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Do you like to go clubbing?



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  1. 1. Do you like to go clubbing?

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    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Underage

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So I've been at university for 2 terms now and i have been clubbing about 5 times in this period.


The first 4 times i really enjoyed it but the 5th time i didn't really like it at all, especially looking back at the night now.


So i was wonder, do you guys like to go clubbing?


If so then why? is it the people, the music or the place that makes in fun?


If not then why not? and what do you do instead?



  • Brohoof 3


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Honestly, it does sound a little fun, but I suck at dancing; I'm the kind of person who would go to a club or a rave or something just to listen to the music. Also I'm not really old enough to get into a club anyway, and I don't think a fake ID would help me pass as 21.



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I don't like go clubbing for some reasons.


First, I don't like alcoholic drinks. I know that clubbing isn't all about drinking, but I better stay away from alcohol because it's not good for my health.


Second, I'm a little anti social. I just don't feel I want to hang out with my friends like go clubbing. I do have friends, and they're all great, but other than at school or doing anything productive like working on projects, usually I don't hang out with them. Sometimes we go to a book store, looking for various books which get our interest. One of my friend always looks for hacking book. Another one is crazy about philosophy. I'm always looking for history books or programming books and some other look for other kind of books. That is, if we have the money. Other than that, we rarely hang out together.


Third, I'm not crazy about girl. I've never looked for a date and I don't think I will look for one. I mean, I'm straight, but getting relationship for fun or temporary love isn't my hobby.


Fourth, I have many other things to do and learn. I always spend my weekends, studying about things or working on my projects. Not studying for school, but random things like herbal medicine, history, culture, human meridian, etc.


Fifth, it's better for me to avoid drunk people. I don't hate people who like drinking. The matter is, drunk people often do something beyond their control. That's dangerous. They can insult people randomly without knowing what they're doing, or challenge people for a fight and will start one if they reject.


I don't like to go clubbing, but I don't mind people do it, or if I have to go clubbing for some reasons. I just feel like I don't need it.

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 8



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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don't like to go clubbing, but I don't mind people do it, or if I have to go clubbing for some reasons. I just feel like I don't need it.



I understand how you feel, I don't drink at all (I have tried it but I'm a really depressive drunk) and I don't go looking for girls or w/e. I have only been because everyone else in my flat was going so I thought I would be a fun thing to do with them :).


It's nice having people who are like you around you :), there is no point in going clubbing if you don't like it and neither do your friends!


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Aw man, I love clubbing. The music, the dancing, just the over all atmosphere of it is amazing. It just gets bad when you get addicted to it or wake up wasted in someone's bed, which is what a lot of people fear so that don't do it. img-1278107-1-tongue.png  But as long as you don't drink a bunch of alcohol and you have some friends it is really enjoyable img-1278107-2-laugh.png



EDIT: I'm also gonna throw in my favorite club song, just for the heck of it. 


Edited by Retro✮Derpy
  • Brohoof 3


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Not at all. Don't like the music, don't like the people. When I want to drink, I'd rather just buy a case of beer and drink at home, alone in  my room. Sometimes a friend or two joining me is ok too.

Eh? Nandatte?

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I'm underage and all, but there are ways you can get in and even drink if you're underage. Honestly, I freaking love clubbing and would love to continue if it weren't for the fact that the guy who allowed me to even get in moved.

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Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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Clubs aren't my scene. Sometimes a friend and I go to a nice cafe to take in some live jazz and enjoy a few drinks, but nothing rowdy. If somebody invited me along to some club I wouldn't mind going with them, but I wouldn't go on my own. I prefer small venues where you can just shoot the breeze with someone over something as small as the shirt you're wearing, or hang out undisturbed in a corner while you take in the relaxing atmosphere.

  • Brohoof 4


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Since I turned 18, I've been clubbing a fair bit (only with friends, mind you, I wouldn't go clubbing on my own). There's periods when I go pretty regularly, (by which I mean once or twice a month) and periods where I hardly even leave the house, let alone go clubbing (like now).


I like the idea of clubbing very much, and I've had some fantastic times... but I suck at it. I tend to get really anxious when I go clubbing for some reason, and it usually takes me a while to feel comfortable enough to actually enjoy myself. I also usually start getting tired at around 2/3 am, which really doesn't help when the club runs from 10pm - 7:30 am.

I've had some great times at clubs, and some pretty awful times. I'm not a huge drinker either.


I tend to go to alternative clubs. They play better music and they're also where most of my friends go. I also feel a bit safer there. 

Edited by Hansel

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No, and just plain no.


I just can't handle it. I don't like the people, the music, the scenery of any clubs. I'm a drinker, I have been for years now and if I wanted a drink I'd go to my favorite bar or I'd get a bottle of whatever I fancy at the moment and go back home.


Even when I'm with my friends and my brother I can't seem to have fun. Worst part is the people in my opinion. My brother has dragged me to several clubs that he wanted to go to and I oblige because he is prone to getting into trouble. Knowing him he would probably flirt with a girl who has a boyfriend.


Well I hated it. People become ignorant, and imbecilic at these places in my experiences. Women come up to me and try and engage in conversation, they touch me and I hate it. If I'm trying to enjoy a drink with a friend I don't want some stranger coming up and touching my damn arms. Men become awful too. It become a contest of burliness and manliness.


I've almost gotten into fights because of idiots. Not saying all clubs and people are stupid, but I hate it and I don't enjoy it. If you like it that's your opinion and I'm happy you have something to enjoy, but I can't handle idiots at those places.

  • Brohoof 10



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No, clubbing is about the exact opposite of what I enjoy. I'm not a people person, I don't "pick up chicks," the drinks in bars are overpriced, I'm not much of a dancer and the music they play sucks. tongue.png  Plus, no ponies. Not one pony to be found in those clubs, not even Vinyl Scratch. It's a no-pony zone.


My idea of fun is to buy my own liquor, take it home and read a good book. Or watch my favorite shows and laugh myself silly.

  • Brohoof 3

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No, and just plain no.


I just can't handle it. I don't like the people, the music, the scenery of any clubs. I'm a drinker, I have been for years now and if I wanted a drink I'd go to my favorite bar or I'd get a bottle of whatever I fancy at the moment and go back home.


Even when I'm with my friends and my brother I can't seem to have fun. Worst part is the people in my opinion. My brother has dragged me to several clubs that he wanted to go to and I oblige because he is prone to getting into trouble. Knowing him he would probably flirt with a girl who has a boyfriend.


Well I hated it. People become ignorant, and imbecilic at these places in my experiences. Women come up to me and try and engage in conversation, they touch me and I hate it. If I'm trying to enjoy a drink with a friend I don't want some stranger coming up and touching my damn arms. Men become awful too. It become a contest of burliness and manliness.


I've almost gotten into fights because of idiots. Not saying all clubs and people are stupid, but I hate it and I don't enjoy it. If you like it that's your opinion and I'm happy you have something to enjoy, but I can't handle idiots at those places.


I really agree with the second to paragraphs, i just don't like being around people who are really drunk and doing stupid things, and it's even worse when people are on drugs and literally have no clue whats going on and what there doing :/

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm underage. So I can't anyways. Besides, in my opinion the music they play is wack. I'd rather go to a friends party and take turns DJing with dubstep or drum and bass. And a bunch of losers and/or college kids aren't exactly my crowd, hahaha

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Truthfully, no, I don't. I don't like alcohol, dancing, loud music, popular music, crowded and cramped spaces or strangers hitting on me. I also don't have anyone to go with, and the people I have gone with or have the opportunity to go with, I seriously cannot stand. So, basically, there's nothing good about clubbing for me. It's not my style. I'd prefer a quieter, more relaxing activity in a private place with a small group of friends.

  • Brohoof 2

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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IMO clubbing is a horrible thing to do. So many deaths have been reported at night clubs and such. The people there are horrible, i went to the outside of a club and the people acted like animals and the bouncer was getting arrested. The drinks they usually have at night clubs are too dainty for me.

 I prefer sitting at home with Jack Daniels and drinking like a cowboy while listening to metal/dubstep/country

  • Brohoof 1

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The closest thing to "clubbing" I do is that I occasionally go to a bar for some wings and a glass of water. The club scene is just not the place for me, especially considering the fact that I choose to not drink. The music would probably keep me out anyway, I can't stand loud noises.

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Nope. There's a few under-21 clubs in the Chicagoland area (Medusa's and Zero Gravity), but I've never been. I've been tempted, because a late-night EDM station I love often broadcasts from them. But yeah, social anxiety pretty much makes going there a no-go. I went stag to prom both Junior and Senior year of high school and was pretty much a wall flower both times. Seems like clubbing is that all over again, this time with a room of strangers. Lolno, that's not happening again.


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No I absolutely hate it. Okay, I am really good at dancing. My friends always tell me that I am a very good dancer. So, the loud music and the dancing is OKAY. But I don't like any of the other aspects. DRINKING? I don't really do it unless I have one beer. No matter how much my friends call me a "Pussy" I will never drink more then one beer and that's an EXTREMELY RARE OCCASION.I am very unsocial, I can't talk too girls period. The only reason I go is so I can hang out with friends. Well guess what? I can't even do that! Why? Because I turn around and they're gone .... they are just gone. Either they went outside the club to smoke or they are chatting up some girls and don't give me any indication that they even left. It is not my scene at all. I'd be sitting in the corner of the god damn club staring at my shoes for six HOURS hoping to god this would end soon.


And plus, very bad experience I have never forgotten, you see I can't drive. I was born with a spacial issue. So anyway, I am the one who always Freaks the f out when I hear my friend is driving. He's not a Alcoholic per sey, but he pounds them down. One night he told me he had only 2 beers, I was like "Okay, man that's chill." And I let him drive without a big fight on it. 30 minutes later he gets pulled over by a cop and we spend like an hour at a police station.


Many weeks later I'm talking 2 or 3 months, we are driving to dinner. And so my friend had had just had 2 beers and I was all like "Be careful dude you remember what happened last time". So, my friend tells me after 3 months that he lied to me that night and he had 10 fricken beers, but only told me he had 2 so I wouldn't freak out. GOD, every part of my body had to fight the urge to strangle him after he had said that.


So, In lamens terms,  There not really my "Scene" regardless of what happened with that Police Station.

Edited by Scootaloo Is Best Filly
  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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Hell no! The music is too loud, the place is full of sleazy perverted guys and sluts! Not to mention the drugs and shit... I've never seen the point of going to those kind of things. I know people say to socialize and meet people but the people you meet at those kind of things are usually the wrong type, and the excessively loud music and the way they're usually packed make it next to impossible yo socialize. ?. Just my own personal opinion, but yeah...


I forgot to mention that one of my older sister's friends nearly died and had to have his stomach pumped cos his drink was spiked a fewish years ago...

  • Brohoof 3


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I really haven't done any sort of clubbing recently, but I would like to give it a try :3

Especially if it has some Electronic music I can dance to :3


heck, I might even bring a few friends along.

The one thing I WON'T do though is get drunk though I'll probably have a couple of Wine coolers and that would be about it...

nothing too major


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I'm not really one for clubbing. I'm in my third year of university and have still never been. I'm more of a laid back type of person who would rather sit home and watch a movie with friends or go out to a coffee shop to chat. I like not having to worry about someone driving me home and having a hangover the next day.

Besides, I really don't have time for clubbing. Actually, I was invited to go out clubbing tonight for my friend's birthday, but alas, homework got in the way (convenient for me I guess!)

  • Brohoof 1
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I really haven't done any sort of clubbing recently, but I would like to give it a try :3

Especially if it has some Electronic music I can dance to :3


heck, I might even bring a few friends along.

The one thing I WON'T do though is get drunk though I'll probably have a couple of Wine coolers and that would be about it...

nothing too major

i would look what type of club you where going to :)


Clubs generally have nights with different music or different music in different rooms so just find the one you like :D!


You don't have to be drunk to go to a club :), i don't jsut have what you enjoy and don't let people force you to drink more :P.


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you mean like clubbing baby seals? Of course not, this isn't the 1800's!


Oh, you mean the other type of clubbing...


Well, you can probably guess from my ability to misunderstand the question that

I don't visit clubs.

I don't like loud music.

I'm bad at dancing.

  • Brohoof 1

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Turn the page, and thousands die. And for what? For the greed of two powerful leaders. 
Turn the page and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes are destroying the world.

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Another turn of the page and countless refugees flee. Is this the end of the story? No.

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