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I really want Trixie to return because I feel her story has been told. However, now that the Mane 6 is a unicorn short, they might need a new edition to the group. It'll either be her or Sunset Shimmer

I really do hope they give the mane 6 a new addition, i'd like there to be 2 of everything + Twilight. The possibility of Trixie joining the group never crossed my mind but I actually think I'd like that. Ever thought of being a Lead Story Developer?


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Coltfriends/Male foils (Like the rowdy rough boys)

Good guy Discord

Twilight Flying Lessons

Celly/Luna backstory

Gilda returns

Major role for Derpy, Doc Whooves, Lyra, etc...

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twilight alicorn gives up her princesshood to go back to her friends

...Yeah, the writers kinda already said that "princesshood ? her leaving her friends". In fact, "The Crystal Heart Spell" shows her still living in Ponyville.


So yeah, nothing to worry about there! biggrin.png

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay I am sorry but Applejack, who are her Mother and Father? I would love an episode where they come to stay at the Apple Acres!


I would also like to see an episode where Scootaloo gets invited to a wonderbolt show with Rainbow Dash, soon enough shee tries to make her own wonderbolt type group.


An episode where Luna tell Twilight about not getting mad with power.


Oh yeah and Aj to get another song! :D

  • Brohoof 1



                    Hush hush, Starlights asleep, hush hush, through her telescope she weeps, hush, hush, as she hunts for mars, hush, hush, and head for stars!

                                                  Starlight Request shop My page


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I'd really like to see the Mane 6 and the Cmc go see some other places like Manehattan, Phillydelphia, ect.

Perhaps see more Luna and Cadence/Shining focused eps

More Cadence singing


More background info on pretty much all the characters.

More great songs <3

Fluttershy tries to teach someone the stare. o.O

Perhaps a visit from Pinkies family or visit the rock farm she grew up on. 


Perhaps we can see Crackle again? RAUGH -scratches self- Derp face* lol 


Speaking of Derp... MORE Derpy, Dr Whooves, Vinyl and Tavi! 


The return of Pinkamenia  laugh.png 


  • Brohoof 3
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Despite the fact that the likelood of this happening is practically nonexistent, I would still love to see them use Tirek as a villain in FiM.  And have him be voiced by either Jim Cummings, or Jeremy Irons.  Both those guys do awesome villain voices. 


Tirek had an on-screen time of about ten minutes in the original G1 series, and yet he's probably one of the most awesome things to come out of it.  They remade some G1 ponies for FiM, so why not a villain?

Edited by SBaby

A Winner Is You!!!
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id like to see


more episodes where rarity is the mane character

more of scootaloo and Rainbowdash

more good songs

more of the wonderbolts


I predict


that the CMC will come to an end 

the music wont be as good

and twilight will be all perfect now shes an alicorn princess 


Satan is good, Satan is my pal

i have nothing else to say...

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-Twilight To Not Be Involved In Princess Stuff


-More Catchy Songs!

-Cutie Mark Crusaders Get Their Cutie Marks!

-Luna I Wants

-Ponies Family's






This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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Okay I am sorry but Applejack, who are her Mother and Father? I would love an episode where they come to stay at the Apple Acres!


Unfortunately, Applejack's parents are kind of.... dead ( or at least it's strongly implied with the show and it's creators) so I doubt we'd get to see anything from them besides a flashback or maybe something with ghosts/ spirits of the deceased.



That could be an episode!!! Applejack learns not to tamper with the laws of life and death even though she ignored them for the sake of seeing her parents.

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- A one-off pony who HATES their special talent

- A Scootaloo episode that has nothing to do with her Rainbow Dash admiration

- A sequel episode to Games Ponies Play

- At least 2 Rarity episodes

- A spike episode that focuses on his positive traits

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I'd really like to see the CMC grow up - they start as adolescents and unless MLP is going to change into The SImpsons they can't stay that way forever. It would be cool to see Scootaloo, SB and Applebloom move on, but nurture a new generation of CMCs as mentors.


In this, I really liked the episodes that focused on Applebloom and Scootaloo and would like to see them grow and develop


I'd like to see a PROPER return for Braeburn where he gets dialogue and a plot involvement


And I can't help but think Luna has it in for Twilight which would be a nice way to address jealousy issues, if done well



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-A Luna and Celestia episode, their personal live or maybe their younger years.

-An episode featuring Discord (or if not then at least an episode explaining his whereabouts).

-Another pets episode, specifically one where it shows the relationship each pet has with its owner.

-See the actual Equestria games

-A Spike episode going more into detail on his back story (how did his egg ended up with Celestia?)

-A Scootloo with Rainbow Dash episode

-An episode featuring the mane six's daily routine when they are not saving the world or hanging out.

-An episode exploring Shining Armor and Cadence's relationship

-Twilight adapting to her alicorn form

- A rarity episode 

-Derpy episode!

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- An episode describing Discord's role in Ponyville now that he's reformed

- King Sombra's return and/or some backstory for him

- A Celestia focused episode 

- More development in Diamond Tiara and/or Silver Spoon

- The Equestria Games

- Positive character development for Angel Bunny

- The Cake family

- To see Gilda again

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Needs more Luna.

slap some more Luna in there. 

and an extra slab of cuteness from Fluttershy. 


you know it'd be cool to see relatives of the mane 6. you only really see aj's rarity's and once twilights. I'd liek to get to see more of them.

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--- Mane 6 travel around Equestria


--- Flying lessons for both Twilight and Scootaloo


--- A LOT of Equetrian history (via time travel, uncovering ancient relics/mysteries, and the occasional holiday episode)


--- Continuation of the awesome character development wub.png

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Despite the fact that the likelood of this happening is practically nonexistent, I would still love to see them use Tirek as a villain in FiM.  And have him be voiced by either Jim Cummings, or Jeremy Irons.  Both those guys do awesome villain voices. 


Tirek had an on-screen time of about ten minutes in the original G1 series, and yet he's probably one of the most awesome things to come out of it.  They remade some G1 ponies for FiM, so why not a villain?


The problem with Tirek is that he was essentially Nightmare Moon.


His castle? Midnight Castle.

His goal? The Night That Never Ends.

Defeated by the Rainbow of Light(EoH precursor).


Sure, there are differences, but they are rather superficial.



A much better pick for a returning villain would be Grogar:




"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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The problem with Tirek is that he was essentially Nightmare Moon.


His castle? Midnight Castle.

His goal? The Night That Never Ends.

Defeated by the Rainbow of Light(EoH precursor).


Sure, there are differences, but they are rather superficial.



A much better pick for a returning villain would be Grogar:



Funny enough, Grogar was going to be my second pick.  I love G1 Megatron voice.



The reason I mentioned Tirek is because even though he did share similarities to NMM, there were actually quite alot of differences.  For instance, one of the things he did was turn Ponies into dragon-like creatures in order to pull his chariot of darkness (could you imagine a plot line with him turning some of the mane 6's family and friends into those dragon-like slaves?).  Another difference was in his second-in-command.  This guy turned out to be a human prince in G1, but they could change that to anything, and kids would be fine with it.  I think as long as the general personality is relatively the same, fans will probably be alright with it.  After all, Firefly's personality stayed relatively the same in FiM, but her name and appearance are completely different.  And fans were fine with it.


As for the similarities, sure.  There were some.  The 'eternal night' thing was there, but they could just change that to him wanting to take over the world, or even destroy the world.  In fact, if memory serves me correctly, the whole reason he wants eternal night, is because his minions are strongest when it's night.  So maybe his goal could be related to his minions.  He needs power in order to release his armies.


As for the Rainbow of Darkness, this is where things get interesting.  The Rainbow of Darkness is the antithesis of the Rainbow of Light.  In FiM terms, you'd basically have the antithesis of the Elements of Harmony, in its purest form.  So it would essentially be as if the EoH meet their match.  Obviously, they would eventually win, but maybe it wouldn't be as simple as an outright battle.  Perhaps they would need to find a way to power up the Elements first (or perhaps they have to restore their powers to what they originally were thousands of years ago, during Celestia's and Luna's time wielding them).

Edited by SBaby

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That would be cool if they brought Trixie back as a friend of Twilight's and the CMC get their cutie marks and Luna and Celestia how they came to be who are their parents are and so many more,too much to post :)



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I wait months for season 4 but I am patient in my mind some things came up and said

This are the things what shall happen in season 4


*The CMC get their cutie mark


*princess twilight leads a mission to save equestria


*Princess Celestia and Luna shall be gone and Twilight is the only official ruler of equestria


*Discord uses chaos ... again


*Starswill the bearded shall show up


Well where my random predictions of season 4


I wish you a happy waiting time /)

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Things I would like to see in season 4:


- Nightmare moon returns somehow.

- Cutiemark crusaders get their cutiemarks, maybe only two of them
  and this leaves the last one kind of paniced.

- Update on how Rainbow Dash is doing in the academy.
  (doesn't need a whole episode, just a hint)

- Twilight left alone with princess duties.
- Maybe a little glimpse on how some side characters are doing? Trixie, Gilda, Raritys parents?

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Can anypony just dispel my doubths please.


The Equestria Girls... have nothing to season 4 plot, isn't it? I mean new season of mlp will start right on the Twilights coronation, and will not involve any events in some "paralell world"?

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