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S02:E14 - The Last Roundup

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Could this be Ditzy and Derpy's husband? Or is this other mare the wife?


Goodness! Prepare yourself. Derpy family fan-fics are coming... well more than what there already is!


This was a GREAT episode, and not just great in overall quality, but just great even compared to the other MLP episodes!

Few Notes:


When Rainbow Dash said "Derpy" my heart skipped a beat! I thought it was fan shenanigans, but yeah Derpy is now cannon!

As for Derpy herself, I find her klutzy personality just adorable! Better than what I imagined!

...I just hope they don't overdue it. Have her as the Easter Egg for most episodes and the occasional slapstick. Though in the show's final seasons I think that a Derpy themed episode would not be a bad idea as long as there's only ONE!


The "I Love Lucy" reference was classic.


When Big Mac started to cry, I started to cry!


The Ponies were kinda harsh on the Mailpony... It was his birthday so at least let him in! :( At least Pinkie gave him cake that made me smile!


This episode makes me question Applejack's intelligence... now it wasn't just something kinda dumb, it was mind blowingly stupid!

When Applejack passed the train she jumped off the cart.... Why in tarnation did she do that? They train would've gave her a HUGE lead and she would've lost them! Instead she jumps off the cart for absolutely no reason and lets the cart leave... I'm confused! :blink:

Perhaps she thought that she got rid of them because the train is infinite (more stupidity) or... or... or did she think that the other Ponies got hit by the train? :huh: MY GOODNESS APPLEJACK! Was THAT your plan? To get them violently killed by a train! This is the ONLY intelligent answer which scares me :( ...


...but not as much as Pinkie! My Sweet Celestia she's scary!

I mean Party of One was funny, but Pinkie was just frightening, demonic almost! I'm... I'm not breaking a Pinkie Promise EVER!

[New siggy in progress!]

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This was a pretty solid episode. Sure, I guessed to the plot early on, but that didn't stop it from still being a funny and enjoyable episode. I'd give it an 8/10, not my favorite episode but certainly rewatchable.



DERPY SPOKE!?! (There goes my fan theory of her not being a clumsy oaf...)

Mayor: MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! (Read that in Mr.Krabs voice. I dare you not to.)

Aww...Big Mac`s sad.

Official: Pinkie is Weapon-Grade annoying.

Return of the Pinkie Pie Promise.

Demon Pinkie

Rarity, catch me! *Smack*

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE!


Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I know, it was hilarious when Pinkie just jumped off the wagon and expected Rarity to catch her. Also note to self: never break a Pinkie Promise, even if you have logic as sound as Applejack's to back up your reasoning. Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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This was by far the best episode since MLP's return this January, and up there with the best in the whole damn series.


I mean, FINALLY. A GOOD APPLEJACK EPISODE. A little ironic though, element of honesty...kinda lost some respect there. Always saw Applejack as the common sense one but er...I'm not sure now.


And Rainbow Dash saying "They know what they signed up for" was lol. Seriously, it's like she's a lexicon of military reference. Sonic Rainnukes, speeding bullets, tanks...what shall she reference next? xD

And of course, possessed Pinkie, was fanbuckingtastic.


But lets be honest, it was Derpy getting named then speaking that made my week so much better. I bucking fan-squee'd so much when she got NAMED. When she spoke I nearly had a heart attack.

Edited by Indigo
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Loved the episode. Those that feature all of the mane 6 always end up having that extra spark to me that makes them more enjoyable for some reason.


And of course it was nice to have an Applejack episode for once. I mean her little sister had her beat by quite a few episodes IIRC and that isn't fair considering Applejack is one of the main characters!


Pinkie Pie was just as funny as she could ever be in this episode, as well.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Is it just me, or did Derpy's voice seem kind of deep? I imagined it being higher...


Anyway, that was by far one of my favorite episodes of the season. There were so many parts that were hilarious (especially the Pinkie Pie parts) and it's awesome how they actually made Derpy a character now and she actually speaks. I wonder if Derpy will continue to have a role in future episodes.

  • Brohoof 1



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We got a priceless I Love Lucy reference, Derpy appearing with an amazing speaking voice, Pinkie rage, and just an all-around amazing episode featuring the long overdue Applejack. I dare say this is one of the best episodes this season. No, the whole series. I was sad that The Hub didn't play it twice. I'll just have to catch it on YouTube then.


I'm so pleased with Derpy's voice. It's exactly how I imagined it would be. Honestly, I thought her voice would be a little lower. Sounds more derpish that way.


The only minor complaints I have is, Applejack wasn't being completely honest, and if you think about it, RD wasn't being very loyal to Rarity and Pinkie either. However, both are justified, and I don't think anypony should reflect their element 100% of the time. Nopony is perfect after all. The only other thing is that a lot of fans wanted AJ to do something awesome this episode, and while some development was much needed on her part, it's sad that she didn't get any blue ribbons, or prize money for that matter.


Still, she's had plenty of amazing moments in my eyes, and hopefully next week's episode will add to it!

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I already had Derpy spoiled for me when I went onto the forums. People's statuses and topic titles. So it didn't surprise me when I first saw it. I was so surprised at hearing she actually got a voice though that I had to watch the episode immediately, thinking that it was a Derpy-centered episode or something. It was not. And then I was confused about why everyone made a big deal out of it since they made it sound like she was the star of the episode.


Must be the only one who isn't really that excited about it. I mean, yes, it's cool they made Derpy canon and everything. That's unique and doesn't happen on like... any kid's show I've seen. But I feel that everyone's just saying it's the best episode ever because Derpy only appeared for like a minute or two at the beginning and would not say that if she had not appeared. Poor Applejack is once again overshadowed. In her own episode, by a character that appears for barely any amount of time. I hope she gets another episode where Derpy does not speak, so people can at least appreciate her.


That being said, I thought it was a good episode, But not the best. Also, I didn't really like Derpy's voice. But I don't really care about her that much, so it doesn't matter.


Now talking about the actual episode itself - it was another one that did something I did not expect. I expected the episode to be about Applejack's competition and show it, that there'd be all sorts of wacky hi-jinks, and she would get first place in the end. But instead, it was about her not winning and hiding it. I think it was a very original plot in terms of a kid's show. It felt very mature in that it was also about money and paying to fix things. Loved the chase scene too. That was great with those stallions and them offering to pay them. It shows that maybe ponies aren't as perfect as people think - they work for money as well and can also be greedy. Ultimately, ponies are just like humans.


Also, toilets! We find out that yes, ponies do indeed have them.


Pinkie Pie was actually very amusing in this episode (I don't really like her as much as most ponies, but I thought she was being top-notch here) and I liked to see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy once again pull something together. Hee, Fluttershy stopping for the bunny was also nice.


Big Mac crying as well? Oh my. Priceless. So far, we've been lead to believe that he is a very sensitive stallion. I mean, first he likes Smarty Pants... now this? And he's so big and masculine! I love his character even more. It was good to see Rainbow Dash actually tear up as well.


And the part with Rarity and Pinkie Pie together at the end! I was extremely amused. Poor Rarity.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I just watched this episode and wow, it's like the best episode ever! I mean, it has DERPY TALKING! (and yeah! she is infact named derpy!) and a CHASE SCENE!


And I honestly tought for a moment that Applejacks reason not to go to back to ponyville was because she had fallen in love. Silly me


Okay, I've calmed down a little.


So lets see, yeah, this episode was actually pretty mature for a good part of it, at the end of course, it became a kids show as usually, but it had a good plot. I actually must admit that I didn't expect the ending, I thought she had some other, more terrible reason for not going back to ponyville. Still, it was okay.


And the chase was the coolest thing ever, although I still dislike the fact that they treat some ponies like slaves or just animals. And why the hell did Applejack just stand behind the train? She should've keep running! Otherwise her effort would have been useless (and it was)


And Pinkie having to go to the bathroom that was pretty cool. I mean, its ponies acting like real humans!


I loved the episode, maybe because it's the first episode I had to wait to watch it, and so I was way more excited (specially after hearing that Derpy talked in it)

Edited by Eenohay
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Derpy is canonized? Congratulations Hasbro, Pink Celestia is forgiven.


Wow, this episode was epic! When I saw Derpy, at first I was like




but then I was like




Nice trick with the avatar. ;)
  • Brohoof 1

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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I can hardly believe Derpy actually became canon. :o


Besides that, this episode really says something about Applejack's pride. She refuses to admit to her very best friends that she won second place at the rodeo? Pony up a little, AJ! Being second in all of freakin' Equestria is still a pretty big deal.

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Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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It was about time AJ had an episode... But I feel like Derpy stole the spotlight kinda. It is nice she has a voice, but people are going too crazy about it.

Edited by TwilightRubix
  • Brohoof 1

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I already had Derpy spoiled for me when I went onto the forums. People's statuses and topic titles. So it didn't surprise me when I first saw it. I was so surprised at hearing she actually got a voice though that I had to watch the episode immediately, thinking that it was a Derpy-centered episode or something. It was not. And then I was confused about why everyone made a big deal out of it since they made it sound like she was the star of the episode.


Must be the only one who isn't really that excited about it. I mean, yes, it's cool they made Derpy canon and everything. That's unique and doesn't happen on like... any kid's show I've seen. But I feel that everyone's just saying it's the best episode ever because Derpy only appeared for like a minute or two at the beginning and would not say that if she had not appeared. Poor Applejack is once again overshadowed. In her own episode, by a character that appears for barely any amount of time. I hope she gets another episode where Derpy does not speak, so people can at least appreciate her.

I agree with this in that i didn't really care either. I did laugh when her merely sitting down caused the roof to cave in. However, I wasn't all of that fond of her voice either. And yeah... it's not a big deal, and I personally loved this episode for entirely different reasons from her becoming canon.


Also, toilets! We find out that yes, ponies do indeed have them.

LOL. Moreover they have outhouses... with advanced plumbing technology so they actually flush. o.O


But anyway, I thought that was interesting solely because I noticed that they never showed a toilet in the last episode while they were in the bathroom scene. I thought I was just thinking way too much about it and moved on.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Pardon my "fancy," but this episode was bucking fantastic.


It had Derpy's first influence on the actual plot of an episode and Pinkie Pie at her absolute best, but what really made it great was the fact that it was exciting, unpredictable, and dramatic.


The mystery surrounding what made Applejack want to abandon Ponyville was incredibly intriguing, especially considering that this was Applejack we were talking about; she would NEVER do something like that. The next major hook came with the excellent pacing, slowly piecing together Applejack's situation in... whatever that small town was called. Let's just say that this was one of the few episodes that kept me guessing until the very end. While the big reveal was a bit lame, I feel that that was only because the build-up had made me momentarily forget that this was a kid's show. That's something that only the best of the best episodes can manage.


Best episode of Season 2? Possibly. At very least, it's up there with Lesson Zero and May The Best Pet Win.

  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I want to review the episode on more than just the Derpy appearance, so ill just get this bit out of the way-




Now thats over with...


This episode has been the best of season 2 so far, if you ask me. It was chalk full of-


Who the hell am i kidding? Im gonna talk about Derpy. This has been the biggest fan-nod in the history of the show, and anything else i know, and im so bucking happy with Hasbro right now. I litteraly screamed (again) at the top of my lungs when RD said the word 'Derpy'. Derpy. Her name is Derpy. Did you see her when she was danceing on that cloud? Derpy.


We need more Derpy Hasbro. We NEED it. MOAR.


But seriously, it was full of so many great Pinkie moments it had me laughing through the whole thing. The story for this one was dawable (just forget about the whole passing train thing for a moment) and it was full of such good 'daaaaw' moments, its safe to say this was the highlight of my week.


Pat yourself on the back again, Hasbro. That was indeed the best episode so far, for me anyways...

  • Brohoof 1
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