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Carl's Jr and Hardee's burgers commercials. Does sex sell?

Motion Spark

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so one of the things that I've watched on youtube are Carl's Jr's and Hardee's commercials, and I have to say that I really like them, at least, enough to buy burgers! biggrin.png

And actually the burgers are very good, it's the best fast food place I've tried this far. It's also very expensive too XD.


But I noticed that they use sex to sell their products, they use hot girls (almost all of 'em celebrities), hot burgers (they look so yummy!), and slow motion (always welcome!).

I dunno, the formula works to me, plus it's kinda cool to watch a fit and slim pretty girl devouring a massive burger like a pig XD.


But, as always, there are people who gets offended by this kind of publicity by stating that they are portraying women as sexual objects, IMO I prefer not to think that (even if it is true) and just limit myself to watch the commercial lol. What's your opinion on this?


Also, I seriously would like to see actual people to eat their burgers like these girls XD


I would post more videos but I don't know if they would be NSFW for these forums, this is the most "innocent" I've watched.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Well, it's the same technique Michael Bay uses, just in a more literal way: Make everything porn. If you shoot it the right way, and use gratuitous slo-mo, anything can seem highly erotic. And for some reason, that usually works.

  • Brohoof 1

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I hate it when companies do this. They try to appeal to the side of our brain that controls excitement and arousal by showing us these images. If i were to translate this commercial into the most straight forward line it would be: Cute Girl is eating the sandwhich, if i buy sandwhich maybe i get cute girl too.

  It's all about the science. The commercial targets our frontal lobe and our temporal lobe in order to get us to buy there products. If you think about it the companies are smart, yet dirty about some of their commercials. 

 My personal opinion would be, if your product is good you don't need to make commercials flaunting the attributes. word of mouth is more powerful than you think. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Sex does sell. You can see it from food commercials, to cologne/perfume ads, and I even remember seeing a commercial for an eBook reader that portrayed a bikini-clad woman lounging by a pool and peering at a guy over her shades as she explained why it was so awesome. That last one wasn't overtly sexual, but it's obvious what they were trying to do.


Even Go-Daddy, a domain registrar, uses sex to sell their service; too bad they suck.



I think the bigger travesty is that some people are stupid enough to buy something because of a provocative ad rather than solely on the product's merits. Sexually-charged ads will exist as long as there are people out there who place their hormones ahead of their reason. I put more blame on that sort of imbecility rather than the companies that exploit it. After all, you won't see many women that look like that eating at Hardee's, not if they hope to maintain their figure for very long.

  • Brohoof 2


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I absolutley hate it when companies do this. I'm sorry, but how on *insert preferred deity*'s good green earth does that get me to go buy your product? As much as I dislike sex DOES sell. Companies, so they keep doing it, even if it has nothing to with the product. Go Daddy does this the worst. I didn't even know what it was until recently.

Edited by Callisto

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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i am proud to say it doesn't work for me...yes the Kate Upton video was sexy...blah blah...but I haven't eaten a Carl's Jr or Hardees burger from it. I don't lay the blame on the companies...i lay the blame on the people who get pulled in because of these ads

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Yeah I suppose sexualizing things does make it sell, for whatever reason. I personally don't really find anything about the commercial that is really appealing to me though.


Then again, we don't have a carl's Jr anywhere near here.. So maybe I shouldn't bother talking :P.


Anyways, to alot of people this kinda stuff sells, if the people are going to let their hormones do all the talking instead of themselves. And as long as thats prominent, the companies will do this.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I don't understand for one second why they need so many hot women to sell stuff. And now they are even doing it with Carl's Jr. and Hardees? I have not seen these commercials. Hardees and especially Carl's Jr. aren't really New Jersey things so I have never actually been to one of them. I hear Carl's jr is pretty good.

Edited by Scootaloo Is Best Filly

Facebook: Josh B.

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I've never seen these commercials before, but I must say that was the most melodramatic video of someone eating a hamburger I have ever seen. Not a fan of Carl's Jr and Hardees though.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


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I don't even have a Hardee's in my town anymore, closed down years ago... in fact when I first saw those commercials I was surprised they were still relevent! I admit that I like them though, seeing a hot woman eat food is just a nice thing, you know? Doesn't really make me want their food though because I can't have it, I only eat at a resturant if I'm hungry, not just because I see some beautiful woman on TV eating their food. ;)


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Yes sex does indeed sell there wouldn't be so much of it in advertizing if it didn't work. It is not so much the sex that bothers me it is that these companies have no qualms about appealing to the lowest common denominator to peddle whatever useless crap they want to pawn off on us. I am a lot more angered and annoyed specifically with how when you go to commercial break some of the commercials get turned up so loud that you feel like your eardrums are going to explode out of your skull. And the use of subliminal messages in advertizements is the most disturbing to me of all.


I made a parody of those Carl's Jr commercials posted it on youtube a few years ago and have thought about posting it here but after rewatching it realized that it might be a tad too suggestive for this site.so if you want to see it just do a youtube search of "carl's jr surfer commercial parody" and it should be one of the first results that comes up. It is not pornographic as it is mostly just bleeping out a few words to make it sound like swearing but I am still not sure so I didn't post it.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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I don't buy from Carl Jr's because they're a bunch of homophobes so by buying from them you're supporting a homophobic CEO.


That probably has something to do with all the sexual commercials, too.

If that is the case then perhaps I need to make another parody video to mock this rather hilarious irony, I always love putting hypocrites in their place.

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If that is the case then perhaps I need to make another parody video to mock this rather hilarious irony, I always love putting hypocrites in their place.

I'm surprised you don't remember, there were articles about this everywhere, people were boycotting it for a while. I can't remember the articles, but if you look you'll find it.


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I hate it when companies do this. They try to appeal to the side of our brain that controls excitement and arousal by showing us these images. If i were to translate this commercial into the most straight forward line it would be: Cute Girl is eating the sandwhich, if i buy sandwhich maybe i get cute girl too.

  It's all about the science. The commercial targets our frontal lobe and our temporal lobe in order to get us to buy there products. If you think about it the companies are smart, yet dirty about some of their commercials. 

 My personal opinion would be, if your product is good you don't need to make commercials flaunting the attributes. word of mouth is more powerful than you think. 

someone has to be really stupid to expect to hook up with a hot girl if they buy a burger at Carl's Jr. I think these commercials are just entertainment (unfortunatelly they use sex to deliver it)




I absolutley hate it when companies do this. I'm sorry, but how on *insert preferred deity*'s good green earth does that get me to go buy your product? As much as I dislike sex DOES sell. Companies, so they keep doing it, even if it has nothing to with the product. Go Daddy does this the worst. I didn't even know what it was until recently.

did you saw the hotdaddy's commercial for the super bowl? it wa absolutelly disgusting and actually it doesn't show what they do.




I think it's kind of stupid honestly. Just putting some hot girl in your commercial isn't gonna automatically make people want your food lol

ummmm actually I disagree, you can be sure that these kinds of commercials helps to boost their sales, I watched all the relevant commercials, and there was one of Kim Kardashian eating a salad (yes, like a slut) and I'm pretty sure that many people that wants to eat "healthy" would try one of those KimK's salads.




I don't buy from Carl Jr's because they're a bunch of homophobes so by buying from them you're supporting a homophobic CEO.


That probably has something to do with all the sexual commercials, too.

hmmm what?




you peeps would find this video interesting. It's a CNN discussion about the latest Carl's Jr/Hardee's commercial, talking about if it is too hot for TV or not. USER DISCRESION IS ADVISED. UNDER SPOILERS TAGS FOR SAFETY






My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Not speaking from a general perspective, and only commenting on this ad, this particular ad doesn't work for me. If anything, it kinda makes me not want to eat there. I dunno, but food and/or hungry and sex just don't go together in my head, so it makes it look really unappealing to me. Probably also doesn't help that I just ate, but *shrug*

  • Brohoof 1

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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In my opinion the videos uses the hot girls to get the audience's attention in the easiest way, yes, it sounds very obvious but it is the truth. Of course, that includes negative attention as well.

Now that they got people's attention, they present their food, but in what a way. I have to say Carl's Jr and Hardee's has a very creative way of present their food, not for the girls but for the slow motioning and close camera that they apply to their food with their distictive white background and huge black fonts at the back.

I like the way the burgers bounces on the surface with the distictive sauce dripping out of them, like "it's ok if your burger is all messy" XD


I'm completelly intelligent enough to not to relate the girls with the food, but IMO it does delivers entertainment and most importantly, they make their product look appealing.

seriously the burgers looks delicious ;_;

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Yes, sex does sell.


The way of thinking for a advertisement trying to include things to catch the eye of the consumer must be like this:


"We have a product that seems rather bland by itself or if someone was explaining its uses right? I've got an idea! We take our product and give it to a nice brunette woman, size...let us say C or D cups, then we place them in a nice streamline bikini and put them on the beach using our product. Ingenious or what?!"


"Sir, we can't do that. Thirty other products already depict a nice looking woman on the beach wearing tight clothing."


"Scrap the beach idea, just put them some where that people can relate to. A mall or something!"



Now, obviously that is all in my head of how it works and I hope that is how it works :P

But yes, sex does sell. Many products on American TV and all other places are sold like this. Russia is no different. I've seen Russian models sell tool kits haha. It is a trigger that they hopefully will catch someone's attention.


They try and get into the mindset of the consumer using bait to hopefully "hook" them into even giving a moments though about their product.



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It's not so much the objectifying women aspect of using those techniques to get people to buy your crap it's that it's fucking 2013 and companies lack the integrity to simply convince me to buy their product without lying or resorting to groan inducing cliches. Sure if it's something like Doritos, go crazy, try and make me laugh, because you can't tell me why Doritos is great, I'd have to find out for myself.


But for hardees and many other places to resort to lame, dated crap like this it certainly doesn't make me want to buy/eat there, I haven't seen that commercial but I've never liked hardees, their food is bland. If you need a celebrity or a sexy girl to endorse you, then you don't have faith in your product, hence, neither should I.

Edited by Dark Fox
  • Brohoof 1
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Carl's Jr and Hardees commercials are pretty much the lowest common denominator of desperate advertising. It's true that sex sells, but advertising executives figuratively touching themselves doesn't. I've never seen one of these and wanted a burger. They make me lose my appetite a little to be honest.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

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  • 8 months later...

For me? nah.. I don't like humans... and I don't find any of them "Attractive".. ok take that back.. I find a few anyway.


Dose it work on other people? Yes I'm very sure of it... and I know a lot of males that love the idea of 2 chicks and a BBQ so yeah sex dose sell.. and has for some time.

  • Brohoof 1


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Does sex sell? No. Not this time.
I'm sorry, but that looks fucking disgusting. It doesn't help that I highly dislike fast food.
The broad in the commercial is also extremely unattractive to me.

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur



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It doesn't work on me but, for other people it could attract a huge audience of males where they can be aroused by women eating burgers sexually or wearing anything that appeals to them. The commercial makes think that many companies are pretty desperate to advertise their product just by labeling women as sexual objects. Oh, well.

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First off, sex sells and that's fact. Maybe not for everyone, but that's how it is if you do research on statistics.

Personally, I honestly don't mind these kinds of commercials, though it doesn't work on me at all. The fact that they throw in a hot chick in the video isn't going to make me want the burger even the tiniest bit more.

Also, even though I don't mind it myself, I think that it is a bit wrong of companies to do this cause that hot girl doesn't have anything to do with the burger, it's kind of stupid how everything in commercials works nowadays. But too much for tv? Nah, I see this kind of stuff every day.


And tbh, this commercial makes me want to taste other things more than the burger itself

Edited by Jokuc


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