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I don't want Scotaloo to actually fly. I'd like to see them do the original idea- handicapped, and learning to deal with her situation, see her other strengths.


Going with this, we could also have her as the first CMC to get her cutie mark... since she has this to deal with instead.



It could also give some massive, heart-breaking RD and Scoots bonding.

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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1. I DO NOT want the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get their marks. That would eliminate their entire purpose. They wouldn't even be the CMC's anymore if they got their marks. Having them get their marks now is just a terrible idea. Save it for the series finale. Otherwise, all of their childish charms and crazy antics get thrown out the window.


2. I want Twilicorn to work out well. I don't like the way she looks as an alicorn one bit, but I'm also afraid her character will change too much. It's a lot harder to get into her character now that she's an alicorn princess. I'm hoping it can still work out, and I think it will, but I'm not totally sure.


3. More pony. As long as all of the main characters get their fair share of episodes, songs, and awesome storylines and character growth, I'll be happy. Winter cannot come soon enough!

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I am most likely in the minority here. But I want season 4 to be darker. I mean there really is no excuse anymore. The 6 year old girls are now already 9 years old and they can handle some dark elements. Also to back up my argument, G1 MLP is dark as shit when you think about it, yeah the animation is outdated and the writing is corny, but the atmosphere is there. I love MLP FIM for what it is, but things can't be the same over and over again. The first 3 Harry Potter books/movies were relatively family friendly, then when Goblet of Fire came out everything changed for the better

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Hmmm I think mine would be...


Applejack getting another song

More crystle ponies and their story,

Another Luna episode


(Maybe a competition between rock and classical, with vinyl leading one team and Octavia on the other, and the mane six separated into 2 teams, now that would be an amazing episode! img-1446070-1-biggrin.png)

I like it! I always wanted to see an episode when the Mane 6 are split because of beliefs. (No, The Return of Harmony pt. 1-2 didn't count. they were in a free-for-all setting) Although, the only pony I can see on Vinyl's side is RD, maybe Apple Jack


EDIT: wouldn't Vinyl have a more Electrco/House/Dubstep style? 

Edited by Teh Lemonz
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                                                   You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman

Signature made by Kyoshi

MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member


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1.Have the cmc get their cutie marks or atleast have one of them get their cutie marks!

2.I want Babs to return again.

3.More of whats gonna happen with Twilicorn,im really curious about that!


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I like it! I always wanted to see an episode when the Mane 6 are split because of beliefs. (No, The Return of Harmony pt. 1-2 didn't count. they were in a free-for-all setting) Although, the only pony I can see on Vinyl's side is RD, maybe Apple Jack

I would think maybe a teams like this!




Octavia - Cello

Twilight - Clarinet

Rarity -  Harp

Fluttershy - Flute




Vinyl - Decks

Rainbow - Lead guitar

Applejack - Bass Guitar

Pinkie - Drums


I think that sound nice! :D

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Well here are my top three hopes for Season 4:


  1. Rainbow Dash taking Scootaloo under her wing and adding more to the sister relationship.
  2. More Rarity episodes
  3. Celestia & Luna episodes together to show more information on their childhood.

Pretty much, my top three hopes. Season 4 get here already! ohmy.png

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I want to see a lot more luna in season four.

She's an awesome character who doesn't get nearly enough screen time.


I want to see Pinkie Pie randomness. (I know there's plenty of that already, but I love it.)


But most of all, I want to see a REAL villain in the show. I did think Discord was awesome, but I want to see the mane six in REAL peril.


I know it'll be awesome, regardless.

~We stop looking for the monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside us.



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1. A teeny bit of romance.

2. A beach episode 

3. Soarin' character development, and his appearance in every three episodes. 



"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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1) A Luna and/or Celestia episode, preferably doing something.

2) The Equestria Games

3) More adventure episodes


And, yeah, I'm a fan of the show getting darker as well.

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1. Luna gets her very own awesome episode ("Luna Eclipsed" doesn't count, that episode sucked)


2. Spike becomes a teen (or pre-teen, whatever)


3. Make an episode called "Battle for Equestria". Where a villain attacks Equestria, and you see Princess Luna and Celestia getting their armor on. Celestia will have on gold armor, and Luna will have on gray armor.

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I figured that I need to know something else: how the hay does unicorn magic work?!

Twilight cast Starswirl's spell by reading it from the book. So when she's casting other spells, while her horn is shining, she's actually thinking the words for that spell?


If so, what happened? She seems to need concentration in order to cast difficult spells, but she cast this insanely powerful spell without even realizing?! And worse: she was holding the book in her telekinesis, another spell. So she can think two different sets of words at the same time and not screw up both spells?


This may not be the case because unicorns frequently cast tk while talking. Feels like a case of "don't think about this because we didn't".


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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1.) Princess Cadence episode. (maybe with Shining Armor too..)


2.) Princess Luna episode/song. She has such a beautiful voice, I believe she deserves a song.


3.) Romance.



I really....REALLY want these to happen.

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Here is my top 3


1a.More villains-I love villains and hope they bring in some

interesting new villains.Antagonists or villains make the show more

interesting than it already is.


1b.Bring back antagonists for revenge-Lightning Dust,Trixie,Chrysalis,Discord,

and others need to make a comeback.


2.More guest voice actors-We need more voices,would love to

see Neil Patrick Harris voice a character.


3.More Background character development-Seriously,shed some

light on Octavia,Vinyl Scratch,Dr.Whooves,Derpy,spa sisters,Screwball,

berry punch,lyra,bon bon,Soarin,and others.


That is my hopes.


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I kind of like how Octavia and Vinyl don't talk.  I fear if they try to develop their characters too far they'll lose that charm.


I see what you mean. But I'd like them to at least say something I mean they even got Lyra and Bon Bon to say a line or two I don't think they would loose their charm if they did :)


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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- More Pegasai Families(closest we got was Rainbow's dad in a flash back so far)


I've noticed that too. We haven't seen anything of Fluttershy's, RainbowDash's or even Scootaloo's families. I wonder if pegasi have really disfunctional families of something.  

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Well, I don't really have as much of a list as everyone else. There's nothing I really want to see in the next season, but I do have a few things that would be nice if they happened.


Like an episode where Apple Jack feels like she's the only one of her friends who knows how to work hard. Granted, this belief would be unfounded, but with Twilight living the princess life, Pinkie Pie being... Pinkie Pie, Rarity dress shopping, etc. Apple Jack starts feeling like she's the only one who cares about a hard day's work. Perhaps Apple Jack even has a song to that effect.


Or maybe an episode that talks about how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy met. After all, we know she was friends with Gilda when she was young, and it's strongly suggested that the two of them were kind of bullies to the others, so how did Rainbow Dash end up becoming friends with Fluttershy? Of course, it's fine if this doesn't happen. It might ruin my head cannon that Rainbow Dash was one of the ponies taunting Fluttershy and didn't think anything of it until she came across a very upset Fluttershy and felt guilty. 


I know this is cliched, overused, and all sorts of bad things, but I kind of want a body switching episode. It would make sense because Twilight is even more powerful than the time she switched her friend's very destinies, and since she's still learning new spells, perhaps she comes across a body switching spell, and maybe she has to try and work without magic. I don't want the whole "in the shoes of another pony" sort of lesson to go with this episode. I don't want her to switch bodies just to understand how another sees the world. Since in the Magical Mystery Cure, Celestia says that they are all her students now, it would give Twilight a chance to learn how to teach some pony how to use magic when she can't just show how it's done.


I also really hope that since they've upped Twilight's powers, they also increase the danger and difficulty Twilight has to face. I'm not sure how they will do this since from episode one the fate of Equestria was in her hooves, but maybe it becomes more difficult because the challenges become more personal.

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Way too many to list, I may not earn any brohoofs but hey, it is what it is. Here's a few off the top of my head


-One of my biggest complaints about "Keep calm and Flutter on" was that there was no reason to rehabiltate Discord, at least not one that was given. And what I hated wa that Discord is clearly the antithesis of Celestia, they're mortal enemies. Even at the end of the episode she makes it clear that she doesn't trust him, so my question is: What happened that convinced Tia that she would need the hel of the one she hates the most?


Context, that's the name of the game. If there was some huge threat hiding in the shadows or some far off disaster taht she wants to take precaution for, any reason at all that she would need Discord's help, I want that explained.


-Another is the matter of RD and the Wonderbolts. I refuse to believe that she stopped being a fangirl at the snap of a finger. the end of the epidose pretty much said to me: She made the cut....so what now? Is she joinging up? Is she going to stay in Ponyville? Conclude that story.


-MOAR SOMBRA! I'm sure we all know that he was misused in the S3 premiere, so let's do it againa nd do it right. He looks the part of Main villain, let's solidfy that role


-While I'm not asking them to Pander, maybe a few injokes. Jokes that won't hurt the show and can be funny for everyone, but we can get them.


-Some more time outside of Ponyville, season 1 and 3 did that right. We saw a lot of Equestria, meanwhile in season 2 they really just stayed home. So Ponyville's been fleshed out, and I'd like to see some more. Maybe some Manehattan. I'd love to see a "modern" society.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Please, I would like the changelings to come back, maybe there could be a good changeling and became one of the cast. Not like a main character but something like the cmc episodes, please. Oh, and would it be to much to ask to meet rainbow dashes sister (season 4 finale, im calling it).




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I want a 2 episode starter and finale, and with that epic villains (I want queen chrysalis and the changelings back) and epic storylines, and one of them focused on Twilight as an alicorn. I want to end with my jaw on the floor from the epicness.


I want to see how Twilight struggle with being an alicorn Princess.


I want the mane6 to visit other locations in Equestria, there are so many unexplored areas.


more Rarity. It's a MUST!


More of Cadence and Shining Armor


Secrets of Starswhirl


Trixie? yes?


I want to see Discord being a regular in the show and closer to Fluttershy.


A surprise (???)


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I think it would be nice to have the scope widened a little bit to include more places than just Ponyville.  I expect that with Twilight's "upgrade" we'll be seeing more adventures having to do with her royal duties (whatever those might be), and potential for all sorts of new characters as a result.

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I would like the changelings to come back, maybe there could be a good changeling and became one of the cast. Not like a main character but something like the cmc episodes, please.


I frankly think this sort of plot is very likely in the future. It fits really well with the other themes in the series.


CMCs accept him/her, Mane6 doesn't (initially), Changeling stands up to Chrysalis ("They're my friends!"), and so forth...


It also would give the animators free reign to have fun with a Changeling doing its "copy" thing whenever they pleased.

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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My only hope for season 4 is that it continues to be as awesome, cute, charming and funny as the last three seasons, nothing else matters.

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