. *Sigh*... the massive amount of r34 content. This kind of stuff exists in any fanbase, however. I just avoid it like the plague, so it isn't that big a deal.

At the end of the day, I try not to sweat small stuff like this.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I don't like focusing on "oh this person does this and this and they're ruining MLP for me" because that's just...backwards thinking and too easy for more judgmental people to comment on.


There are things though that make me roll my eyes and I try ignoring because it's been stretched too far into the 'public' Brony eye where I see it too much.


- "Milky". Seriously wtf is this? Why is this a thing?


- Any and all ridiculous, obsessive attachments to tiny insignificant things in episodes. (Examples: Lyra sitting upright which gets fan interpreted she's obsessed with humans and wants to be one, Dr.Whooves becoming a 'thing' because of background pony appearance #2958 and a cutie mark of an hour glass, one single frame or two where Derpy enjoys a muffin which seems to = she's only into muffins, CMC "Bad Seed" song milkshake thing)


The only part of this where I don't mind is Vinyl Scratch and all associations with all types of EDM, dubstep, eurobeat, etc because well...that's an obvious match for her.


- Any and all fandom twisting of characters where they are not only completely out of character but only fulfilling a tiny SUPER NICHE of a thought process that the fandom has because of one thing in the show taken out of context/stretched to the absolute limit. (Examples: Pinkie Pie being a murderer akin to Jason Vorhees and such, creepy pasta being made for her)




Anything else *like the people into Rule 34 or people becomin so attached they 'marry' a character* don't bug me, because I've already encountered these kinds of people in practically every other large fandom that exist and to waste energy ousting these repeat occurrences/cliches would be a bit ridiculous to me.




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Here's what really annoys me about this fandom:


1. The huge amount of rabid fans. (Look at My Little Brony and EqD if you don't believe me.)


2. People misinterpreting the meaning of "love & tolerate" (love & tolerate =/= blind acceptance.)


3. The rampant R34 community which not only makes CMC porn, but also makes porn of the OC's of various fandom members.


4. The disturbing amount of gorefics and homosexual shipping on Fimfiction.


5. The amount of fans taking their love for the show too far. (The guy who is marrying a Twilight Sparkle plushie, pony tulpas, etc.)


Though this fandom has quite a few problems, I still love it, though. The number of sane people still outnumbers the amount of crazy fans, and hopefully it will stay that way.


What grinds my gears about this fandom? These kinds of people. Porn is porn, it will always be there regardless of the topic, and in the end they're just cartoon drawings.

There is nothing wrong with somebody deciding to unleash their creativity and interests via such topics. In this day and age, death and same-sex relations should not be of any controversy. They're both part of life. Everybody dies, and not everybody is the same. We should be able to accept that these things exist, and that they're certainly not any harm to us.

Saying the people who do such 'grinds your gears' is just like hating somebody for their musical taste. It's such a tiny little detail, that the only one being at a loss is the person ignorant of one's interests and affinities.


I do agree that some people seem a little too interested in things, but even so, it doesn't harm anyone and it keeps them happy. No matter how different somebody is, we still shouldn't look down on them.

  • Brohoof 2


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Of course, there're the people who will do anything to shove their obsession down peoples' throats.


Another thing is the r34. One of the main reasons I watch this show was because of its' childlike innocence, but of course, all the r34 is completely ruining my views toward these characters.


And what the hell is all of this about some guy marrying a Twilight Sparkle plushie? Oh my god...

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Heres what I dont like

1.The constant blind hate aimed at Equestria girls If you dont like it dont constantly tell me that you dont like it

2.People who bash the guy that married twilight If hes happy let him get on with his life since it effects you in no way shape or form..

3.threads where people whine on and on about what they dont like in the fandom.

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You know what grinds my gears?!?

Every single last intollerant brony in the community. Whatever happened to LOVE and TOLERANCE?

I am gonna make somepony mad •sigh• .......................... I subbed PokeHidden on tumblr and I have BfED 1.4 on my laptop .

I don't clop or any of that (personally I can't see why they would want to....I mean..Love and Tolerance I guesss.) But I enjoy the game and his art style.


And you know what also grinds my gears more?

Don't like r34 = DON'T LOOK AT IT!!

Like r34 = Do as you please



I'll be back /) Bro Hoof

  • Brohoof 5

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When a tiny bit of speculation appears. My real beef is not with that speculation, but with the fans who overreact, and then the people who complain about the overreaction, and the people who complain about them, and the people who complain about them and so on.

  • Brohoof 3


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Not a great deal bothers me with the fandom, but there are one or two things.


1- This is my pet peeve. The MASSIVE over reaction that seems to happen when something happens in show, most recently Twilight becoming an Alicorn. I seem to remember one forum member made 3 threads all about how much he hated it and all 3 went to over 1000 replies. Before that was the appearance of Cadance, before that it was Derpy etc etc.


2 - The majority of the fan music. I love that it's being made I just wish it were of better quality. That being said I'm starting to find artists that are fantastic and more to my taste. Perhaps I'm just getting sick of it all being dub step and electronica.


3 - The compulsive desire to create creepy, gory or down right wrong fan fictions. I get that it's human nature to want to see what character x will do in situation y, but some are gore for the sake of it (or because they're trying to be the new cupcakes). I'm a fanfic writer myself and I'm actually doing my best to create a story that blends my characters and the situations they get in but still keep the innocence of the show.


4 - MLP Zealots. I don't think I need to say more.


5 - Those rare few who can't separate what's canon, fanon and their own head canon.


All that being said, live and let live. I may disapprove but I won't tell someone to stop.

Edited by Fridge
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Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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1.) The crazy obsession with Derpy Hooves. I'm sorry Derpy fans, but you guys piss me off. I'm tired of every MLP-related site I visit is full of Derpy Hooves fan art/fan fictions. She's a background pony that delivers mail and has Derpy eyes....what's the big fuss?


2.) "Favourite pony wars". I absolutely hate it when I say who my favourite pony is, and someone just MUST argue against me. And then a long pathetic argument takes place where it ends in a 'draw'.


3.) Bronies that bitch and whine about cloppers. You guys are the worst, it's something us cloppers do in our private moments, why are you caring? People have needs.



Only scratching the surface...

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Flimflam apologists

Don't get me wrong, the Flimflam brothers were interesting characters and great from a narrative perspective, but they're evil, pure evil. A disturbing number of people consider them heroes and vilify the Apple family. I don't care how legit their cider-making machine was, or how they could have improved Ponyville's infrastructure, the sacrifice would have been too great. I have more sympathy for Sombra and Chrysalis than I do for the twins. The Flimflam brothers are worst ponies, worse than Diamond Tiara, and it grinds my gears when people defend them.

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These things (Rule 34, sexfics, all those other things) exist in ALL fandoms. and if there's none, it will be made.

Not even an innocent little girl's show can escape from it.

  • Brohoof 4


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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The fact that almost everyone went and got mad because they changed derpy's voice annoys me, yet the fact that they changed her voice for no apparent reason is also rather annoying.

The fact that Twilight is an Alicorn annoys me and it also annoys me that I heard no songs from pinkie in s3

The fact people call Iron will an antagonist is rather annoying and the fact there is so much hate for equestria girls before people even see the episode is annoying.

There is no purpose for the crystal kingdom.

  • Brohoof 1

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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The fact that almost everyone went and got mad because they changed derpy's voice annoys me, yet the fact that they changed her voice for no apparent reason is also rather annoying.

It was the reason her voice got changed and how the complainers killed any chance for Derpy to be anything other than their baseless perceptions of her that pissed me off. And I am saying this as someone who really thinks the original voice didn't suit Derpy at all, I think a voice much like that in Doctor Whooves and His Assistant or the Derpy impressions done by youtube user Balddumborat would have been perfect.



I suppose what annoys me most about the fandom is the people who put it on a pedestal and expect everyone to fit their definition of what a brony supposedly should be and get butthurt when they find out that is not the case. It could be because certain segments of the fandom have a different opinion than them on something or they are focusing on the bad and failing to see the good or my personal favorite the anti cloppers. With the ridiculous obsession over what people choose to masturbate to such a comical extent that I am yet to see in any other fandom I often wonder just how many of them are closeted cloppers.

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The extreme anti-Twilicorns who say the show's ruined.


The people who hate non-bronies


Cloppers. Sorry, but they grind my gears

  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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1. The newer fans, i got nothing against them personally, but the new folks who're claiming MLP to be the single greatest thing in the world, who've just found out about Rule 34 (and complain about it endlessly) see the show as being completely flawless, and the whole "HURR HURR 20% COOLER IN 10 SECONDS FLAT, LOL BROHOOF".


2. Seems a bit harsh, but every time I see one of those "MLP SAVED MY LIFE" i just sigh annoyingly and move on to the next thread.




4. The "OMG I SAW THIS FANFIC, AND PINKIE'S ACTUALLY EVIL CUS SHE KILLED RAINBOW DASH" Nothing to do with cupcakes in particular, but the shitheads who combine fanon, and canon.


5. The Clopper protestants, this bothers me more than anything, the whole "I CAN'T EVEN GOOGLE A PONY'S NAME WITHOUT FINDING PORN" they find one suggestive image, and then flip shit about it.


And the Derpy fans, the "LOLOL DERPY IS THE BEST PONY HURR" ones at least

3. The rampant R34 community which not only makes CMC porn, but also makes porn of the OC's of various fandom members.

4. The disturbing amount of gorefics and homosexual shipping on Fimfiction.

5. The amount of fans taking their love for the show too far. (The guy who is marrying a Twilight Sparkle plushie, pony tulpas, etc.)

I love how easily you can avoid these things, especially the 4th one.


I love how we're supposed to love and tolerate others, yet we can't even let people live as they please, 5th one.


Also, mind showing me the "rampant R34 community"


I've been on the fandom for 2 years, haven't come across it yet.

Edited by Pinkazoid!
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1. The amount of Hypocrites in this fandom: Y'know, the ones that only love and tolerate when they see fit. If you don't believe in love and tolerance, then that's fine by me. What really gets me is when people say they try to love and tolerate the best they can and then moments later start flinging insults at, oh I don't know, cloppers maybe? (I'm not talking about just getting annoyed at people, I'm talking about full blown mindless hatred.)


2. People who try to 'convert' others. This is the main reason people hate this fandom so much. Think about it, if someone is trying to shove something they like down your throat, would that make you more likely to watch it? No, it damn well wouldn't.


3. People who say this isn't a kids show to try and justify their love for it. Sorry guys, no matter what way you look at it, MLP is first and foremost a show for little girls, no amount of pop culture references are going to change that fact. Of course, it's a damn good show for little girls. I don't think I need to explain myself here.


4. People who whine at you if you don't get a background characters 'personality' correct. Lyra has no canonical personality. Not everyone has to interpret her as a crazed hand-obsessed maniac. You aren't 'wrong' if you don't.


5. 20% cooler. This phrase annoys me to no end.

Edited by Spess
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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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I read through most of the comments here, and while i agree to some of the opinions made (For instance those who complain about the Bronies, who become a little bit too obsessed with the show and go as far as to neglect their family, work and even "marry" certain characters or...plushies)


and disagree with some others (Those who disregard and complain about certain branches of the fandom and fanwork such as R34 and clopping, Grimdark, giving BG Ponies personailty based on their short scenes in the show itself, etc. I mean, if it makes them happy and it doesn't harm anyone, just ignore it.)


in the end, this all can be summed up in one sentence.



Welcome to the Internet.



Edited by coolwar13@yahoo.de
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And the Derpy fans, the "LOLOL DERPY IS THE BEST PONY HURR" ones at least

While Derpy is not my favorite pony as that title currently a three way tie between Applejack, Twilight and Luna she is my favorite background pony but I do understand why so many fans have her as their favorite pony. I think it is because a lot of people like Derpy so much is because alot of bronies are for various reasons seen as different (and I don't just mean the ones with disabilities) and identify very strongly with Derpy for that reason and her potential to be used in a way that shows that it is okay to be different. If Derpy had more character development Derpy would have a pretty decent shot of becoming my favorite pony though, unfortunately that is unlikely.

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I know my post may not have been very clear, but I don't have a problem with cloppers. If you want to get entertainment out of pony R34, then that's fine. I get made fun of all the time for liking to watch billboard cars drive in circles for 3 hours. In other words, if you don't like something that someone else likes, I feel it isn't right to make fun of someone just because they like something you don't like. That's my gripe with not only fandoms, but also everyone and everything in general. That's what I was trying to get across in my first paragraph of my post.

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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I haven't seen everything this fandom made, nor do I want to.


The whole underage clop stuff makes me sick beyond belief. I know, there's probably nothing we can't do anything about it. But could you imagine if the Ponies (think multiverse) from the show found out about underage clop? Granted, there could be pedophiles in their world too, but still.



And yeah, people who force others to like the show, while saying harmony of all things.








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Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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There aren't a lot of things that grind my gears, but if I think about it I can name a few I guess.


One is the arguments anti-cloppers have, the seamless veil of lies they create to lash out at others for no apparent reason than the "Eww" argument and their sense of making ridiculous links between two totally unrelated things, bordering even on what might be fanaticy, is so retarded.


Another thing that annoys me is the fact that bronies are able to create a barrier using the "love and tolerance". Creating the illusion of "You're with us or don't have an opinion at all." and how idiotic it might be, dispelling themselves of every single foolish action they might have made in the past. Yet, when a collective group *Cough*MostlyEqD*Cough* finds something they dislike; they are able to lash out at it no matter what, like mindless minions in a hive-mind like fashion.



Other than that, those damn fluffy ponies hurt my head, it's forced cuteness. And what about those little ball pony things. Again, I don't like forced cuteness.
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