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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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2. Whingeing about Equestria Girls. I didn't expect to become a fan of MLP, I probably won't expect to become a fan of Equestria Girls but we don't know till we've tried it.

I agree with everything but this. I don't think we can use the rule of "Don't knock it till you try it" With something that's blatantly just Hasbro trying to cash in on our fandom.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I agree with everything but this. I don't think we can use the rule of "Don't knock it till you try it" With something that's blatantly just Hasbro trying to cash in on our fandom.

It's pretty obvious that Hasbro is using this to sell toys, but that doesn't mean it will automatically be terrible. You know, Transformers has a lot of fans for something created to sell toys.

But really, I'm sick of all the whining about it, cause it's basically beating a dead horse (no pun intended).

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I agree with everything but this. I don't think we can use the rule of "Don't knock it till you try it" With something that's blatantly just Hasbro trying to cash in on our fandom.

The main show itself is just there to sell toys and make money, and it seemed to turn out pretty well. It's just the same with Equestria Girls - and while I'm not a big fan of the design ("let's make a show about how there's no wrong way to be a girl, whilst giving all the characters the same clothing and body type!") I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet.

Edited by Kyubey
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I highly dislike overzealous bronies. Their the ones who make the rest of us look bad. They should be kicked out of the fandom but then again every fandom has an overzealous group of fans.


I dislike bronies with a bad attitude. If there's anything worse then a troll it's a brony who just so happens to be a troll. A brony troll. That should be a new term.


I dislike any brony that publicly shows their unhealthy obsession with a single pony from the show. Believe it or not being in love with or having an obsession with a fictional character is an illness.

  • Brohoof 2
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I highly dislike overzealous bronies. Their the ones who make the rest of us look bad. They should be kicked out of the fandom but then again every fandom has an overzealous group of fans.

I know, but ours tend to stand out the most. I wonder what would happen if we did start kicking them out.


The main show itself is just there to sell toys and make money, and it seemed to turn out pretty well. It's just the same with Equestria Girls - and while I'm not a big fan of the design ("let's make a show about how there's no wrong way to be a girl, whilst giving all the characters the same clothing and body type!") I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet

That's why I said fandom. I find what Hasbro's doing insulting, because they just assume we'll lick up anything they ship out. The difference is; The original show was never meant to get so big, but now that it has they just make a spinoff to cash in...purposely this time.


I see what you're saying, both you and Meso. But my mind is made, honestly I'm not evemn sure If my body could survive watching EG, I might actually go into shock. I'm being serious right now, in my minds eye, it's that dangerous.

  • Brohoof 1

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I highly dislike overzealous bronies. Their the ones who make the rest of us look bad. They should be kicked out of the fandom but then again every fandom has an overzealous group of fans.


I dislike bronies with a bad attitude. If there's anything worse then a troll it's a brony who just so happens to be a troll. A brony troll. That should be a new term.


I dislike any brony that publicly shows their unhealthy obsession with a single pony from the show. Believe it or not being in love with or having an obsession with a fictional character is an illness.


It's funny because so many people came rushing to defend the guy who was planning on marrying Twilight Sparkle in that long uber-drama thread after people pointed out how weird (or trolling) it was. 11 pages of off-topic banter, philosiphy, religion, and borderline trolling with few people considering him a wackadoo? Seriously? Even this forum goes overboard sometimes in NOT calling a nutter a nutter.

Edited by Freewave
  • Brohoof 2

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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The fans that bother me are the ones who try and shove the fandom into the faces of people who respect it, but have no interest in anything about it. I understand how they might find MLP to be the best thing since sliced bread, but the constant worshiping of it as well as the constant talk about how he/she should try it is annoying to say the least. 

  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

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It's funny because so many people came rushing to defend the guy who was planning on marrying Twilight Sparkle in that long uber-drama thread after people pointed out how weird (or trolling) it was. 11 pages of off-topic banter, philosiphy, religion, and borderline trolling with few people considering him a wackadoo? Seriously? Even this forum goes overboard sometimes in calling a nutter a nutter. lol 


I'll never understand people especially my own kind bronies. That guy you mentioned (by the way I saw the link to that thread on the front page when it was first created and I avoided it like the plague.) could not only be classified as a brony who's overly obsessed with a fictional character but an overzealous brony as well. I didn't think it was possible for a fellow brony to be put into multiple categories but that guy proved me wrong.

Edited by Mighty E.
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One thing I dislike about this fandom is just how doom and gloom some people seem to be and there is a good number of people who come off that way. I thought I was bad and yet I find myself defending the human race or life itself. It's just saddening to see people who constantly voice doom and gloom.


The anti-cloppers. They bring up the subject of clopping much more often than cloppers. Just leave cloppers to their own devices; what others do in their private time is no business of mine. 

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One thing I dislike about this fandom is just how doom and gloom some people seem to be and there is a good number of people who come off that way. I thought I was bad and yet I find myself defending the human race or life itself. It's just saddening to see people who constantly voice doom and gloom.

I dunno i think part of what happens to us is we join this community because we're looking for picking up the community's positive, accepting vibe and hopefully looking to tap into that creativity and find some friends to. What holds us back is once we get here and magic shine off the show and fandom fades is we get back to our normal selves which is often a whole bunch of people who don't always have the best social skills, who aren't as positive as we'd like, and are generally loners by nature. I've been here for a year and half and really only have a handfull of friends i'd call close, even though i KNOW a lot of people. It often feels like being part of herd doesn't mean we're all close friends, it means we're a bunch of strangers in the same room who wished that others were getting to know them but at least have something we can talk about that we like in common if we do. Does anyone else feel this way?

That and I think we're bummed out on having to wait a year between seasons and so we take out that frustration on each other. I've seen how the community seems to get a lot bitchier when the show isn't on. We just want our poiies back and chopping at the bit waiting for something to happen and to make us influenced and happy again. The fannon is running on fumes right now.

Sorry if this comes out as rambling i just would like to know if others kinda feel the same way. Edited by Freewave

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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Whenever there is a big change in the show a huge up-roar of controversy blows in the fandom. 

Especially the Twilicorn change. I mean, she became a princess and alicorn and instantly half the fandom over-reacts and hates her now. It's absolutely pathetic.

  • Brohoof 6
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- I really dislike it when others always claim themselves, "OHI'MRAINBOW'S'S#1FANOMG". I mean, It's totally annoying because I've even had certain amount of people rub it in my face. Just because you think you have super special connection, and you plastered your favorite on your wall or something, doesn't mean others don't like your BEST PONY as much as you do. It's fine as long as It's not in bragging, prying form.


- Why all of the false assumptions of Twilight being an Alicorn?!


1. She's NOT immortal! DX

2. They stated that she'd keep her personality and life.

3. They also stated a new balance for the equal amount of 'races' scenario.

4. She just has new adventures ahead of her!


- The abundance of rule #34 pictures. I know there's a reason why I see clopfics as the second recommended thing on Google when I type in Lyra and Bon Bon...

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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What I really dislike about this whole fandom is cloppers,shippers, R34 and how everybody keeps posting perverted or inappropriate images or videos of MLP it's disgusting and plain wrong, mostly for the younger viewers that actually search up this show that they love and see those things.


Signature made by me.



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A few things immediately come to mind:


The ones that adamantly shove MLP in the faces of others. Not everyone will have the same interests. If someone doesn't like what you like, it's their opinion, and it should be respected.


ALL THE DUBSTEB. Most of the pony-related music I'm aware of is dubstep. This may just be my personal distaste of dubstep talking, but we need a bit more variety. More pony metal would be vastly appreciated, I'm sure.


The anti-anti-AliTwi people. This isn't referring to the pro-AliTwis, as it's their opinion that they like it, and I respect that. However, it's the people that don't do myself and others who dislike the change the same service that bother me. It's a simple matter of respecting the opinions of others. Is this really that hard to do?

  • Brohoof 5


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Even this forum goes overboard sometimes in NOT calling a nutter a nutter.

Dear sweet mother of Celestia, you have no idea exactly how true that statement is.


I'd elaborate and provide specific examples, but that might break a forum rule.

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Well, anti-bronies. They should let us watch a freaking tv show! And how anti bronies ddos bronie websites, I plan to spam a anti brony forum once I get my computer fixed

You'd only be fueling the fire. Like the great MLK said, hate can't drive out hate, only love can. The only way to win is to endure and show that you're the bigger man.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Also, grimdark stories are automatically horrible.


I can counter that right now, try giving Silent Ponyville a read some time if you think all horror/darkfic is pointless gore with no meaning.


And that brings be to another peeve, people thinking all horror fics are trash like Cupcakes.  



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Is it actually a good thing if I haven't read Cupcakes before in my life? I'm just wondering since everyone's talking about it like it's a new Saw movie.

Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping.

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Things that I hate about this fandom...let me think about it


- People who hate on cloppers and turn R34 blogs into a war area

- People who get all over dramatic and take the show too seriously

- The music, it's usually always really bad house, dubstep, and Drum n Bass music

- The people who shove "Love and Tolerate" down the throats of people, yet they themselves are complete hypocrites

- People who act like having a different opinion than someone else is gonna offend that person

- The idiotic people who think that they're so better than everyone else because they're into MLP

- People who act like being a brony is a life changing event

- The whole "coming out of the closet" thing, really, like I mean come on seriously?

- People who look down on Grimdark like it's the most terrible thing in existence, oh boo hoo someone made a happy children's show into some dark and twisted fanfic, get over it.

Edited by gooM
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When people take things too far...


Either by shoving the show down peoples throats and trying to "convert" others like it's some sort of religion, 

or when people overuse things in the show like 20% cooler and 10 seconds flat, amongst other things. 

It was funny at the time guys, not anymore - it's gone past lame and now it's just plain annoying. 


Also, why all the anti-clopper marches? We're still bronies you know, just some of us are into other things than you might be - doesn't our fanbase try to teach acceptance and giving things a chance? (No, i'm not saying you should try clopping, i'm saying you should stop complaining because people do) That said however, I CAN understand why some people don't like cloppers, like the certain group of cloppers that seem to shove erotic MLP pictures on any site they can find and hope to get a reaction out of it. 

Seriously people, we're better than this. 


Final note in point, I hate the hypocrites of the fanbase, there's nothing worse than someone who preaches "love and tolerate" and then immediately flames the next guy to voice his own opinion. I'm also being a hypocrite here because I don't agree with other bronies opinions, but I can understand and respect them. 



img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I hate it when some bronies act as if telling their friends that they like My Little Pony is anything like telling their friends that they are gay. I have come across numerous threads talking about "coming out" but it just ended up being someone asking how they can tell people that they like the show. I do understand that maybe it's weird and awkward, but please don't compare it to coming out of the closet. Being in the closet and coming out of the closet is far more difficult than telling your parents that you like a cartoon that wasn't intended for your age. My Little Pony is a cartoon that will eventually go off the air, your sexuality is who you are and it doesn't change. It's just a bit strange to me how people can think that these two things are remotely similar. They're not. Cheers. 

  • Brohoof 2

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Things that I hate about this fandom...let me think about it


- People who hate on cloppers and turn R34 blogs into a war area

- People who get all over dramatic and take the show too seriously

- The music, it's usually always really bad house, dubstep, and Drum n Bass music

- The people who shove "Love and Tolerate" down the throats of people, yet they themselves are complete hypocrites

- People who act like having a different opinion than someone else is gonna offend that person

- The idiotic people who think that they're so better than everyone else because they're into MLP

- People who act like being a brony is a life changing event

- The whole "coming out of the closet" thing, really, like I mean come on seriously?

- People who look down on Grimdark like it's the most terrible thing in existence, oh boo hoo someone made a happy children's show into some dark and twisted fanfic, get over it.

I agree with all you say here except for the music. While the majority of the music is dupstep or similar  there are other forms of music in the fandom.

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Things that I hate about this fandom...let me think about it


- People who hate on cloppers and turn R34 blogs into a war area

- People who get all over dramatic and take the show too seriously

- The music, it's usually always really bad house, dubstep, and Drum n Bass music

- The people who shove "Love and Tolerate" down the throats of people, yet they themselves are complete hypocrites

- People who act like having a different opinion than someone else is gonna offend that person

- The idiotic people who think that they're so better than everyone else because they're into MLP

- People who act like being a brony is a life changing event

- The whole "coming out of the closet" thing, really, like I mean come on seriously?

- People who look down on Grimdark like it's the most terrible thing in existence, oh boo hoo someone made a happy children's show into some dark and twisted fanfic, get over it.

I was gonna pick some things out of that quote, but I'm feeling all of them.


I guess an easier way to summarize it for me, would be thin-skinned bronies who flip their shit over anything like the show, fapping to ponies, gore, "haters", etc. If you don't want to be treated like a cranky manchild, then don't act like one. Simple.

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