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Save Derpy Hooves  

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  1. 1. Derpy Hooves: Hate or like?

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    • Destroy the Misunderstanding

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Im very unhappy about this. I was excited because I read that derpy was staying derpy. If the soccer mom's want a modified swept they should watch it on iTunes. If I could I would find each and every one of them and knock some sense into them idiots. (Not literally hit them.)(unless I have to XD) but in all seriousness if they don't like it then they shouldn't watch it. Simple as that! It's just like not listening to a song you don't like!

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I am happy it was for just one episde, an episode I will NEVER buy off iTunes, but I still consider this a terrible loss not just for fans, but for anyone out there with actual "derpy" eyes who may have identified with this pony. I just hope the horrible people that made this planet less tolerable don't go after this guy: Posted Image

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I made a little analysis and explanation to the fandom response to Derpy on Kreoss's (Show animator) journal in DA:



Kreoss, I first want to say I admire you guys behind the show, for all your magnificent effort on the show in every part of its production, it is always as impressive to see, frame by frame even how well this series in animated and how delightful the background artwork is among many other fantastic things.


Then to this issue with Derpy. After in depth contemplation to put words to this all and perhaps illustrate further the entire source of this hullabaloo and how it even became an issue I have landed to this conclusion:


Derpy Hooves to Bronies stands to mark the relationship of this wonderful, talented collection of individuals working on this show and the fandom. She is like a monument, a statue erected to celebrate the new kind of media where everyone who enjoys the show also can have a smidgen of influence into its future content. This fills the bronies with hope and joy, it gives us a real relationship to this show and through that to its characters, we feel that much closer to the show and people who create it when our inside jokes reach the show.


This is a beautiful image that Derpy painted of media in future. No longer are people subjected to take what is dished out, but they can even influence the content a little, reinforcing their passion and resilience to stay with the show when they have hope of seeing more of their love manifested in the show. But when Derpy scene was corrected and her name removed from the scene, her eyes straightened to less wonky gaze this beautiful image was soiled. To bronies it seemed like Hasbro has regrets, and that the iron wall is being erected again between viewers and the creative team.


It frightened and mobilized many bronies, they did not only do it for Derpy and for justice, they wanted Hasbro to know that they are willing to fight for this relationship and are not going to let it slip by just because of few people who have no sense of humor. This fear turned to anger as people, individuals felt powerless and that their effort and love was in vain before the big and blind Hasbro corporation just like their love has been vain in front of everything else in this world. This anger manifested in a lot of agitation and poor behavior in turn with younger bronies who still are not capable to handling such emotions with grace.


Derpy matters to us, not because she is "derpy" but because she is a little piece of our collective hearts in the show, we do not love her solely because she looks silly, but because she is the child of the fandom, gift to us in the show, gift to Hasbro is Hasbro ever chooses to utilize her as a toy and I am sure it is not a complete pain to add her into scenes for the animators either.

This special relationship we fans and MLP has is something no other TV show ever has had and we all understand its fragility as it is unique and rare situation first and hopefully not last of its kind.


The sheer volume of fan art, music, animations, articles and fiction already speaks about how empowered and accepted we feel. This storm of creativity is manifestation of a new form of friendship between concepts, fandom, producers and creators all coming together to create and revel in culture that understands the individualistic value and effort of working together, as each their own selves in what ever they know best. Akin to Winter Wrap Up.


So, bronies felt scared and saddened when they felt this all to slip away, and they decided to try harder to make it obvious they do not want it, they are willing to do what it takes to save this relationship. All they want in turn is a little trust, understandably that is hard to come by but perhaps it is worth it. It will fortify the fandom all the more in the end.

  • Brohoof 5


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Wow :blink: ....I never realized Animaniacs had so much dirty subtext. Its impressive that they managed to slip all that by the censors.


also if you pull up some old episodes of looney toons (often referenced in animation style / character behaviour in MLP) there are hundreds of racy jokes planted in such a way as to be hidden from the kids, innuendo and even racism were almost commonplace in those cartoons, and re-releases are out today with half length episodes because some jerks realised the jokes they never understood as kids, and think their own spawn will magically get outdated humor that they didn't understand at the same age when it was relavent. people often say tv is getting worse these days, to those people i recomend some of the old red skelton show, and the old cartoons, and dean martin's celebrity roasts (wilt chamberlain was a particularly raunchy one) all these old shows from the 50's through the 70's were FANTASTIC! but to see them now in their original glory you have to resolve to questionably legal methods, or spend the rest of your life to find original copies.


censorship is being used to literally destroy a great many pieces of entertainment history, and now it can't even be allowed to last long enough to BE history before they must destroy it.

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An Open Letter From Twilight


Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned a valuable lesson in friendship.


A long time ago, I met a pegasus who suffers from strabismus. Sometimes her eyes don't line up right, and it tends to make her clumsy.


Because of her condition, she often had trouble fitting in among her peers in Cloudsdale. To get away from that, she came to Ponyville, where we accepted her as one of our own. She loved to come to Pinkie Pie's parties and help out around town, and didn't even get sick that one time when Pinkie and Applejack made that bad batch of muffins (in fact, she went back for more).


She made a lot of friends in Ponyville, and had a lot of fans who loved her. Eventually, with their help, she even became confident enough to visit Cloudsdale again for the Best Young Flyer competition.


But back in Ponyville, she often had trouble focusing on her work, and kept going from job to job, always causing one disaster after another. The last straw came when she and Rainbow Dash were preparing Town Hall for Applejack's send-off to compete in the Equestria Rodeo. She practically ruined town hall and nearly killed Rainbow with lightning, a big post she knocked over, and she even pulled Rainbow into a hole.


The last we saw of Derpy was at the celebration, when she fell over backward into the Town Hall basement through a hole in the floor. After the send-off party, Rainbow went looking for her, but couldn't find her.


Suddenly, everypony panicked, and her friends galloped everywhere, calling her name. Because she had helped with Applejack's send-off party, the Apple family asked me to help find her. I used a rewind spell to track her back to when she was helping Rainbow at Town Hall again, but she looked and sounded different.


The Apple family said they couldn't be sure it was her, and that she seemed like somepony else. I thought only the Apples could see the spell, but somepony else must have seen it too, and that's when the rumors started and spread like wildfire.


When Derpy's friends found out what happened, they went on a rampage and stampeded all over Ponyville, putting up posters, painting pictures, telling stories and demanding to know what happened to Derpy. They were worried about how she had changed before she disappeared the second time. Did my spell really do that?


It was crazy! Angry ponies everywhere, and some of them were so mad they were saying naughty words I've never heard before. And still no sign of Derpy.


We finally gave up looking, and the Mayor ordered the Town Hall basement filled with concrete as a precaution. We don't know if Derpy's still down there, but if she is, she won't be coming back anytime soon.


Her friends are still angry, and they've been sending nasty letters to me and everypony else telling how mad they are about what happened to Derpy. I don't understand why they are so mad at me. I was only trying to help.


But I did learn something from all this. I shouldn't have used that rewind spell to try to bring Derpy back. It just made things worse. I'll try to be more careful in the future.


And I also learned this lesson again: if you try to please everypony, you oftentimes end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself.


Your faithful student,


Twilight Hasbro

  • Brohoof 3
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Why not just use a Youtube converter somewhere on the net to download The Last Round up?


I don't trust youtube downloader after I got a huge virus that almost destroyed my laptop...

Though I dearly want to do this.


I just read something that was saying that apple has the right to alter whatever is on iTunes without approval from the creators, and that they altered the episode because they kept getting emails from someone called "angry mother" stating that they would sue apple if they don't remove the "offensive" material from the episode. If you watch the altered scene, RD doesn't sound right, and the mic quality dosn't Mach the rest of the characters


I was very hopeful about this until I read Hasbro's official statement. I think there' two reasons for the lack of quality:

1 ) It was a rush job

2 ) Their hearts weren't in it like they normally are when they make an episode.


I made a little analysis and explanation to the fandom response to Derpy on Kreoss's (Show animator) journal in DA:



[edited out for length]


I can't speak for anyone else, but I think that a lot of people are upset about it for this reason, at least I know I'm very upset about it for this reason:


Quote from Hasbro:

"The 'My Little Pony Friendship is Magic' series has always been about acceptance and inclusion, and the series strives to convey that through the playful antics of a diverse cast of characters," Hasbro spokeswoman Nicole Angello told us over email. "Some viewers felt that aspects of the episode 'The Last Roundup' did not stay true to the core message of friendship which is the heart and soul of the series. Hasbro Studios decided to make slight audio alterations to this single episode."

I have to admit, Rainbow Dash wasn't showing friendship / love and tolerance to Derpy; but that's just RD's character. Anyways, the cruel irony of all this, is this:


How do you show acceptance and inclusion to "a diverse cast of characters", if you can't allow a character to be different?


The answer, then, is a Derpy episode, with Derpy as her cross-eyed self.


An Open Letter From Twilight


Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned a valuable lesson in friendship.


A long time ago, I met a pegasus who suffers from strabismus. Sometimes her eyes don't line up right, and it tends to make her clumsy.


Because of her condition, she often had trouble fitting in among her peers in Cloudsdale. To get away from that, she came to Ponyville, where we accepted her as one of our own. She loved to come to Pinkie Pie's parties and help out around town, and didn't even get sick that one time when Pinkie and Applejack made that bad batch of muffins (in fact, she went back for more).


She made a lot of friends in Ponyville, and had a lot of fans who loved her. Eventually, with their help, she even became confident enough to visit Cloudsdale again for the Best Young Flyer competition.


But back in Ponyville, she often had trouble focusing on her work, and kept going from job to job, always causing one disaster after another. The last straw came when she and Rainbow Dash were preparing Town Hall for Applejack's send-off to compete in the Equestria Rodeo. She practically ruined town hall and nearly killed Rainbow with lightning, a big post she knocked over, and she even pulled Rainbow into a hole.


The last we saw of Derpy was at the celebration, when she fell over backward into the Town Hall basement through a hole in the floor. After the send-off party, Rainbow went looking for her, but couldn't find her.


Suddenly, everypony panicked, and her friends galloped everywhere, calling her name. Because she had helped with Applejack's send-off party, the Apple family asked me to help find her. I used a rewind spell to track her back to when she was helping Rainbow at Town Hall again, but she looked and sounded different.


The Apple family said they couldn't be sure it was her, and that she seemed like somepony else. I thought only the Apples could see the spell, but somepony else must have seen it too, and that's when the rumors started and spread like wildfire.


When Derpy's friends found out what happened, they went on a rampage and stampeded all over Ponyville, putting up posters, painting pictures, telling stories and demanding to know what happened to Derpy. They were worried about how she had changed before she disappeared the second time. Did my spell really do that?


It was crazy! Angry ponies everywhere, and some of them were so mad they were saying naughty words I've never heard before. And still no sign of Derpy.


We finally gave up looking, and the Mayor ordered the Town Hall basement filled with concrete as a precaution. We don't know if Derpy's still down there, but if she is, she won't be coming back anytime soon.


Her friends are still angry, and they've been sending nasty letters to me and everypony else telling how mad they are about what happened to Derpy. I don't understand why they are so mad at me. I was only trying to help.


But I did learn something from all this. I shouldn't have used that rewind spell to try to bring Derpy back. It just made things worse. I'll try to be more careful in the future.


And I also learned this lesson again: if you try to please everypony, you oftentimes end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself.


Your faithful student,


Twilight Hasbro


The part about filling the town hall basement with concrete is extremely disturbing to me :o

I don't get it. They said they're going to keep Derpy the same in future episodes. So they didn't seal the deal for good...


Anyways, I love that last line. That's straight from the very first regular episode, ep.3! :P



EDIT: Correction:


Just because I love correcting people I shall say, that last line in the letter is from episode 14 of the first season, in wich Rarity makes all those dresses for the gala


Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I don't trust youtube downloader after I got a huge virus that almost destroyed my laptop...

Though I dearly want to do this.




I was very hopeful about this until I read Hasbro's official statement. I think there' two reasons for the lack of quality:

1 ) It was a rush job

2 ) Their hearts weren't in it like they normally are when they make an episode.




I can't speak for anyone else, but I think that a lot of people are upset about it for this reason, at least I know I'm very upset about it for this reason:


Quote from Hasbro:



I have to admit, Rainbow Dash wasn't showing friendship / love and tolerance to Derpy; but that's just RD's character. Anyways, the cruel irony of all this, is this:


How do you show acceptance and inclusion to "a diverse cast of characters", if you can't allow a character to be different?


The answer, then, is a Derpy episode, with Derpy as her cross-eyed self.




The part about filling the town hall basement with concrete is extremely disturbing to me :o

I don't get it. They said they're going to keep Derpy the same in future episodes. So they didn't seal the deal for good...


Anyways, I love that last line. That's straight from the very first regular episode, ep.3! :P


Just because I love correcting people I shall say, that last line in the letter is from episode 14 of the first season, in wich Rarity makes all those dresses for the gala

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Just because I love correcting people I shall say, that last line in the letter is from episode 14 of the first season, in wich Rarity makes all those dresses for the gala


Corrected :P

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Just because I love correcting people I shall say, that last line in the letter is from episode 14 of the first season, in wich Rarity makes all those dresses for the gala


rewatched the end of ep 3, you're right, but i noticed as spike is about to belch the response from the princess (always a funny thought in itself) AJ is saying "isn't that just like a boy, can't handle the least bit of sentiment" *interrupted by belch* <freckles appear> "woah!"

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Hold on... I just realized something! Because she no longer has the eyes, she may seem to portray the mentally disabled more! She has no excuse as the why she's so clumsy anymore! That means that it might be MORE offensive to mentally challenged! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

  • Brohoof 1

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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As The World Derps...


Lest my previous post (which was an admittedly odd mix of polemic, critique, satire and apologia) be misunderstood, I guess I should explain what my actual opinions about all this really are.


First, I hope it's clear that I'm a big fan of the show. For more on that, here's my "pony tale" from my introduction thread. My commentary can sometimes come off as incisive, but is never motivated by malice for anyone, so I hope I never give anyone the wrong idea.


Moving on to Derpy, I'm a Derpy fan. I love the whole Derpy saga, and though I wouldn't consider her my favorite character of the whole series (the competition is fierce and undecided, though Dashie and Celestia are out front), I think she embodies much of what makes MLP:FiM such a unique and amazing show.


Derpy's story, and the story of how the FiM fandom and the show's producers have built her up from almost nothing to who she is today, are something I've never seen before, and doubt I will ever see again. For that reason alone, Derpy is a very, very special pony indeed.


Like any self-respecting Derpy fan, I've been intrigued and delighted by how Derpy has been increasingly written into the show, mainly as a "Where's Waldo" shout-out, but always coming a little closer to the camera, like when she appeared as a "bag pony" on Nightmare Night, or waved hello at the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.


When she first appeared in The Last Roundup, I felt like I was watching a great moment in TV history. "Did Rainbow just call her 'Derpy'?!?" "Derpy has a speaking part?" "Derpy just trashed Town Hall?" "Oh. My. GOD!!!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It blew my mind, and I will never forget that.


As an iTunes season pass holder (FiM is the only thing on iTunes I've bought), I wasted no time downloading the episode as soon as it first became available, and thus have an original version safely stored and backed up. My own piece of cartoon history was safely in hand.


But not long after, trouble started brewing. Without any explanation whatsoever, The Last Roundup quietly disappeared from the iTunes store. That went on for weeks as rumors spread and ire grew.


As with most fans, I had a bad feeling about the removal of the episode from iTunes (and for that matter, Hearts and Hooves Day is also suspiciously weeks late; we now have good reason to assume the worst), and was less inclined to be forgiving as time went on.


When the "new Derpy" finally debuted, I was, in a word, outraged. How could they bowdlerize Derpy and ruin a high point of the entire series? I was not happy.




What I was seeing from some of my fellow pony fans disturbed me even more. I basically followed that first EQD thread live, before the worst comments were removed (and they were hideous). I like to think the absolute worst comments were just trolls from /b/, but I can't lie to myself.


I was seeing the Dark Side, the worst the fandom had to offer, and it made me question what the heck I was doing being a part of it. I understand and very much sympathize with the strong feelings of my fellow fans, but too much of the backlash has been just too vicious and mean-spirited for me to abide.


It's just wrong.


So while I very much dislike how this all went down, and have not a single unkind word for fans who are disappointed and say so without being too abusive about it, I think far too many of us have somehow forgotten the lessons this show has tried to teach us, and suggest that those who most hate Hasbro for this are the ones who most need to go back and watch the entire series all over again, from episode one, and take notes this time.


They will need them, because they have a very long letter of their own to write to Princess Celestia.

  • Brohoof 1
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We shouldn't be. Sending so many emails to Hasbro. We should be finding out who these haters are and flooding their emails with the real reason they let derpy speak. And the true meaning of the love we have for derpy and the acceptance of her condition.

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Hasbro seems to hold ponies to a higher standard than its other shows. MLP has a "core message of friendship which is the heart and soul of the series." I woke up and turned on ponies and was early enough to catch the end of Pound Puppies. A cat and dog were talking about how maybe there should be more cooperation between the species. Then, the cat SPITS in the dog's face and when the dog asks why, the cat answered that he would think of a reason and they start FIGHTING. What the buck? As a cat owner, THAT offends me 1000-fold more than anything Derpy ever did. They just reinforced the stereotype dog people have that cats are unpredictable creatures that lash out for no reason. Maybe I should write to them and threaten to sue and see what they do, lol.


On a more serious note, odd as this sounds please hear me out, would we be satisfied if iTunes offered BOTH versions of The Last Roundup with OUR version being given a "Mature" rating? I know it sounds crazy having to rate a pony episode for potential "offensiveness" but then at least the original episode would be there. What do you think?


BTW, if I sound rambling and/or crazy, please do realize I just woke up. :D

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The Last Rounderp


I originally had a hard time understanding what made Derpy "offensive" enough to change, but do have a bias that I've held since The Last Roundup.


Ironically enough, the new voice is closer to how I expected her to sound than Tabitha's "boy" voice. I also like that Derpy sounds less "dopey" now. So when all is said and done, I have made my peace with it.


When we consider Hasbro's point of view, they sell toys. That's their bread and butter, what keeps the bills paid, and why they put up the money for Friendship is Magic in the first place. No toy sales = no Hasbro = no show.


I've seen a lot of derisive, stereotypical comments about "soccer moms" and the like. I think much of the hoopla and chest-beating over this would die off if the more indignant among us took some time to consider the bigger picture.


Hasbro sells toys to children of all ages. Many of their toys are for girls ages 3-8, for example. When you sell toys to 3-year-old girls, you need to be very careful about what you're doing. It's not something you want to screw up, especially when your company has been selling toys for longer than most people have been alive, and those toy sales are what makes it possible for you to earn money and feed your own kids.


My Little Pony is a valuable and iconic multi-generational franchise. Hasbro should not and will not willingly do anything to hurt their toys' reputation for being a safe, sensible choice for young girls. That's priority one for them: protect their brand and business.


Hasbro does NOT need any headaches over a fan-driven character they generously allowed into the show as a nod to their periphery demographic (no good deed goes unpunished). The image of My Little Pony is not based on cutting-edge social commentary or rallying around causes.


These are dolls for girls to play with, not Che Guevara with brushable manes.


I can understand fans feeling betrayed by all this, and feel a strong sense of that myself. But the deed is done, the pony is out of the barn, so to speak, and both Hasbro and the fandom (or fan dumb, in more cases than I care to count) have far more important things to consider than changes to a single Derpy cameo.


Let's nurse our grief, make our videos, sing our songs and get it all out, but mail-bombing, threatening, abusing and hassling Hasbro will accomplish absolutely nothing good, only bad. They get the message. Deal with it.


Ironically, despite the absurd degree to which they have been demonized, changing Derpy this way may well be Hasbro's attempt to save her and make it possible to develop her more as a character in the future. Instead of revoicing her, they could have simply cut her from the episode entirely, with Town Hall just being run down from normal wear and tear.


Only time will tell if this was Derpy's last derp, but if Hasbro isn't, through some miracle, put off by all the hysteria surrounding the character, I'm hoping we'll see her again, and the fan love may once again flow freely.


Sure, they could have handled this better, but instead of dumping all over Hasbro for this, maybe we could find it in our hearts to cut them a little slack, and consider that the people who brought us this show in the first place aren't necessary the soulless, corporate drones some of us might take them for.


Too much of the indignity over Derpy has turned into vanity, self-aggrandizement and a conceit to bully Hasbro into answering the beck and call of an increasingly self-marginalizing subset of the fandom. I suggest we focus more positively on the merits of the show and the people who make it possible, and less on parading our angst like rioters through the virtual streets of the Internet, hoisting a banner of anger overhead like some twisted icon of self-righteousness and false moral superiority.


Some of us are deeply hurt. My heart is with them.


Some of us are using this as an excuse to shout obscenities, smash virtual windows and attack the producers of my favorite show.


Not cool. They should spend their time and energy more productively, like actually watching, respecting and learning something from this magnificent show instead.

  • Brohoof 2
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what if derpy has a secret twin (wich has straight eyes and a higher voice) who was in the altered episode. lol at least derpy will still be derpy in the background

Edited by SXCJ40


I'm just your average Brony, Whovian, Sonic Fan, Yognaught, Mechanic, Drag racing........

Time traveler............................. Thats me SXCJ40


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twisted icon of self-righteousness and false moral superiority.

That is how I would describe the people that started this mess in the first place, not the people that are now up in arms over this injustice. I do not know about any "soccer moms" but the people who found Derpy offensive in the first place would fall under "Fandom Moral Guardian," a subset mentioned in your "Fan Dumb" link.


Yes, we shouldn't be going to extremes and I certainly have no beef with Hasbro. My beef is with those pretending to be defending the mentally disabled who effectively had a character be changed more to the norm. How is that being pro-disability when you are essentially bullying shows into only showing "normal" characters? I wonder what would happen if those people somehow got Cookie Monster changed - a character known and loved for generations. I would not condone rioting in the streets but I sure hope there would be general outrage. I cannot stand censorship and people who believe they must protect others for their own good are arrogant self-righteous troublemakers who bring chaos and disorder just so that they feel improtant.

  • Brohoof 2
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A Question Of Derpendability


I understand the sentiment about some people being too sensitive to the original Derpy, but that's ultimately tangential to the decisions Hasbro faces.


My Little Pony is clearly not a brand Hasbro wants to associate with controversy. While I'm not privy to what went on behind the scenes (which, aside from a single statement yesterday through Gawker, was basically everything), it doesn't take too much contemplation to recognize that Hasbro doesn't see Derpy as being worth bad publicity.


By "bad publicity", I'm not referring to the Brony community. Bronies are widespread and have a major presence on the Internet, but are still a drop in the bucket compared to the number of people who buy the dolls for their children. I'm sure they want to take advantage of the brony market, but it's at best a speculative fringe compared to their core business.


People don't tend to buy dolls for kids as a political statement. They buy dolls for them to play with, and if there's some sort of problem with one brand, they'll buy another. There doesn't even need to be any actual problems with them, just hearing something negative about them on the news is all it takes. If pressure groups are threatening to take this sort of thing to the press, and iTunes (their only digital distributor) refuses to carry the show, that's a major problem for Hasbro.


And for what, exactly? A bit player that wasn't even planned for the show in the first place? There's just no reason for Hasbro to take those sorts of sales hits and reputation risks for Derpy. It doesn't add up, doesn't make sense, and there's no incentive for them to have a dog -- or pony -- in that fight.


Getting back to bronies, I think cases like this one send a strong message that the community is too volatile to rely on from a business standpoint. Hasbro and pretty much everyone involved in the show have been bombarded by so much hatred over this that they would be fully justified in washing their hands of the whole mess and simply focusing on girls like they have for decades.


To be fair, it's perfectly understandable that bronies would be put off by something like this. It's jarring to see a beloved character bowdlerized in what seems like an underhanded fashion. "New Derpy" is like "The Other Darrin", and we really didn't even have a chance to get to know the "Old Darrin".


But all the petitions and hate mail in the world (or polite mail, for that matter) are not going to change Derpy back. That ship has sailed. Having iTunes yank the episode again and all manner of special interest groups waving derogatory press releases in their faces again is just not worth it.


What happens next is unknown. Heck, even Hasbro probably doesn't know at this point. Maybe they'll bother to change Derpy as necessary in whatever future episodes she may be in (she has become a background regular), maybe they don't even have to change her (that speaking role may have been a one-off anyway) or maybe they'll cut her out entirely.


I doubt they'll tell us either way, but as new episodes roll out, I'm sure we'll have a better idea by the end of the season where Derpy stands, if anywhere at all.

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[edited for brevity]


I love these posts. And I strongly agree with the hate statements. People are just being downright hateful towards Hasbro, and I'm sad to admit you're right, bronies probably only make a drop in the bucket of their income from the show.


But then again, also consider the sheer size of the movement, and the fact that it's growing exponentially. People have said it's in decline, no, it's not, and if it is, then maybe it's rate of increase is in decline, but not the actual size.


We're not doing US Congress mathematics. :P A decrease in the rate of increase, is not a decrease. It just means it's not growing as quickly. But still, I can only guess that's where this rumorous idea came from; chances are everything's still growing.



What has me really scared, is they might decide to drop the show altogether. Hasbro, like you said, is used to making childrens' toys. They've entered a whole new world with a whole new fanbase with G4. If we as a fanbase don't treat them well, they're going to drop us. They have no obligation towards us. And the reality is they're a business, and people need to make money to live and eat. If we get in the way of that, like scaring them into thinking their customers might plummet, they have no legal or financial obligation to keep G4 alive, but they do have a moderate incentive to at least go to Ep. 13 of Season 3.


And, if it's bad enough with all the hate, then they might come to fear us, if they already don't. If they fear us, then they have no reason to keep us around by continuing G4. They can do just fine starting a G5 as awful as G3.5, they did some years ago, and without all this hate being spilled on them.



As cheesy as it sounds, the reality is the hate in response to Derpy's re-casting literally will kill the show and all the characters in it, not just Derpy, if the hate is bad enough. From what I've read some of the creative team have been so spammed that they've deleted their DA accounts. It sounds to me like it just might be bad enough.


And you know what the most ironic part is? The whole fanbase would be thrilled to have this new scene with Derpy! That's right, the one without the crossed eyes and without her name. But we got used to the old one so now the new seems awful, when in fact, we should be thankful for any. After all, Derpy spent the vast majority of her existence straight-eyed and normal, until the creative team decided to be kind enough to throw that little easter egg in.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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ponyvangelist, I see what you are saying, however it still does not stop me from being shockingly outraged. I can never get myself to hate anypony, but Hasbro and the Hub need to grow some balls to stand up to theese trolls. If not, who is the next pony to be renamed/removed or WORSE? Doctor Whoves? Cherilee? Lyra? Oh wait, somepony with a skin dissorder which makes his skin blue might be offended by Luna as it is his/her exact colour. Albinos will not want Celestia to be shown. When will it stop? Simple solution: Don't like the show? dont watch it, but dont ruin it for the rest of us.

Best solution: Teach theese ponies to read and then let them study what "Derp" really mean, then MAYBE we can have some peace and quiet.


To all of you who made Derpy dissapear: You should be ashamed of yourself for talking about things you dont understand. For agressive responses, see my first solution. For those ignoring that, I am ignoring you, no point in arguing with somepony who has his/her mind set on destroying or ruining it for everypony else and who wont even see reason and are set in your mind that you are "right". You are just as egocentric as the thieves at my workplace and the worst sorts of things living on this planet.

  • Brohoof 1

Haters gonna hate

Trolls gonna troll

Ponies gonna pwn

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After hearing what Amy Keating Rogers has to say, I must admit that I for one am far less angry about the situation now. I'm still upset, and I will still call her Derpy, but...hearing the perspective of the episode writer just makes me feel so much better about the whole thing. A lot of my anger came from not knowing why the change occurred. Now that I know, I can feel better about it...especially since my biggest fear, that of being it a possible sign of ties being cut between the creators of the show and we the fans, is most certainly NOT true, as demonstrated by her words.


I tip my proverbial hat to thee, Amy Keating Rogers, and to everyone else at Studio B.

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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10 hateful emails, 200 positive emails - 10 hateful people get their way. Oh yeah, that's fair. How is Ditzy less offensive than Derpy? Derpy is an internet term that has yet to have a hard definition. To interpret it as "it must mean retarded and therefore offensive to me!" IS retarded! UGH! Ditz however, IS an established derogatory term. So Derpy the awesome pony turns into Ditzy the dumb blonde "my bad!" pony and this is more acceptable?!


I liked hearing what Amy Keating Rogers had to say and I do think the people bringing us this show are awesome. It is just sad that they had to get bullied by those 10 ridiculous people.

  • Brohoof 1
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yeah, i'd've deleted the hateful emails and never thought twice about it, but then i am extremely thick skinned. one more of the problems in this world is that hatefull messages always get far more attention than positive ones...

  • Brohoof 1
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Indeed. Even tho I am less angry too, I mean, Ms. Rogers truly must be under wuite the preassure, and then she hears from something, yes THING, that "derp" means "retarded". Dont get me wrong, I would never blame Ms. Rogers, but people gotta learn to lopk things upfor themselves. To me, "derp" means at most "funny expression" but mostly I use it from ragecomics, where it is a synonym to everything specific, f.e Derpson, McDerp, Derping around and Derpina. Mesning that Derp can be anything. Sounds like her to me, as she is first a mover, someone that is everywhere, doing nothing special, "derping around, so to say.

Haters gonna hate

Trolls gonna troll

Ponies gonna pwn

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