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gaming What Video Game levels/bosses make you rage?

Moon Rat

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All Sonic related, surprised?


Well, there's a level in Sonic Lost World that makes me regret the day I bought it, it's Lava Mountain Zone 2. The entire level is garbage, you're stuck on grind rails and are constantly surrounded by instant kill bombs, it's torture. I finally beat it, after about 200 lives, lol.


As for bosses, Dark Gaia in Sonic Unleashed. You don't fight him as Sonic, but as Gaia Colossus. It's pretty bad, lol.


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The bosses on my list have been mentioned multiple times, but with good reason.



Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough. The two bad dudes with bad attitudes from Dark Souls.



Shao Khan from Mk9. Not only is he a cheating bastard, but because you have to be Raiden. ( I got pretty good with Raiden because of it though)



My list of frustrating levels



the second half of the "Down the tubes" level on Earthworm Jim where you race through narrow passages in a fragile, hard to control, glass submarine



the Coin Race on Frosty Village in Diddy Kong Racing



and obviously the water temple on Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  No matter how many times I've beaten that game, I never know where to start on this dungeon. Having to change your boots constantly!?!?! Ugh don't even get me started 

  • Brohoof 1


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so far its the entirety of The Evil Within...ive died over 100 times thanks to just regular enemies...


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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Shao Khan from Mk9. Not only is he a cheating bastard, but because you have to be Raiden. ( I got pretty good with Raiden because of it though)





That asshole took me weeks to beat. I'd spend hours on trying when I finally beat him I felt like I was king of the f------g universe.

And as an add on I had a tiny sliver of health left once I hit the finishing blow.

Edited by GhostlyMelodies
  • Brohoof 1


^full sized avatar picture there

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Well... For me, it's Ochu of FF 13. Seriously, this guy and her minions hit like a truck.

Then the Final Boss of Rogue Galaxy, an 8(!) part battle, defeated in last? Go all over again!

The 6 Fortress bosses of The Last Remnant. This guys packs a punch and are not easy to be defeated. Also, the final version of the final boss and some superboss.


Somewhere on page 14, someone rant about Tager and I say, I agree, since I main Tager in BlazBlue. XD



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Final fantasy dissidia 012 - feral chaos


This end boss stressed me out more than any end boss I've ever fought. after many failed attempts I spammed the same attack over and over and eventually won in the most pathetic way possible!


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  • 4 years later...

Operation Knightfall in Battlefront 2. Specifically the section in the library. Absolute pain in the ass.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tomb of the Giants in Dark Souls was always a place I hated. Visually it is boring as hell, the enemies are extremely generic and insanely overpowered and the boss that it hides, friggin' Gravelord Nito, is a total pushover. This place was a total nightmare in my first playthrough of the game, but I have long since gotten it down, but it still sucks and just makes me groan whenever I reach it.

Warden Eternal in Halo 5 is also rage inducing. Not because he is hard, but because he is a horrendous boss in a horrendous campaign. He is the only boss in the game, but you have to fight him I think 8 times. And each time he plays exactly the same, with the only difference being that in the last fight, you battle 3 of him at once. Woooooo. He angers me because he is such a great representation at 343's total incompetence with making Halo 5. He is the punctuation mark on one of the worst FPS campaigns ever.



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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

For me it would be a level in StarFox Adventures on gamecube Its' a fun game and I enjoyed playing it, but there is one part in the game called The Test of Fear the start of it is fine and easy, but at a certain point your stuck in a room where you receive a bar and have to stay within a certain part of it if it goes out of the green area at all you lose and have to get back to it, which the start of keeping the bar in is easy it's when the illusion of the main boss in the game appears that it suddenly shoots out causing you to lose a lot of people struggle with it and it's infuriating. :Cozy:

  • Brohoof 1



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King Neptune from the Spongebob Movie Game made me mad. The Spongebob Robot from Battle for Bikini Bottom also. Aside from those 2, I don't really know of any other bosses that made me mad.

As for levels that make me mad, one that I will always say is Wreck on the Deck Part 2 from Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights.



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Blood's "Beauty and the Beast"(Difficulty Extra crispy) man just mmmmmm. If you have never played blood.... you are living a sad life, go to steam look up "Blood Fresh Supply" its like 5$ buy it, play it, love it and then go back play it once more but this time set the difficulty to (deep voice)EXTRA CRISPY!! Why? Because Civvie 11 did so I can do it!! play that for a week and just get your ass kicked so hard your dad in the next room jumps up and yells (damn boy stop playing on EXTRA CRISPY) wait where was I going? oh yeah the level.... 

So blood has a level called Beauty and the beast... its the last level of the game and it sucks like a lot. So you have to fight 3 cultist they look normal other then they are wearing a red robe, the other cultist wear brown,green and blue so this is a first... well once you do some dmg to them they like to change.... in to 1557517737.png 

yeah and they have new attacks... one is a stomp attack it one shots you right to the start of the fight. and they are fast super fast... like if you stop running backwards from this guy for more then a sec, yeah guess what? your on the stomp bus bud... next stop your last save. yeah theres 3 of them.... 1 not 2 (thank Ra!) not 4! but 3. its BS I still need to finish it... 

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The Valkyries in God of War. All of them are very difficult compared to the rest of the game. The final one will make you want to smash your console with a hammer.

Also Carry Armour, that one robot in Final Fantasy VII who traps your teammates and then blasts everything with a ridiculously powerful laser. This evil thing brought many players' progress to a screeching halt back in the day. There is a way to make him an absolute joke (an ability you can learn to drain his MP so the laser won't work) but there's no way you'll know that on your first play through.

Edited by Sonic Shimmer

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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Oh boy, where do I begin?

The Martian Saucer's second form in Terraria's master mode. (Before the Journey's End update, there was an easy way to beat it, since its death ray couldn't travel through blocks, but now, its death ray attack can travel through blocks, so now it seems like the only way to beat it is to use the Black Spot mount at max speed and use a ranged weapon. :dry:)

Quarry Junction in Fallout: New Vegas. Seriously. Screw that place. (Technically, this area is completely optional, but I always like to tackle it. The deathclaws in Fallout: New Vegas IMO are WAAAAYYY too strong. In Fallout 3, they were definitely the most balanced. Stronger than your average bad guy, but by no means impossible, but in Fallout 4, they're pretty much a total joke, even in survival mode. But in New Vegas, they can take away a third of your health in a single hit, even at a high level and with the best armor in the game. I'm not kidding. The deathclaw alphas and mothers, on the other hand? They can kill you in TWO hits! And whatever you do, make sure you kill the mother before you kill her babies, because if you kill ANY of her babies before her, she'll get angry, and kill you in a single hit. Like, I'm not saying that challenge is bad. Challenge is a good thing. But there's a difference between challenging, and just freaking IMPOSSIBLE.)

Cuphead. Pretty much the entire game.

Super Mario Bros. 3, pretty much ANY of the later levels.

Magic users in Skyrim. Seriously, the Dragonborn can take down FOUR DRAGONS with no trouble but dies to a few lightning, fire, or ice combos from some mage in a cave?! What the heck?!

Those are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head. If I think of or encounter any more, I'll let you know. ;)


I HAVE MORPHED 5 EXODIA, SETO KAIBA!! (Thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Rugal from King of Fighters 98' is so ANNOYING. Fighting him when I have a team of three is annoying but isn't necessarily rage inducing but fighting him on SINGLES is absolutely the very definition of HECK. All he does is GENOCIDE CUTTER, GENOCIDE CUTTER no excuse me he said it like GENOCIDE CUTTAH, GENOCIDE CUTTAH and then when you die he taunts you because he knows you lost 25 cents. LIKE STOP USING THAT MOVE YOU LONG LEGGED TROGLODYTE. Spamming only works if you are careful, he is the REASON why I main Yuri. 

Clownpiece from Touhou: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom was PEAK frustration for me in a video game ever. I've never fought a boss so infuriating ever. I'm not a bullet hell master, I'm still green and regardless of playing on easy using point device mode Clownpiece was still a MASSIVE problem. I thought Doremy's spell cards were hard to capture but oh no I was WRONG! Clownpiece is like "Do you like star? Do you like lasers? How about the moon? Well it doesn't matter what you answer, you can have em all!" It was WAY HARDER THAN THE FINAL BOSS.

Oh but don't let me talk smack talk the final boss of Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, Junko was difficult and really put my patience to the test but again, Clownpiece was harder in my opinion.

So I have something very special to say to Clownpiece, I HATE YOU YOU RED, WHITE AND BLUE WEARING CLOWN FAIRY. GO BACK TO H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!!!!


Ah I feel all better now.

Goku approves of this message. - GIF on Imgur

Edited by MarkusTactician


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