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Twilight Sparkle's Immortality


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Luna and Celestia have god status. I don't think that the fact that they are Alicorn has anything to do with them not aging.

As far as the show goes, Alicorn is another species. There has never been any confirmation that Alicorns live forever.



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Honestly, I don't know. I mean, both Luna and Celestia are Goddesses, and I don't think Twilight is. So I do think that she will age with the rest of them, actually.



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I think that, as an alicorn, she could take a broader look at her friendships, if she were immortal. Instead of just five mares to be friends with, she'd now have five family lines to look after and befriend. She'd act as a sort of mother, mentor, guardian, and friend to all her current friends' children and grandchildren, on through the ages, just like Celestia was for her. That might be what happened with Celestia in the first place actually. Most lone monarchs view their people as cattle, but Celestia seems to genuinely love all her subjects. She might have know the first few ponies to colonize Equestria. That's just my two bits though.

Edited by Not a Morning Mare
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I think that, as an alicorn, she could take a broader look at her friendships, if she were immortal. Instead of just five mares to be friends with, she'd now have five family lines to look after and befriend. She'd act as a sort of mother, mentor, guardian, and friend to all her current friends' children and grandchildren, on through the ages, just like Celestia was for her. That might be what happened with Celestia in the first place actually. Most lone monarchs view their people as cattle, but Celestia seems to genuinely love all her subjects. She might have know the first few ponies to colonize Equestria. That's just my two bits though.



This. This works perfectly. She'd carry on their legacy and ensure they'll never be forgotten. Nicely done, Not a Morning Mare.



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Alright, I guess I should reply.

Cadence was born an Alicorn, yet she ages at the same rate as every other mare/stallion.

Celestia and Luna only live for so long because it's their job to raise the sun and moon, respectively.

Celestia and Luna are basically goddesses, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight, and the mane 6 will all age at the same rate, so they'll all die at similar ages.

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I honestly don't feel like Alicorns are immortal, Infact I think the age regularly. However I think that Celestia and Luna are like a special type of Alicorns who either are immortal, or have really long lifespans. However I think Regular Alicorns age at a normal rate, I think the difference is in the Mane, all of the mortal Alicorns have regular manes(Twilight and Cadence are the only ones of this group right now I think) And the immortal or atleast long living Alicorns have manes that flow(Like Celestia and Luna)


Thats just how I think about it, it makes sense. I didn't come up with this though actually, I saw it in another persons post and thought about it and I figured it works well with my theories about Alicorns.


But yeah, I think Twilight will age normally honestly, and I'm gonna believe that until its proven otherwise somehow. However I doubt the subject of that type will ever appear in the cannon show, seeing as they didn't address AJ's parents death or any other deaths in the show really. So it may never be proven either way.


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I'd be heart broken to be honest. Her friends would die and she'd have to be alerted. I really hope the is no episode of that! But then of course, she was made an Alicorn, and therefore ages with the others.   :unsure:  But still, it'd still be sad if it did happen. 



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Here's my problem with the "Twilight will make her friends immortal as well" theory:


If Twi won't let her friends age and die, what makes you think the Mane 6 would see their family age and die, as they live forever?

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I personally don't think she will become immortal, for the sole reason that Cadence married Shining Armour, I mean why would you marry someone just to watch them age and die? Celestia and Luna are immortal, therefore don't have partners.

Edited by Spess

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I'm sure Celestia will grant her some aging spell to help her rule her kingdom for awhile, especially if Celestia ever has to step down. Of couorse Luna might take her out before then :o

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If Twilight Sparkle is indeed immortal as an Alicorn (can still die by the sword like everything else) and give her friends and family immortality too, she will suffer great painful heartache as her friends and family die by old age.


She could perhaps use an age spell to stop those who she cares about the most from dying by old age.


However if she couldn't do any of those things, this will happen in the video below.



Eternity's End


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Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I don't think so. Like Vicke said, Celestia and Luna are like Gods and I don't think their being Alicorns makes them age like the other Alicorns, but I guess we will have to wait to find out.



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I doubt Celestia and Luna are immortal. They're not gods. Also Celestia and Luna were originally planned to be the only alicorns. Princess Cadence becoming an alicorn for instance was something Hasbro pressured in. So Celestia and Luna may live for a long time but Cadence and Twilight may have the same regular pony aging process.


Also they're called princesses... I would think a god wouldn't need a title.

Edited by poniesforfun
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Well, personally, I agree with 'poniesforfun', but I also have my own head-cannon twist.



It seems that Cadance really made us think about what Alicorns are actually capable of, and what they're like. 


So, it seems that because Celestia & Luna were originally made to be the only Alicorns, It's really quite obvious that they are supreme when it comes to being an Alicorn. The 'etheral' manes, the very-long aging process, and whatever secrets they may be holding. But also, as Faust explained, she was going to make Celestia & Luna queens. But due to Hasbro suggesting that 'Queens' indicated 'an evil ruler' stereotype, she made them more 'appealing' as a princess. So, what I'm saying, Cadance was made to be a lower form of royalty, an actual princess. Which is why Faust was considering the same concept of BlueBlood with her. Cadance was never shown to be 'immortal', because she seemed to have the same growth process as Twilight. (Remember when Twi was a filly, and she was a teenager in 'A Canterlot Wedding'?)


So, with that said, Twilight I suppose, has become a co-ruler, just trying to balance out the wide land of Equestria, probably becoming an Alicorn to help her understand Equestria & ruling better, and probably is just tradition for females to be shown more superiority than male rulers. *cough* :| As the Hasbro suggested, 'This will make new challenges and adventures for her'.

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Twilight probaly will age like other allicorns,which is sad cause shes gonna have to handle her friend's deaths when they die.Poor twilight :(.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, I know this concern might have been brought up before and somepony might think I'm over thinking the issue or make way too big of a deal out of little things. First, I have to say I am not here to argue whether I support the idea of Twilicorn or not. But I have to admit that this issue do bother me very much ever since Twilight transformed into an Alicorn princess.


I know there is no solid evidence proving that all the Alicorns are immortal or will gain immortality for being transformed into one, but based on what I've seen in the show, they do have an incredibly long lifespan compare with other species. (Celestia and Luna in this case, not sure about Cadance though)


Also, someone asked a question about "Will Twilight live for a very long time?" in one of the panel this year and Tara strong said "YES" to that question. It is like being punched in the chest when I heard the answer, not sure what to think at the moment but I supposed this officially open up for a seriously saddening arc of Twilight might eventually outlived her friends and family, though this issue might be too sad/dark for a kids show like MLP to touch but at the same time it just sort of leaves a depressing taste in my mouth. I mean, it's not a thing kids think about, true. But those of us who are older can see that this will happen, maybe it is because as an adults we do tend to look at things in a more cynical perspective.


There are some really good fan arts out there that depict the possible consequence of immortality of Alicorn Twilight and some of them even made me burst into tears while watching. Mind if I sharing some?


[One Shot to Keep] on DA by feather-chan


[Cruel God] on DA by Sakuyamon


[Another Future] By shepherd0821 from Taiwan (my country! yay!)



These are just what I can find for now, not to mention there are still countless YouTube videos and fan fictions. I just don't want the story end this way...anybody feel the same way?


oh and Please excuse my poor English, I'm from Taiwan, I hope everything I wrote are clear enough. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Edited by luke72397
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I know this concern might have been brought up before


Nah. You're fine its not like this issue has not been brought up in a hundred other different threads like this and about a thousand other posts relating to it.


Honestly though people need to calm down about Twilight being an Twilicorn we've seen less than five minutes of her in that form and people flip out... so we need to wait for season 4 before we have any more heart attacks.


About Twilight outliving her friends: the show will probably never address death (that is too sad for a kids show imo) however fan fictions will cover those bases.


I also made a thread regarding age of ponies (in general).





Edited by ~Scootaloo
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Personally, I don't think that Twilicorn is a good idea, she would never be the same as friends ever again, IT SUCKS img-1281316-1-angry.png I HATE THIS BULL SH*T AND I THINK TWILIGHT SHOULD DIE!


Wow....You have to calm down a little bit, we are not here to express hatred toward the idea, it is not my purpose of opening this topic. I'm just sharing one of my concern about Twilight and the possible future of her ponylife.


Although I personally don't know whether to like the idea or not at the moment....but I will definitely give Season 4 a chance just like what I did to the show in the very beginning.


Also, I've read the post that ~Scootaloo made, I'd rather believe only Celestia and Luna are immortal Alicorns due to their ethereal mane or connection between celestial sphere and being transformed into alicorn doesn't grant one immortality. Otherwise it will be too sad for Twilight and kinda unfair to her friends in my opinion.  

Edited by luke72397
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Also, I've read the post that ~Scootaloo made, I'd rather believe only Celestia and Luna are immortal Alicorns due to their ethereal mane or connection between celestial sphere and being transformed into alicorn doesn't grant one immortality. Otherwise it will be too sad for Twilight and kinda unfair to her friends in my opinion.



Well from what others around the forum tell me they are not immortal, but they do appear to live much longer than the average pegasus/unicorn.

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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It will be a very tear-jerking moment when the time will come, but it'll be in a very long time so there's no need to worry too much about it. They will live the most of it like they always do, plus I doubt that those are her only friends, she has Spike and the 3 other Princesses who are close to her. 

As sad as it is, no one lives forever (not sure about alicorns though). But think on the bright side, it could be a whole new adventure for them in the next life.


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I'm not to worried about it. Mostly because I don't think Twilight, Cadence, or even Luna have immortality. The only Alicron we've seen with immortality is Celestia and she had to keep living, because she needed to be around to control the cycle of the sun and moon and to be ready for when Nightmare Moon attacked. 


Here are some other reasons why I think these 3 aren't immortal.


We don't know how long Luna and Celestia were in power for, before Luna turned into Nightmare Moon. That she was sealed away for a thousand years. To me that is a deep sleep where you do not age.


Why would Cadence get married if she was immortal and would out live her true love? Also she aged  in the episode. 


To what it seems both Twilight and Cadence were turned into Alicorns and not born. So I feel they would only gain a little power.


Now these reasons could be wrong and they are ways to help me think that Twilight and her friends well all die one day, only to find out Twilight well live forever. Still I want to believe this.


So I'm not to worried.

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