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gaming Best The Legend of Zelda game?


Best Zelda Game?  

50 users have voted

  1. 1. Which one is the best?

    • The original
    • Zelda 2: The Adventure Of Link
    • A Link To The Past
    • Ocarina Of Time
    • Majora's Mask
    • Wind Waker
    • Twilight Princess
    • Skyward Sword
    • Oracle of Ages/Seasons
    • Link's Awakening
    • Minish Cap
    • Phantom Hourglass
    • Spirit Tracks

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I still think that some day, maybe in the far future, that Nintendo will somehow ruin the games by making one that is more steampunk modern day based as opposed to the fantasy medieval style that nearly every Zelda game to date follows.


I don't know how I would feel about this but I would really like to see what that turns out as.

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I have to say that Majora's Mask is probably my favourite game in the series, mainly because it took such a different turn on the storyline that we were so acustomed to. Basically pretty much all of them are to save someone, not that that's bad or anything.

But the best part of Majora's Mask is how dark and mysterious in the way it is presented, the story was dark and you always had that feeling of absolute demise hanging over you when you looked at that timer countig down the three days.


Personal favorite is Majora's Mask. I loved how dark and psychedelic it was as well as the originality and how different from the other Zelda games it felt.

Not sure if you read one of my previous post, but did you know that the 5 areas in the Majora's Mask mirrors the 5 stages of grief and the order in which you go to each area is the same in the stages


Clock Town: Denial

No one in the town wants to admit that the moon is going to fall on them.


Swamp: Anger

The Deku Scrabes want to kill a monkey they blame their problems on


Snowhead: Bargening

The Gorans freezing and starving, hope that their dead hero will come back to save them


Ocean: Depression

The Zoras lost their dead guitarist and are in dispare.


Canyon: Acceptance

Almost very one in this region is dead. The dead call this land home. Their is no new identities to assume anymore.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not sure if you read one of my previous post, but did you know that the 5 areas in the Majora's Mask mirrors the 5 stages of grief and the order in which you go to each area is the same in the stages


Clock Town: Denial

No one in the town wants to admit that the moon is going to fall on them.


Swamp: Anger

The Deku Scrabes want to kill a monkey they blame their problems on


Snowhead: Bargening

The Gorans freezing and starving, hope that their dead hero will come back to save them


Ocean: Depression

The Zoras lost their dead guitarist and are in dispare.


Canyon: Acceptance

Almost very one in this region is dead. The dead call this land home. Their is no new identities to assume anymore.


This is what I was trying to get at, I actually did know this from reading it somewhere but it slipt my mind, but just by implementing that, this gives the story a such darker impression in my mind and something that will probably still traumatize me into my adult years xD

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I'm not going to say this was the best but that it is my favorite: Wind Waker.


What I liked:

Artistic graphics, despite how there are other fans who hated it.

Great music that is just incredible on a home theater system

The same amazing control that came from Ocarina, only the camera was user controllable.

The first Zelda title to use progressive scan. As far as graphical performance goes, its shortcoming was the lack of widescreen support.

The genius in the idea of using the time traveling between islands as time to load the islands in the area to make you think it was actually loading. Personally, I hate loading screens but I'm just impatient.


What I didn't like:

The overworld feels kind of lazy

Parts of the quest were unadventurous.



I love this game. I had it when I was 12 but my family was going through some hard times and we sold our GameCube. I've played through it four times since I got it myself and I'm working on a fifth time because I just love this game so much. Many people gripe about the graphics but I feel that they were beautifully done. It's a step away from the more realistic style used in previous games and into the more imaginative, artistic style. Also, Link's face was much more emotive than it has ever been. That serious look on his face when you sidle against a wall is priceless! 

Sailing, I admit, was tedious. The overworld lacked many features that were present in Ocarina but they really made up for it by using the time spent sailing to load the other islands. Then there was the music. The theme song is amazing and even more so on a more high powered sound system that will really get the bass going. It's an epic feeling.

The game used the same control layout that they used in Ocarina, only it took advantage of a second analog stick and. They essentially took something that was pretty amazing to start with and made it better. Kudos.

Really, my biggest qualm with this game was that the quest felt like it lacked the element of adventure sometimes. Most notably, gathering the shards. But that isn't even the worst. Tingle is a pretty greedy idividual. By charging you 398 rupees to discover where a shard is, he ends up making 3,184 rupees off of you. Has he never heard of a child discount? While you gather the charts, it does foreshadow that you're going to need a lot of money to continue the quest as there are jars loaded with red and purple rupees, but if you don't catch it and save your money, you end up spending a lot of time mowing a lot of lawns. There is no adventure in that!


Anyway, there is my thought on my favorite Zelda title. :) 

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Oohhh!...A Zelda thread! I love The Legend of Zelda series. I have a decently large collection and my room is decorated with several Zelda posters. I have beaten 10 out of 15 so far, and I am working on another. Which I need to finish.


My favorite is Ocarina of Time. I have beaten it too many times to count. And I recently beat it again on the 3DS. I will soon play it again as the master quest.


Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are fighting for second.


While A Link to the Past and Links Awakening are fighting for third.


Those four though are part of my top 5, just not in any order. I'm having a hard time putting them in a specific order. I will eventually have all the Zelda games beat. I have also recently got the English translation of Hyrule Historia.

Like, don't underestimate my power man.

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I really want to say Wind Waker, but I'm just going to have to go with Twilight Princess. I loved the visual style of the game, as well as the overall story and characters. 


Wind Waker had a nice "cartoony" feel to it, and it was definitely something that reminded me of OoT and MM. Can't wait to play it in HD.


I still hope that Nintendo envisions a game that follows Twilight Princess' art style. 

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This seems to be a rather unpopular opinion, but Twilight Princess is definitely my favorite.  Sure, it's a lot like other games in the series, but it overall got the most things definitively right.


The sword combat with unlockable techniques.  The memorable writing and characters.  The emotional music.  The caverns and challenges you can find when wandering the overworld.  The grim, yet strangely beautiful atmosphere.  The creative dungeon concepts.  The sense of mystery surrounding new locations.  Everything comes together perfectly to make an epic and moving experience.



Majora's Mask. Not only is it my favorite Zelda game, but it's my favorite video game of all time. It's such an incredible, unique game.


I want to like Majora's Mask, I really do; I think the atmosphere, music and side-quests are perhaps the best of any Zelda.  It's just that the level design, in my opinion, is terrible.  The dungeons are confusing and unintuitive, and throw monsters and minibosses at you when they aren't necessary.  The hub areas are a mess until you've been there for an hour, and the bosses are incredibly annoying to fight (except the King of Ikana, though; he was pretty fun).


It seems like the majority (no pun intended) of Majora's masks supporters fail to mention what they love about actually playing the game instead of just looking/listening to/exploring it.

Edited by Pony Joe

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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When it comes to pure fun and stuff like that, I'd have to choose Majora's Mask. A close second would be Twilight Princess as I spend a ton of time completing and then further exploring the game, had a lot of fun with it. My third is Wind Waker for exactly the same reasoning as Twilight Princess, and who doesn't love a 'toon Link screaming "Hiya!" all the time? :)

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I can't vote for Wind Waker because I never owned a Gamecube before. :( I had a PS2 instead. I heard some great things from my friend though which makes me want to get the Wii U remake. :D


I'd say that Skyward Sword is the best though because it had a lot of new things in the game. The enemies were harder because now you can't just whack and slash and mash buttons (if you're that type of gamer). Now you have to position your shots and your sword well in order for you to land a hit which was definitely a challenge especially with any electric monster. 


Also, visuals were not as good as TP obviously, but the design was just gorgeous. It seemed so nice to me. I liked how all the cartoon games looked like, Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker, and Spirit Tracks and with a fusion of something realistic like TP, it was just amazing to me.


Finally, story of Skyward Sword (didn't finish it yet because I'm too caught up with other games. XP) so far is absolutely fun. With all the inclusions and the different stages of the sword and the so many temples and the wide world to visit, there's a lot to discover!


I wouldn't pick OoT though even though I played it because the story wasn't as great as some other stories but nonetheless, OoT is STILL a GREAT game.


Thank you, Gone Airbourne, for the amazing signature!

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Man, there's so many great Zelda games. I've played the original Legend if Zelda, Zelda 2, A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. They all have amazing music, and good motion physics, good graphics, good gameplay, and a good storyline. It's really hard to choose, but I'd have to say Twilight Princess. I absolutely lobe this game. It is so good, and it's honestly hard for me to fully describe how I feel about it.



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  • 3 years later...

My favorite by far? Well, that does depend.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the very first video game I ever played; I was 4 and bustling through the Shadow Temple. Sadly, I didn't see any more Zelda games until Phantom Hourglass; I played it over about nine times. Still, I have to say that I love Majora's Mask 64 (I'm not a fan of the difficulty changes in the 3D version). 


The overall dark expression really makes me proud to be a Nintendo fan. While many say Twilight Princess was the darkest in the series, Majora's Mask takes the cake for having a seemingly happy tune, but a darker overture. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Definitely the Ocarina of Time. While some might see it as overrated, I absolutely love the game. The sense of adventure that it gives me every time I play it is something that most games cannot give me. The amazing dungeons, puzzles, exploration and sound always pull me in. I respect all of the other Zelda games, Majora's Mask was definitely a very interesting take on the franchise, but Ocarina of time always sticks with me.


Twilight Princess was pretty cool too, I loved the atmosphere of that game.

  • Brohoof 1



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A Link to the Past and it's not even close



After that

2) Twilight Princess

3) Link's Awakening

4) Windwaker

5) Ocarina of Time

  • Brohoof 3
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Ocarina of time cause it's the only one I can truly remember playing, not a huge fan of the series.

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Many say it's OOT. Sure, it was my first Zelda EVER, but I think it has shown some age. I got other Zeldas I'd rather play over OOT, like: The Oracles, Wind Waker, A Link Between Worlds, Spirit Tracks, A Link to the Past...... but my overall favorite is Majora's Mask. It's one of the few fictional worlds that I grew so emotionally attached, others are Paper Mario, The Thousand Years Door, Castlevania, Lords of Shadow, Pokemon Adventures, Pokemon Ranger..... and of course My Little Pony  :-P . What MM did that other Zeldas didn't do to me? Well..... mainly the NPCs. I hardly encountered generic NPCs with so much life. While most Zeldas, the stars are the main story and dungeons, those NPCs stole the spotlight. They've evolved from generic, hardly emotive and voiceless; to more three dimensional, show more emotion, new animations, and had voice clips. Many of them also had problems that you can't help but feel the need to help them, and give them their deserved happy ending. Oh, and did you know that the reason that they look like their OOT counterparts was to save time and money because they had to finish the game in a year after OOT? Well ironically, that made me more attached to them because you feel familiarity, despite being different characters altogether  :please:


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It's a hard choice between A Link To The Past and Ocarina Of Time for me. I also think Twilight Princess is fantastic as well.


I've been in this franchise since LOZ 1 and have every console game.


Full disclosure: even in high school the Elegy of Emptiness statue scared me to the point of not finishing so this is ky ranking without finishing Majoras Mask. Up until that point I couldn't stand it. However I finish this current snd only second runthrough of Ocarina of Time (!) I'm going to play Majora's Mask to completion.


If I don't wuss out like in 2000 that is.

  • Brohoof 1


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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My personal fave is and always will be wind waker, but It has it's flaws like any other game, and IMO, A link between worlds is close to if not the perfect Zelda game and the best out there, lets hope Breath of the wild performs just as well

  • Brohoof 1


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