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Am I the only person here who's not a fan of Twilight Sparkle?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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It's tough because twilight is my favorite pony. Hard to say exactly what it is about her makes her my favorite. i was initially drawn to her by her character in seasons 1 and 2 and that character I still think they do an ok job of twilight being like she was then post magical mystery cure. I personally was not aware of anybody's opinions when I watched that episode and it ended up becoming my favorite episode. Although I don't think that is what kills twilight for most people, it's twilights kingdom that makes people not like her. The writers have taken her and raised her above all the other characters in terms of status and made her all powerful. Was that a mistake? I can't say and I personally don't really care as its not something that has in any way shape or form damaged the excitement i have for season 5

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Well, Twilight is personally my favorite character, though I have to agree that the writers have made her hog the spotlight. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the writers eventually make the other five into Princesses as well. I was drawn to Twilight in the beginning because she reminds me of myself, the studiousness, the neurosis and whatnot. But I still liked her after she became an Alicorn because even with the wings, she still the same Twilight.


One thing that irks me, however, is that Twilight never seems to have to deal with any personal problems anymore. Sure, she's growing and maturing, but she must still have some problems. She showed a bit of insecurity about not understanding the reason for her being a Princess, but that only lasted a few minutes.

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Not at all! A lot of people dislike X because of Y reasons. Oh she is just so Z that I can't stand her. Not like A/B/C/D/E/F though, they are amazing. Why can't X be like that!

It's just getting really old seeing these threads where instead of talking about a characters flaws, they open up with "Does anyone else dislike X?" You will never be and you never were the only person to like or dislike any character from any show.


With that out of the way, I think season 4 Twilight was a bit of a let down. She was supposed to be making this transition from student twilight to princess twilight. In consequence, she became really boring and just... different. We got very little of crazy twilight and more of "I am an adult with a way to fix the problem but somehow I'll mess it up and then fix it." twilight. She was pretty boring in my opinion. However, there were a lot of out of character moments in season 4 all around. Cool headed Applejack turns full mother mode on Applebloom... while she is at home. Pinkie Pie is becoming just a tad bit extreme with her wackiness. Rarity...

Overall I still like Twilight and the rest of the mane six because people do grow and change... just not usually so dramatically and for no real reason.

Edited by Thespian
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You're certainly not wrong. You're expressing an opinion and no matter what some people would have you believe, opinions can't be wrong.


I also don't think you're the only one. I've heard it said she's a bit of a Mary Sue at times and while I myself love Twilight I can certainly see where they're coming from.


Everyone has their favorite and least favorite characters; that's normal. Don't force yourself to like a character just because people expect you to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Probably not... though you would most likely be the only one here if you didn't like Princess Luna.


Darn 'Lunatics'...

I have to admit, I love Luna. But I also love Celestia. I mean, they are the ruling princesses of Equestria!
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While I don't hate Twilight, she is my least favorite of the Mane 6 for several reasons:


1) She's OP.  She's portrayed as both the smartest and strongest (magically speaking) character in the show.  Imagine if Batman and Superman were combined, now wouldn't that make all of the Justice League kind of redundant? Which leads me to:


2) She's the only one with any agency.  Any time a major crisis comes about, Twilight is the only one whose able to act.  Changeling invasion? Twilight's the only one to suspect anything.  Crystal Empire in danger? Twilight is the only one able to try to save the day (I know Spike got the heart down where it needed to be but most of the stuff up until then was still Twilight)

In Princess Twilight Sparkle? They make it a point that the rest of the Mane 6 don't know jack what to do without Twilight.

Twilight's Kindgom? Twilight is the only one who can face Tirek and her friends are just damsels in distress. 


3)Twilight doesn't have any personality flaws for the most part.(This one is mostly post-Alicornification) Fluttershy is overly shy and has anger problems. Rainbow Dash is cocky and arrogant. Rarity is vain.  Pinkie Pie oblivious and annoying. Applejack is stubborn.  What is Twilight's flaw, personality wise?


To make an example, take Star Trek (TOS). In the show you had a wide variety of positions, no one was over specialized.  Scotty was the best when it came to the engines and repairs but you saw Kirk and Spock in Jeffery's Tube making repairs.  Spock was the Science Officer, but Chekov could man the post no problem.  Uhura could pilot the ship. Sulu could take command.  While each character was remarkable good at a job, they weren't the only one's who could do it.  The exception was McCoy but he was medical and that job requires a large degree of practice and even he had other doctors on staff, never-mind he played the moral support role, which both Kirk and Spock could do as well .  What MLP has done (IMO) with Twilight is make her the Kirk, Spock, Scotty,and Chekov of the show and try to fit the rest of the cast as McCoy. 


All that being said I still enjoy her when things go to Slice-of-Life but I still enjoy the others more. 

Edited by sidral159
  • Brohoof 2

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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You are the only person who believes that. No, we're not offended. Yes, we still like you. 

or at least that's what we want you to think...








While I don't hate Twilight, she is my least favorite of the Mane 6 for several reasons:


1) She's OP.  She's portrayed as both the smartest and strongest (magically speaking) character in the show.  Imagine if Batman and Superman were combined, now wouldn't that make all of the Justice League kind of redundant? Which leads me to:


2) She's the only one with any agency.  Any time a major crisis comes about, Twilight is the only one whose able to act.  Changeling invasion? Twilight's the only one to suspect anything.  Crystal Empire in danger? Twilight is the only one able to try to save the day (I know Spike got the heart down where it needed to be but most of the stuff up until then was still Twilight)

In Princess Twilight Sparkle? They make it a point that the rest of the Mane 6 don't know jack what to do without Twilight.

Twilight's Kindgom? Twilight is the only one who can face Tirek and her friends are just damsels in distress. 


3)Twilight doesn't have any personality flaws for the most part.(This one is mostly post-Alicornification) Fluttershy is overly shy and has anger problems. Rainbow Dash is cocky and arrogant. Rarity is vain.  Pinkie Pie oblivious and annoying. Applejack is stubborn.  What is Twilight's flaw, personality wise?


To make an example, take Star Trek (TOS). In the show you had a wide variety of positions, no one was over specialized.  Scotty was the best when it came to the engines and repairs but you saw Kirk and Spock in Jeffery's Tube making repairs.  Spock was the Science Officer, but Chekov could man the post no problem.  Uhura could pilot the ship. Sulu could take command.  While each character was remarkable good at a job, they weren't the only one's who could do it.  The exception was McCoy but he was medical and that job requires a large degree of practice and even he had other doctors on staff, never-mind he played the moral support role, which both Kirk and Spock could do as well .  What MLP has done (IMO) with Twilight is make her the Kirk, Spock, Scotty,and Chekov of the show and try to fit the rest of the cast as McCoy. 


All that being said I still enjoy her when things go to Slice-of-Life but I still enjoy the others more. 

This wall of text right here, while all very true, is very hurtful. You're getting a brohoof anyway, and I'd like to point out that I love the Star Trek analogy. Solution: pull Twilight out of an episode and leave everyone else in. And make it Twi's fault that she's gone too. Happy fanbase, variety, you got it all.

Edited by \/

Enter the Forest...

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Twilicorn is best corn. I think twilight is a really good character, doesn't matter if she is overpowered. Look at Dante from Devil May Cry for instance, he got stabbed with the only sword that can destroy the hellgate n shit, but they used devil power as a way to keep him alive.


Also it is a feking children's show. So calm yo tits. She is overpowered for a reason. And it is quite entertaining seeing her change her friends into weird shit. 21/10 would do it too any day.


Also how she trains her wings, top class.



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Twilicorn is best corn. I think twilight is a really good character, doesn't matter if she is overpowered. Look at Dante from Devil May Cry for instance, he got stabbed with the only sword that can destroy the hellgate n shit, but they used devil power as a way to keep him alive.


Also it is a feking children's show. So calm yo tits. She is overpowered for a reason. And it is quite entertaining seeing her change her friends into weird shit. 21/10 would do it too any day.


Also how she trains her wings, top class.



.... Dewd I know. I'm not overreacting, if you think I am you need to get your stuff together. I respect your opinion, do me a favour and respect mine.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't like Twilight ,but it's for a personal reason. I mean how would you feel if a character played out all your flaws? Every single flaw that Twilight has or had are flaws that I struggle with. I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight has meltdown due to all the stress put onto her in Season 5. Yes, it's that bad. 


  • Hates being late: Check 
  • Worries too much: Check 
  • Easily stressed: Check
  • Couldn't find a purpose: Check
  • Poor social skills: Check 
  • Perfectionist: Check
  • OCD like symptoms: Check (I'm actually diagnosed with OCD)
  • Exaggerates: Check

The only negative trait I can think of that I do not share with Twilight is that she relies too much on books. 


We do share some good things, but not that much. 


  • We're both considered highly intelligent.
  • We both try to do the right thing. (We both also focus too much on trying to do the right thing where it clouds our judgement, though) 
  • We both like to help others.

That's basically it that I can think of. 



Although, ironically enough, I did write a fanfiction with Twilight as a major character. (It's an OC + Twilight, no shipping.) 



Basically, I hate Twilight because I hate myself for my flaws. To see a character go through the same problems I do should make me connect to them, but I just don't like seeing her as a reflection of my darker self. I will admit, Twilight can easily become my favorite pony if she relates to me on the positive aspects, too. I'm sure we do relate on more positive aspects, but I can't really think of them. 


Twilight Sparkle is a good character, and I think the show wouldn't be the same without her. My hatred for her is because of my self loathing. It's selfish, but it's the truth. 

  • Brohoof 2


Rarity Fan Club

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I love Twilight. She has earned her ascension, although I disliked it at first. I definitely do not feel sorry for Sunset or Trixie, they went bad through their own misjudged choices. 

That's another thing. She definitely deserved to be a princess. How she became a princess still bugs me though. She basically swapped her friends' cutie marks and fixed it. What kind of spell was that? It didn't make any sense, and it still doesn't. Did Star Swirl think it was a good idea to switch cutie marks of other ponies and switch them back? Maybe the reason he abandoned it was because it was a pointless spell? That's nothing against Twilight, though. 

  • Brohoof 2


Rarity Fan Club

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.... Dewd I know. I'm not overreacting, if you think I am you need to get your stuff together. I respect your opinion, do me a favour and respect mine.

wat? If you mean the calm yo tits thing, it was a joke :P

Half my posts shouldn't be taken seriously xD

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After more thinking, I realized Twilight is pretty much just like me minus a few things. (Appearance, abilities, and that sort not included. Only personality)


1. Twilight and I are on opposite spectrums when it comes to organization.
2. Twilight and I don't share a love for books.
3. Twilight learns by reading while I learn by hearing.


Yet I still can't bring myself to like her. Why is that? Even though we even share positive traits. She should be my favorite pony, but instead, she's my least favorite of the Mane Six. 

  • Brohoof 2


Rarity Fan Club

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I love Twilight. She has earned her ascension, although I disliked it at first. I definitely do not feel sorry for Sunset or Trixie, they went bad through their own misjudged choices.


Yes, I do see now that they are both *BUY OUR APPLES* SOOO yeah :)
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Looks like it.


*Grabs pitchfork and torch*


C'mon people, lets rid the world of this heretic. e_e...




  • Brohoof 1

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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  • 4 years later...
On 1/27/2013 at 6:05 PM, Alex Kennedy said:

I guess you have a perfectly good point, and I'm not much of a fan of her either, although really I love all of the Mane six. I do understand why other people like her so much though.

same, shes my least favorite and i can't understand the liking towards her.

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