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S03:E09 - Spike at your Service



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Well, like everyone has been saying (for the most part anyway) he could have made it based on his past, and I guess he though it was finally time he did something.......more........with himself. He wants to feel a sense of worth around everyone. Which, he doesn't have to overdo things to do that, but it's obvious he wanted to do more for people.

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Ultra....mega Timber Wolf?  







But on a less heartening note, this is probably up there with Over a Barrel as my personal pick for worst episode in the entire series, and while I gave her quite a few passes before, even on Mare Do Well, this cements Merriweather Williams as the worst writer on staff for me as well.  Believe me, I am not usually one to nitpick like this, but this episode had WAY too many problems.  Where do I even begin?


1) Celestia assigns 12 books in one weekend?  That's sadistic for ANY teacher, let alone one as reasonable and understanding as Princess Celestia.


2) We have seen this plotline probably a million times.  That would be forgivable except we've also seen this EXACT SAME RESOLUTION a million times.  Everyone who watched this episode knew exactly how it was going to end.  Even the kids watching probably figured it out.


3) Why is Spike's dragon code so damn important?  Until recently he'd never even SEEN another dragon.  How did he even learn it?  Did he make this code up himself?  Why?


4) I find it really hard to swallow that Spike is suddenly that bad at doing domestic chores.  He seems just fine catering to Twilight's needs in almost every situation in every single other episode in this show.


5) That giant timber wolf went down WAY too easily.


6) Why are we recycling Timber Wolves again anyway?  While it was kinda cool to learn that they regenerate, I would have much preferred they made up a new creature for the Everfree instead of lifting one from Cindy Morrow.


There were a few jokes that I liked, such as using Twilight's OCD to get her attention, but as a whole this was just really hackneyed writing.  


Oh yeah, and STILL no Derpy.  We haven't seen her at ALL yet, and I'm really starting to worry about her.  And no, back of the head shots don't count.  Derp or GTFO.

Edited by Mister Jack
  • Brohoof 1
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I'm very biased on what episodes I like due to the characters. I didn't enjoy Sleepless in Ponyville very much because I don't like the characters shown, with the exception of Rarity who seemed a bit off, and Sweetie Bell who was the best part (I don't care much for the Luna cameo). Yet I loved Magic Duel because Trixie, though it is obvious Sleepless in Ponyville has better writing.


Now, since I don't like Spike that much, I didn't like this episode, at all.


With the exception of the Timberwolves being bad ass and the joke made with Rarity, most things don't keep continuity with the rest of the show. True, he could have made up the code, but Twi took it quite seriously. If he made it up, she would probably tell them that. It doesn't make sense for her to act such a way. Not to mention Spike is quite diligent. So it's not likely he would act such a way, screwing everything up.


I didn't enjoy Apple Family Reunion too much either. I like AJ more then Spike, which is the only reason I like it more then this episode. And of course dat song. Hopefully Flutters gets a good episode next week.

Edited by Firebolt



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Not the greatest episode, but it wasn't half bad either. It seemed kind of rushed at points and Spike seemed slightly clumsier then usual but we got to see more AJ so that was good.

I'm still up in the air about the 3D Timberwolves. 

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1) Celestia assigns 12 books in one weekend?  That's sadistic for ANY teacher, let alone one as reasonable and understanding as Princess Celestia.




as reasonable and understanding as Princess Celestia


as reasonable and








You do realize that this IS Trollestia we're talking about, right?  Need I remind you about "A Bird in the Hoof"?  Cause I still haven't forgiven Trollestia or her bucking troll-phoenix for making Fluttershy cry!!!!!!! :angry: 


That said, I do like to imagine instead that Twilight just challenged herself to read those 12 assigned books over the weekend!  C'mon, ya'll know she would!!!  I mean, we're talking about adorkable Twilight here!!!  She'd totally do something like that!  ^_^

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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Ultra....mega Timber Wolf?  



2) Well, that's not really a first for this show, though usually they manage to still make it a great ride

3) Meeting the other dragons and witnessing their behaviour could be a very good reason for Spike to come up with some rules to distinguish himself from them.

6) We already got a pretty wide range of creatures and the additional info expanding on the Timberwolves is imo preferable to just

another cameo from a mythological critter

 Agreed on all the other points



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The Noble Dragon Code confused me, as it really should have come up by now. Dash and Fluttershy teamed up to save his life way back in season 2, so I'm not seeing why it didn't apply then. My best guess is that the Code is something that he learned about offscreen during Dragon Quest. I can't especially imagine those dragon jackasses having a code, but I guess I'll handwave it as something he heard an older dragon mention at some point. It does seem like an inconsistency though.


There is one problem with your theory though. Cadence saved  Spike during the season 3 premiere. Meaning that this is a major plot hole of this episode. 

  • Brohoof 1
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There is one problem with your theory though. Cadence saved  Spike during the season 3 premiere. Meaning that this is a major plot hole of this episode. 

Eh, yeah. That's true. Maybe since Spike helped save the whole empire they just called it even? Who knows, I'll try to defend the episode but this could just be a plot hole.

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Episodes like these are refreshing. Focusing on a relationship that nopony's ever really thought about is a great basis for an episode - allows people to revise opinions on both characters. I do agree with what somebody said above though - sometimes scenes went by a little too quickly, and actually after the episode ended I had to look at the synopsis on MLP Wiki to get everything clear.

But most importantly - Spike is just so adorably clumsy <3

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You do realize that this IS Trollestia we're talking about, right?  Need I remind you about "A Bird in the Hoof"?  Cause I still haven't forgiven Trollestia or her bucking troll-phoenix for making Fluttershy cry!!!!!!! :angry:


That said, I do like to imagine instead that Twilight just challenged herself to read those 12 assigned books over the weekend!  C'mon, ya'll know she would!!!  I mean, we're talking about adorkable Twilight here!!!  She'd totally do something like that!  ^_^


Need remind you that Fluttershy stole Philomena without permission?  Had Celestia known she was going to do that, I'm pretty sure she would have told her that Philomena was a phoenix.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm very biased on what episodes I like due to the characters. I didn't enjoy Sleepless in Ponyville very much because I don't like the characters shown, with the exception of Rarity who seemed a bit off, and Sweetie Bell who was the best part (I don't care much for the Luna cameo). Yet I loved Magic Duel because Trixie, though it is obvious Sleepless in Ponyville has better writing


Well many others are biased as well at least you are honest about it. If a character you dont like is the star of the episode then your less likely to enjoy the episode as much. Im in that sub category of people who really cant choose a favorite pony.  Im not sure you should write off Magical duel as much as I think it was excellently written. It was less subtle than sleepless yes, but then again Trixie is not a subtle pony.

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I enjoyed this episode, however anyone who thought that they made half a season so that they could make the episodes all that much better was sorely mistaken. Most of the episodes in this season have been pretty good, but not stellar. The only ones that really stood out and moved me were the Scootaloo one and "Too Many Pinkie Pies"--and a lot of people hated the latter so maybe I'm crazy.


But it was enjoyable seeing all the main cast interacting, and AJ kicking ass and being a hilarious damsel in distress, and Twilight's adorkableness when AJ moved something out of place in her room. I loved the Timberwolf design and animation--what episode were they in previously...? I forget.


Spike was very cute and endearing--and I'm used to cartoons being internally inconsistent, so I wasn't too bothered by the Dragon Code. I wouldn't blame Merriwether Williams for the lame plotting--she didn't come up with the plot right? She just wrote the script?


Can someone please explain to me why Pinkie Pie was "in character" in this episode? In which episodes has she been out of character? I think she was a bit too crazy and random here. 

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Need remind you that Fluttershy stole Philomena without permission?  Had Celestia known she was going to do that, I'm pretty sure she would have told her that Philomena was a phoenix.


:huh: Hmmm... I don't know, I'm still mad at her on that one; she brought her phoenix to Ponyville towards the end of its life cycle, and she KNEW about Fluttershy and her attachment to animals already from Twilight.  She didn't explain at any point when Fluttershy showed up the first time in that episode that Philomena was a phoenix to ANY of the ponies, despite her rather alarming physical appearance.  Truly Trollestia is an evil genius and master troll, and do not make the foolish mistake of underestimating her troll powers.  It might just save your sanity one of these days!!!  :lol:




:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Oh how I love Trollestia!!!  B)

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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I found Apple Family Reunion better actually. My mane issue with this was Spike is not an idiot. He kept messing up but yet he has been cleaning, cooking, serving twilights every whim since he was hatched. I think they could have made him more like himself and still gotten the point across.

Loved the Timberwolves, awesome work there.

AppleSpike ships I see on the Horizon


Another twist to this that I liked as a southern gal myself, sometimes they play a little TOO much into Southern Stereostypes and they could have really played into some bad ones, but instead they had Rarity make those comments. Phew.

Entertaining Episode and it included all the Mane Six, but I would say one of my least favs because of how they portrayed Spike.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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One of the best episodes this season. In fact, one of the best episodes ever! I was laughing the whole way through. The comedic timing in this episode was so good. I like how they had all the mane six in this one and that AJ got a lot of screen time. One thing I don't get is why was Spike such a cluts? He's never been that clumsy before. The return of the timber wolves was awesome. Does Spike seem a little bigger to you? And Pinkie Pie. Oh Pinkie Pie you never fail to amuse. Can I still wear the mustache? This is now in my top three of greatest episodes ever.

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Yeah, I'm confused. HALF a damn season....26 episodes without fail for every season, then season three they skimp out. SO we here the episodes will be so much better made...nope...So what reason is there for it? Is Hasbro trolling us? Are they going to return to make more sooner rather then later? I mean it seems pretty stupid to cut the episodes of a show that millions of people watch for commercial selling rights alone. At this point, season two had way better episodes then where we are now.


Episode 9 and only like what, 4 more to go? Yikes.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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It was a fun episode but I have one little nitpick with the Dragon Code premise. 


What about all the other times someone saved Spike's life?  He was saved from falling once in Secret of My Excess by Fluttershy or RD and again at the end of Crystal Empire by Princess Cadance.  I'm pretty sure he was saved other times too. 


^^^^^ I agree with this. I liked the episode but it really didn't make much sense with all the times he was saved. I could make a huge . There are those times that you mentioned and then there was Owliwicious(SP?) saving him in Owl's Well that Ends Well and so on and so fourth. He'd need to do that Dragon Code thing for each of the Mane Six. Because at one time or another I think all of them saved him at one point or another.


Other then that Really liked this episode. Rainbow Dash being a canon Fanfic writer is awesome. And she does a remarkably good impression of a Timberwolf.

  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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Are they forgetting to write letters to Celestia now?


Celestia must think twilights not taking the lesson of friendship seriously... Maybe Celestia should send twilight to magic kinder garden...




Over all... It was an ok episode



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I actually quite liked this episode. However, the main problem I had with this is I thought the whole 'Applejack getting her leg stuck in the rocks' thing was ridiculous. If Spike, a baby dragon, could make a tower of rocks, then how come Applejack couldn't get her hoof out of a few of them?


Still, it wasn't a complete let down. There were plenty of funny and memorable moments, and even if it's no Sleepless in Ponyville, it's a fairly good episode.

Edited by potahto
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This episode...well I'll say it was average. I enjoyed the ending, but the rest of the episode had Spike as just a bit too clumsy. This episode had a season 1 feel to it and I think it would've fit better being in season 1 rather than season 3.

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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I agree, this definitely bothered me too as I watched the episode.


However, if I may offer a possible explanation. Because Spike had never had any major interactions with dragons that we know of at the time of Secret of my Excess, it's possible he didn't know about the dragon code at that time. After Dragon Quest, he decided he should make his own.


Or, he saw how lawless and immoral the dragons in that episode were, so he made his own code then to set himself apart. Thus, it's a code he hasn't had all his life, but only for a short while.

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Theory: Spike presents the card and calls it "Spikes dragon code" There for he came up with it for himself and it isn't really something that other dragon adhere to. I believe he may have come up with this code after being saved so many times he felt that he needed to find a way to repay those who would save him. applejack just happened to be the first to save him after he came up with this code, hence she was the first to receive his service. Why Spike was so clumsy? Perhaps he was really nervous. Maybe it was suppose to be that farm work was more difficult for him to handle. Maybe he had a routine with Twilight that he didn't have yet with Applejack. Most likely it was put in to make the story more comical. Will we see the code brought up again in future episodes? Only time will tell. But, there is one thing we all need to remember...It's a kids t.v. show! There are bound to be plot whole and things out of place, and things that don't make any scene and things that don't get explained. It is what it is, and we should all just enjoy it for that. 

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So let me get this straight.

Spike starts acting out of character. He invents a rule which forces him to stick with a pony, ruining her life without making her angry. He doesn't remember his feelings to Rarity. He does everything he is tasked with, to get positive emotions from his, err, owner.


Based on that, we can safely assume that he's a changeling. RUN.

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All kidding aside, I did like the episode. Though the concept of saving a life and eternal repayment has been used before many times in other shows, the presentation of this concept was pretty darn good. Even though Spike kinda sucked at doing things for AJ, at least he proved he was willing.


The beginning of the episode was pretty darn good. It's always that confounded air balloon, isn't it? When I saw the animation for the timberwolves I was pretty darn amazed, "OH SNAP, NEXT TIER ANIMATION!" Though as it tried to blend in with the rest of the environment with cel shading, I can't help but feel it still stuck out a little.


Then the rest of the episode was pretty darn good. Not so much for the middle where it felt very minimal, but the ending was presented nicely.

  • Brohoof 1

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I actually quite liked this episode. However, the main problem I had with this is I thought the whole 'Applejack getting her leg stuck in the rocks' thing was ridiculous. If Spike, a baby dragon, could make a tower of rocks, then how come Applejack couldn't get her hoof out of a few of them?

Exactly!  How could a few relatively small rocks trap a pony as strong as AJ anyway?  Ponies pull carts and carry boulders that weigh tons for Pete's sake!  It was more convincing when Rainbow Dash was trapped in May the Best Pet win.  Her wing was pinned, possibly broken, and she was stuck in an awkward position where lifting the rock would've been painful or impossible.


I'm trying to come up with a rationale for why Spike all of a sudden wants to honor this Dragon Code.  Did he just learn of it recently by reading about it in the library or elsewhere?  But if that's the case, he would owe a life debt to several ponies.  It would be impossible for one dragon to go back and be a slave to every one of them.  Maybe he just decided that the next one who saved his neck would get the privilege of his services. 

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