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Twilight Sparkle's Immortality


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I don't like Twilicorn at all but I'm not worried about Twilicorn outliving her friends because she could outlive all her friends with a normal life span. It would be sad in either case but it's to be expected.


I recognize that the immortality issue is important for some people and they are dealing with the real loss. They are being told that their loss isn't real which makes it worse for them. When Derpy was taken out of the show, everyone recognized the loss but when Twilicorn happened, the loss wasn't recognized universally. I think the problem is that we definitely lost something but at this point we don't know whatever it's 2-2-2 symmetry, alicorns are special, adorkable Twilight Sparkle or something else.

Some people prefer to stay optimistic hoping that the things that are important for them aren't lost.

Some people are pessimistic because they already perceive the loss and don't believe things could improve.


P.S. I wonder if there are great stories utilizing Twilicorn in positive way without mocking the idea of or highlighting drawbacks of the new direction.

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I don't like Twilicorn at all but I'm not worried about Twilicorn outliving her friends because she could outlive all her friends with a normal life span. It would be sad in either case but it's to be expected.


May I ask why? Is it because unicorn is the legendary animal thus having a longer life-span than an ordinary ponies? or it is just a simple fact that, in real life, people usually outlive friends and loved ones in certain period of life?

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As overdone as it is and as ridiculous as it is to assume as it hasn't even been confirmed if all alicorns are immortal/long lived or if that is only the case with Celestia and Luna nothing any of us say or do is going to stop people from writing these fics so it is best just to ignore them and move on.

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I'm a Highlander fanboy, so I kinda of a thing for exploring the ramifications of immortality. So no, not all all, I haven't read any, but I'd read a good one if it was given to me though. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Almost all of them outright depresses me, because they feature Twilight Sparkle forced to outlive her friends as they die one-by-one around her.  They're also hypocritical, because Twilight was sent to Ponyville to make friends, and forcing her to outlive her friends would mean taking her away from them, thus rendering all of her friendship lessons meaningless.


While My Little Pony had its own moments of dark themes, the show (and the comics, too) would never go so far as to show Twilight outliving all of her friends, and not just because it's a show for children.  Twilight is not immortal; she's given wings and a title, but there is almost no way in Hell she is going to outlive her friends.  It's like when you look at Cadence, and how she's not going to outlive Shining Armor, simply because we saw her as an adolescent when foalsitting Twilight.


The only way Twilight would attain true immortality is if she casts an age spell on herself over and over again, any time she becomes elderly.  But other than that, there were two moments in Season Three that didn't require her to max out her magical capacity to save the day, including sending off Spike to save the Crystal Empire, and working together with her friends to outsmart Trixie.  Even as an alicorn, she still lacks the magical capacity to cast an age spell on herself for immortality, or to become immortal in-general.  She's still not up to par with Princess Celestia in-terms of magic, nor will ever be, and is therefore not going to outlive her friends.  She's just going to run an entire nation as the third princess of Equestria, nothing else!


But so long as all of you keep writing those dark, depressing Immortal Twilicorn fics, you'll only do nothing more than outright depress me and make me feel miserable.  My Little Pony is supposed to be a feel-good series, and those Immortal Twilicorn fics only serve to go against the happy tone and mood of the show.  If I want dark, angsty, and emo, I'd go to Neon Genesis Evangelion or the second half of the Harry Potter series.  Where I won't go, however, is My Little Pony, because it's supposed to be a huge, huge break from all that dark, emo nonsense, even if it did fix all the problems that made G3 and G3.5 infamous in the first place!  And, all of those Immortal Twilicorn fanfics just ruin the MLP experience for me, because of how dark and emo those stories are for me.


I'm pretty sure in canon, Twilight Sparkle will never outlive her friends. The show team and Hasbro will not go that dark in the show. Besides, its purely fanon, and not canon.

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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Almost all of them outright depresses me, because they feature Twilight Sparkle forced to outlive her friends as they die one-by-one around her.  They're also hypocritical, because Twilight was sent to Ponyville to make friends, and forcing her to outlive her friends would mean taking her away from them, thus rendering all of her friendship lessons meaningless.


While My Little Pony had its own moments of dark themes, the show (and the comics, too) would never go so far as to show Twilight outliving all of her friends, and not just because it's a show for children.  Twilight is not immortal; she's given wings and a title, but there is almost no way in Hell she is going to outlive her friends.  It's like when you look at Cadence, and how she's not going to outlive Shining Armor, simply because we saw her as an adolescent when foalsitting Twilight.


The only way Twilight would attain true immortality is if she casts an age spell on herself over and over again, any time she becomes elderly.  But other than that, there were two moments in Season Three that didn't require her to max out her magical capacity to save the day, including sending off Spike to save the Crystal Empire, and working together with her friends to outsmart Trixie.  Even as an alicorn, she still lacks the magical capacity to cast an age spell on herself for immortality, or to become immortal in-general.  She's still not up to par with Princess Celestia in-terms of magic, nor will ever be, and is therefore not going to outlive her friends.  She's just going to run an entire nation as the third princess of Equestria, nothing else!


But so long as all of you keep writing those dark, depressing Immortal Twilicorn fics, you'll only do nothing more than outright depress me and make me feel miserable.  My Little Pony is supposed to be a feel-good series, and those Immortal Twilicorn fics only serve to go against the happy tone and mood of the show.  If I want dark, angsty, and emo, I'd go to Neon Genesis Evangelion or the second half of the Harry Potter series.  Where I won't go, however, is My Little Pony, because it's supposed to be a huge, huge break from all that dark, emo nonsense, even if it did fix all the problems that made G3 and G3.5 infamous in the first place!  And, all of those Immortal Twilicorn fanfics just ruin the MLP experience for me, because of how dark and emo those stories are for me.



Light  -  Immortal

Darkness  -  Immortal

Love  -  Immortal

Friendship  -  Immortal


Face the truth, the faster the better....besides you are not forced to read fanfics lol.

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Well, to be fair, Cadence and Twilight's immortality isn't certain yet. Yes Cadence aged, but I doubt the elves in LoTR emerged from the womb fully grown. They just stop aging at a certain point to my knowledge (Correct me if I'm wrong, Tolkien fans. My knowledge of Middle Earth is pretty rusty.) Cadence and Twilight may well be immortal. In any case, as it is incredibly likely that the show won't progress to the point where a member of the Mane Six dies of old age, I doubt it is something that will be canonically addressed.


As someone who isn't fond of Alicorn Twilight or sad fics, I've avoided these like the plague. An acquaintance of mine on FIMFiction wrote a blog a little while ago about how sick he is of them though, so you aren't alone. I didn't vote, as I haven't read any and have no plans to.

Edited by FireflyForever
  • Brohoof 2
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Okay, I think I've had it up to here with people complaining about Twilight. We don't know even if she is immortal yet, the show didn't really progress yet for anyone dying or showing immortality just yet. She might be immortal, but we don't know yet. I mean well we could use Celestia and Luna as an example but the thing is, why care about immortality.

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I'm not sick of immortal Twilicorn fics. Why should I be? They're not canon.

Almost all of them outright depresses me, because they feature Twilight Sparkle forced to outlive her friends as they die one-by-one around her.  They're also hypocritical, because Twilight was sent to Ponyville to make friends, and forcing her to outlive her friends would mean taking her away from them, thus rendering all of her friendship lessons meaningless.

Explain, please. What if mortal Twilight outlived her friends? Does that mean their friendship and the lessons are rendered meaningless as well? Even if immortal Twilight outlived her friends, it doesn't mean her friends' deaths would undo everything she had learned.

While My Little Pony had its own moments of dark themes, the show (and the comics, too) would never go so far as to show Twilight outliving all of her friends, and not just because it's a show for children.  Twilight is not immortal; she's given wings and a title, but there is almost no way in Hell she is going to outlive her friends.  It's like when you look at Cadence, and how she's not going to outlive Shining Armor, simply because we saw her as an adolescent when foalsitting Twilight.

Proof? As mentioned earlier in the thread, Cadance growing up is not necessarily an indicator of mortality. Greek gods grow up, as do Tolkien elves. Based on existing alicorns and their godlike statuses, it's simple logic to assume that all alicorns are immortal unless demonstrated otherwise. Furthermore, the show doesn't need to explicitly portray Twilight outliving her friends, just as it doesn't explicitly portray death. It's far more likely that Twilight's mortality will not be touched upon at all. Because they don't discuss such topics, immortal Twilight doesn't contradict canon at all.

The only way Twilight would attain true immortality is if she casts an age spell on herself over and over again, any time she becomes elderly.  But other than that, there were two moments in Season Three that didn't require her to max out her magical capacity to save the day, including sending off Spike to save the Crystal Empire, and working together with her friends to outsmart Trixie.  Even as an alicorn, she still lacks the magical capacity to cast an age spell on herself for immortality, or to become immortal in-general.  She's still not up to par with Princess Celestia in-terms of magic, nor will ever be, and is therefore not going to outlive her friends.  She's just going to run an entire nation as the third princess of Equestria, nothing else!

You are, once again, making unsubstantiated claims. We know nothing of her abilities as an alicorn. We don't even know if she ages. You can speculate all you want, but please don't assert such speculation as fact. It makes you look disingenuous.

But so long as all of you keep writing those dark, depressing Immortal Twilicorn fics, you'll only do nothing more than outright depress me and make me feel miserable.  My Little Pony is supposed to be a feel-good series, and those Immortal Twilicorn fics only serve to go against the happy tone and mood of the show.  If I want dark, angsty, and emo, I'd go to Neon Genesis Evangelion or the second half of the Harry Potter series.  Where I won't go, however, is My Little Pony, because it's supposed to be a huge, huge break from all that dark, emo nonsense, even if it did fix all the problems that made G3 and G3.5 infamous in the first place!  And, all of those Immortal Twilicorn fanfics just ruin the MLP experience for me, because of how dark and emo those stories are for me.

If you don't like them, don't read them. Simple as that. There are those who enjoy these dark fics and their more mature themes.

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Light  -  Immortal

Darkness  -  Immortal

Love  -  Immortal

Friendship  -  Immortal


Face the truth, the faster the better....besides you are not forced to read fanfics lol.

Do you have proof that love and friendship equals immortality?  I ask because in the show, the average alicorn lifespan is powerfully ambiguous at-best, and might never be revealed at all in Season Four and beyond.

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Do you have proof that love and friendship equals immortality?  I ask because in the show, the average alicorn lifespan is powerfully ambiguous at-best, and might never be revealed at all in Season Four and beyond.

Do not try to search for a Canon answer, I was simply referring the the thing they represent


Light is Immortal because without light, there is no life, Darkness is a consequence of Light, because light creates shadows, Love is the most powerful feeling that can bring down nations and it's immortal because it lives on in the memory of the caring ones, Friendship is similar to love, but works almost the same way.


I was referring to what they represent, and they all represent something that has no beginning, and has no end. 

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I've not read many fanfic except for a few Soarin/Dash ones. With that said I think fanfic explore themes the professional writers would never touch, and by default, are generally more extreme. This is normal since a big part of fanfic is as a way to releave angst. Why people would focus on that specific aspect of her becoming an Alicorn, especially since it has not proven it will happen is unclear. My guess is that it's controversy and slightly depressing, which people may enjoy. I've always been more attracted to fanfic that stay with canon because I want more of what I love which are the characters as we know them. To each their own.

Edited by Nature Spell

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


My short stories

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Whateva! I do what I want! tongue.png


Sure, the concept itself is pretty overdone, but then again, so has practically every ship ever. As someone who's been publishing both a FlutterMac story and immortal Twilight story... It's all about the execution, and doing things in ways that haven't already been done a million times. (Even if that does mean making my readers freak the f*** out from time to time) laugh.png


In conclusion: Don't like it? Don't read it! cool.png

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


Feel free to follow me on Fimfiction!

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I have to agree. I have noticed the amount of sad artwork and fanfiction coming out because of her being an Alicorn and I don't understand why we have to think so negatively. Why can't we just enjoy it without thinking about the future?


"Just because we like this show does not mean that we are gay,strange, or different in any way. We just have learned to express ourselves and not to judge a book by its cover. We as fans don't care what others have to say because we know that they have never sat down and watched the show and will never understand its awesomeness.It makes all laugh,smile, and it brings people together who will not judge eachother.Its not just a bunch of fans.Its a whole Community."-me

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Yea, it is kinda tiring.


I don't even think Twilight will be immortal. In my headcanon, Cadance isn't immortal. The only immortal alicorns are Celestia and Luna, because they have to watch over the sun and the moon.

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They're great reads, but if you want a really good non-sad immortal Twilight fic, read Ascend, I Wasn't Prepared for This (Not the dragon one!), and Regal. Those are really good Immortal Alicorn fictions, and Not my Destiny plus the Immortal Game are awesome too.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Why am I saying that Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends when she becomes an alicorn? Its because of one thing. Its fanon (so it can be interpreted into fanfiction, art and fan art) but it will never be canon. Sure, the show might have a few dark moments but it will not go that dark, having the rest of the Mane Five mortal and dying while Twilight Sparkle still lives on.


For one thing, who said all alicorns are all immortal? For all I know, Princess Celestia and Luna are probably the first ones to be an alicorn. Maybe the first two are immortal. In fact, why is Shining Armor and Princess Cadance married if the fanon theory applied that Princess Candance will outlive Shining Armor? I don't get it.


So, I speculate that Twilight Sparkle and Princess Candance may be mortal. All they did was just get a new upgrade (wings, long horn, a bit taller). I don't think that the alicorns following Celestia and Luna are immortal.


Besides, aren't we jumping to conclusions too much? Why are we focusing on the dark parts. In fact, Season 4 hasn't even started yet.


So, truth is, Twilight Sparkle outliving her friends is fanon but it will never be implemented in canon. Its a show for little girls. In fact, Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn was already being planned out from the beginning as the show's writers intended too. Don't believe me? Watch the first episode and move on to the season 3 finale to see what clues have been in.


In fact, why did Princess Celestia sent Twilight Sparkle to learn about friendship in the first place? It is probably meant to get Twilight Sparkle out of her antisocial shell and save Equestria from Nightmare Moon with her new friends but it has been also implied as the show went on, there had been clues...Its just well hidden enough that we didn't even know it until The Hub announced Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn.


So yes, we should be waiting for the premiere, to see what the show has in for store for us, and to answer our questions about Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn. Few minutes isn't enough information, the first episode will probably answer the questions we've been asking for a while. So, all we do is to sit down, cross our fingers, and wait patiently.


Anyway, that's end of my rant. I possibly developed a new theory but I know for one thing, that G4 isn't as dark as G1.


However, please keep a civilized discussion. We do not need to turn this into an all for all flame fight over Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn. I don't want to get my thread frozen all because a few bronies are fighting over it.


In fact, I really wish there is some kind of thread where all the negative speculation could be possibly debunked.

Edited by Lewis the Brony

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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I do see your view point. I just think that the fandom likes to focus more on possible,darker theories and conclusions. I can't help to think that maybe it is implied that Luna and Celestia outlived their friends as will Twilight. Also, isn't the Alicorn lifespan 1000 years( I could be wrong.)? I kinda feel like season 4 will lead up to generation 4.5

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I do see your view point. I just think that the fandom likes to focus more on possible,darker theories and conclusions. I can't help to think that maybe it is implied that Luna and Celestia outlived their friends as will Twilight. Also, isn't the Alicorn lifespan 1000 years( I could be wrong.)? I kinda feel like season 4 will lead up to generation 4.5


Maybe. I'm just trying to say, "Well, Twilight Sparkle will never outlive her friends in canon,". It seems like all the fuss is directly related to that theory being in canon.


Sure, my theory might be fanon but however the outliving is definitely fanon.

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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We had five threads all talking about Twilicorns' immortality; whether she would be immortal or not, if so, if she may live out her friends or not, and even irritation over how that theme is popular in fan fictions. I believe we can mold this into a general Twilicorn immortality thread. The fact is the Twilicorn section is a jungle of topics based (mostly) off the events of one episode; we need to take some liberties in some umbrella merges, sometimes.


Threads merged:

>"Will Twi age like the other alicorns?"

>"Enough with the Immortal Twilicorn fictions already!"

>"Am I the only one worried about Twilicorn's immortality?"

>"Twilight Sparkle's Immortality"

>"Will Twilight Sparkle be Outliving Her Friends? I Don't Think So."


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e had five threads all talking about Twilicorns' immortality; whether she would be immortal or not, if so, if she may live out her friends or not, and even irritation over how that theme is popular in fan fictions. I believe we can mold this into a general Twilicorn immortality thread. The fact is the Twilicorn section is a jungle of topics based (mostly) off the events of one episode; we need to take some liberties in some umbrella merges, sometimes.


Threads merged:

>"Will Twi age like the other alicorns?"

>"Enough with the Immortal Twilicorn fictions already!"

>"Am I the only one worried about Twilicorn's immortality?"

>"Twilight Sparkle's Immortality"

>"Will Twilight Sparkle be Outliving Her Friends? I Don't Think So."


Sorry to ask if this is a silly question....Is the merge complete? I can't find any topics from above except "Twilight Sparkle's Immortality" thread. 

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Sorry to ask if this is a silly question....Is the merge complete? I can't find any topics from above except "Twilight Sparkle's Immortality" thread. 


All of those threads were merged into one. The one topic retained the name of that particular thread, because it was the oldest thread.


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Alicorns are not immortal. Cadence is proof of that. So in any case Twilight will not live forever, she may have an extended lifespan however. I see alicorns more like elves from Tolkien myth. They can live a very long time but not forever.

Just wondering in what episode did cadance die? Look this is a magical world of technicolor ponies, in my opinion it makes sense that they are all immortal and although there are newborns and the ponies do grow up and stuff there is still nothing canon to prove that any of them actually die. There are no graveyards or anything, and the closest you can gather is from the fact that starswirl never actually shows up but that could just be because he was exiled or something or other.



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