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Rate 4 things about the pony above on a scale from 1 to 10

Ninja Derpy

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7/10 half of the facts i share.


i am indeed sarcastic.

i hate but i mean HATE peanut butter.

i'd much rather play guitar (witch i do)

and i also only own one pair of shoes

Inspired by myself.

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I disagree, I love peanut butter and I certainly would rather play bass. 8/10


I am super sarcastic

I can never stop smiling

I am a maniacal nutcase!! (PM for a funny example)

I have many pairs shoes, but I only wear one pair.



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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9/10 you seem like a nice creasy person! like me!


I love acting.

I love roleplaying ( prefered to be Luna princess of the night )

I love plushies. :3

I love my fat orange cat :wub:

Inspired by myself.

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10/10 all so manny good points!


I hate people that break there promeses.

I'm always in for a good prank.

I program games

I'm a dislectic (you write dislectic like this right? )

Inspired by myself.

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Hmm, 4/10. You dislike Disney, I liked him as a child, you are such a jock and I usually hate sports, but I love Luna and Daring Do. And you didn't put 4 facts.


I am small

I speak a little of 3 languages

I love pancakes

Derpy and Luna FO EVAR!!!

Edited by Ninja Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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7/10 Honestly... not bad. Daring Do and Luna are nice. (BTW, not a jock. Only sport I do regularly is bowling)


My avatar is a placeholder until I actually find a Pinkie Pie avatar that will work on this darn site...

I find cartoon network to be awesome! (Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Gumball)

My voice doesn't carry at all... it just floats away.

A friend once accidently pulled out one of my teeth.

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7-8/10. That teeth pulling one though... ouch...


I don't like being around people who smoke.

I find that people with British/Scottish/Irish accents are very funny (not the accent, when they tell a joke with the accent).

I will often think negatively about everyone, friend or foe, when I'm by myself.

I love reading with weird music on.


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-I tend to suck at online games. : O

-When in doubt, I circle C.

-I only drink 5 drinks; Pepsi Cherry, Root Beer, Milk, Chocolate Milk, and Sweet Tea. I don't drink anything else.

-I am hopelessly in love with The Great and Powerful Trixie... <3


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10/10 For being in love with Trixie and drinking Pepsi Cherry. Stay thirsty my friend.


1. Daring Doo is my favorite pony ever, I'm gonna watch that episode again over the weekend, o3o

2. I love the Ottoman Empire. If I had to go back in time and visit any country, it would be them.

3. I'm horribly paranoid to the point I find myself buying into conspiracy theories and thinking everypony I've ever met secretly hates me.

4. XFizzle, the doctor, introduced me to these forums via deviantArt. o3o


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-Yeah... no

-Ottoman Empire, interesting.

-Welcome to my life! Minus the conspiracy theories thing.

-Oh! Didn't know that!




-I love Devin Townsend more than Tom love Trixie.

-I'm one of the few that don't really care for Daring Do

-I once hit myself in the nuts by accident

-I like haircuts.


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- okay

- okay also

- we've all been there :(

- I don't particularly like them, but they're a necessary part of life.


that comes out to... 6/10 on Evilshy's Arbitrary Scoring Criteria that has Little to No Basis on What You Actually Said (EASCLNBWYAS for short ;))



- my favorite TV show is a 3 way tie between MOLP, mythbusters and 24

- on my first date ever, I misjudged how much bowling and dinner would cost and she ended up having to pay for her own movie ticket (I am eternally ashamed :( )

- I make custom Magic: the Gathering sets in my spare time (sometimes)

- I used to LARP and do medieval re-enactment with my friends. The summer of 2005 was EPIC. We seriously got about a third of the kids in the neighboorhood in on it.

Edited by Evilshy

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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9/10 Though you weren't able to pay for your date's ticket, its still nice you feel remorse about not being able to do so.




-I am still dazzled and amazed by the greatness of The Great and Powerful Trixie! <3

-Trixie will still always be best pony!

-Trixie is still my all time favorite pony and nopony will EVER come even close to even equaling her greatness!

Take a wild guess what my fourth fact is. Hint; It involves me adoring Trixie


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4/10 for spamming the love of Trixie


Trixie isn't my favorite character (I actually partially despise her a bit)

I love Luna! :wub: , well and Derpy of course!!

I love ninjas


and I German



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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I'll give you a 8/10 despite the fact that you do not like Trixie. Everything else is great. ^^


1) I'm anxious as hell.

2) Applejack is best pony for me.

3) I like to cook.

4) I love watching Mythbusters and any other funny/scientific show.

Edited by Freckle

shiet got srs guise

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9/10 because RD is the best pony!!


I love sweet food

I would beat someone up if I saw them hurting someone who wasn't fighting back

I am christian

I hate the fan fic Cupcakes



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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9/10 hang Rarity!


i feel bad for saying they should hang Rarity.

i love to dance but i cant dance for bits.

i love to sing but i cant sing for bits.

people think im not creative at all till they get to know me

Inspired by myself.

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10/10 even though I've never liked NASCAR.


1) I tend to ruin every conversation.

2) I want to get a red fox when I'm older.

3) I enjoy listening to music from the 90's or 80's, but I never miss a chance to listen to something more modern.

4) I am immune to scary films, they just don't scare me.

shiet got srs guise

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-That's pretty interesting.

-Good man.

-I wish I were like that.


That whole list could've earned you a 10/10, but you are immediately getting a 5/10 for saying that you ruin conversations, since I haven't seen you ruin any so far.


-Don't really care for Iron Maiden, but I do believe they're one of the heaviest bands ever.

-I don't like magazines.

-I have a concert t-shirt hung up in my room in memory of my first concert.

-If I drink, I just smile a lot but I don't turn drunk.


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That whole list could've earned you a 10/10, but you are immediately getting a 5/10 for saying that you ruin conversations, since I haven't seen you ruin any so far.


I wish you knew how wrong you are if you think that I have never ruined a conversation.......... :(




10/10 for You admitting that Iron Maiden is a great band and for making me laugh when you said that you smile a lot when you get a bit drunk. ^_^


1) I hate raisins even though I love grapes.

2) I have a calculator that a friend gave me six years ago and it still works.

3) I hate when I'm misunderstood.

4) I love coffee... A lot... maybe too much.

shiet got srs guise

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