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I'm not a rap fan since it's really just recently turned to awful lyrics rife with curse words and bad values


Not... really?


To be sure, there is plenty of rap like that, but to imply that rap as a collective whole is about just that would be incorrect. There's plenty  of rap that doesn't center around bad stuff.

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Not... really?


To be sure, there is plenty of rap like that, but to imply that rap as a collective whole is about just that would be incorrect. There's plenty  of rap that doesn't center around bad stuff.

Is there a difference if a person first hears exactly the kind of rap that Cage was talking about? Sure, classic rap, as i put it, has alot of feelings put into it, but i don't like it because for example, the kind of rap i first heard was indeed full of curse words and swears and other stuff, and that really made me put rap on a negative place in my library of music. It's kind of hard to find good quality rap these days withouth hearing the same old modern day creaps. I don't really know how much quality rap there is "Today". You may be correct, there might be some good music, but, knowing that i'm not a big fan, i was never in the mood to search any from the modern times.

Edited by Concord


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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It's kind of hard to find good quality rap these days withouth hearing the same old modern day creaps. I don't really know how much quality rap there is "Today".




Honestly, I think the same goes for most music to be honest - not just today, but in general; you've got to shovel through the crap in order to find the hidden gems. It's the same with things like country, which is another genre I like that I feel gets unfairly blasted by folks all too often due to limited exposure.


That said, I fully realize that rap isn't something that everyone is going to enjoy... I just feel that in a lot of cases people judge the entirety of it based solely on a very limited level of exposure to some of the most stereotypical songs.


Some things that I'd personally recommend (many of which can also be found on the rap thread I linked to) include...



P.O.S. - Purexed: 

Deltron 3030 - 3030: 

GZA - B.I.B.L.E.: 

Eminem - Lose Yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TADyXC2K0g

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Honestly, I think the same goes for most music to be honest - not just today, but in general; you've got to shovel through the crap in order to find the hidden gems. It's the same with things like country, which is another genre I like that I feel gets unfairly blasted by folks all too often due to limited exposure.


That said, I fully realize that rap isn't something that everyone is going to enjoy... I just feel that in a lot of cases people judge the entirety of it based solely on a very limited level of exposure to some of the most stereotypical songs.


Some things that I'd personally recommend (many of which can also be found on the rap thread I linked to) include...



P.O.S. - Purexed: 

Deltron 3030 - 3030: 

GZA - B.I.B.L.E.: 

Eminem - Lose Yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TADyXC2K0g

Meh, you're right i guess. Wouldn't mind expanding my musical knowlage :P going to check these out, Thanks! And a happy new year to you!


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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I don't mind rap at all. If you listen closely to some rap lyrics you can see that they deal with some serious issues such as racism an class differences.


However, people tend to, um... misunderstand the lyrics these days and can take a song that's about not making assumptions about people who are maybe less financially fortunate (basically assuming they are chavs) and take that as a cue to hate the upper/middle class and generally act in a way they consider "badass" (tagging, vandalising things for no reaosn, etc.)

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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To be honest before I really became a brony I pretty much just hated rap music, I don't hate it now but to be honest I don't really like it all that much. Its just not my thing really. I guess theres a few rap songs I like, but most of it isn't my thing, no offense to anyone who does though!


To be fair I like some of the parts that aren't really rap in some rap songs, but maybe its partly because I can't understand it that fast :P. Besides I certainly can't wrap so I can't say it doesn't take skill.


So being someone who isn't really a fan of rap, I certainly can't say anymore that theres a reason why someone should just flat out hate rap, or any genre of music really. I've heard some I don't like it, but I'm not going to say rap sux and takes no skill(Because if that where true i'd be a raper now wouldn't i?)


Anyways just felt like giving a non rap fans input :). Personally I'm more of the type for rock.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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If most of these kinds of songs didnt rap about how much money they have, how thug and gangsta they are, or how many hoes and asses they tap, I would've liked the genre better. But sadly, Nigga rhymes with nigga. Such a shame.

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I don't really "hate" rap, and the fact that it's just not my type of music (too little wubs !!) isn't actually that important (well except for the few songs only saying profanities. ONLY PROFANITIES. Nouns, verbs, everything is PROFANE. Not a single normal word in there). The main thing I dislike about it is some of the fans. They always go around "swagin" and stuff, causing trouble, reacting hatefully when someone doesn't like rap. All the "gangsta" stuff just make me giggle. Looking at guys in my school, 15 year olds, always "swagin" around, calling everyone a bitch, and all the stuff like overdoing insults. I also noticed they react extremely defensively when rap is made fun of (A comment once said, and I'm not kidding: "Love it! When is the English version comming out?", I loled pretty hard xD), while if someone called dubstep a bunch of toilet sounds and MLP music a little girl's sing-along song I would just laugh it away. I have many friends that listen to rap, and who mock MLP music, but I love them anyway ^_^ 

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Rap is great, it can be used in so many different ways, ways you or me have never thought of. Zack the La Rocha, Spider One, Fort Minor, YAC, Automatic Jack. I honestly don't know why people wouldn't like rap, it's a perfect blend of chanting and singing, you can add a lot of emotion in the words you rap and even to a point where rap can amplify and enhance the instruments and their effects on the crowd. I've been  a guitars for almost 6 years, been studying music for even longer, rap might not be your thing, but if people say it takes no talent at all, prepare for a lecture from me. 

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I must say i'm pleasantly shocked at the posts i have gotten so far, i'm glad to see peeps agree with me to some extent, makes me a pretty happs dude. ^^ B)


I absolutely love rap and totally agree with you, have you heard "Pony Swag"? by Marcos? Best rap song to ever be released of the past decade XD

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Ok, for me, I like rap, it's a way to express yourself and your life. But what I don't like, is how some rappers use it to take out their anger on people and spew words of destruction to a beat. 


Most rap I hear today is full of profane language and demoralization. It is like a trap, the rappers create an awesome beat, but hide the negativity and destructiveness behind the beat and before you know it, the person's personality can be changed. Yes, music can change someone's attitude. Rappers back then were much cleaner and had positive influence. But today, it has changed for the bad. 


But overall, I like rap, I just don't like how some rappers have used their skill to "hurt" others.

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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I actually quite enjoy rap, and any other form of music. But rap is one of my littlest touched on genres because I don't like to look for it. I will listen to it, I love some of the songs. Ghetto Gospel(If that counts) and Look At Me Now are great. 

What is dislike about rap and why I don't commonly try and look for it is because of those mediocre, try-hard artists that only try to appease to gangs and such that sing about nothing but killing, gang bangin, sex and all that disgusting crap that music should not be about. 


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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Rap's never really been... eh. I've never liked it and that's probably because I didn't give it much of a chance. Whenever I think of rap, I think 'gangsta'.


However, this song simply caught me out.




And I'm not talking about just this song.This guy is completely independent when it comes to making and selling albums - he does pretty much everything by himself. I was approached by him once when he was selling his album and single in the streets of a city. I bought his album and single to give it a try. Boy, was I surprised. The first song in the album 'That's Mr. ShaoDow To You' was simply an explosion and it took me completely aback.


I guess a big part to why I like it quite a lot is because... it's not 'gangsta'. It's as simple as that.

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Whenever I bash on Rap/Hip-Hop its always on the musical area, not anything vocally. And I grew up with it.


Vocally, yes, its a challenge. I give props to those who can manage it. Even if I didnt, I wouldn't say its not a legit type of music. That's just stupid.

Hell, I hate country with a passion, but yet I acknowledge it as a type of music.



Its not the sound of rap,its the content. I REALLY dislike what the more common rap is focused on like sex and drugs. I wanna listen to music that makes me feel better, not dirtier or more pissed off for no good reason.  

You actually pay attention to the lyrics?


Huh, I must be doing something wrong then.

Edited by TGAP Haven


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People who rap about stuff in their life or talking about haters or whatever are BAD. People like Eminem and Lil' Wayne, they don't matter. The people who do good rap and good hip-hop come from Youtube, the home of pretty much any good song. Some of the best songs you'll hear are on there, and people don't take the time to look for them. The "mainstream" rappers aren't good, they just complain about crap. Look at TheWoodenToaster, or MicTheMicrophoneZero! They intertwine rapping with singing. And EpicLLOYD does the one of the best series of raps ever! Take the time to find GOOD rap.

  • Brohoof 1

The Universe, a mystery
The Earth, a puzzle
The Dawn, an enigma...

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I think the issue is you have a lot of Mainstream rappers these days like Professor Green, Pitbull and others who rather than creating music for listening to, they lean more towards their songs being played in clubs and at parties. I feel that mainstream rap has kind of merged a little with modern R&B.


To find the real gems you need to look at people like Dan Bull (phenomenal rapper) who I feel are much more talented and don't copy what the "charts" spew out these days. I love rap but I feel it's a genre where you will probably only listen to the few artists you really, really like.


People who rap about stuff in their life or talking about haters or whatever are BAD. People like Eminem and Lil' Wayne, they don't matter


I disagree there about Eminem, I think that if you're going to look at somebody who is in the mainstream then he is by far the best to listen to. Perhaps not so much with Relapse and Recovery, I feel his older stuff is much better and The Eminem Show is probably the greatest album from the previous decade.


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  • 1 year later...

As for me I can't really say I "Hate it" or "love it". Some rap is good, or is well done but as for all of it as a whole? I don't much care for it... because it sounds all the same to me... 


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I heard a good point made once about why is seems to be Rap and Country(two genres that appear to have nothing in common and are as incompatible as night and day on the surface) are the go to "I like everything but X" targets.


Both have far more in common that they appear:

Both are people that come form a walk of life that seems crude, simple, crass or maybe even backwards to outsiders venting their pride for where they come from and who they are. Both are genres and sub-cultures born of not exactly having the easiest life-styles or living conditions and making due with it anyway.

Both also tend to be VERY political and not shy about voicing their beliefs.

Both also tend to ready to have a good time(even if that the preferred party atmosphere is vastly different for each camp)

Both take pride in the way life's hard-knocks have shaped and strengthened them


Rambling aside, and on topic. I like Rap as a vocal-style, but I'm not big on the general "background music(is that the right term?)" that rap uses and I'm not big on the usual lyrics content and whole "gangsta" thing. So I tend to like it as a vocal style when meshed with other genres. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Some rap is great.

Just not most of the mainstream/generic types.


Yeah, it takes talent. Not only to rap, but the lyrics do too.

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Rap is dull. If you're into guys talk-singing about drugs and guns and how incredibly sexist and psychotic some of them are while often making up gibberish words and slang just to force a rhyme to work then you go enjoy that. I'll stick with the people actually playing instruments and utilizing variable vocal ranges and not perpetuating a thug/gang culture that lends itself to racial stereotypes and generally idiotic happenings.


In my opinion, of course.

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  • 1 year later...

How can you dislike rap? Rap is life.  :o


Although one needs to know some history in order to find the true legends. I don't dislike Lil Wayne, Drake (etc), but there's plenty more oldschool stuff out there that's WAY better.  ;)

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I've tried writing a good rap verse, and it's harder than you would think...unless you fill out the whole blanket with words like "nigga" and "bitch" unnecessarily much, it takes quite a lot of thinking and creativity to make the vast amount of lyrics required for rap. :)

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People who say rap "takes no talent" don't actually listen to rap. Making a blanket statement like that is simply uninformed.


While rock music is generally centered towards the chorus and instrumental, rap is centered around cohesive rhyme schemes (and the delivery, also known as "flow"), punch lines and metaphors, with less emphasis on hooks.


Even Lil Wayne, who is often touted as an example of why rap is "terrible", has occasionally released some solid tracks. He's pretty good with metaphors and has a solid flow. Take this for example, note the lyrics in particular,


(Warning, explicit lyrics and whatnot)



There's plenty of other examples of good rap music, you just have to give it a chance and listen with the writer's intent in mind.

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I have a strong dislike for modern popular rappers. But I quite like Snoop Dogg's stuff, and some 2pac. On top of this, I love Rage Against The Machine and the older Linkin Park stuff. Also US3 and Fun Lovin' Criminals if anyone's heard of them? :3

Of course Eminem, too - yet imo his new stuff is pretty awful, with the exception of the song "Beautiful"



Most modern, popular rap is about drugs, alcohol, women and money, or being a thug - which I despise. But write that shit about something meaningful and throw in soem good music and it's great!

  • Brohoof 1



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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