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Rainbow Dash Fan Club


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I know I already posted that one, but it's pure awesomeness.




That's clearly what they should have done with Rainbow Rocks...


And I'm back with Dashie cosplay:




With the recent release of Splatoon, I think it could be fun to have a fan mod to ponify the Inklings, that should be fun X3

  • Brohoof 6
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hey, if anypony here is interested, I finally finished by fanfic about Rainbow and her grandson, Lightning Dash.  Take a look, and let me know if you like it!  




and on an unrelated note....



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"I just soaped?"  And why is Fluttershy jelly about it? xD  Flutters also greeted Dashie like they'd only just met.  This wouldn't be nearly as entertaining had anyone else written the dialogue; it's great.  Also...  I think I've been a similar situation before. o_O



I'll be honest: Spike doesn't make for the most intimidating "Killer Croc" ever.





  • Brohoof 8
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Whatsup!!!!!! My fav pony type is earth pony, but I have a strange admiration for Rainbow Dash. It's kinda weird. Also is it weird that I call myself a brony even though I'm a girl? All my friends who like the show call themselves pegasisters, so I'm not really sure if brony is appropriate or just weird? Please help. IM SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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