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Good Work (video.. Rarity's ugly scene Dubbed)




Just noticed one of your videos on YouTube, incredible!


However, one of the first things I noticed while watching your video was that not many people have viewed it.

Honestly, you have some of the best videos on YouTube. Can't believe more people haven't found them.


Do you realize that your videos are some of the better ones that YouTube has to offer? Thank you so much for making them!


You're videos truly are a refreshing take on things. So many of the popular videos on YouTube just repeat the same garbage as someone else.


If you're anything like me, it can be discouraging not getting any views. I used to have the same problem that you are having and then I ran across


tubechanneldoctor . com


Once I started using their services the views on my videos went through the roof. It helped my videos get ranked, and once they got ranked, even more views started to pour in.


Right now, they even have a penny promotion going on! You should give them a try, they really helped me increase my views and with it being just a penny, you really have nothing to lose.


No matter what you decide I hope you keep making those crazy good videos. Can't wait for the next one.





That was the worst PM I have ever recieved from anyone.


Anyone else have any experiences with this?

Edited by Rose


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I don't have any experience because, well, I don't make videos but it's kind of hilarious how not persuasive that Betty woman was. My, oh my, I've a mind to get into smarmy Internet entrepeunership just to do these things right for a nice change of pace.

keep it real .

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Blatent advertising. Please pay for this service. It will make you feel better about yourself if you give me free money.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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I dont have any expreince with this as I dont make video's, but I know your not the only one by far. My freind recieved something like this for one of his CoD montage video's, but for a different website i think...



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I got multiple messages like that. "Wow, Great video. (Let's Play Link's Awakening Part 1)"


Most accounts like that get suspended or banned.

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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I get that kind of spam message all the time on Youtube. They're just bots, ignore 'em.


Speaking of Youtube spambots, who else remembers the "(rhymes with truck) MAN I know. But hey, do u want to watch TV on ur PC" spam comments?

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Speaking of Youtube spambots, who else remembers the "(rhymes with truck) MAN I know. But hey, do u want to watch TV on ur PC" spam comments?


Good ol' '07! Nopony bought into that scam, seeing as it was totally unrealistic and spammed on almost every YouTube video at the time. ...Even on many uploads that weren't even moderately popular. Edited by Pinkie Pie


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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I love reading generic spam messages which purport to have REALLY liked your video, yet never refer to any specific content shown in the video. I've run across a few which actually make an effort to make the reader believe that the spammer watched the video and didn't just Copy & Paste a plain run-of-the-mill message template. "A" for effort, but anybody with a brain can still see right through it haha xD

Edited by Rarity's Stallion
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I'm a bit gullible, so I might have felt good about that message... until I saw the link. Then I would've been like "ugh." Yeah, I've gotten these. Not for Youtube, but on my website's commenting system. I was an idiot and thought it was a real message for a moment, until I noticed it was a spambot and promptly deleted it. I also get e-mails like these often. I just delete them as well.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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  • 8 years later...
On 1/29/2012 at 8:00 PM, Finesthour said:

Anyone else have any experiences with this?

I got a lot of junk mail like this back in the day, for my popular channel (that Hasbro copyrighted). >_>

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Someone sent me something similar once. It was at least the first half of that message and they used it to get me to sub to my channel. They eventually got banned for spam for doing that and (possibly) making too much clickbait

  • Brohoof 1



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